
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1926 DAGE THREE Interesting: West. The Prosperity Tailors Buvill CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Cider Champagne DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Law Abiding Grenada ESTEBAN DURAN Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Criminal Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR REID Manager ATTENTION!
find EL GAITERO (Continued from page 2)
THE ONLY ELABORATED ers wanted Mr Bovell to sigo la guarantee to serve tbe Bureau Spanish Cider with its for one year, but that gentleman declined to do so, and so the begotiations so far as he is concerown Carbonic Acid ned, bave fallen through and Mr bas left the island for Barbados. li can bowever be ated that the proposal bas by no means been abandoned. It is guite allve, and eforts are beir ng made to secure the ser.
vicer of a suitable person to take up the duty of advising the sugo URETIC AND REFRESHING ar plantera, Trade Mark GRENADA VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN Writior editorially, under the of October 13 says: above caption, the West INDIAN SOLE AGENT Up to date, there is not one case down for the October CrimlFor tho Ropublic of Panama Dal Assiz s, and there is nothing to show that there will be any.
It Is Mkely, therefore that the is Acting Chief Justice will be presented with the traditional pair of white gloves, The records of Grepada, looked at as far back as one cares to go, rey. al the fact that Grenadians are law abidior folk. Serious crimes are unknown, practically, since most of the reported cases have been of Corner 12 Street East Avenue class to be described as years ago, simply be o cause one or two Grenadians out We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also of tbe hundreds of them in watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Trinidad have been charged with Workmanship is guaranteed.
crimes of a more or less serious pature, maniacal Magistrate there used to satisfy himself with loose remarks concerning the WE CARRY GOOD STOCK OF IMPORTED Tot Grenadians criminal babits of in general, the while dismissing JEWELS AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES.
the idea of their cor:uption by bad company. This magisterial attitude resulted in kind of From this date on, campaiga against Grenadians much to the hurt of the majority AUCTION SALES of them wbo are resident in the sister colony will be held every day from a. to p.
The fact is that it is bard to more quiet, stald, lawabiding place thao Grenada, Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall wbere life and properity is as be pleased.
safe as, and safer than, in many parts of the The Grenadian abroad earns respect by bis good behaviour; though small in numbers, placed anywbere, and given equal opportunity, Grenadians bave the natural habit of rising like cream, t) the top. This 18 no vain boast; it is a proud experience. Whether in the days of the cutting of the Panama Canal, or whether in Brazil or in the United States, or with the Regiment, our few Gren. AND adians abroad bave so demeaned themselves, by work, by by their progressive nature, as to win for themselves the Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages pect and admiration of their fellows. The Grenadian abroad cannot be more nor less than the Grenadian al home, and not Summary of Contents: once nor twice in this rough History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years island story bas it pointed the West Indies the way to glory.
Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Murder and serious crimes of Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, bere. We go to sleep securely violence are practically unknown Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, in Grenada. Our shops with frail Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual doors, Ibrough which the wind Players and rain may enter, are not broken into as in other places.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and With our streets uplighted, Interesting there are no bighwbymen bere to hold up apybody. Ittle child can go througb the forest rond of Grand Etang with valuPrice 50cts.
ables and there is none to attack, Lying on the wharf at nights one sees lumber and other articles Secure yours now there will be a great rush unprotected and secure.
Our for them.
handful of untrained policemen can afford to sleep on their beat Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN People go to church or to the cinema, leaving their bouses unPanama and it is always a minor sensation to hes to bear, once in a long period, of some unwelcome visit or invading a house for the pur.
ur: at Richmond Hill, with the insti spd well balanced. We can fight, pose of theft. a chicken and it is the talk of tation staff having little or have fouzbt, and are even about surprise in the whole neighbour tondent of Prisong is Acting fraud in high places.
nothing to do The Superin to fight wrong, ccrruption and We can bood for quite a long time. The Chief of Police, his substantivo wear down might by nibbling petty thefts that there are, are mostly of ground provisions in auties being, we should imagine, tactics.
not more onerous bor respon As law abiding and as peacethe country districts, by the Bible than the duties of his ac ful we are, we also know us bungry and others, but this men, and sball always act like being rapidly stamped out. The ing ofice.
law We are law ablding. We fight men, without losing our beads.
is something of which we should our battles constitutionally and Waterloo hero. without the many a Napoleon has found his justly be can afford stage no senseless. of. far less to invite people to come and live law abiding and as peaceful as amongatus, offering them not as we are, we are not like clams. Aring of a gun. And without only beautiful scenery but besuti. We can fight, have fought ght blood bloodshed.
ful bebaviour less battles. There have been (Continued on page 7)
The result is that our little Pri those who tried to provoke us, son may excite discussion at no by malled governmental injasFor a good assortment of Christ.
distant date as to whether or not tice, into a condition of unconit should be closed down. There trolable passion, but the Gren mas and New Year Cards go to are, we believe, thirty prisoners adian temper is sound and sane, the WORKMAN Printery world House Rent Receipt Books SPANISH ENGLISH and STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History adians Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 by study tesOrder Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies CAN BE HAD AT: The Workman Stationery Store be proud.


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