
FAGE SLK THE REMAN SATUFDA) NOVEMBER 13, 1926 Weekly London Letter moving into build www ww na Drible in one or the cosychologist ward Cora. Dr. David Smith THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS deur workmn which see 200 boss and year precedidosor a Workman Stationery Store Smanowa be ave THE BEER 5, 000 with brother Scouts in caaplog The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
OSOWS Up to date Jewelry baving their bir Guides aile Doyle. He al Mr. BY HENRY BLANDFORD. rative touch, But at las Mr. Wells bas, ouce more, givet SNAKE BITE REMEDIES.
us something to think about and talk about. And what are novel ists for if they can provide Dr. Smith the SnakeMr. Morris, wbɔ is the Faglish. OF people with dinner table topica. bite Specialist of Guabito, Mr. Ford, announces further reBocas del Toro, begs to ductions in the prices of his Kandersteg offer his professional service motors care, Tbe bew pices are not yet dowo to the Ford to any patient. Wherever level, but the upkeep and runIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF The Boy Scouts of all nations found, his snake bite remeblog expenses of the Morris car bave now a central bome of theil dies have never failed to are considerably lower than own. Sir Robert Baden Powell, effect a speedy cure. The those of the Ford. Also the Mor.
the Chief Scout and founder of Doctor also specializes in ris is a more luxuriously fitted the movement, bas just had the car and new models are to be satisfaction of seeing the formal ther complaints such as Urimore comfortable than ever.
The opening of a capacious chalet in nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers writer was talking to four aver.
a peaceful Valley ar Kinder and Obstinate Coughs.
ag? well paid, skilled wɔ:kner, steg in Swi zerland as a boat shoull you need his prowhen someone happened to menfor Scouts from all over tb Jessional services, do not fail tion that the Morris prices were world. The chalet, baautifull to be reduced. What thai?
shouted the four Suitable for Lodge Business itua el on the ba kol the Kan to write or come to the Docin de bas accommodation for ove tor personally when you can chorus, li was astonishi go Eee and in txerimento a cured the with tho eagerness they which th, forma Address: learned the details of of the Morris AT THE opening it was visited by 1, 400 Company announcement. Obboss, representing ten ditteren DR. DAVID SMITH viously all four men were in a vationsIt is astonishing bor pɔsition to think about ownlog a Specialist Boy Scout movement, motor car as soon as price: came purely British aftair wbom Guabito Bocas del Toro down a little. Here is a significant was first started 22 years and then by degrees a national ago Republic Panama.
come over the conditions of life and an ab anno Tao Tao Tao TRAPAN TO AD Amaran TAN TAN THAN TAOTA. OD AN OR ADDO movement in various foreign Countriesa of the mass of the English people la the last few years. Twenty iul International influence fo: years ago ago there was little 250XSS 58WS38329353x535455. 993 303 good will and co operation. In popular luxury great propor the last few years officers from tion even of thy industrious classes had little 24 foreign countries, and 25 steady, thrifty, British Dominions and Depen.
more than mere comfort, Now all dences have been trained by the stbat is changed. The houses bave School which has its headquar: been made more comfortable.
SUPPLIED BY ters in Epping Fo est. Tois year Blush Scouts in small de For one thing the bathroom is be tachments, bave buen visiting general. The The amount and quali.
of food consumed are mucu better than the old. The people are much better dressed. 1h: artitiin various parts of Europe ana fotriga Scouts are constantly cial silk stocking and the cheap. visiting Eagland or on anoiher. In every form can be seen.
kind of fur coat are everywhere.
At the biennial Conterence jis In addition to having a more concluded at Kinderat there here at its best See our comfortable house, better clothe, were leaders from 39 different and better food, the members of Countries.
Wrist Watches Oo one ccasion the average family have intinitely Briton, a Swede, xo Ba gains more amusement than their piis brewed from the best and a Chinese Bracelets might have been decessors used to bave. Bolds seen singing a popular song huis wirelis materials obtainable Diamond Rings together. The consta intergramaphores and tveir plinus at course of keen, lively, curicus home. they are able to it quent boys, all taught the real sell and a hundred other dorn.
the theatres, and still more the relance with It is specially suited for this climate Cinema Cu operation, ments and you ll recognize Moreover there are should certatolv do som th:18 t, why this is the LEADING good popular restaurants everyallay the suspicion, is superior to all imported beers sold alousy aud where, with an imitatioa of the fear of the ola old days of ballona JEWELRY HOUSE in town luxury of the ex ensive fashion isolation. The surting inilu ask prices and you ll find stil!
places, including the inevi ab ehere and it sells to the public at ence of the spreading J zz Band. But above all the Morement, which is engaged in another reasoncheap car bas made a dider Loc.
HALF the price.
disseminating souas ideas on Thusands of people of the kind homecraft, mothercraft, clizenFuller Jewelry Store ibat practically lever saw the ship and international good will, bill sides and the valuys can now is also to be reckoned with as a 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 623 spend their Saturday afternions TRY OUI NIW BEER factor making for peacz in the country.
Whatever way be the moral effct of all this opular luxury there can be no Link With Trafalgar. WILKINSON question about its material efitet. It no wonder that a disl.
Justoned revolutionary not long line of battle ship that Contractor ago asked his colleagues how tney fought at Tralalgar and engaged Nelson vessil, the Victory, b18 could bope to provoke revolutiva with all these chaoges in the life SUPERIOR TO ALL and Builder been saved foom the shipbreaker of the people.
This is the old French two decker, the Duguss Trouin, House No. 20 sooc. es Seseo which was captured English Fleet a fortnight after 28th NOV. 5TXEET, Mr. Well Three Volnme the battle of Trafalgat (the SAN MIGUEL Novel greatest sea fight ever waged between sailing ship) and then renaned the impl. e. bl. Por Box 411, Pan ma, The veterans go on. In addihalf a century she rvad as one tion to his new play Escape of the smartest tips that the Plans and Specifications Free Mr. John Galswortby bas just English Navy. ter that she published another novel The had another ball couy as a Silver Spoon, which deals once training ehlp, Then she fell into First Class Workmanship again with the fortunes of those decay, and at last old friends, the forests famil: destined for the scrap heap wben Satisfaction Guarantei she was Of every description Mr. Wils, is more prediLord Beatty made an appeal to gious. He is giving us a novel in the public to save the old sbip.
three volum seaca as Committee fo med, witc dinary full length book. The DONE WITH NEATNESS AND the Editor of Punch as Chaira wark is imman, and in due FLOWERS pressive testimony to the spirit. belp of 5, 000 fron an anony enterprise and vitality of DESPATCH mous American who had served de output author whose tenendous output in the British Navy du ing the Abogado. Attorney at Law is the in the last thirty years Great War, the necessary 25, 000 OZFICE: No. 44 SE well have left bin bent at was collected and the eleborate Fliesolais an autobiliam The book BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY book, The World of AT THE Toek of restoration was begun TELEPHONE NU. ejuvenation of this old The reja and cal le in surses of wooden wall of England bas in the pad of Woli like Mr. been carried out at Devonport Practicing before all the cour f is in Dart cuDockyard and she has taken the Republic since April 1914 lar. With such a theme anything what will probably be her last is relevant. Clissold, living in a voyage back to Falmouth, there cottage to Provence, with a rede a training ship for woman boys of the Sea Scouts At Fai Dentist Howell whose ex iet relationship to bim is not explained mouth she had a civic welcome, in the first volume, sets down bis with apeeches from the Mayor o his old views stimulating briliance interested Mr. Wells evolutie peevish, preface in which Mr: and others, aod a hearty recep HOUSE 912, LA BOCA everything that has There is a vehement, almost tion from the crowd, who were CALL IN AT delighted with the stately pic religion, after life (in CANAL ZONE.
Clissold does not believe) Wells protests against the habits turesque appearance of the old Specialism, Fablanism, Karl of his critics. He complains that (Opposite the Restaurant)
two decker. That it was possibla Marx (whose beard and doc they always declare that they trines are faciously deorted characters and that they dereist recognise the originals of his for ber to be patebed up so that Office Hours: a. to p. she could take to the sea ag sia to p. capitalism, banking and dance in identifying the views expres. speaks well for ibe way tbey DAILY the fataong lite built ships over a hundred years of the idla rich people on the Riviera, brilliant ed by bi: leac log chiracters with ago.
PHONE 1941 BALBOA sketched. he Roman Catho bie owa personal vi Against!
lic Church and its priests and so these practises he violently proSpecialize nhall the branches on. In all this there is not much tests. The critica, wever, take No. 93, Central Avenue of antistry room In portant.
for anything so old fashion little notice of this and are all ed as a Story, but it is hop a careful to note tha: Mr. Woli.
that the second volume. wbien and his hero are both 59 ASSORTMENT OF Contributors is to be po blisbed in October and order to help Mr. Clissold 10 in general the third which is promised for create the world in which band our Atlantic side writers Have you tried the Novembar) will contain more moved in London Mr. Wells emotion and fewer ideas. In the adop ihe device of making bim GOOD STATIONERY in particular, are asked to draw breath when writing new Beer meantime, though the critics meet all sorts of Il kiwm and Condense their contribubave ben curiously grudging, it people under their own mºs SOUVENIRS, Kronen Brau is agreed that Mr. Wells pre such as Barnard Shaw, Sydney tions considerably, to ensure 89nts Cliesslda ideas with all Webb (tbe Fabian Suci. publication.
SSSSSSSS in KRONEN BRAÜ is by the JOB. PRINTING as an was o mere z: of such time, with the of 80 might at 59.
work WORKMAN PRINTERY haired woo The Workman BOOK STORE


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