
THE WORSMAN, SATUR NOVEMBER 13, 19. PAGE FIVE Horses Horses Horses. BY TERENCE DE LOURG. KAH Attractions at the Theatres STRAND animals these The massaged; combed Man in bis mad search for pleasure and excitement that puts a joyous thrill into life, bas off times gone to the limits of the skies, descended into the bowels of the earth, roamed as it were the depths of the CECILIA toured ocean, AMADOR AMERICA the four corners of the earth, and fatigued his brain on the inPANAMA (PANAMA. COLON)
COLON ventioa of some contraction to amuse. From time to time various Today, Saturday Nov. 13th Today Saturday Nov. 13. Today Saturday Nov 13:h Today Saturday Nov. 131 species of birds hsve be taken and Leatrice Joy in from their babitat and kept in Tomorrow Sundzy Nov. 14th Leatrice Joy in Wm. Fairbanks in Captivity to admire and listen to Claire Windsor in THE WEDDING SONG MADE FOR LOVE SPEED MAD their melodious song. Lions, gers, Elephants the whole band of DANCE MADNESS Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 14 Tomorrow Sunday Nov 14th Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 14th wild can also b4 seen in Monday November 15th Mae Murray in Lois Moran in Corinne Griffith in the Zological gardens of the Corinne Griffith in world STHE MASKED BRIDE PADLOCKED to look at at marvil at MD LLE MODISTE their energy, their power, their MD LLE MODISTE Mor day November 15th Mor day November 15th beauty; and through all Monday November 15th Tuesday November 16th Wm. Hines in Priscilla Dean in varied forms od version inan Florence Vidor in has thought bat litile of himsell John Barrymoro in THE THRILL HUNHER DANGER GIRL. YOU NEVER KNOW WOMEN in the right sanse of the word. THE SEA BEAST of his wonderful body; be bardly Tuesday November 16th Tuesday Novon bar 16th Tuesday Noven ber 16th Wednesday Neven. ber 17th believes in funcisbing his own Rod la Rocque in Len Chaney in Rin Tin Tin in applaus. e. kettiog out of the Bebe Daniels in THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA THE COMING OF AMOS THE CLASH OF THE WOLVES bardatand a little once in a while VOLCANO and into the game to stop being AND Wednesday November 17 Wednesday November 17th Wednesday November 17th an L, (sit Look Listen. Rod la Rocque in Pola Negri in Claire Windsor in Lois Moran in One has but a short way to THE COMING OF AMOS GOOD AND NAUGHTY DANCE MADNESS PADLOCKED trayel after lunch line on some sunny Sunday to see the great Thursday November 18th Thursday November 18th Thursday November 18th Thursday November 18th part the faithfnl horse plays in the life of Humanity. At the now Lois Moran in Jack Daughty in Corinne Griffith in Priscilla Dean in famoua Juan Frinco Track. PADLOCKED THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS MD LLE MODISTE. THE DANGER GIRI.
hundreds of souls gather at each race meet, and sit with eager Friday November 19th Friday November 19: Friday November 19th Friday November 19th 150 eyes and at xious bearts awaitPricilla Dean in Patsy Ruth Miller in Florence Vidor in Wm. Haines in ing tbe appearar co cf their DANGER GIRL ROSE OF TLE WORLD YOU NEVER KNOW WOMEN THE RUNAWAY EXPRESS favorite borse hrre is idolized by its owner, trainer, Saturday November 20th Saturday Neven. De 20h Saturday November 20th stable boys and the throng of Lon Chabey in Saturday November 20th John Barrymore in Rin Tin Tin ia race fant special care is take THE BLACK BIRD Special Cast in THE SEA BLAST CLASH OF THE WOLVES in the planting of bis Piet; CHIP OF THE FLYING gete bis regulsr baib: be 1 his hair is and sometimes a bright piece of ribbon is tied in nice falls to pake him presen able as it wer that health cannot be purchased to his adorers; he is examined for any price and that the only Soy Activities of St. Peter from his tools to the point of sure and save way of acquiring his nuse ard mooth in order to and retaining youthful vigor is by Ghurch, La Boca dette: if there exists the slight adhering to the laws of Nature est sizes of disease; he is given moderation in all thing. he his regular work cut or exercise appreciation of the value of rest and his runnig time checked in a relaxatio. the value of HARVEST FESTIVAL order to determine whether or wh lesome recreation ay stem at not he will be in tip top form cal pbisical exercises; the value physically tit for his great er of sunshine and fresh oxygen; the The yearly Harvest Festival: counter on the track; and last planning of ones diet; and dont which our tried friends and but not least he is tucked in his forget the valge of playing loyal members invariably patron.
snug bed of bay in his stable horses. It certainly weud be ize at St. Peter by the Sea, each night for rest and recuper wonderful sight to see a drzen or La Boca, will be observed tomoration, more men filling an intermi.
row the 14th Inst. It is bardly sion period on the track, While it is true that adults are ning the race of borses, cach runnecessary to remind our good forever forgetting the lessons and liberal people who usually take or serd their gifts to God Learned through looking at the contestant with horses as they speed along the bridle (strong cord) tied through the or any old long stick, with a house, to be on ilme today or truck for first, Isce, it is true to tonight. The Rector or some one a bola say that the children who are and placed between the legs cons the head of the stick representing him, will be in the Church to known to be great iaitators are lined up for a distance of always follow gift, who can afford to deny bimself the joy of harvest. example set by the horses. How 100 yards. This should prove when we pause for al a race with the The first service will be a and the watches of the night to the usual kicking and plancing moment at intervale panin tay gentlemen whipping Choral celebratian of the Holy their horses (wolder) and doing Communion at a. At this note here ard there over miles celebration the recently confirm of space and years of duration apulcs as of old. This may sound how we are snatched back to are préjudiced against playing rather ridiculous ed class will receive their First Communion and wbat unspeakSAKS ssssssss scenes of our childhood daxeitto awhil: whether or not it is true abla pleasure it should give the parents and friends of that new to say that if peopl: expect to ment, batch of Christian soldiers tu remaing vitalls alive, with all the watch then starting out to obey of the lingering memories. ro as organs of the body functioning CANAL ZONE NOTES the dying command of tbe Maschildhood days, there is through ter: Do this in renembrance of sweet one of playing horses out out the span 10!
WHITENS THE SKIN hile they have got in our western homes; certain to cultivate a a pla; ful spirit when localities are tbe babitual ever time rails; and last but LA BOCA Creme Blanc Mirette habitat of our minds. the little not least they hava got to open gutter of running water on close to cature by gradually ac8 Marvelous Cream HARVEST MUSICALE the grade where we ran little customing the bods ts weather FOLLIES PLAYERS and tapered off at both ends, in time to physical exercise graded chips of wood smoothly cut that changes and al. o devoting a little Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, We live in an age of changes, of the rain and into the sunshine, as from the alphabet according to Among those who are to play sun tan, and other skin blemishes replacing one thing by another, Fach bny placing his little wooden the needs of the bɔdy and accord: in prominent roles in Leacock to ensvre success, and, logically, borse abreast at the top of the ing to ones age. Fullies at the Variedades progress. In her varied activigutter, the starting point, and Theatre on Monday and Tuesday SOLD IN DRUG STORES ties the Church indulges in in with the shout Go or the firior Dght next is Mr. George Weststituting variations for the social off of a toy pists a more ex Diamond Mine To Rival and spiritual benofit of her chilerman, one of our prominent cited race could not be seen, dren.
Kimberley, young men and leader of thought witness the third presentation of The Athenaeum very boy on the run urging bis a majority of bis young Milton Garvey Play Helen the Fremds; while Crouch, who yery, pleasing digression is sturdy little borse, snapping his slated for 30 m, at St. Peter fing. rs, clapping his bands to his Jobannesburg. Ostober 17 lately entered the dramatic field, showgirl which made such a great success at the Variedades mock trial to take place tomorrow. This digression will side. whipping an horse until the winning line is exists at the Treasure Trove the Play. The Clubhouse is gay! will be most afectionately drawp comedy to be presented by the which will be given under the imagirartale of suppressed excitement is one of the directiog heads of Theatre a week ago. La Bocans early next month and a light be a Grand Harvest Musicale reached with a real explosion of diamond diggings near Elands with beautiful pictures of Lea will shouts that re echoes like music putte, where two partners, an esck beauties who were photo to the Clubhouse to see this Play junior members some time early auspices of the Choir. Several leading next year, were among the outside friends and the Panama through the air.
der the supervision of a Govero graphed at Sealey Photo Helen the Showgirl. will be recommendations of the Manage Symphony Orchestra will contriAfter all dear reader are they ment engineer, are sinking a Studio, Panama City.
not just plain horses? should say discover a rich pipa of diamonds shaft in the belief that they will none other than. Miss Cicily ment Committee which were bute to the program. The affair Cumberland daughter of Mr. approved at last Tuesday will be worth wile. Come and enthey are. Then it seems rather similar to the wealthy mines at puzzling to note how much time Kimberely.
Earnest Robertson Back and Mrs. Cumberland of Jamal meeting. Attorney William De joy it.
Souza, ca Prado.
member of the Society, Is and attention is paid to the preparing the case for the horse and so little to human The shaft has already encount Earnest Robertson is back. He mock trial. By request from the ered spoty coloured earth. indibeings, is again bebind bis desk, helping Alliance and Society of Panama Brewry to Spread citing that there are good In this age of rapid changes, chanc3s that thlo a few days Clubhouse and serving comSecretary Neely at the Tennis Club To Meet Cristobal the Athenaeum is conI sidering the best way to cooperwhen the whole world seems to the sbaft will strike be clamoring for famº, money diamond ground, ate with the former in the furmunity that has much admiration and advancement generally, the meeting of the La Boca thering of literary work on the bim.
Excavated gravel now baing of contradiction Mr. Robertson Tennis Club to announced for Isthmus.
Contract for the erection of a new value of more PEP, ENERGY washed is proving rich, and in is the concrete building in Colon at and most popular Silver Tuesday evening next at 14th Streets has been awarded to machine.
cannot be too strongly 3, 000 worth of diamonds. If He is generally liked for his expected to be in attendance and New Paper.
Grebies Martinez, Inc. Conemphas zd. To the writer expectations are realised the atrable and courteous disposition on time.
a mind the value of good health district will outrival Kimberley, whether acting as Clubhouse It should be of interest to read: Brewing and Refrigerating comtractors, and Builderby the Panama (when one is pulsating and vibraters to know that the JAMAICA pany. The cost of building log with life Secretary or as Secretary to in lte Dost attrac MAIL can be had at the WORKMAN which will be ready for occuClubhouse Secretaries, Evans Improving tive forms) is the greatest asset Printery. This paper is published pancy by March 30, 1927 is estimatto humanity, its the foundation Have you tried the three times a week and is very ed at 100, 009, It will cover three of all life, it means the capacity Helen The Showgirl Evans of Jamaica Prado, newsy, lots of ground and include a for more work, cleaner and who has been a patient in Ancon frigerating room to take care of clearer vision, and greater Hospital for the past several Kronen Brau capacity for solving the many throng of playgoers wil weeks, is much improved and is Rent Receipt Books In Span draught neer, also an ice storage room and ice tank capable of complexing problems of lite.
undoubtedly flock to the Club expected to be discharged at an ish and English for sale at the manufacturing about ten tons of ice Millions are coming to realiza house on Saturday night next to early date.
Workman Printery.
per day.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY 98 SSSSS binge and urging Only First Class Ones Need Apply to adults who possible Me.
lady in short Out.
blue renew Beer


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