
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS while, bas Workman Stationery Store Australia THE BEER Mallett, and Francis The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
Nunes The advantage Colony Tour ket a FAGE SI Tht WORKMAN SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20, 1926 The Suggested West Citible wriiii Mondo vero vivere were were sunt de tinere taking for the players whos. Dr. David Smith absence for practically a year Indian Gricket Tours. is quite likely. can, however, difficult be surmount and the SNAKE BITE REMEDIES, THE ATTENTION Authorities of the various ColonFEELING THAT MOVEMENT IS ies can well arrange for all HEARTILY SUPPOKTED AND eventualities in this regard. Dr. Smith the Snake OFselection Committee compris a bite Specialist of Guabito, SHOULD BE SUCCESS of Major Austia (Barbados. Bocas del Toro, begs to (Major Harrigan gan Trinidad) ER THE ORGANISER Friendly Societies and Secret Orders Moulder (British Guiana) and to any patient. Wherever offer his professional service Sir William Morrison (Jamaics found, his snake bite remecan easily meet to IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF the Instances of Players From team, discuss finance ar other dies have never failed to Islands Who Should be Able matters of concern to the Tour. effect a speedy cure. The to Hold Their Own While it is not contended that Doctor also specializes in we can at first time of asking other complaints such as Uribeat the fall strength of England Under the caption Australia or Australia aot so much be: nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers West Indies Cricket Liok, the cause of their Obstinate Coughs.
Trinidad Sporting Chronicle of methods which are different tfessional services, do not fail play but because of the style and Should you need his proa recent date publisbes the following:our own, and mach more suited to write or come to the Dok At long last. st Indies Suitable for odge Business to tests played to a finish here Cricket is coming into its own is little doubt that with West for personally when you can For fifteen years it seemed to be Indies cricket at its present be cured.
high standard we can win large put to sleep but sioce 1923 the Address: Qumber of matches and some DR. DAVID SMITH AT THE recognition recorded it throughout the Mother Country and the representative games British Empire as The test of the two Tours will Specialist been the most pronounced in for us, be the severest in West Guabito Bocas del Tor our blstory of the great game: Having become of International Indies Cricket History and the undertaking a most ambitions Republic Panama England, the greatness of our aggregaong goggagagogogaangaangegangan ang mga malayo sa gaganagom one, but there is little doubt tbat rank it is fitting that apart from ou our men will acquit themselves cricket is belng recognised in highly creditably South Africa and and SSSSSSS les beyond the seas It is ditficult to find in England countries Sportin seas. The or Australia a better lot of Sporting Chronicle in an ex clusive cricketers than can be produced bit of news gathered from the highest possible auby a united West Indies, and we thority, published deliberations instance the following: between representatives of the Hill, Cipriani, Small, Constantine, John, Pascall, West Indies (Sir William MorSUPPLIED BY Dewburst, Wles and rison, of Jamaica, Major St. Hill (Trinidad. Challenor, Austin and George Challenor of Austin. Tarilton, lo Falandic Hoah, Ince. fih. Kidne Mcllbone and Sydney Snitb, Birkett, Up to date Jewelry Fraces.
or. Browne two of Australia greatest cricR. Bari In every form can be seen ket personal between Australia wirowne, M, Fernandes.
concerning Phillips (Demerara.
Dare, Neblett here at its best See our and and the West Indies for the next F, Mastin, Wrist Watches, two.
or three years. Thesa repreU: Scott, Rae sentatives volced Australian and West Indies feeling when they is brewed from the best of having to Bracelets agreed that a West Indies Team choose from the very best each can materials obtainable should Diamond Rings Austr8lia in the together presents of 1927 and thence after us with a bando cricketers by no means excelled in any country and a hundred other adornceed to England to carry out and the reason is abvious why ments and you ll recognize a similar obligation in 1928. It It is specially suited for this climate with every player in form. we was also agreed that should the can put up bigger feats than the why this is the LEADING West Indies tear go to Austradia as propose Australia will is superior to all imported beers sold nations are prepared to give us JEWELRY HOUSE in town credit for.
pledge the West Indies in 1929 ask prices and you ll find still or 1930.
here and it sells to the public at CAN GET LEAVE.
another reason. HEARTILY SUPPORTED With the exception of DewHALF the price.
Greater cognisance of the inburst, Dearly the Trinidad por of West Indies cricket could not be desired and though trip. Some wbo cannot are pr.
pared to take French leave for 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 623 there seem certa difficulties in TRY OUR NEW BEER olah the way there is to gainsaying none is prepared to lose the great the fact that in Trinidad Barbaadvantages which the double tour offers. In Barbados it may dos, Demerara and Jamaica the movement is very beartily supmore difficult, but Challenor M. WILKINSON Au tin, Birkett, Francis and Browne are all free men and It is the earnest desira of the Contractor arrangements for playe like Sporting Chronicle, that such a Tour will become unfait acc). Taril. on, Hoad, Ince and doey SUPERIOR TO ALL and Builder pll and under the bandling of such can certainly be made. In Damesplendid organisers as Major players, Austin and Sir William Morrison Browae, Fernandes and Wight House No. 20 it is more than probable that suc 00:00 SSS SSXEKO xxSO VSSSSSS can get away, and in Jamaica little didiculty stands in the way 28th NOV, STREET, cess will attend it. But we inclice of Nunes, Martin and Rae.
to the view that the Australian SAN MIGUEL Morales is a Government officer Tour should take place after the and Scott will be assisted to get Box 411, Panama, English visit, e. that the West Todies cricketers proceed direct away if need be.
to Austi a ia on conclusion of This tour to England and Austheir Tour in Egland in 1928. It tralia deserves all the backing bas even eo suggested that and assistance it can get, and we Plans and Specifications Free look forward to seeing the prothey might first return home and those players who are unable to ject reach a successful issue proceed to Australia have their withia the time suggested It is First Class Workmanship places taken the wish of every West Indian Satisfaction Guaranteed wortby subst.
description to see our best men pitted st representative teams The plan is that a West Indies Team selt cted from the best from the two countries and not rom DONE WITH NEATNESS AND Until either one or both shall cricketers of the Coloales of Tri.
home un have decisively bea en us a team tidad, Barbads, Demerara and FLOWERS Jamaica, by a Selection Commitselected from the players bereDESPATCH tee comprised of representatives unde under in two out of three test for the above Colonies, leave games will we be content that in Abogado. Attorney at Law these International Geld the the in West Indies is unequal to the shores in August or September 02FICE: No. 44 Sr of next year and proceed to Aus.
tralia via the Panama Canal route nighest form of AT THE test cricket BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY; SC. HIU, Cipriani, arriving there sometime to Oc. oTELEPHONE No. 1377 bər or November. They will meer Constantine. Dewhurst.
Challenor. Tarilton, Griđith Practicing before all the courts of there the cricket States of New Francis, Birkett, Jobo, South Wales, Victorie. uth R, Browne, Fernandes, the Republic since April 1914 Australia, Queensland and WestK. Nunes, Scott, Martin.
ern Australia and play three Test Faling Martin as a left handed Mathes against the full strength a of Australia. Visits will also be bat, Harry Ince.
Dentist Howell paid to NJw Zealand and Tasmania. New Paper.
The tour conclud at the end of It should be of interest to readFebruary the team will sall direct ers to know that the JAMAICA HOUSE 912, LA BOCA Why pay double price CALL IN AT from Australia to. Evland and MAIL can be had at the WORKMAN for inferior imported CANAL ZONE.
for another five months be engae. Printery. This paper is publisned Beer when you can (Opposite the Restaurant)
ed in matches againt the Cout three times a week and is very ties and also in three Test buy a superior Beer Office Hours: a. to p. newsy, Matches against Egland. to p.
such as BALBOA for FINANCIAL RESULTS DAILY There is ttle doub. that with Removal Notice half the price.
the best team of sixteen or PHONE 1941 BALBOA eighteen gen chosen and alla Specialize all the branches the best of condition and from David Leon, Attorney atof Dentistry Australia will be made to tigby Law, has removed his ofices No. 93, Central Avenue In: portant.
It proved from the out?
set, tbe financial results, tbe out to No. 175 Central Avenue ASSORTMENT OF a war will be most satisfactory (upstairs Sealey Photo StuContributors in general and it is quite possible that the dio. and our Atlantic side writers Have you tried the gains tierefrom in addition to toat of he Eiglish Tour, will GOOD STATIONERY in particular, are asked to draw breath when writing new Beer leave th, Wast Ludies in a strong ancial position at the cɔnclu ish and English for sale at the Rent Receipt Boos in Spanand Condense their contribuSOUVENIRS, sion.
tions considerably, to ensure Kronen Brau ostacles as finance and leave Workman Printery.
en can get leave to make the Fuller Jewelry Store bea little ported KRONEN BRAU JOB. PRINTING Of ever tutes.
against ability of Small, WORKMAN PRINTERY The Workman BOOK STORE bard.
of such


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