
THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Commander Watson Denies Report Attractions at the Theatres AMERICA. STRAND tution Watson that the been Rev.
GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted report which is said to have been published or rumored in CECILIA AMADOR Bocaas del Toro that the Band of the Colon Boys League Inst!
COLON leave Colon on or about the 17th of December to Today Saturday Nov 27th Today Saturday Nov. 27th Today Saturday Nov. 27th play at tbat place has been deToday Saturday Nov, 27th by Commander WatLeatrice Joy in and Gaston Glass in Jane Novak in son bead of the Institution. Mr. MADE FOR LOVE GOD CRUCIBLE THE LURE OF THE WILD understands Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 28th false report bas circulated Wm. Boyd in Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 28th Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 28th Tomorrow Sunday Nov. 28th by group of boys who thought THE VOLGA BOATMAN Claire Windsor in Lionel Barrymore in that they would use the name of Mary Pickford in tbe THE BARRIER Institute Band to gato DANCE MADNESS the support and empatby Monday November 29th SPARROWS tbe Leatrice Joy in Monday November 29th Monday November 29th people of Bocas del Toro These Monday No vember 29th boys, the Commander Informs MAD FOR LOVE Priscilla Dean in Viola Dana in Mary Pickford in us. bave no connection with the THE DANGER GIRL WILD OATS LANE SPARROWS states that he has no intention at Tuesday November 30th Tuesday November 30th Tuesday November 30th the present time, to take bis the Tuesday November 30th Conway Tearle in THE SPORTING LOVER Hoot Gibson in Mae Murray in Band to Bocas del Toro, but Tom Mir in abould be decided to do so the CHIP OF THE FLYING THE MASKED BRIDE THE DEADWOOD COACH regular official announcement Wednesd y December 1st Wednesday December 1st Wednesday December ist from the lostltute will be made.
Wednesday December 1st Tom Mix in Louis Moran in Wm. Boyd in THE DEADWOOD COACH Gilda Gray in MISSIONARY MEETING PADLOCKED THE VOLGA BOATMAN ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS Thursday December 2nd Thursday December 2nd Thursday December 2nd Thursday December 2nd At The Colon Wesleyan Church Lionel Barrymore in Corinne Griffith in Robert Agnew in Viola Dana in THE BARRIER MLLE MODISTE THE TROUBLES OF BRIDE WILD OATS LANE The deferred Missionary Meet ir of the Colon Wasleyan Church Friday December 3rd Friday December 3rd Friday December 3rd Friday December 3rd wlil take place on Monday evenViola Dana in Florence Vidor in Conway Tearle in James Kirkwood in niog, the 29tb. Instant, at 7:30. WILD OATS LANE YOU NEVER KNOW WOMAN THE SPORTING LOVER GERALD CRANSTON LADY The Chairman will be the Rev. Cousins, and the specia Saturday December 4th Saturday December 4th Saturday December 4th Saturday December 4th spesson are the Rev. the Gilda Gray in Dewl.
Rin Tin Tin in Pete Morrison in Tom. Mir in Appointed Baptist mir ister, aco ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS CLASH OF THE WOLVES THE DEADWOOD COACH CHASING TROUBLE Gregory and Rev Daniel Wilkins. Mr, Wilkins wa. qoft for some years a missionary to the aboriginal indians of Bolivi: and this will be his first visit to the Wesleyan Church. We conf ama Canal Press on the Atlantic To Organize dently anticipat a good attendidewhere. press of the klad ance. to be found is the West CarWest Indian Trade And Ibean printing office at th: street and Tourist Bureau in Canado.
CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOUR Porner of 14th Bolivar Highway.
Mr. Collier of the Sun It was rumoured on Tuesday Life Assurance Co. of Canada, At The Coton Wesleyan Church last, the 23rd inst. that three or Montreal, and son of the late four men engaged in moving old Collier, Esg. PostThe Anniversary at the of Camo Bierd found an old cash building material in the vici ity master General of Britleh Wesleyan Church, Colon, ir Cuiana, has addressed a letter to the the Trinidad Chamber of Com planned for the first Sunday of register with sum of money December, the 5th, proximo, si wbich after much deliberation merce suggesting it would be they turned over to the police a good more on the part of the p. Arrangements bave been department.
made for a special service and several Administrations of the West Indies and British Guiana the sermon will be preached by tbe Rev. Ramsden. West Indian carpenters and to combine togetber in the ATChaplain Ramsden is the repre other tradesmen are quietly but organization of West Indian sentative of the Union on surely emigrating to Buenasco.
Trade and Tourist Information tbe Isthmus.
tura, where it is understood, Bureau and Permanent Exbibltion in Montreal, the CommerThe Public Meeting will be there is a lot of dock building cial metropolis of Canada patheld on Wednesday; the 8th of and rallroad work being done.
lerned It is stated that this work is exafter the offices majoDecember at 30. Service of taloed by the Govern Canadian Song will be rendered by the opected to last for about two mont in the Britieb Isles and Choir and will be followed by seass.
sbort Consecration Meeting The object of such as office would be Admission to the Service of AL be to render com It is understood that additional plete trade and tourist Informa Bong will be a silver collection quarters are soon to be erected at the doors. Proceeda on dein Silver City, Cristobal sometion service; to act as a clearing house for trade enquiries and to ball of the fand. bere behind the school along the seek new markets for West Fort Randolph road. produce; to terte press bureau for the dissemina: News Notes The Salvation Army CANAL ZONE NOTES tion of news propaganda and to WHITENS THE SKIN perform various otber missionary services to the benefit of the One of the chiet attractions of Major Joy of the Salvation West Indier.
LA BOCA Creme Blanc Mirette He adds that certain revenue tba boliday season on this side Army amen Institute has will be a day gard par and een busy amongst might be derived from steamathletic sports which is an since his arrival, and he finds Julien Heard From. Marvelous Cream ship and hotel bookings, the sale nounced to take place at the his supply of magazines have run of Colon Baseball park in aid of the out. He is grateful for the way Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, articles and commodities not merchandisable through ordinnew St. Joseph Church on the friends has helped him in the Latest mail from New York, sun tan, and other skin blemishes áry commercial channels and by ofternoons of the 25th, 26tb and past in the supply, and assures brought words Farrell He 27th prox. It is said that many hem such reading has been Julien who left here a few weeks estimates the sum of SOLD IN DRUG STORES mih monib to be the minimum cost dew attractive features will be much appreciated. Major Joy ago to join his family in the bix In. roduced.
will be very pleased to collect American City. Me Julien itof maintenance, This should be sufficient to cover all from any person magazines of formed that he had pleasant expenses of which rent would be the discription or Due to the prevailing unfavor tartber bo will be greu hage, trip up and is at present getting of climatized and taking in the able state of the weather, the gifts of cast off men clothing or sights of the great city.
Miss Clarke III Athenaeun Makes New largest individual item it a really adaptageous sigbt were chosen.
atbletic display of the boys of boots for the unfortunate SeaMembers The initial outlay for furoisbing the Miss. would be a separate charge.
did not to ke place on Monday the need. traced barethe sea meno Mrs. Dacres Goes to Jamaica ber of St. Peter Church, Choir Messers Horace Wbyte and Divided amongst several 22nd as was announced.
contriThe Ipetitate phone Cristobal 1819.
management bas decided and the Girls Frlendly Society Alvaranga were made members butories the individual costo postpone matters pending will have appoiating attention.
or a card O, Box G:Cristobal, Among the passengers who connected with that Church, had of the La Boca Athenaeum at each Administration would be better state of affairs, sailed on the United Fruit Com to ba transferred to Ancən Hos last Tuesday meeting. These comparatively small and be is pany liner Sixtola for Japital during the week on account young men have arrived from convinced, would, in course of Visit the WORKMAN Printery walca on Thursday last was Mrs. lof burns on ber bands and feet Jamaica tew weeks ago and ime, be fully compensated by The Wesleyans, it is under: stood, have decided to repeat for a good assortment of Christ Irene Dacres wite of Walter Mia Clarke is greatly missed have decided to link up with the the resultant benefits of sex Du res, cleork at the Balboa Post from the community being a literary society thereby kiveping direct contact with the Canathir public missionary meeting mas and New Year Cards, Orlice. Mrs. Dacres expects to popular and well respected mem in close touch with an intellectual dlan market.
which was partly washed out on spend a three months vacation ber of the younger set. She had circle for wbleh Jamaica is noted.
Tuesday night the 17th instant.
with ber family in Spanish Town moreso endeared herselt to DAVID LEON, LL.
This metting will take place on Dr. Wendehake in the parish of Saint Catherine. every body since her brilliant La Boca Clubhouse ABOGADO Monday night the 29th inst. Being a member of several playing of Zuza the Cook in when the chair will be occupied MEDICAL CLINIC Attorney at Law fraternal societies she was given The Path Across The Hill the Cunningham of the The Regular monthly Rally of farewell receptions on both ends well received co nedy drama the Girl Reserves on the Pacific Army and Navy and 7, 025 Front Street Colon of the Isthmus by her fraternal presented all over the lost heas end will be held in the La Boca Office: 175 Central Avenue addresses delivered by Major as well as some time ago by Orpheus. Novem Telephone 1015 Panama Joy of the Salvation Army, and Musical Club.
friends PHONE 11 ber 27th. At o clock, Miss Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone Revde. Williamson, A.
MacGillorary Elder Burke, and Wade.
Employees Nominate The Uusal Dance! and deliver an address.
Leaders At o clock there will be a (With Licenses to Practice before Three Meible vertical presses Why pay double price challenge game of volleyball the Courts of Panama and the have recently been installed in There was the usual communi between the St. Agnes Girls of Canal Zcoe. for inferior imported the Mount Hope printing plant.
The La Boca District of the ty dance at the Clubhouse on Gatun and the Fanny Coppin These Machines are selt feeding, Beer when you can Panama Canal West Indian Thanksgiving Day, Thursday Girls of Red Tante are capable of making 3600 im Employees Association Addition to Clubhouse buy a superior Beer beld last, and although many at the All Girls and friends are urged pressions per bour, and are of their annual nomination of young folks who, as a rule sup to be present.
The latest addition to the tbe most modern type of print such as BALBOA for officers and representatives last port this kind of entertainment, Clubhouse is a Fire Escape leading machines that have yet half the price.
night, Election is to take place left for Colon on the Excursion For a good assortment of Christ. ing from the auditorlum in wbich been manufactured, The only some time during the coming Train, Ithere was still a good mas and New Year Cards go to entertainments and moving pleestablishment beside the Pag.
attendance, the WORKMAN Printery. tures are held!
ESPERANZA LAUNDRY Only First Class Ones Need Apply Europe Indian as a Seamen DO Domeons to be devised of 600, 00 per.
Apy to by py will be present


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