
Get Ready Everybody BIG EXCURSION TO COLON cele which is of tre THANKSGIVING DAY Thursday, November 25th a First Class 50. Second Class 00 PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1926 armour Thomas Edison THE WORKMAN Views on Religion Etc.
By HTHOMPSON Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applicaAt this time when the masses VALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes!
of mankiod are being plausibly Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
and cunningly fooled in regard All copy for publication must be PO Box 74, Panama to religion etc. and so much lies written on one side of paper only, and FOR THE and nonsense are beiog preached Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of (conveniently lo the name of One Year 40 Cy, the writer, not necessarily for publicathe God of holy truth and Justice, Six Months.
it behoves us at this particular 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three juncture, to give deligent and Be.
We do not undertake to return reOne serious attention to the venerable 25 jected correspondence.
declarations of one of the greatest, if not the greatest, living in The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JONUIS ventive genious, the wizard icventor and human benefactor, SATURDAY NOVEMBER, 20, 1926, Thomas Edison, whose conclu sions are drawn and arrived at THE TALK ABOUT BRITISH after many years of research and (In aid of St. Paul Church)
serious reflection on religion, The virile GUIANA.
brated thinker thoughts of this mendous weight in the ScientiThroughout the Isthmus there is much discussion fic world, is destined to be of over the probability of the colonization of British Guiana equal value in the Religious world of the present and of the by West Indians, a probability which has awakened no Future. The religious views of little hope in the heart of the people who for some years this good and great man are past have been longing and looking for some movement being expressed through the within the British Empire, for some movement that might coluns of The Forum. a Magazine publisbed in New York: solve the baffling problem of uncomfortable economic cirSpeaking on the Immortality of cumstances prevailing among the thousands of able bodied the Soul, Mr. Edison said in part and willing workers whose determination to make indepen.
as follows: dent livings are only hindered by their inability to find Train Leaves Panama at a. If there is any evidence on opportunities for doing so.
one side or the other, worthy of It has been demonstrated, most vividly, that there is consideration by the scientific no need for the West Indians to expect to find such Train Leaves Colon at p.
mind, it is in favour of the. And opportunities in foreign countries where they have labored theory of immortality down of if, as is and from the it ever so satisfactory and where their presence has been inhistory bas been the belief, the dellibly stamped upon the facts and circumstances of Mind of man (or li soul, 11 national progress of every kind; and it is likely that this reyou prefer) is wholly Beparate velation of the situation has caused the general trend of from the body of man and does not die with it, may it not con. speculative thought to turn towards British Guiana.
GET YOUR TICKET EARLY AND FOLLOW THE CROWD tinue to in an environment exist, Whatever in the past may have been the feeling of our with which it balances, indefipeople with regard to permanent settlement in Latin Ameri.
nitely? That would be immortali can countries it is now an incontrovertib e fact that there is ty. But as to bow it lives, orba wbat form, and as to wbat not only no desire to do so, but also a manifest spirit of the Grand Music and All Isthmian Cricket Contest more farourable utter dissatisfaction with life in these countries and a proenvironment may be, wbether that of this nounced determination to get away with every possible world or some other, can not dispatch. West Indians have lived long enough in Central KATASLAADUSK My. We would probably know much more about the. e matters American republics to acquire a distinct appreciation for the it they had not been so inextrimanners and customs of the natives and a profound respect cably mixed ор and confused by for the laws; and, to a very great extent, they do view with BOXOCSOSASCOXSCMOS SOSXcXSC nonscientific minds, not always favorable sentiments the conditions of life and operation of the highest type, often willig of law as they observe them in comparison with their own to make positive statements with in the islands.
regard to conditions in this particular field where in fact they But the true position is that they have been forced, are not scientifically qualified to through circumstances and conditions to which they have Speak made not the slightest contribution, to feel that they are CODES THAT HAVE DOMIeconomic intruders and social undesirables: that they are NATED HUMANITY notoriously useful for breaking fallow ground, but little As the basis of religion, safa wanted for the nurturing of the crops and less, or not at all, and sound and sure, we bave the for the harvesting of the products.
teaching of a few men with great This position, anomalous and unreasonable, is none winds whom we call prophats.
and whose leadership of thought the less real. Our people have tilled and planted, and that has been of incalculable value to is as far as they were needed; others will do, the watering the world. That bumanity inand take the increase. We have only to review in our minds the various important relations in which we have Recommended for Removing the Humors of stinctively has appreciated their importance and the value of that served, here and elsewhere in Latin America, to satisfy Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, they bave taught, is indcated by the permanenee of their ourselves that ours has been a career of enviable merit, too Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic significant to be allowed further growth and too prominent Guence. That of any of the Christ, Buddha, Contuto be given greater latitude. The policy to check this Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Discious, or Mohammed has been career savors of deliberate organization, inasmuch as the eases caused by Impurities of the Blood far and away greater than the influence of any material scienoutburst of the anti West Indian sentiment arose almost simultaneously in the countries referred to.
An Alterative recommended for purify.
tist yet produced in the world history, Collectively they bave or It remains, therefore, für West Indians to sense the ing and enriching the BLOOD.
dominated civilization.
situation as it really is and not permit themselve to be illu believe that a great change sioned into the fallacious hope that time will destroy the mast and will occur. In the prohostile sentiments against them and give record to an era of cedure of Christian religionis better feeling. We must make up our minds to find som For Sale at all Drug Stores and the churches into which they band tbemselves. believe where for our brethren in the islands, and those unemployed creeds and caremonies will be here to go, and something for them to do. Where, and And in Large Quantities by come less and less important to what?
them, and that thus the religion of the fnture (a very much imThe people are all ready to go to British Guiani, and if JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy proved, really Ch istian and the project became a reality as soon as next week there Coristianity) will be more would be, upon convenient arrangernents, an exodus from AGENT more an education lo established 10 these shores that would throw consternation into the heart truth stimulative of ability to assist in of business on the Isthmus.
the es ablishment of truth.
We are sincerely glad to note the general feeling among ligious leaders of the future will believe the great re10 our people to get off into a field where they may find not apand much time on opportunities for making a future for themselves and end. PANAMA FOLLIES nonies, morada boything except creeds, on participation in care the economic spasms which now sorely afflict them; and if the spirit of the people may be interpreted as an indication WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR the instruction of humanity in those details of Truth which of the resoluteness in this matter, there can be no guesswork Play to Hundreds on precise and cautions, uncovering have been fully established and as to the success they will accomplish if the project finds acceptance with the authorities of British Guiana.
Two Nights. of new details British Guiana needs colonists; British Guiana can dethink most of them should velop with West Indian colonists; British Guiana cannot deNo hot irons or special combs required packed house greeted the and will devote themselves par Panama Follies on Monday ticularly and perhaps almost velop with East Indian or other colonists; therefore, British Guiana needs West Indian colonists for its development night last, the opening of the Play, exclusively to the education of at the Variedades Theatre, Some the people in the moral code Logical, or not?
SOLD IN DRUG STORES the players, however, seemed and the great natural facta not to have been If there is any difficulty in British Guiana which, when rightly understood, accepting sufficiently the offer of West Indians for colonization it lies in the idea accustomed to the stage, and that, always will be seen to urge its added to the fact that the Theatre necessities and ens ph 382 its that cheap labor is the best and most economic from the LEAGUE MEETING was filled to standing room seemed beauties.
employer point of view. But individuals and corporaWhy pay double price Somehow can not ba im.
The Isthmian League of British to have stressed the demand for tions have learnt, within recent years. that this industrial West It. dians will held their which is, almost without exception, spoken prayers are likely to be for inferior imported e payment of stage footing pressed by the idea that merely policy is destructive to the progress of business and the enbancement of general comercial interests anywhere; and rex ular meeting tonight Satare asked of amateur players when ane wered, but am absolutely Beer when you can day November 2015 at Geddes making their debut as a conse sure that lived prayers are cer governments are not immune to a malady that has struck buy a superior Beer deep into the experiences of business men and capitalists Ail members are asked to te of the Play were not well brought vinced boys and girls and men quence, some of the technical lines tain to be answered. Once consuch as BALBOA for present. the great industrial centres of the world. trlerant audience found and women that if they are not half the price.
out that patience is a virute, and straight and square and honest.
Notice to Correspondents.
20 lster could not resist applauding it they are not reasonable unContributors and correspondents asking for encores of several num great precept of the Golden the troupe at close intervals and selfish and inclined to follow the Rent Receipt Books in Span tions not later than Thursdays to a magic wand had passed over the happy, and you will accomplish are asked to send in their contribus bers On the following night, as if Rule, they can not possibly be Ish and English for sale at the insure pablication. This is imperaIN THE WORKMAN PAYS Workman Printery.
tive ard must be adhered to. Continued on page Continued on page 8)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD which Sre and teaching Contra Crespo Hall.


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