p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER :3, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Races! Races. TO MORROW cident base aby body s game. But the tables Good Races surgical a missiles streni Maxwell Maxwell. 8 Repulse 7, Ruso Tomorrow Races Lucky Strike Cricket CHURCH SERVICES New Providence Notes Cup Competition.
The Proama Jock y Club pre.
24th Sunday Afla Trinity (Continued from aço 4)
sents the following attractive Sept. 25 las. they however, race program for the Juan SPORTSMEN DEFEAT AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB did not go fishing but went to Franco Park to norrow afternoon BARTENDERS. Angliosa Catholie)
bunt instead, probably Latbr It will be noted that for the St. Paul Church, Panama did not wish his fatber to know faure event of the seven fur.
tbat be was going to hunt.
longs Pierrot will take up 126 According to schedule the Shortly after they went away lbs and face the tape against fourth match in connection with (Rev. Nigbtengsle, Rector Bender accidentally sbot Luther Zambo. Hereque, Dhole, Frou the Lucky Strike Cricket League Frou and Meddler, whila Brave Competition was played at the Holy Communion. Rect. mistaking bim for an animal in Sunday, November 14th, 1926 19 15 am Mains Lassie in the seventh event has Isthmian Park. on Monday last the th ckets. He received the been given 130 Ibs against the h instant. between Bar10 30 a Holy Eucharist sermon, conten of the curridge 64 12 30 ozon Haly Baptiem. The Reettaissiles entered into bis head, Ocurrencio Dad and Aracaana. tenders and Sportsmen Church School. pm peck, and shoulder The agoregation is a good one and resulted in favour of fortunately Bu promise of furnishing race! tha JUAN FRANCO TRACK 30 Solown Vespers Sermon be was at a distance of about 50 The Rector fans with a real gosd time. Here the latter who defeated their 60 opponents by 15 ruus. Both Announcements Harvest Festival the missiles were bird shots of is the entire program: teams made very poor showig Services will be held on Sunday Nor the smallest kind. After the aeFirst Race, CLASS NATIVES, and at one time it looked like 21st. All are invited, bad happened Bender in 150 FURLONGS.
bis fright and distress took away 1, Candlewood 126 Luther by boat to Monte Crio of the Bartenders was given out St. Alban Church, Paraiso 2, Zapo 118 by the umpire as being stumped and thence to Colon by train even before his father was aware. Zapa CANAL ZONE 109 when he bad made only Tour 4, Cococha of the occurrene. He sans spent Chiqui 107 rung, as it was felt taat bad not (Rev. NIGHIENGALE, for this uncertain doci is the Races for Imported horses some time in Colon Hospital Fenomeno.
104 Priest in Charge under medical and pical 104 been different result of the game night bave treatment at Bender expense.
and for Native bred Ponies Ancual Harvest Pestival Services Up to the present time he is not will be heln at St. Albao to morrow better but rather convalec zaf SECOND RACE, MIKED 175, Appended are the scores:at 3. p. and 30 1 FURLONGS, SPORTSMEN bearty iżyitation is extended to all to four of tte (three in his Excuse me.
126 Alleyne, Murrel At 3p. mu iesl program bis bead, and one in bis cheek below Dardanela 103 AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING. 14 98 Darby, and be 3, Hope will be red and by the choir, anda bis right eye) are still to be ilver collection will be collected.
extracted, the doctor said that it Peter Pan 98 Labastide Maxwell. would 88. Holy Communion Rov, WO not be wise for Rain or Shine them to do Lackland 90 Anthony Maxwell. Nizhte ngale.
any more surgical operations on THIRD RACE, CLASS 2a) Im Maynard e wkp Maxwell 19 p. Musical Programme (silver blm now as be has lost too much John Hill, run out.
Offering. blood already; but it is hoped PORTED. 200, FURLONGS Burnett, and Maxwell.
that the missile will be extracted 30 Choral Evensong and ad1, Translate ADMISSION 126 Walker rot out drete later when his condition will 2, Mabel 121 Eb Maxwell Mr. Osborne Catechist warrant same. It is hoped that Tengo 115 Trent Maxwell.
the lad will be completely re4, Tigre 114 L wis run out.
Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
copered iu process of time, 5, Oh Pab 98 St. Feter by the Sea, La Boca Extras 6, B, Sauvage.
98 Panama Colon Cricket FOURTH RACE Class NATIVES Total 42 DON MISS IT American Epi cops. Anglican CocaMatch. 125, FURLONGS.
BOWLING ANALYSIS muno) Zapa 126 O, Holy Communion 30 am. The B, roja 116 C, Phillips. 0 18 Rector It is golog to be a bot time in 3, 9 120 Maxwell. 22 Holy Baptism a. m, Cclon on Thanksgiving Day when 4, Linda 115 the all star team from Pinama BARTENDERS Chor Marine. Hy Eucharist and Mayara 103 Helen The Show Girl Sudden Death of Mrs.
Sermon 10. 45 a The Recor.
gjes Over ver with the Excursion 112, Belgrave Lewis Barnett. train to cross bats with the allHarvest Musicale 30 Helen Blackburn 103 Julien, and Barnett. star combination there.
101 Brown stpd wkp Lewis. SUCCESSFULLY STAGED Choral Evensong, sermon 30 Dn Simon 101 This The Bishop will be th: preacher. All are connection with the 1923 excar.
game was scheduled to Harold 99 Bəsarquet stpd wkp Birinvited 10, Infimo 90 nett. sion for which extensive prepi.
We regret to record the sudc.
Milton Garvey new Play, den death of Mrs. Helen Black Phillips, 11, Clavo lb b Walker JT, MULCARE, Rretor. rations were made, but rains 90 Moore, Helen the show Girl. which barn which occurred sesterday and Walker. St. Bartholomw Church intervened and the match was FIFTH RACE, CLASS IMPORTED Joe Hill, Walker was presented at the Variedades afternoon at one o click at LAS CASCADAS Wednesday consequently called odt. 250 FURLONGS. Brewster Ellis Barrett. o Theatre on Taree years is a long time to e Ancon Hospital whither she st. Simon Mission, Gamboa wait for a ma ca in which keen Thursday nights of this week, bat been rashed, just a Bomba 126 Maxwell Labastide added another chapter to the minutes after a rival at that School and Evening Prayer will be looked for day will be here on few Barnet Meelah Matins and Address, Church interest is placed, but the long113 (Shimmy 109 Murrell, Walker o local author or productions. While institution.
4, Cor. Arango 123 McGregor, not out. o this is his third production, it is According to bor next door held at the above matnei Churches Nɔvember 25:h and then, oh, Olla 115 Extras neighbours, Mrs, Backburn was at the usual hour by the Lay Read boy!
Prince of Wall 6, Sp Blade 107 apparently weil ers The personnel of each team yesterday 7, Poncho Roto 100 Total the best.
27 The Theatre was filled to about her domes ic duties as morning when she was seer JT MULCARE Pricst in Charge. will appear in a following issue BOWLING ANALYSIS of this paper. Watch for the Sixth RACE, CLASS IMPORTED night and on Thursday night and standing room on Wednesday usulle She pırtook of bre kfast ne ups and then pick your 350, FURLONGS.
DIVORCE GRANTED choice of the winner. It going while after took a 1, Pierrot Barnett. 51 126 notwitbstanding incessant show achttle to be some matcb. Lewis. 8 2, Zambo 111 ers of rain which fell up to the path; on coming out of hi bathC. Walker. 1 Fitz Beresford Bannister was of Pereque 4 time complained 104 starting, a large audience badly and tnok bed when it was granted a divorce from his wife, FINAL PARADE OF 4, Dlole again greeted the players 104 Frou Frru 98 Trans Isthmian The cast was well selected at a noticed tha: she gradually grew Mercedes Bannister, in the Dis6. Meddler worse; she was rushed to Ancon trict Court yesterday, on the 90 Miss Cistly Cumberland who Hospital whare it was discovered grouuds of Adultery. The paraan (Continued from page 4)
played in the leading role as that sa had a stroke of paralysis were married on June 25 h, 1911 the troops on parade at 45, the SEVENTH RACE, CLASS IMPORT (Continued from page a a She is survived by her hus. at ED 300, FURLONGS. a worked her way up to the ga; band David harane cook at prayel for the custody of his striking one.
cessively dry season Engineers foot lights of New York City, the Alcon Hospital ani tvo chliren, bu: inasmach as the the stand of Colours and the In the foreground Lassie 130 have estimated that there is al only to ba s sovered later that children, cifton 115 ways the danger of water shortage she was the daughter of a mult chiited atsit and Theing who of the person of the children, contrasted with the business like now in the Cut does not have jurisdictiga bright uniforms of the Band (Ocurrencia ent during the Winter millionaire who financed this at hom. Mrs. Blackburn was who are living with their mother khaki of the troops in the stani 100 months. Also, impounding the show was quite at bɔm; in her Eight RACE, Class (E 1a) Im water at Alhajuels will be wie par her gative of part on bach nights, bringirg ved on the 18 hmus for the past ba nale. Attorney David formed Lucia and had in Panama, the award could not and enclosures the ladies dresses PORTED. 200, FURLONGS. provision against future increase in out every line in the difficult role twenty years, comtoz hare when Leon appeared for the plaintiff colour while the Long Mouniain a varied putt in of 1, shipping by 116 dance in rear bumber and bips and thereby winning liberarquite counte?
way of the arcajada Canal of eventog fell, made a back3. Garzona 115 to negotiate the waterway in a day ap Tois pape Sociends d enc Toe general acting of the Popó PANAMA FOLLIES. ground of sombre shade to the The sun did not eb 5 (Ch Gordo 100 activity there is expected to grow while it is not out of place to 108 has been twenty ne, Commercial troupe was highly commendable to tha bered family in her hour of sadness.
during the parade but when the Sup Glo ia 104 considerably within the next deHar mortal remain will be troops (Continued from page 1)
at different times Per. Roto and a large reserve water well giris, the Codlin brothers, where it and presesi lies to be having been told oa the stage will here came doll blue gleam of taken from the morgue shuuldered or presented arms, Lurero 9, Celia 92 tive.
Fred Brathwaite. Tae actu pm. All friends and sympathis as the real eyes of hundre is of ceople Another proviso affeting Pana ma territory is that had hereafter presentation of the written players are asked to take note on Monday and Tuesday nights acquirnd by the United States would have been preferred it the was also creditable it talent of the Negro. which although the ineseapable fact of the latent NORWEGIAN COLONISTS (Continued from page 1) Government from private fources Goal curtain bad fallen wh the SPARKLETS much slighted and under estimated told; and what seemed peculiarly in the Isthmus shll be reckoned theatrical discovered (Continued from page 1)
always doats on top and subse.
manager Helen, whom he had been strang. is that no arrest that and paid for at its valuation at that in his attention and money then a fortnight ago it was also helping to run the affairs of the of duty; that the Government loan (Continued fton page 6)
quently drifts to the front row in catile and would have set out the gravity of time of purchase. retofore, si. co lavigbin paark for more ints noticeable that he representatives their offence, have been made we the promulg tion of a former is 28 understand each colonist the necessary funds treaty signed in the Taft Adm mate relations, was his daughter But it is not only their imme tration, land acquired ty Th musical composition of the to prɔvide seeds, foɔdstuffs and hter of the Alianco terary and Dethe is tal of having this disco ery Sating Society Cristobal, before Flyester weke ork. These numbers and that no lond tax be collected. Follies all spºcially arrang year, neighbours or fellow labour. United in the West Todon community sed Values was sold at its asses. made during the second whipping the Boca Athe aeum wil be exclusively ased by the from them for five years after the ers VA that they the branch of the UN construeeran of prior to the This would have brought out. Canal. A. at Farm short wonderful moral of Play is bad they. time before, while in session altreat awaiting ratification th:t shorterings, a id as a conse. scene of the contest via Panama gaged to play for the Follies on free and open market for the disposal of their products.
com both nig ts party of these troublesome people the United States come into posses.
Crs. 1990 would the placa this produc city! During the cebate In exchange for concessions tract of land com. ton on equal terms, it not better, spiri put out the lights, sion of tobalites ried the ball, bail storm of grising the peninsula or which is tha Toe Prince of Wall Street spirited while, of were, course, high if the e colonists are to and become thermometers pour in a Panamanian citizens among other ones on the penple assetabled Ineated the Hotel Washington at The Panama Sympbony lof the La Bocans their body temperClassified Ads.
were placed beneath the tongues things, it is reported, and to repay wi bin the building. Fortunately. Coloa. lo exchange the United chestra supplied no one was hurt, but with such an States cedes Panama a similar pennunbers all of which were com the quick silver one millionth of in your town working for you, all the musical ature would not be able to budge loans made to them within a 10. starts a route ot stores period years after the first interruption meeting hud to insular located in the westera re posed by Mr. Bathwaite in the cene to an abrupt termination; and gion. Panamans in general object to laboration with a eentegrade above normal. In one bringing you a steady weekly income. year of the inauguration of their ings willen doubtfub ieder oprement the swap. inssmuth as the Hotel director o! The Orchestra, prapa casa it was doubtfal whether the Nor selgitas Weite korick0. Vann, agricultural scheme It is learned that Senor Antonio ings will be convened as nothing Washington and its beautlful which added tremendoualy to the tenpted to leave zero The EARN 25 80 PER WEEK ure, of the Department of Aeri: the Box New Disz, Chief the Bureau of Agricul.
has yet been done by the ruling prounds are one of the show places success of the Play.
repre Bocans simply were not tuued up.
culture and Public Works, consid.
sen ations to them, to punish the When the treaty crimes up for offender, consideration in the United States No cațital required. Get in business rs the Norwegians proposals Removal Notice Senate and in the Panama National Dr. Wendehake ourselt selling CARHARTT enerally acceptable, but recomLEAGUE MEETINGS.
OVERALLS, shoes, gloves, sbirts and nended to Presi ent Chiari that Assembly it is to be hoped that The Isthmian League of British the minor difficulties may not MEDICAL CLINIC David Leon, Attorney at treutersi the world most famous gar investigation be made of the West will bilde obstruct Law, has removed his offices or full time. Over twenty odhousand Darien land, by the Government agenciestoday for particulars. in meeting in paralelo hob the 1970 benefits contained in its chiel 025 Front Street Colon to No. 175. Central Avenue will teach you how to deal bymi: perts of de colonists, The recomagricultural exinstant and in Panama on the provisions, and especially in the OPPOSITE RR STATION (upstairs Sealey Photo Stu HAMILTON CARHARTT, MANU mendation is said to bave been ap20.
projected highway FACTURER, Market San Pedro proved.
Idio. PHONE 11 Streets, Los Angeles, Calif. generally conceded that bis Blackburn 23: at Ancon Canal Dad Araucana in the scene, 95 although other things, free round in molest; some sho for these to agree of two 318 for. to


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