
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Crazed Father Kills Three Daughters Additional Church Services.
Sevehth Day Adventist Church IN MASSACHUSETTS.
Ask your friends why they prefer different cigarettes. Some men can answer, but many will reply: like Lucky Strike STREET CALIDONIA BOAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 Sab ath School: 11. 15 sm, General Worship 80p. Spanish Close; 40v. M. Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Cles p. Vespers.
Sunday eveing 30 Stereoptican Lecture. The general public is cordially invited to turn out in largo numbers.
Don forget the Stereoptican Lectur: on Sunday night. Come and bring a riend with you.
o Seventh Day Adventist Church Because it toasted Ird. STREET BROADWAY COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45. Sabbatb sobool; 11. 15 am. General Worship 30 p, Young people meeting 30 Vespero Sunday Tening 7, 30 Proaching Servier. You are cordially invited to Attend these services and bring your friends The Church of God Brockton, Mass. Oct. 28. crazed fa. ber battered to death with an axe three of his daugh.
ters as they slept in a cheerless little third story apartment bere this morning James Stoddard, 36 year old labourer with long police record for intoxication arrests who recently was charged with failing to support the children, slew the girls, Mildred, 7, Edna, 11; and Florence 13.
Marion a fourth daughter who was in bed with Edna, woka as her father struck her sister and grappled with him Breaking irom his grasp sbe fled to the street where a pedestrian gave the alarm that brought police. eqnad of officers found Stod dard axe in band, apparently about to leave the house. just killed my three kids and want to get the other one, heitold them as they disarmed him. oddard declared he had been drinking for two weeks prior to Jast Sunday when he bad decided to quit. hallucination that a former employer bad chased the children bome and was preparing to burn them or otherwise cause1 them harm made bim resolve to kill them himself, he asserted in an incoherent narrative at police headquarters.
Be bad been chopɔing wood with the axe in the afternoon and in the evening his micd became drzed. In order to save the children from being buraed the thought came to me while was sitting in the rocking chair by the otbve tnat had better said them myself, bling his rastatement got up out the chair and went to the out side of the porch and got the axe banging there. Then into Marion and Edna room went and hit Edna with the axe.
Marion got up and ran away and went into the room of Florence ard Mildred and kill their unw. ct and got al.
water and thought nicht bave made a mistake and did not kuow what to do, Folice discovered the bodies in the blood spattered beds of the cheaply furnished rooms. Little Mildred still clasped a rag doll to her bosom. Marion and Florence had been confirmed only Iwo weeks ago. All of the children apparently bad been killed instantly Stoddard submitted quietly to arrest and interrogation but when confined in cell tore of bis clothing. He was overpowered by otticers and then fell into coma.
The man was arrested last summer on a charge of failure to contribute to the support of bis children but an aunt of the girls promised to help keep the household togather. Stoddard had not worked recently, Police records revealed that an uncle Jumes Stoddard, had served 14 ears of a a 20 year sentence for arson, while his mother was said to have died in an insane asylum. Stoddard bimselt bad been under observation for insanity several years ago.
kill them it of There only one Lucky Strike only one cigarette with such a definite and distinctive reason for its superiority toasting brings out the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos.
Out of over 200 brands of cigarettes on the market, Lucky Strike is Panama, Arosemena Street, Houe 25, Ben Miguel Sunday at at. Prayt meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am.
and 30 tn. Sunday School at 3p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Moeting Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People Meeting.
Wednesday at 30 in, Usnel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 to.
Prayer Meeting BRO, C, Pessoa. ir charge. Red Tank, Cobal Zoo Sunday Scho p. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 7:30 pm Si PR. GRAY Nee Providence. Gospel Mee ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Sungay Srbool at p. Wednesday at 30 Goepel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. MeDONALD Hatun, Canal Zone Gospel Meetings J1 30 a. sod 39 Sunday School at 3p to. Wednesday 30 hoepel Meeting, Friday at 30 co Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH olon and Streets. Gospel moet bgs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday chool at 3pm. Wednesday at 30 Gospel Meeting Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Unique Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness STRIKE Why. Because it toasted No, MARIANO AROSEMENĂ St SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30 Prayer Meeting.
10 sm. Children Service; 11 am.
Divine Service. Preacher, Bro.
Webley, p. Sunday Sehool, Superintendent. p. 30 pm. Gospel Service, Prescher Bro. Reece, The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. Prescht Bro, R. Small, plied. 80p. Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Goepel rei vice. Preacber Bro. Small Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer.
All other notion for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in churge.
West Indian Cricket reason millions can resist MR. LLOYD GEORGE bring Australian The West India Committee Circular of September 23rd says. The Australians bave now played their last match of their tour, and are returning bome by way of Canada. It was hoped that they might visit the West Indies this winter, but that has proved impracticable, and, fol: lowing discussions between Mr.
George Challenor and Mr.
Mallet (Manager of the of the West Todies Iudies 1923 side. the Australian manager has undertaken to before the Board of Control proposals for the visit of a West team to Australia next winter, and a return visit of Australians to the West Indies in 1930 Meanwhile it bas been decided that the next West Indian tour in England will be in 1928, when three test matches against England will be played.
Mr. Austin scored 22 aud 144 for the Gentlemen of Essex in a cricket match played at Felixstowe on September 9th against the Gentlemen of Sussex.
was that in this fight it was cot the combatants but the spectators who received the blows.
The Government he called a foolish chauteur who inevitably took the wrong turning. It went back on all its promises. Winston Churchill had made proposals in August which the Government afterward repudiated. The Conservative die hards treated Mr. Churchill in fact as a politi cal ticket of leave man and conreminded him that he was at liberty only on license. And Minister, continued Mr, Lloyd there is the Prime George, wandering about the country. He bas no idea where he is. Somebody asks bim where he is going and he says m of to find peace in our time, Lord. As a matter of fact, the poor man is off the map.
stantly Rent Receipt Books in Span sh and English for sale at the Workman Printery Advertise in the WORKMAN It Pays


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