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noted On.
Proposed Petition to Oust IMMIGRATION THE BRITISH Guban President Signs West Indians at Bocas Decree For Entry of the crop of of which every said crop other a ment with who, through lack of cability: barve never been able to find out there are get the electrice del November in cipate of West RESTRICTIONS Alarm Shipping Men in An Old Worn Out InstiRepublic of Cuba. tution Says Australian Premier.
Movement Under Way Long Time Havana, Oct. 29. Agents of steamFifteen Thousand West Indian ship companies with vessels stop But Now Stirred by Now Im ping in Cuba vester ay decided to London, November 11. Ameri: Labourers to Take Off Coming file complaint before the Supreme caas should understand that the migration Law.
Court against a decree just signed Empire is not an old word out Sugar Cane Crop.
regulating the entry of immigrants institution, but, like the United into the island.
States, is a young and energetic Bocas, Nov, 1l It is learnt on very reliable authority The decree, which bas caused Commonwealti, Stanley Havana, Nov. President tabourers loafing, through want of that here are in Almirante certain Afro Panamanians who much unfavourable comments and Bruse of Australia declared here Machado has signed a decree occupa ion, and at times to day.
are proposing to send to the Govern ment of this Republic a larm among the steamship compa.
authorizing Central Cunagua and virge of starvation for the past five Delivering the Walter Hinr the Central Fruit Company to month, beginning June 1926, a petition praying that some step might be taken to oust all y agents, provides that during the term of one year, after an immi Page Lecture given in memory of eater 4, 000 Antillian labourers for West Indians who hold positions of any importance either grant has arrived in Cuba the go the late. Ambassador of the Ucited work in the cane fields in the 1926 period knowo to many as the hard.
est vernement can order his re embar. States to the Court of St. James, moratorium 27 with it or with any business corporatins operating re.
in the history at Centrals Canagua, the country. In view of this Jaronu an Tanamo.
fact, The movemet has been underway a very long time, we kation st the cost of the steamship Premier Bruce said the Empire it can easily be deduced aced that there understand. even before publicity was given to the present company on which he travelled, it was a partnership like no other The United Fruit Company has is enough and even more than is immigration measure that is now causing such a faver, of island violating the immigration not an alliance. he said. It is an 500 Antillians for harvest work at the coming crop, when it is also it ascertained. is for excitement amongst the native element as well as the regulations.
within every Centrals Preston and Boston. known in addition, that the Atlanforeigners that are thereby affected, but that it did not gain The importance of this decree part is absolutely free, without Un EMPLOYED LIST IN CUBA is tic and the United Fruit Companany strength until the present crisis came about. is very great and its enactment equivocation or exception of any ies alone, have already got perinis.
HEAVY kind li The positions now held by the West Indians that are the discovery of the fraudulent and conduct its own affairs freely sion to land 14 500 Antillian its Io connection with the above, labourers (chiefly Haítions) for the specially ear marked by these mercenary elements are those of over 500 Asiatics and 200 active infriogad upon the interests of commissarians, time keepers, clerkships, hospital hands, the buy ore Following is copy of a letter On the face of the above statetelephone operators and medical employeess; such posi into the country. These men are of anves part of the Empire which has been addressed by Mr. nent sincerely trust that your tions requiring technical skill and labourious toil, like now awaiting deportation and if consultation is the rule and join domiciled at San German iene, any such terms from anyone who Wilmot, a Jamaican, who is their transpor ation expenses would action the object.
Governtnent will not acquiesce in engineers and firemen, linesmen, clectricians, farm foremen, have to be paid by the governCuba, to the Hon. the Colonial and ge eral farm hands are not specially favoured.
it would cost Cuba thous Declaring particularly closely drawn to her What Australia was Secretary of Jamaica. also to the ever he may be, or wherever be it will thus be seem that there is a direct attempt to aods of dellors. Smith C, the local may hail from, as there is enough great sister democracy, tie United Hon.
proof to shuw that West Indian make trouble for those West Indians who are employed by mhakeunited Fruit Co. the only local concern that gives to The companies in their uncons States, he added: Our constitu. presse, and to Mr. Ewen, negroes, are only tolerated around latter of whom is attached to employment West Indians in all these branches of preme Court maintain that they too are in no way responsible for the seat is similar and our probleme look after the interests of Jam not easily be displaced by other service.
acts of reson they have trans are the same. America tradition. cans in that country. Mr. Wilmot We understand also that the leaders of the movement ported over their lines once they policy of non intervention in letter is dated 8th inst.
desirable elements, Sir. With reference to a para light upon the labour conditions The will help are men who are either in the d» nothing class or in the have landed and much less during European affairs finds an echo in ne er do well category who have worked with the Com a term of one year after they have bee Empire should be more than graph in the columns of an issue of the pany and betraying their trust have been turned down, or el host in obong The here dir development policy, se on her Pilot au panawene ble home to output of many of the above medie embark an regards to. The agents claim that if decree is ne that United suffer greatly, confientire Continued or page 8)
1926 which reads thus:Jamaican crop and when it dent that the measure will be de will arise from that policy. Grea in development is coneidered that around this mili To CONTRACT JAMAICANS, clared in its totality unconstitu Britain for decades has guaranteed Central San German whose output THE VOLGA BOATMAN tional by the Supreme Court. In anticipation of a labour was nearly twice the Jamaican prethe freedom of the seas. The Em shortage we learn that representa. duetion Without For a good assortment of Christ. pire and the United States to tives of a well knowa sugar mill grinding operations, there are buna are now in Jamaira negotiating dreds, if This picture created such a mas and New Year Cards go to wether can guarartee the freedom with the Government to furnish Indians around, without work for not thousands sepsation last Thur day night Visit of RIH. The Duke the Workman Printery. of the air.
when it was screened at the Cecilia And Duchess of York, labour for the crop this year, etc. months, and is dire distress and a Theatre, that it was the topic of have the honour to ioform you like quota poie or or less, hang the entire Jamaica public conversation all yesterday. People ar camps of 70 His Majesty Vice Consul reSPARKLETS around ene 7e Titanica sugalie mais referred to, whenever the crop is evher Did you see the Volga to report to Sergean Reid, 191 everywhere were heard asking each quests all British Ex Service men within the provinces of Oriente off, till the gr ing reason comBoatman at the Cecilialist Central Avenue any date wit bin (By K)
and Camaguey, which are respoa mences again, a period of six might? and invarably the answer the next week after 6p. in.
siole for the bulk of the sugar out. months this year, you can justly was yes, some picture eh.
The Panama Canal West correct errors now clearly seen put of this country, there are at figure how and where does the And we repeat, yes, indeed it Indian Employees As through the well known mirror of present theusands of West Indian (Continued on page 8)
was some picture Sensation ex To Honor Ex President sociation.
initial failures.
all blend to make the Volga Boatcitement, courage, thrill pathos, Indications are that the personal known as Samuel Whyte (commonly This Association, unlike the AT JAMAICA WRITES. all man the stupendous picture which and political friends of Doctor beteran organizarof Panama Canal employees of tae Canal and Rail it is. Excitement and anxiety Belisario Porras ure ready to have antemap anamiz Railroad hasilver road, is purely a West Indian or GOVERNOR.
possesses one as scene after scene a public demonstration for the ex employees. He organized the sia to fight for higher valuation for Suggesting That Men of Disbanded West India flashed on the screen and the President of his birthday, tomor ver Employees Association in the West Indian employees of the being imagination wanders and become row, November 28th.
speculative as to the final outcome latter part of 1917. That tion met its death not very long United States in the Canal Zone, Regiment be Settled on Crown Lands.
of the In fact we would fall short in the Report on New Tariff aftermarked initial successes assist in disseminating the princi the following copy of a letter dated Crown Lands in the various parts following immediately as well as to help bring about bet ter educational facilities This JAMAICA Mail publishes that the Government open up the and to Rates.
upon task of attempting to adequately favour of the employees internal portray in priater ink the elements that make up this marvel.
dissension contributed primarily ples of right living especially 14th inst, which has been sent to of the island by building roads and and must give up the The Protective Tariff Bill which to the absorption of its well drawn from an economic standpoint to the Governor of that colour by bridges through the said Crowa of Maiate propted where needed, bence it is re disbardment of the West. odia of produce from such area to is ported Regiment: odha cornized by the Canal Zone Goship on, in part as follows: selves this most seass tional yet exWay ping points and that the Governone and all to go and see for them. National Asseintly bas been re. Brotherhooyees pod Sir Edward Stubbs. far her makgrants of five cizing picture which will be shown oom antresokot 81. 50 each maxi: Shop Laborers, a North American teement was the mouth piece of G, acres of said Crowa lands to each mum and So 30 minimum. Pana organization with aíıns and objects the employees it represents: again at the Cecilia Theatre to ma bats, felt hats, etc. are ex sept. almost entirely dissimilar to those disbandel soldier in any parish To be continued)
Governor of Jamaica, night and tomorrow night.
ed and subject to the present duty of of the Silver Employees Associawhere such land may be King House.
of 15 ad volorem, And that the tion and out of harmony rith Your Excelleney, Governmed.
Meeting of Central through a If the report is true, it is to be On common soap. 15 maxi local conditions as they affeet the a competent Board, loan mum and so 10 minimum per kilo. Silver employees. The North regretted that the three prominent At a Conference of the several to such min as may desire same Organization gram, sums of ney aggregating American Organization efforts Scouts, who are also a Pressman, divisions of the Univeasal Negro from Oa perfumes costing 10. 00 per bere met an inevitable smash up a Churchman and a Frateraal Improvement Association held at tweaty to fifty pouuds to assist in The next meeting of accredited liter or less, 300 maximum and all hopes of intelligent repre to restrain themselves under what November 9th, 1926, and at which In parishes where toere are do which almost completely wrecked Brother, respectively, were unable Liberty Hall, 76 King Street on the development of their holdings.
representatives of lodges, friendly 00 minimum.
societies. churches, labour organisting more than 10, 00 per liter, the Government. It was the bitter at the opening night of the Pana attendance, the western a sentation the represeаtative gathering was in suitable Crown lands the Govern.
the dis ment should take steps to acquire 25 ad volurem, hapters, and social and literary On leatber shres 00 per pair from certain to uncertaiu. It was discretion waereby allowing 10: bandmeat of the West India gi. properties and sell same to the experience of a a precipitated jump ma clubs to the proposed Central maximum and 2, 00 minimum to will be held on the grim aftermath of an unfor.
of payment, in which case, they Sport shoes and stoes for chil. tunate condition brought about by corpel them upper hand meat was discussed The Coofer men at cost price and at easy rates Orsday November 30th. at 30 dren less thon years old are intolerant and impatient leaders.
to give vent to Leaders circumstances carsing the dis. the men) should be exempt from the Maochester Ucity excepted and will be subjected to However, Mr. Whyle en een nobody else, and bandment of the said West India taxation for a period of five years.
rear of No 45, Calidonia the duty of 25 ad volorem.
those who are sensitive Regiment, and verily beileves that in cases where Crown land are Road, for the purpose of comVisit the WORKMAN Priotery he came back and organized what to ridicule pleting the organization and dewas not killed, for, three years ago enough to resent outside attempts there is no other tire attached granted, the relief from taxation or injure our prestige, the conclusion to disband the should be for a period of two ciding upon its course of action for a good assortment of Christ is now known as the Panada Cah should be able to practice tolerance Regiment, save the economie de. years. The Government are and general policy.
mas and New Year Cards. nal West Indian Employees Asso especially when the honest efforts pression of Great Britain despite asked to make such provisions that of our Any organization which failed ciation. In fact this new socia of puto opiple are before the bar what may be said to the contrary. the ex soldiers be not made to lose Even the their tion but a resuscitated B0The Conferense, however, be whatever.
holdings for any reasons to receive a copy of the resolution Baptist Church Activities toployees Association, carrying days gradually reforming their and should be done by the Govero with credentials attached, should ignorant masses are now a lieves that something can be dene The Conference begs to regret get in touch with a member of the of the committze immediately and be sup baptismal service will be held earmark Whicho ld areassocontecer actions in publie in keeping with anel tito alsolist in raising the social that the home authorities (as per plied.
on Sanday night at Chorrillo when conveniently folded under through our boasted community intelli and economic conditions of these bave decided not to pay the area. Delegates are reminded to pre Pastor Witt will baptize several pressure brought about by evolv gence, men therefore, con sent their credentials at he door. Coctinued on page 8) ing circumstances as well as to (Oontinued on Page 8) ference respectfully beg to suggest (Continued on page 8)
great drama.
when, we a ment money and ence and took a the a sympathetic view at Hall also 79 Silver called


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