
LUCKY STRIKE IT TOASTED CIGARETTES fine Weblap to Phile shooting in Indies slastic a It toasted been Additional Church Services. Continued from page 3)
Seventh Day Adventist Church TRINIDAD STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (pour lathmian Park. PANAMA.
Crack Rifle Shoots To Babbath (Saturday) 945 Am, Babbath Sebool: 11. 15 sm. General Worship Visit Bisley 80p. Spanish Clare; 430 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard The Port of Spain Gazette of of attainment Class p. Vespero.
recent date says: Rifle sbootSunday ever ing 30 Stereing in Trinidad is attemptice to sption Lecture. The general public make a good step borward. ordially invited to turn nut is large movement is on foot to send a aumbers.
team of crack shuts of the Local Forces Rifle Club to Bisley In 1927 prlocipally to take part in the Junior Kolapore Cup Shoot.
Seventh Day Adventist Church This competition Is intituted mainly for the benefit of the Ird. STREET BROADWAY, COLON West Indian Islands which can Sabbath (Saturday) 45 am Sabbatb better afford to send over four 3ohool; 11. 15 General Worship men joatead of a full team of eight for the other team shoots. 30 p, Young people meeting We understand that the Local 30 Vespero Goveroment is bighly in favour Bunday evening 30 Preaching of the movement and is willing service. You are cordially invited to to given it the necessary suport.
Attend the service and bring your No doubt such a thing will give friende.
Wor and incidentally bring out the talent in many ET some today!
The Church of God.
local aspirants to rifle fame.
The local men are very enthuover the movement call Lucky Strikes Params, Arosemena Street, Hour 25, which can only be accomplshed just right. Because San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer by the willing assistance of local meeting and Gerpel veetings at 11 a.
Lucky Strike cigaand 30 Sunday School at pm.
rettes give you the Monday at 30 m, Testimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People A Worthy Deed.
good, wholesome Meetio. Wednceday at 30 flavor of toasted Cospel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 fuod has been started in Burley tobacco.
Prayer Meeting Trinidad, to raise 500 towards BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. enabling Mr. Farrell to take a dental course in Canada.
Oranged by Red Tank, Canal Zone. Sunday Schoo Mr. Farrell is one of a brilliant British American Flaw Company Tid.
u pom. Gospel meeting on Thursday brotherhood, many members of 7. 30 pm.
whlch bave finished their educa Sis. GRAY tion at Codrington College in New Providence. Gospel Mee ing at Barbados, Oa three successive 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday Snhool occasions Far has st 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gore proxime accessit in the Trinidad pel Meeting, Friday at 7:30 Prayer Ser olarship and was, on one of Mouting.
these occasions, recommended Bro. MeDONALD Examloers Gatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings by the scholarship.
for an extra This hache 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday year, although obtaining the gehool at pm. Wedoeday 30 bigbest percentage of marko Cuban Footballers Will Visit Goepel Meeting. Friday at 30 ro in SC Prayer Meeting besten for the scholorship by a Mathematical student in whose Kingston Bro. GEORGE GRIPPITH Colon. and Streets. Gospel mee group tbe aggregate marks were 150 more iban those for the Inga at 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Modern Studies group which AS MEMRER OF PARTY OF EXEcbool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Farrell took. suprestien todbor CURSIONISTS AROUND CHRIST the pm. Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Goverv ment from the Prayer Meeting.
o ucation to give Farrell man MAS SEASON.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON extra Scholarship was warmly.
opposed by a section of the Press, though Ferrell was on REPRESENTATIVE TEAM, Services of the Bethlehem generously Church of God Holiness praised and rocommended to the public for some mark of their Trip by Large Party of Jamalrecognition of his brilliance. As cans to Neighbouring Island No, MARIANO AROSEMENA 8t a result Farrell Fund has been started.
SAN MIGUEL Farrellis, in Some Weeks Honc. addition, one of the finest all.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of Sunday 80 Prayer Meeting 10a. Children Service; 11 am.
round athletes in Trinidod.
Already over 50 has been sub This journal is able to anScrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied.
scribed nounce that a party of Cabq footballers have intimatod their Tetters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Sunday School, Superintendent. p. 30 m. Giorintention of visiting Jamaica late Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Dispel Service, Preacher Supplied.
in The usual weekly service will be came to a close in Trinidad a fow will recereber: The team which eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
conducted on Tuesday and Thursday weeks ago after a session of in the Oriente Province, is exnight, at 45 10 seventeen days.
pected to form part of the exAn Alterative recommended for purify.
BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting cursion party that is due at 11 a. Divine Service. PreacherInter Colonial Cricket Kingston on the 23rd cember.
ing and enriching the BLOOD.
The footballers will remala in 30 m. Sunday School, Superintent the island for seven days during dent. p. Goepel eet vice. Preacher The Port of spain Gazette which time it is expected that Bupplied.
says. Aboat ofty local cricket they will be engaged by many For Sale at all Drug Stores Thursday night, Bible readings and ers including a fairly large num of the leading Clubs, The mat.
Prayer, ber from down South bave been ter has been placed before the invited All other notion for the week will be to commence practice at Football Association and further And in Large Quantities by given from the Pulpit, The Oval in preparation for the developments will be made pubnext Inter colonial Tournament. lic as soon as the matter has Bro. WEBLEY, It JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy gratifying to note that a been dealt with, Acting Pastor in charge.
good many resident in the City have already began to avail the attention Jamaica bas reThe writer notes with pride AGENT themsclves of this invitation and cently been demanding, especialNotice to Correspondents.
have been practising earnestly in Contributors and correspondents kg at the nets for the past week or sporting circles. Pols is significant of a bright future for soo are asked to send in their contribumore.
tions not later than Thursdays to the island. We must benetit from the interchange of ideas and insure publication. This is imperaA New Paper.
tive and must be adhered to.
BRITISH GUIANA customs of those who come to our shores. The more often they come the better it is for Jamaica It should be of interest to readThe good fortune of finding inancially and socially.
ers to know that the JAMAICA Classified Ad.
the larges: diamond on record in MAIL can be had at the WORKMAN Brlieb Gulana, a stone of 56 Printery. This paper is published Regular Assortment of 10. starts a route of stores carats, was that of Mr. John Bill Before Commons three times a week and is very in your town working for you, Pompaey of Berbice, on tbe 7th newsy, bringing you a steady weekly income.
October. The find was made in No selling. Write quick. Vann the Newang Creek, Potaro River.
Box 3, Sta. New York.
London. Nov. 16. As a sequel This, with some other stones, to the coal strike, a bill to pretotalling a value of 40, 000 was vent strikes and lock outs until SUCH AS For a good assortment of Christ.
Mr. Pompey bag on a recent preliminary arbitration has been mas and New Year Cards go to TONICS, SOAPS, VANISHING CREAM, SALVE, trip to the interior.
held before properly constituted the WORKMAN Priotery TALCUM POWDER, ASPERINE TABLETS, Have you triod tho its The British Guiana Governing in the House of Commone, SHAMPOO, HAIR DRESSING Etc. Etc.
now Boor ment opened a Labour Bereau on today. Mr N, Dinny, Conser November 1st for the registra vative M, for Penrith, who in Kronen Brau the measure, sala it tion of workers of every class, troduced the did Registration is free and the idea not remove the right to is 11 arbitration to create a closer communica strike Why pay double price falled. Mr for interior imported 93 CENTRAL AVENUE tion.
Ecoppapers and West Nottingham, opposing the Boer when you can requested to give in detail the bill, said it was mischievous and Panama City.
If you want to please your class of work in which they are woula lead to the breaking up buy a superior Beer friends by sending them a lovely engaged, rate of wages, and any of the conciliation machinery in such as BALBOA for Christmas or New Year Card call other Information that will tend connection with disputes bet half the price.
at the WORKMAN Printerywhere to meet the requirement of all ween the employees and emplothe finest lot in the city are on Advertise in the Workman. It Pays displays parties.
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD be Othe hd band, XH the different Clubs Take Notice Ho Ro Co Famous Products pourts, The Workman Printery don between Tyers.


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