
ace of quare Workman Stationery Store journey, will THE BEER Edgar Eigar the violin) and was Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
and Was gensburg that Weekly London Letter town Toriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii perhara 1sland can be easily Dr. David Smith imarined. We do so much of tbe sun that we can afford to cut off any of its bene SNAKE BITE REMEDIES. by BENRY BLANDFORD)
ficlent rays.
London, September. Greater London. that is, Ladoo toclud.
Dr. Smith the Snakelog its suburbs bas populaOF The Englishman Wireless. bite Specialist of Guabito, tro of over tine million souls.
Bocas del Toro, begs to England is certainly m: kirg be business quarters of the Friendly Societies and Secret Orders fall use of wireless. It was so offer his professional service wetropolis are mainly two: The City where all the great wbok nounced the other day that over to any patient. Wherever three million homes in this cour found, his snake bite remeBalers, banks, shipping corIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF paples, and merchants generally try. not far short of ball the dies have never failed to total number are fitted with have their offices; and the West End, famous for its shops, receiving aparatus. The liste effect a speedy cure. The restaurants, theatres, and more ner in can on occasion use s Doctor also specializes in expensive residential districts.
magic crystal to listen to public other complaints such as Urispeeches from say, the Prime nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers Tue transport problem of this vast hive of bumanity is one Minister, or Beuest. the and Czechoslovak statesman, preslObstinate Coughs.
which has been practically solved by the provision of trams, underat League of Nations Should you need his proeeling at Genevs. He car, can fessional services, do not fail ground railways, and omnibuses.
these means of transport none more regularly, bear what has to write or come to the DocSuitable for Lodge Business been happening in his favourite tor personally when you can 18. made so mcb progress in 11 But it is the musical be cured.
ICPL years as the buses, part of tbe programire that is par which are now to be seen on Address: every thoroughfare of impor:most popular. new and imAT THE portant musical scheme is to DR. DAVID SMITH bundred in the seven por miles the metropolitan come into of this month. The British operation at the end Specialist police area.
Broadcasting Company has rent Guabito Bocas del Toro To demonstrate to the cored the vast Albert Hall for tinent of Earope the qualities twelve great concerts with conwith Republic Panama of the London omnibuses, a wide manufacturing company has a thao Tao Tara matangna annmaargang naar mag pangunguna ductors ar artists of world reputo and the pe perfomar ces sent a model on a tour embracwill be broadcast. Sir Hamilton ing the principal towus on the y to Budapest. The first stage Rosesse 883 Harty will conduct the opering concert (whicb will include Bra of the from Hamburg hms Minor symphony) and to Berlin, was made over bid the next feur conductors roads, and at one point the Ocolbe Mr. Albert Coates, Dr. chbus sank into the road up to the ard Strauss (who will conduct back axl. It was assisted out some of his owo wo ks, includby a stea rolir, and Berlin SUPPLIED BY ing the Alpine Symphory. Sir was eventually 1190 eached (with Mr.
miles) in ten bours.
Some time spent in Berlin, giving Herr Otto Klemperer (with Mademonstrations to the principal dame Frida From Leider transport companies.
Berlioz. Messe de orts Berlin the omnibus travelled to which has to no: been beard. In every form can be seen Lizg, and after a sbort stay don for 30 years, will be given the jurn y was continued to here at its best See our the famous Halle Choir BegenseOl Bayreu b, Possau, use of wire Wrist Watches burg. Ai Weiden the entrance less for such a purpose choula to the towo were not high enouzh do is brewed from the best to allow the vehicle to pass, ani something to make a usic of Bracelets the better sort more popular a special track of nearly one and in time make us less de serDiamond Rings mile made across some materials obtainable tieds in order to get round.
ving of the reproach tha: we are not a musical Dation and a hundred other adornstreets were so narrow that in a in a few cases shop ments and you ll recognize gns were nearly wrecked. The It is specially suited for this climate Strange Spectacle in The why this is the LEADING country between Vienna and Sky.
JEWELRY HOUSE in town Budapest was reported to be is superior to all imported beers sold coder flood, and it was decided ask prices and you ll find still to put the omnibus on a barge here and it sells to the public at One night recently the ccuntry another reason. from London as far north as and send it by river.
This test, it it were really HALF the price.
Yorkshire was suddenly Home Fuller Jewelry Store necessary, has been one more strange, billiant triumph for British internal greenish light in the sky. Toe illumination combu:ion enginee. Io comfort lasted for some 122 Cetnral Ave.
Phone 629 the London buses are, as is TRY OUR NEW BEER seconds and it was followed by generally knowo, the best in than explosion that shook the world.
windows of the houses in several Tais strange pheno RM. WILKINSON the naturally aroused Smoke and Grey Skies keenest curiozity and the newepapere turned to the experts Contractor Even a serious eyll like the for enlightenment. The experts and Builder ccal 8:03page bas minor advanSUPERIOR TO ALL seem to ba ag eed that the cause tages to mitigate a little its ili of the unusual spectacle was the effects. The necessary economy bursting of from the eartb.
in the use of coal has abated the Meteors rusb House No. 20 smoke nuisance to such an ex0:00:00 sosesso ing towards the earth usually 28th NOV, STREET, become visible when they are as to produce an appreciable tent en mil SAN MIGUEL effect atmosphere of many 80 miles away, but they rarely get nearer than 40 towns. There is a Bill belore the Parliament now that, among incandescent beat created by Box 411, Panama, the tbe lih other things, would kiva the friction phere causes med.
with the atmos.
local authorities power to reguthem to explode late and be heating and cooking After that Plans and Specifications Free arrangements in bouses. This clouds of meteoric dust fall to part of the Bill will probably be the eartb. Apparently this is modified as there is a what happened the other night. First Class Workmanship obj ction in this country to One observer, the Rev. Fatber official Interference with the Of every description Cocnor, of the Jesuit college at Satisfaction Guaranteed bertu of the lodividual, but in Stoneyburst, in Lancastershire ome modified form it should says. bat at 43 be pass, as it is generally recoge observed a bluitbligbt in nised that domestle chimneys DONE WITH NEATNESS AND south east. Iostaotly the whole FLOWERS which was covered with contribr te as much to the pollution of the air as industrial nimbus chimneye, Ona difficulty in deal lo DESPATCH of bluish tint. The Abogado. Attorney at Law surrounding country was ander ing with the matter is that it is minated and tbe OFFICE: No. 44 ST easier tɔ control the smalle nuisance in new houses than in old BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY ones and laws must be uniform.
AT THE 88 01 50 he beard a 800 enot distart thunder, approaching TELEPHONE No. 1377 But even in new houses of the staller kind it is difficult from tbeast south east.
stal a satisfactory system for seemed about 80 miles away Practicing before all the courts of heating, cooking and hot water.
The burst must have been en the Republic since April 1914 No one suggests the abolition of ormously powerful, say Father the raw coal fire in houses and Connor, because it was friget the compulsory use of gas or SS ening in its effect.
electricity, but there is a very An observer at Sheffield say: Dentist Howell strong movement for the compurple flash pulsory limitation of raw coal in New Paper.
When was saw a long tail of brilliant the domestic grate. The use of electric sparks, with a ball at the HOUSE 912, LA BOCA pas ad electric heaters and It should of interest to read CALL IN AT head. 11 swiftly moved across cookers is growing so ra;illy, ers to know that the JAMAICA the sky and after some seeords CANAL ZONE.
may not be Mall can be had at the WORKMAN suddenly disappeared. Ao. Opposite the Restaurant)
necessary to use compulsion to Printery. This paper is published other observer limit the amount of coal burnt in three times a week and is very thought was falling star. Office Hours: a. to 1p. houses. The greatest hope for newsy.
But from a humble beginning to p.
the future lies in the ultimate it started rapidly to brighten DAILY displacement of raw cual by a For a good assortment of Christ.
clearer and handier product, but mas and New Year Cards go to and expand, trailing fiery fragments like a fire work. Then it already the greater clearliness the WORKMAN Printery PHONE 1941 BALBOA blazed into a green and dazzling and the quicker operation of gas light lighting op all the trees Spécializee all the branchar and electricity are rapidly and with extreme vividness No. 93, Central Avenue and of Dentistry decreasing tha then went out.
amount of smoke to be seen cu Why pay double price ing up from dwellings. The open for Interior imported ASSORTMENT OF grate h18 one important advanRemoval Notice lage. It ventilates Sac gasealHave you tried the Beer when you can ed or electricalls heat house buy a superior Beer David Leon, Attorney atGOOD STATIONERY is certainly not properly reati Law, has removed his offices new Beer lated. What this slow but steady such as BALBOA for conquest of dirt and da, kness to. No. 175 Central Avenue half the price.
SOUVENIRS, Kronen Brau means to the health and ebeer(upstairs Sealey Photo Stufulness of thy people of this dio. towns.
menon KRONEN BRAÜ meteor 40 miles ou the ciles ES the JOB. PRINTING strong ons in the sko boh cloud, klowed with Brilliant light was ile lasted about 10 in WORKMAN PRINTERY however, that it The Workman BOOK STORE enormously


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