
TI YORKMAN. SATUR AT NOVEMBER 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE The New Minister Attractions at the Theatres and Work mendations: Colon night, who la AT THE COLON BAPTIST CHURCH CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA STRAND The Rev. Williamson and family arrived on the S. PANAMA)
COLON Tivives on Wednesday of last week. He is to succeed the Rev.
Today Saturday Nov. 20th Today Saturday Nev. 20ch Today Saturday Noy. 20th Today Saturday Nov, 20th Cbrift who was pastor of the John Barrymore in Elks in Special Cast in Bolon Baptist Church, Pastor dr. THE SEA BEAST MINSTRELS CHIP OF THE FLYNG Williamson will reside in Cristo bal Ton orrow Sunday Mov. 21st be associated with the Tomorrow Sunday nov. 21st Tomorrow Sunr ay Nev, 21. Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 21st Rev. Witt in the Baptist Lon Chaney in Clara Bow in on the Isthmos. THE BLACK BIRD. de la Motte in House Peters in The new minister is MANTRAP THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER no stranger THE COMBAT the Isthmus. He was ordained Monday November 22nd in the Colon Baptist Chuch Moi day November 22nd Morday November 22nd Barthelmess in Monday November 22nd about ten years ago. Before bis Viola Dana in Ben Lyon in JUST SUPOSE ordination he was a student at THE GREAT LOVE THE SAVAGE. Milton Garvey Production Shaw University after which for HELEN THE SHOW GIRL.
four years ago. Before his ording.
Tuesday Neven ber 23. Tuesday November 23rd Tuesday Noverr. bor 23rd tion he was a studert at Kalam Junior Stars in Tuesday November 23rd zo wheae be took his and Euck Jones in Edmund Lowe in FASCINATING YOUTH Milton Garvey Production then for two years he studied at HEARTS AND SPURS THE KISS BARRIER HELEN THE SHOW GIRL.
Hartford Theological mirary, dnesd y Neven ber th Kilamaz) in one of the best Wednesday November 24 Wednesday November 24 Wednesday November 24th colleges in the northern states Gaston Glass in Gloria Swarson in Lon Chaney in being affiliated with the Univer GOD CRUCIBIE Clara Bow in FINE MANNERS. THE BLACK BIRD sity of Chicago and Hartford MANTRAP beological Seminary is one of Thursday November 25th Thursday November 25th Thursday November 25th Thursday November 25th the finest Theological Colleges in Clara Bow in Virginia Valli in House Peters in the world, Pastor Wil iamson bas John Barrymore in MANTRAP a whole sheat of testimonials WATCH YOUR WIFE THE COMBAT THE SEA BEAST showing that in all his studies Faid y Nevimbe 26th Friday November 26 Friday November 26th Friday November 26th be excelled and in some cases Ben Lyon in carried of high bonours. Since Marie Prevost in Junior Stars in Edmund Lowe in bis ordination Pastor Williamson THE SAVAGE SEVEN SINNERS FASCINATING YOUTH THE KISS BARRIER has had three pastorates, For a short time he was associated Saturday November 27ih Saturday November 27th Saturday November 27th Saturday Novambur 27. with the Rev. Livingston in San Gilda Gray in Leatrice Joy in Gaston Glass in Jane Novak in Andres, then for two years he ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS MADE EOR LOVE GOD CRUCIBLE THE LURE OF THE WILD was in Morant Bay and later for seven years in charge of the Belje castle circall, Jamaica. In these spheres Pasto Iliamson bad done excell ot work and he comes to his new work with the News Notes 13398 SND SCXyoooo as 600 higbest possible kind of recomHarvest Thanksgiving Service.
For the remaining part of Nov.
bis Sunday appointments are The Cristobal Colon Baptist follows. Nov 21st be will be Church presented a lively scene Tomorrow and Monday 21st.
at Empire for the morning sere on Monday night last, 15th inst, and 22nd, instant tbe La Boca vice and at Chorillo at night. On when the members and wellWesleyans will hold their anNov. 28tb he will be at New wishers of the church gathered nual Harvest Thanksgiving Ser.
Providence at 11 a. and at to welcome their new pastor, vices.
at The Rev. Willismson The preacher for Sunday wil Dr. welcome meeting is being The chair was occupied by be the Rev. S: Cousins.
arranged at Chorillo on Monday Austin, from Balboa ights.
On Monday 22nd, commencing night the 22nd is the general Superinten.
at 30 the Cantata Ųcder the dent of the work in these parts, Palms will be rendered by an and addresses were delivered by augmented choir.
Colon Boy Institute.
or Joy of the Silvation Army.
the Mission S, Witt of the Corczal MRS. WHYTE COMMANDER WATSON Bognton of the Cristobal Union ARRIVES APPEALS FOR HELP. Church. Cousins of the clon Wesl yan Church and Among the late arrivals from Gregory and Mr. Wilkins of According to Commander Wat Jamaica is Mrs. Whyte, wife son the Colon Boy Institute is Bible House of President Whyte of Mr. Williamson who is a the Panama Canal West Indian nearing the century mark of Employees wayward boys admitted to that oative of St. Mary s, Jamaica, is Association. Mrs.
Whyte was accompanied by one institution. He states that the not quite a stranger to Orlon, people are beginning to realise cances are all glad to receive him.
ibend his old friends and acquarof their song, Master Horace Whyte, who was bere with his the great necessity of the instifather a year or so ago.
tution and the objects for which it was established. Formerly cengus has recently been PRESSONS SEXSSX50 SR SEXSSSSSSSSSSSS neople were wont to regard the taken of children of school age work of the Institute as an idle cesiding in Silver City. At presMiss Lillian Welch Returns dream and locked upon it as a ent, a large number of them are Home.
forced to attend private school OBITUARY WHITENS THE SKIN But the Americans on the or remain at home as they nCanal Zone and the merchants o not be accomodat a la the GovAlter spending a few weeks. OF COLON with ber relatives, Mr. and Mre.
Colon bave long ago realised the ernment schools but the parents Creme Armstrong of Jamaica necessity of the Institution and and guardians are now boping Miss Lillian Welch of the AtlanPrado, the good work it is doing and that the revelations of the census Resulution Of Sympathy.
they have not been slow in giving will cause more accomodations Marvelous Cream tic Side Silver City returned bome on Wednesday last. Miss in their moral and financial eup to be made, as many of their port.
children bave been on the waltWelch, before leaviog, expresed Whereas it has pleased Al.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, berselt as very much delighted Today all thoughts torn to ing list for years.
mighty God to remove from our sun tan, and other skin blemishes with things and people at th wards the Colon Boys Iustitute midst one of our most loyal and end, and that she appreciated in and it is vi wed in the light as The brys of the Mount Hope devoted members, in the person SOLD IN DRUG STORES no little way the pleasant recep cne of the best things that has printing plant are to compete on of Sister Mary Briges, who dem!
tions given her by all wb. she ever been launched in the Relife Thursday happened to meet public of Panama. Boys admitted November 4, 1926, and, to the Institute are taught to be which bave been offered by Mr.
for two championship Whereas the deceased was one useful and law abiding citizens, of our oldest and most outstandwill the number of Helen the Show Girl they are cared for and educated Omphrobe, one, three members, and, modes pinta ta tha CANAL ZONE NOTES representatives to be allobedio The events perform those duties which the District for the text tera. rake them reliable and not Wheeb and five le cycle races and criticisms of her friends, reMilton Garvey rew Play for the responsible positions of 440 and 880 yd dashes. Great mained true and Grm in uphold Helen the Show Girl, with LA BOCA 1e eventually making them a interest is being displayed in this ing the lofty principles for which Miss Cieily Cumberland The Athenaeum small athletic meet, and it is ex we fought, of cdit to their parents.
Jamaica Pralo playing in the Be it resolved that this Associ.
Mar y boys who had strayed at the Victoria Ground to witation places on record the high Employees to Elect Leaders to was Junior Evening at make its bow at the Clubhouse from the pa hs rectitude and ness the events.
estimation in which th said to sister was beld; that it mouros For Next Term the Athenaeum on Tuesday even this evening. According would have been sent to the Gambo penitentiary and the the loss of one whose place can ning, and as usual the younger present indications the players Chiriqui prison member of this Society had will be greeted by a fall house.
where they The Cristobal Round House, anzver be filled; that a серу of would have been mixed up with landmark of long standing is to this resolution be sent to her ma District of the Panama Canal adult members being present.
Officers of the La Boca Pana pleasant time of it only three the worst kind of criminals, and by replaced by a concrete struc: representative, and that a copy West Indian Employees Associ. Miss Undine Smith was in the Chair. David Leon which would ruin them for lite, of molition on the old struc meeting during which this resc that the District will convene a Secretary taking minutes have been saved from that ruin. ture has alreaey commenced.
lution is read.
The Scrap Basket system of ABOGADO ou end by Institute wbicb is onth on the 26th of this!
for the purpose of nomi training members to speak ex Attorney at Law making them better boys today Daring a heavy shower of rain Dating officers for and fitting them for the men which fell on Tuesday morning, the Jan. temporaneously, wbich is a perof tomorrow TRY uary December 1927 term; manent item of the monthly pro the 16sh inst, the cross on the Office: 175 Central Avenue regular election to come off in gram of the society, was adoptCommander Watson is again steeple of the St. Vincert December. The officers to be ed and very much Telephone 1015 Panama er joged.
making earnest appeal to the Church, Silver City, was broken KRONEN BRAU and Vice Among the visitors wue Miss Box 1012 Ancon, Canal Zone public in general for financial off by lightening Chairman, the filling of the posi Lillian Welch of Silver City, Cris.
support to carry on this useful tion is spending time with work whicb bes already accomON DRAUGHT which is at present held by Mr. relatives bere. Miss Welch de. With Licenses to Practice before plished 80 much good for the King, being left at the dis lighted her young friends with a the Courts of Panama and the community.
be belleved there was no more OR BOTTLES cretion of the District and plano selection.
Canal Zcne. WHITE BOYS RECEIVED IN THE suitable place for the wayard bop bo 1000 3000 3000300030008 and Bayde are the present Claris Elie were elected to serve Board. Messro, Walters Miss Aminta Jump and Miss INSTITUTION.
The Commander further states Seventeen wbite boys have been Rent Recalpt Books In Span respectively. meeticg of the mences with the next janiors THE POPULAR HIPODROME OF Chairman and Vice Chairman, for the next term which comALL ROADS WILL LEAD that another wbite boy has been dispatched from the intitute and admitted to the institute; in plac they are all makirg goods the sh and English for sale at the Board of Directors is expected meeting, the former as Chairman ing him the father declared that Commander further states. Workrian Printery for next month and that body an the latter as Secretary, JUAN FRANCO TO MOROW.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted ATESPERANZA LAUNDRY Church, Only First Class Ones Need Apply fake.
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