
PACE Two THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands BARBADOS JAMAICA Agricultural Loan Bank Here.
VIGOR TONIC Death of Prominent Lawyer.
who is 18 bis youth Middle abroad lived on ness, SARDEZ MEBRIDE vulgarity tan of clude AAN INVIGORAT TIME AND to be seen.
young man with WINE says aod very change C) IPANY REGISTERED FOR THE The WEEKLY HERALD of the 23rd October reports the death PURPOSE; WILL COMMENCE of Mr. Grant Ellis, BarristerOPERATIONS SOON.
at Law, ollowing an attack of THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD typhoid fever complicated with AMERICAN MONEY IN IT pneumonia. Commenting on his death the HERALD says among other things:Pians are being matured for the establishment of a large Death has removed from the Agr cultural lan baok in Jamailegal arena the oldest practising nember of the utter Bar, and ei, says the MAIL of the 11th in It will be operated by the lone of the courtliest and most Surling Co, which has been An This gentlemanly associates the proregistered under the laws of fession has known for decades. mica as a limited liability Born io affluent circumstances and, as well, in an atmosphere Cwpany. Mr. Sterling, marily stock broker, bas Invigorating Elegant Tonic of culture, Mr. Ellis enjoyed in been operating in the island for 18 bis social and boancial a few months; and he has behind bin the advantages afforded to few of us.
and Bank of New York: Preparation After a liberal education in our leading temple for the January schools, he entered the cheal henlarged operations which The to ol undertake will Health Imparting icclude a general banking busiis highly law and was called in 1894. Whilst be It is understood that he 21 bas already secured premises a princely scale, and saw and for the purpose. The Company WINE recommended enjoyed the best that English DIADO intends to devote special attenand continental life could offer tion to the needs of agriculturists to a man of means, endowed with in the way of making loans on in Debility, a wonderfui capacity for enjoyland for the development of planing it It DK without tations or offensive show. He was Toe com pony staff will to Nervousness tailored always as a an agricultural expert for fashion, though without exagner COSTONIC the valuation of plantations and promotes digestion ration, and spent his money with erops in connection with the Teasy extravagance and admirmaking of loans. The back icFemale Weakness improves og able taste. In Esgland be detends to do a general deposit veloped his love of horses, and husiness, the appetite ledared vast stores of knowImpoverishment To what extent the company in this direction, doubtF will atfect the State Agricultural lessly, at great expense, and Bank which it is proposed sbould and gives tone also became an expert cueist.
be set up in the colony remains On his return to Barbados, a of the Blood considerable and energy HEALTH worthy experience, but of someand to build up a whatsapped ambition after a lite Remarkable Letter to the IMPARTING of exceeding luxury, he did not find it easy to progress in a proFROM PRISONERS IN THE whole system fession which demands so great run down constitution concentration and devotion of its PENITENTIARY students.
lo addition, the Bar was at the time dominated by intellects of The GLEANER of the 13th lost.
fine temper and rapier sharpness only the hard worker and Wa publish herewith a the gentus could hope to gain a interesting letter purporting to foothold. Briefs for Elis were.
come from a prisoner at present therefore, few. Then came a contined in the Geral PenitenThe in bis fortune tiary wealth with which he had always Some weks ago we received a been favoured, vanished suddenrather humorne poem from the DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each mael or anned su ly, and be was thrown upon his same individual giving alleged own resources to make a livin details of the riots in that insti4 times a day.
Vicissitude a living vicissitude tution.
And the yout had hitherto This poem as we say, was by tasted only of the fruits of the same individual, the handand identical, but we JAVIER MORAN luxury, knew much American Pharmacy.
often did of the pangs of not publish nod in the courage and present letter the a riter con SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS plains of this, which would seem philosophy that be stood up to the slings and arrows of to prove that the prisons geous fortune without a wbine; what is, or is not in the and without once courting ecanThe letter the poem pobet dal by indulging la mean and quite clearly to one thing: toa communication between the prcorrupt practices. Always the.
dignity of an borourable professoners and outside still goes on for we have, we may say, der Noad and original sub of fi sion be kept before bim, and be of Science in Mining Engineer has gone to his long, last rest every reason to believe from in cers. The food we are having of ternal evidence, that both letter late is absolutely ing at Leeds University, In addi with a record amblemished in inadeguate tion, Mr, Taitt has been awarded this respect. Io process of time and poem were actually written about 95 per cents worst than it the Nobel Priza 1925 26 as be built op a splendid Police bien by a prisoner having been the best mining stuCourt practice and eventually In regard to the matters be ever was before as a new code method, well sir, when back to dent of his year at Leeds Univer acquired an island wide reputacomplaint of bad diet, over strict labour yesterday after breakfast Why throw away your old, but no sity. As a result of discipline, no notice taken of com we plaeged ourselves above the inction as a criminal lawyer. His tion gained, Mr. Tai received triumpbs in this respect were plaints, etc, we can of curse drastic discipline for the com doubt interesting, books when you many offers of emyloyment and many.
offer no opinion.
plaints of our rashin, has accepted an appointment THE LETTER Pregards to the unsweetered can have them neatly bound at with the Auglo Persian Oil Co. dull; fluent of pech thout Slow of thought without being The letter which came in an cornmeal pao, which is of no use a as assistant to Professor de being brillant, and possessed of uostamped previously used en. then an attitue of shooting again being in its preperation Burch, the chief Geologist. a tolerable working vocabulary velope, follows. General Penitentiary, were symboled according to without encyclopaedic Rea Town, signs, we then of to work with 93 CENTRAL AVENUE Development of The Tourist be was possessed of an engaging cross exaNov. 111b, 1926. Should any such attemps be bungriness and cautioned tt at Opposite Cecilia Theatre Trade.
witb embarassing claseness, and his long period of practice itor Sir. unit of this made again in regards to coma afforded him a knowledge of all criminal institution, having a plaio; we shall be shot dead and The Trinidad Gover: ment bas of the tricks ot the legal game period of three long, hard and no one will consider that we expressed its sympathy with tiresome years as under penal were nothing else but mutineers; the 800 ble developments in crimiuncanny foresight of the servitude do ask to submit with and such will be considered TRINIDAD and British Guiana. The purpose movement by the Chamber of of the school is to combine Commerce towards the develop nal cases regret of my tirst correspent deegeneral instruction with manual ment of the Tourist Trade of the ply learned in the law as were by you that it was note rourka were in charge by orders of Mr.
Seventh Day Adventists training and students of both colony and has assured sexes will be admitted from the Chamber of its financial co oper judge of facts be held his own in the some of his confreres, but a good GLEANER. and which was not publishable and taken seriously, TO ESTABLISH TRAINING sufficiently worthy of your value Noad, Senior do hereby heg that this may be considered age of 16 years.
ation as soon as it is justified by many important causes in the considered publisable, and by so for prisoners we are and know In the same vessel with Pro evidence of actual results. In the superior Courts, and bad the. SCHOOL IN TRINIDAD fessor Boyd travelled Mr. and meantime, however, the govern distinction of gaining for a client encouragement, more vim, and vantages, but, sir, the fact still Mrs. Christian who are on their ment expresses its readiness to of his the largest sum in damages way remains we. and to British Guiana to resume cooperate as far as possible in ever granted by a jury in a local brutality and drastic disadvan should be handle with a little The Seventh Day Adventista mission station for the Abori other ways, and requests to be Court He was sympathetic by tages day by day. Most respect humanits. And further more sır Body whose President in Trini ginal Indians at Mount Roraima kept to formed of whatever is nature, a good friend and advifully, sir. must need really to beg to state we surely will not dad is Mr. Fitch, bas had in the same district as a previous done to further the trade.
ser to juniors in the profession, and a real sportsman.
a imits to you that the chief pur stay this habitual, villing, tlog for some time under consider missionary, Pastor Davis. died La To turf puse of me forwording this to giog. murdering in disguise ete, ation the establisbment of a about fifteen years ago.
mattera be gave much of bis time and exp. rience and was a you is simply through an inci. Without some revengful result Training School in the Colony: TRY dent that occured yesterday the some ulme or anothers for we are to furtherance of this project Successful Son Of The member of the Commitee of tbe 10. b, at about mid day Well, not too much a Job here, and it Professor Boyd and Pastor Barbados Tort Club. He acted Soil.
as have already stated about is really not expected that M, Hollister, arrived here on we KRONEN BRAU both as a Police Magistrate and the new code of disadvantage neither should. Sir do earWednesday in the Domias Solicitor General in the course this is one out of the lot. 00 nestly beg to be, nica. Professor Boyd is to be Mr. Alfred Harold Taitt, third of his career, and always enjocomplains of prisoner to no body ON DRAUGHT Principal of the school and son of Mr. Alfred Taitt warden yed the reputation of being a under no circumstances, it any Your most Pastor Hollister comes as Super of the County of St. George, Trigentleman in the fullest sense attempts prisoner will be punLoyal Sergitude, intendent of the Adyentist work idad, and Mrs. Taitt, bas just OR BOTTLES of the word. His demise will Ished by order of principal warANON. in the Southern Caribbean Grovp received the degree of Bachelor 10000 OBRODDODDOO000000 (Continued on page 3)
followed youth who writing testimony to bpenury. It is a of outra nors kao GLEANER.
and the Book Binding!
distincto human THE WORKMAN breadth, insonality and which as according to remarks alright. So said the that we a 00000000000000000000000


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