
PA EUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1926 THE WORKMAN Wwe Thomas Edison Views on Religica Etc. BY R, THOMPSON) MAN MAN ALIVE wwww 1. 20 Xmas New Year Cards bir Workman Printery and Confucius not so deeply candid. am View life, PARAMA are.
BETIER GET BUSY Wiki all diviknows, students, them tries Contra Crespo Pablished on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen op apple THE CHURCHES OF TOMORROW, WALROND, at the office No. 03 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes wisb churches might all be Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited.
cone real community centres PO Box 74, Pausma All copy for publication must be sad nuclei of general instruction written on one side of paper only, and Have you Seen the Beautiful Assortment of concerning the great depths of Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of life as taught by of natural pheOne Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaDomena which always lies con Six Monias tion but as a mark of good faith.
to our studs, for these great Three truths of life are also the great 60e.
We do not undertake to return reOas truths of religion and must be 25. jected correspondence.
churches Iisually the truths of immorality. In the The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS congregate some of the best people of ejery SATURDAY DECEMBER, 4, 1926, NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE group, and therefore they would make far better gathering places for this sort of study than any of IS OUR ECONOMIC SITUATION.
our other institutions.
As such they might teach IMPROVING?
morals rather than creeds. That is the Christ idea and what 93 CENTRAL AVENUE. Christ did, what Buddha did, In official quarters on the Canal Zone there appears to what be no little amount of interest directed towards the ascertain of the certaining of facts relative to the present ecɔnomic situation value of Mobammed teaching Othe because he achieved eminence among the West Indian population, and its comparison with the economic situation of four or five years ago. The ques. WELL, THEY ARE SOME BEAUTIES AND by means of war and always had as the background of bis tion of the moment is: Is there any improvement in the thought the idea a of war and the economic situation among West Indians?
DON YOU FORGET IT, SOME WORDS TOO destruction of the other fellow On this important question, individuals high in gov.
it his beliet did not exactly jibe with yours. That warlike ernment circles are divided. Some are sanguine in their detail of his teaching robbed it opinion that economic conditions among West Indians at the present time are vastly improved over what they were And the PRICES! well they are down rocakof its lovliness and Mohammedanism is not really besutiful in 1921 and 1922. They offer as evidences of their position Christianity And Buddhism the increased employment of labour by the Canal, the bottom, to meet the pockets of everybody The important thing, it seems Military Department and private concerns in the Republic of Panama.
to me, is that the believers in Christianity, as its founder did, Others, however, are of the belief that there has been should forget balr splitings, all very little, if any, improvement in our economic situation details of theology and made during the last five years, These claim that the Military sions into creeda.
christianity, man makes the Department the Canal, and the private companies in creece. The termination of the Panama have not offered such increase of work as to And see them if you want to send your friend word theology is wrong, anyway, create any appreciable change in the situation. In their pecause theoloxy, heaven is not an exact science. How convictions on the subject our people are still as far from a pretty card this Christmas Season.
so many of those economic readjustment today as they were a few years teaching it expouoding and ago; and, what is more, they fail to see any signs of im mommmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm experts in the realition of the of provement in the distant future.
knowledge of the supreme intellimaten The fact of the matter is that the situation cannot be gence we call God? The The geologiat really knows rocks, or viewed upon the surface. considerably important feato learn about the NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES ture of the whole question is lost beneath the appearances, by preciso laborious Investigation and much of what has been said has been mere guess WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR (From Our Correspondent)
enthusiastic churchman claim that the theolowork. It is true, beyond contradiction, that the rolls of the Canal and the Military employees are larger, at present, News Notes glans certainly know God or try to learn about Him by precise, than they had been in 1921 and 1922. It is also a fact that laborious investigation?
the private concerns are employing a greater amount of Harvest Thanksgiving Ser Nature can teach us more labor, at present, than was employed during the period No hot irons or special combs required vices will be held at the Wes about God Almighty in a day mentioned; but in order to view the economic situation in leyan Church bere on Sunda: than all the text books of the its correct perspective we shall have to take into account Dec 12th 1926 at 11 a. 3p. theological seminaries can teach the increasing labor population consequent on the constant SOLD IN DRUG STORES and. m, respectively. All th us in ten years. think an oak services will be conducted by the leaf, or or the busy efforts of additions of young men attaining their majority.
Rev. Cousins, Pastor of the squirrel to lay up food for th9 In every town on the Canal Zone, and in the cities of Church. Members and better Panama and Colon, the numbers of laboring men continue to and the Public generally are for det, might for a are for an inspiring sermon on a asked to do their by thetr er day, or the infinite increase, year after year, If the labor population, man for man, contributions in fruits and vege beauty of snowflake on a Sunwere the some today as it was in 1921 or 1922, it would tables ete, in be a certainty to state that the economic situation has im SHOE SALE in order to make the day morning in the winter, than Harvest Thanksgiving a success any sentar ce from, for instance, ful one. The sale of the article Jeremiah pressimistic Lamenproved, as more of these men are now engaged in work than donated will take place on Mon tations as applied to modern life had been employed at that time. But the fact of the ever increasing growth of the population is an element of com FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT OUR STORES day the 13th. The smount raised by some theologian anxi us to by the sale will go towards the prove out his theory and forget.
putation which our industrial bosses have not studied.
repairs of the Church building.
ful of. Jesus talks to his La Moda La Fama La Rosa and disciples. period of five or six years is sufficient to make an overwhelming difference in the population of working men HOW THE WORLD MIGHT BE La Suerte, Central Ave. meeting was held at the Union Baptist Church on SunSAVED in any community: and in our estimates with regard to the economic situation among our West Indian people we must PANAMA CITY day last the 28th ultimo to welcome the Rev. Williamson, save the world and is possible: An educational church might consider the census of the present time in comparison with the new pastor of the but that church will educate its that of a previous occasion, if we are to arrive at a proper church: Deacon Broome conclusion on the subject. This, most people discussing YOU CAN BUY UP TO DATE SHOES FOR THE was the chairman The Rev. aspiration, and duty, ather than members in morals, sacrifice, the economic situation among West Indians fail to do, and Elder of the Seventh Day Adventist religious theories and mythical Cousins and also the XMAS SEASON in the five points of so called for this reason opinion is diverse and unsettled Church were present. There was history and creeds. And what What is further true, our economic situation offers no MORSE ROGERS SHOES a large congregatlon, and the Gner meeting was a short one but it edifice for such religiou promise of improvement because there appears to be no Every pair absolutely Guaranteed very kev. services as have in mind could future for our maturing youngsters outside of the Canal Williamson was asked to address bath than the leafy arches of the be Zone, and there, very little. Perhaps we may be mistaken as to our opinion on the economic outlook within the Repub in good style. He congratulated de woods, more beautiful thin any lic. There might occur (who knows. a reversal of politi achievement which they have peaceful the Colonists for the wonderful nave in the most wonderful cathedral, the soft greenery or cal spirit. change of government might mean a change pioneering meadows.
of of policy and a regard for international relations. The such. wildflowers, West Indian might yet be accorded his proper position of sontain, of forest land in such and of bees. butterfle, and in such breezes?
a short period of Even the carefully esteem in this country and among the natives, and if and preTrail natural surroundings when this happens there will undoubtedly be a change for at length upon civilization; he a city park offer wonderful lesthe better in our economic status, but until then we can of the ancient Egyptians. sons for the seeker after divine the Hebrews whicb (he said) truth. What prioted text book hope for no improvement in the situation. MIZRACHI PROP.
small nation; the ancient has so much to Unless Panama is developed, that is to say unless the Greeks, and the Romans; be thin be thinkable immensity of teach of the financiers of the country and financiers from abroad decide Buying Off, 491 Broadway compared their civilization our modern civilization, and said Book of Nature? The laboratories power as the open and determine to make sound and secure investments on that as the natural resources of the country, there will be no open.
periods and have passed away, as they have spent their of the colleges and universities, departments of ing up of opportunities, and consequently, no reljef of the so also will our civil zation pass great industrial concerns are tbe situation, if even the anti West Indian spirit is transferred If you want to please your be able to stand the tinal test revealed and worsbipped even away and the only tbing that will places wh :re the word of Gods is into one of complete amicable relationship. Feeling is not Have you tried tho friends by sending them a lovely will be Christianits; ie, the though some of the worship all; and what is most essential, there must be work for the Christmas or New Year Card call plain and simple Gospel of Jesus know not that they are uncoverpopulation before there can be economical readjustment.
new Beer at the WORKMAN Priatery where Christ. Men, he said, are clam ing it and bowing down before Kronen Brau the finest lot in the city are achievements, but he ouring for material progress acd it.
display ernestly impress upon his hearSome of the existing so called Snapshots ers that while seeking for those religious creeds remind me of things, good as they are, they certain other savage theories would aot neglect to do so apon which have been embalmed in (FROM THE COLORED PRESS)
All peoples, races and nations, except the Negro, are true Christian principles with low where they are generally sentinels perpetually on guard, to stop the loss of property out which every thing else is accepted because they have been Our weakness as a race lies in otir lack of grit in the rights and persons. No people can afford to sit quietly by wain. His address was well re so accepted. We established lack of sustained effort, for when we try at first and fail. while any other group is lynching, disfranchising, jim crow ceived and is very much coment inspiredales hand consider them. when, of then we abandon all further efforts. This is where the ing or misrepresenting, them in any way. We need to be actual knowledge, they are no white man beats us and has the mastery over us, for when sentinels on guard, We snould be eternally vigilant We We tries at first and fails, or even fails at the seventh time, must develop backbone by standing erect; we hardly have Mr. George Laynis who left the not get a really nice girl to mar News have been received of the wild head hunter who can more inspired than the rule of he does not slacken his efforts once he has convinced him time to get on our kness even long enough to pray. KAN Isthmus two months ago, after a ry hin unless he gives to her self that the object is a worthy one. GOLD COAST TIMES. SAS CITY RECORD SEARCHLIGHT. Continued on page Continued o page 3)
friends test their best Summer 0.
enjoyable he made in full of beautiful miracles of grass, time; he he dwelt SONDAAL SHOES served spoke was of the unwith Creator research Wiuld


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