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Marcus Garvey is Now Boss of Prison Dormitory sentence Negroes these Kellus venue. gimes. Applaatsen)
inether That every interior The Possible Development INNOCENT ST. PAUL NEGRO EX CURSION of British Guiana Saved by Action of Inter To Colon Promises to be Racial Commission. Grand Event.
Parliamentary Commission to Find Houston, Texas, Nov 5, An interesting care of interracial co event in West Indian cir:les at the What premises to be the grandest Runs Squad of Fifteen Men Has Out Why Magnificent Colony operation in which the life of an Private Room And Eats OfHas Not Progressed in the Past nated here a few days ago. Some Panama on Tursday, November innocent Negro was saved, culmi: present time is the big Excursion which over to ficers Fare.
months back a grave crime was 25th. Thanksgiving Diy. At a dinner given recently by the West Indian Club committed against a woman in the who Murray fam us orchestra will The AFRO AMERICAN of Baltimore, Maryland publishes in London, in honour of the Colonial Secretary designate of Negro was the offender. colored wompany the excursionists to the the foliowing in its issue of October 30: British Guiana, and a Parliamentary Commission, to visit boy, fresh from the country, who couts dulcet Strains to the lenjos Windy where will dis Atlanta, GA. Marcus Garvey, provisional president of that colony soon, Sir Davson in a speech in refer answered the description in ence to the colony, which appears in the West India generalway: was arrested tried meter of the bandreds of pleasure Africa, serving five years in Atlanta U, S, penitentiary, is seekers now.
COMMITTEE CIRCULAR, says, among other things:of Housto believed him a day outing on the Atlantie side Garvey has charge of a squad of 15 men, who keep These gentlemen. continued Colony could also produre enough innocent and brought the case to All Colon is preparing for the clean one section of the men dormitory in which are Sir Edward, are going out, and buanas to give British Ciuiana the the ttetion of the Interracial crowd of visitors and much inter located some 300 to 400 beds.
you may ask: Why? To find out English market. do not say, Commission.
est is being manifested in the cricket why Britisu Guiana has not pro proceedel, that we are going to Ite commission also had doubts mateh which has been arranged for The Provisional President who simply directs the gressed in the past as sve of us expect that the Commission will abu the mutter and took action between a team of th best players work of his subordinates without making any beds or think she ought to have done; and fit a ready made solution for all at once. They delegated two in Colon and a selection of Pana cleaning himself, is on duty from to 12 hours every day.
what steps ought to be taken to our problems; do not say that we colored men to go to the jail and ma leading performers on the He has a private room in the penitentary, is furnished make that pogress more rapid in must expect the airival of the interview the boy. Oa receipt of field.
with a desk at which he writes or reads every afternoon The match will be played at the and a feather bed.
this job ll bring it to great suc. however, that song out. do say convinced them that there was colon Ball Park where commodious gentlemen in andertaking Commission is usely bean. the report of these men, which this Commission grave doubt as to the prisoner Ordinary prisoners are provided with a bunk and cot pavilions will accomo late cuse am not going to venture o en by investigntion, direct our unit. the crmmission em loyed a Crong of spetatoors who are tek only and have no desks in tneir cells. any words of counsel or advice to steps on to the right lines; can give lawyer, went into court. and asked pected to witness the game of The regular prison fare consists of peas, neck bones, the Commi sioners. They will get lus council as to the course that we a rehearing and change of Jo of them when they arrive on ougit to pursue; and make recom Their plea was granted and bacon, cornbread, buttermilk and potatoes. Garvey, howin the the other side. If some of the ad mendatio that may assist us, second trial the boy was sentenced Behind the pavilions there will ever, eats officers fare which consists of steak, sausage, vice is contradictory they will be they will have deserved well of us to ninety vine years of imprisoab allotted space to the excursions coffee vegetables, tea and desert.
alle to sift it out.
ists who mght wish to spend a During his two year stay Garvey has been a model pris however, allow myself to way you are. hile we here that tey will helye a Comunications at find as to his guilt and secured around themselves on the Bill whipping machine which is run by a motor and geared to Still the was not rt of and and in with the prison electric can assure who know British Guiana, de be welcome from all classe in British Dri onerio the sum of 2, 50. boud for. dhliver 32 lashes in five minutes. He expects a pardon lieve in its future, and that it has Guiana. If politics out there are few days ago the third tritt tok charged, the prcee is to be divid next May and deportation.
Admissions to the ground will be a. The are two parts not less mild and geotle than in place and the boy was declared ed among the propriators, the of British Guiana. he interior and this country. always feel this not rrity and was set free ONCE DISHWASHER the constal lands. As regard the about British Goinna: crickete. and the Church When first sentenced to the penitentary for using we have not progressed be body there, whatever their polities Tuis is but one illustration Two cricket bate will be awar the United States Mails to defraud stockholders of the cause only in recent yeurs have is actuated by one aim, viz, the wychlpful activities of the com el: one to the highest scorer in th: Black ar Steamship line, Garvey was assigned to dish endeavoured scientifically to find development of the Colony. Apoission in this city.
out what are the potentialities the means and methods that ought plause. Optoion may differ as te firet innings and the or her to the washing. Later he was promoted to scrubbing the corridors bowlor obtaining the best average of the prison working eight hours at night and sleeping in ich we claim exist The. as rugurds tituber and minerals are to be adopted, but everyone th orecticade by senting them a lovely If you waut to please your the first innings the day.
Ticksts for the Excursion are on bilost encouraging, As regards is is wholeheartedly desirous of seeing Christm is or New Year Card et sale by various members of the the coast we know that we have a the Colony advance.
More recently he had been promoted to day duty and fortiu coil capable of great produc: their political opinions, everyone with hea WORKMAN Printer where Church; at Lindsay Bookstore, was seen by visitors in faded and patched blue overalls we can produce in British in the Colony will extend the hand is finest loc in the city are on Street, Calidonia, and at the vestry sweeping corridors in the prison.
Luisna all the sugar required for of friendship to of.
our delegates His two years in prison have not broken Marcus the English market, do not say when the time comes for the Garvey spirit. With his chin on his broom handle, he that to do it, we still dieams of the time when his steamers of the Black right doubio or quadruplet tele cliccatos to depart to ra urn to country from the balmy SPARKLETS amount produce.
air of British Guiana they will Star Line will ply between here and Africa to a black repub.
HEARTY WELCOME CERTAIN come back with happy recollections (By CK)
lic where Marcus Garvey will be head.
Continuing, Sir Elward remark of a place which is sometimes base ed hat British Guiana could ptc ly ran down but which is one of Even now that have the avoirdupois. if nothing else, was LITTLE LESSONS ON LIVING duce wl the rive required for the most attractive places in the not disposed to estimate or view the third act had the distinguish.
necessary preparation am still against me Before leaving after the West Indian market. The world. Loud cheers. the current efforts of my friends ed priviledge of waiting on the (BY STUDENT OF LIFE)
Dalrymple and leaders of leading lady in the very room PANAMA CANAL EARNED the two companies IDOLS AND IDEAS presenting to where Milton beauties brushed thº Isthmian publie the Plys up on poses!
NEARLY 23, 000, 000 Panama Follies and Helen the Fellow way farers in this How! skyscrapers. While have pondered Show Girl. It is useful know Mr Garvey has certainly made ing Destitution we call life, this the vexing problem in my mind lerlige, however, and it would himself more poplar with the conscious moment twix two eons my other self (oring poseeesed of a In Last Fiscal Year, Governor Report Shows.
opinions is groomed phrase exclusive production of Helen the Show of eternity (w someone neatly sort of Jerkel and Rycle blished ricerca de tot mantended the girls are pretty and they net selve you are prone to have morbia ality. my other self whom call Governor of the Panama Canal for tions pertaining to tropical labo that assails my purpose, with todo el tie ronde te shows cork but changer ed well don like to praise the moments, times when your best withering scorn and sarcasm.
the fiscal year ending on täis is the beadjacent countries in the world us tragedy on comedy, the Bratiwite and the Codlin Bro est Girl should be broadcasted to 1926, the gross revenues from tolls Ca ibbean ambition futile, and the seven kinds of a fool not to menreceived hv the Panama Canal through questionnaires sent out to principal species of the drama, or good, star to a pusillanitotalled 931, 055 98.
es such as mous did nt fair off any worse when hitch your waggon is obscured by tion a bally idiot and a And you know it, you amount was paid 1995 197 vertelles United States conseils and here any and three tragi. comedy, melo operat opettended line then the dell if in income from tolls and These data showed little change The gray clouds; when you are i! ly well know that cunoscough net There might opening night at same thentre, other scellaneous totalp during in rates as compared with a simihave been some comedsguide, and drama of course was ayınpathically worth while, and the only salva all vicissitudes to live out your 15 attached to this Plav and sº of of. a C68, 00 as compared witn 13, 465. brez mn de iu 1924. The two as well as a litth cheeks justily the following con but playwriter has told us emerged from the experience io is suicide.
born gambler you ll sea the gam 924 72 for 1925. Besides this the that we had prepared anything about bigh believe the rest of net profits of auxillary oper tions When you would fain give up just a Play with (a) The average worker in partsine udenjoyed themselves the struggle and laying yourself, sh to its end even thoug Luck dealt you a rotten conducted directly by the Panama the crities have things all immensely. In fact they did, as When you are attacke As upon the kiodly bottom of Mother Canal, of which the most import Caribbean area receives io the that way gentle reader and you ant are the mechnical shops, aggregate more pay than the avertheir owo wav by trying to eriti evidenred by their almost continu. Earth sleep deep, deep, deep cize these Plays as they would a ous applause, while they solicited know it God truth there is material storehouses and fuel oil axe alien e oployee of The Panama cize dramatio cor encores for at least To almost all of us gentle reader, nothing left. but to acknowledg plants, be net revenue of the totalled 841, 310 29, this camber dure housel yr ooked pelenager position thereby creating unnece a couple of items. Mr. Leacock comes moments such these, was eracefully as you can, and to of day in other countrie: sary sentimental underestination made a wonderful hit on the second you are one of those lucky iad vi. keep on pegging.
Canal for the fiscal year 15, 992 Bat what or overestimation of sometliing night bis troupe is given special duals who have never been attack1 was about to me 978 35. b) Occupations requiring little which does not exist in fact. mention, ed with mild touches of melancho tion this morning sheiks and PANAMA RAILROAD skill or training are better paid on The Panama Canal. The average the Victim of Love and fell we might as well have Unlike the time when attended While on the question of Plays am driving at, but if you belong you will be unable to sze wha: shebas is that the age of chivalry During the same per od the alien employee working for the e little can Panama Railroad Company net al is better off that the average tain went up for the second act. legs of the ladies when they are the point easily Pevonues from busines operations playee proforminhas corresponding the same thing invariably reo elie the stage bila question on which the price rang often enough. an era of materiulism and spiritual.
usleep immediately after the cur cussioa on the profusely advertised to the vast majority you ll get and romance (19 xoa doubtless aro heelte)
is dead; following upon the including the. docks class of work the adjacent some the Elizabethians, of whom During my career sentiments we coaling plants and cattle industry man of more than totalled 1, 347, 881, 33 average ability, the pay and op sears ago whenever the parson likely to be classed as one, was but having a melo dramatic kink chaos.
demand for truth at SILVER EMPLOYEES. portunities elsewhere and greater wants to read his eterotyped belt years winget the ladies have decided to make ide the all important detail any price, our refusal to call toosed up over a few io my ve never In reviewing the status of the ban in the reanal service, where youred subject kenge whad beat the revent the addres, had decided descendite from penitente oil pag pre horticultural implement the positions requiring who are principally West Indiang able degree of aptitude, training for at the opening night of Helen natural, living, as well as to con tears; whether were better to to delude ourselves with dry as Silver Employees of the Canal and skill are not open to the alien Variedades Theatre.
the Show at the fashionable tinue to two ends meet attempt to halt an express train; to dust platitudes, and moth eaten horts a nous report to the Secre employee 16ethey are elsewhere in doutly arened with a complimentary to abbreviate their skirts so as to where the sad tea waves could sob ideals been left without illusius Report, which is GoverAlthough while doing so. So they decided lie gracefully upon the waters philosaphies, we nave crucified our the Carribbean tary of War, says, in part. Living conditions on the as is was unable to secure a patellas down, and leave bs re the gently on the sands; or whether life ticket wben was entitled to pass in expose from their stockinged my requiem and lay my body blase while on the threshold of As a check on existing canal rates Canal Zone for the alien employee seat, the otly ones available being upper limbs as far dewa as the should take my departure, via a Youths and maideas e aght in of silver roll, data regarding prevail (Continued o paga 8) on the knees of the ladies and. Continued on Page 8)
high dive from one of our baby (Continued on page 8)
display Milton, as it my SO YOU the other spec es area, burlettes the same period neither clusions: the Hence, e lis.
the ser somewhat Girl at


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