p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 4, 1926 OUR SPORTING PAGE Last Sunday Races Thomas Edison Tomorrow Races Can The Negro Races! Races!
TO MORROW Ray crowd.
of gred JUAN FRANCO TRACK possible but need is, and thibbes That of Christ Exciting Races pectively, cional, wbo of finance be they ane mutuels 126 it a Shimmy cane poorer and class Xmas and New Year Cards (not theory.
a If we can Today BRITISH DRUG STORE 90 (Continued from page 5) large crowd, agreeably de(Continued from page 1)
All is set for a good time at Juan corated by tbe latest fanos Franco Park tomorrow afternoon.
styles of the ladies, attended the two buman beade.
The Jockey Club card of eight uplift us, and not a thoogbit for race meel at Joso Franco Park The World Deeds saving. It races, two for pative and six for our downfall, Love earicbes the on Sunday afterodon last. Tbe worth savlog, and it can be thoroughbred horses, is attractive poorest bome, even in poverty Jckey Club p agram of elgbt saved. An educational church and should bring out the usual that house breomes rich after a races was particularly good, while Hate decreases it even to could not do mach toward its Jockey Chichi Moore carried alvato. Humanity seems The feature event will be run by dance and so it is with people, the one that may have in it abunhis colors ss the star Jockey of to be four of the best imported horses, if we think evil, evil befalls us. ii particularly thinking about the alteruoon, winning four of ugliness the ugliness Brave Lassie, Pierrot, Lorenzeta Sunday, December 5th, 1926 ix mounts And crime and war and general and Caprul. This will be the sixth we think of the good, it enriches There were several uprets of disaster. If we keep our minds event and the distance is five fur us.
on ugliness and destruction we longs. The program is a snappy Going back to wby we can do the original progaastications on These suaried in the first race shall create them. The Cau ches one and will te started by a 64 big business, ll say it not imwben Cococbs witb Moore up developed as educational Instifurlong race for native horses.
we lack these points, THE PROGRAM the six furlong distance for tations, should teach Baty and faith, honesty, self confidence, won pative horses which pald 10. 50 constructiveness. There is FIRST RACE Class NATIVES Roodwill and Christendom.
on tbe winner, in the pari. for teaching of that sort and the 150 672 FURLONGS, In the past many have raised watuel. Cindlewood and Liuda right kind of religion is made up organizations, clubs and organ.
came in second and third, res of these Cococha 126 ized businseses of all kinds they of Buddha and Con.
2, Candle Wood 125 bave been a lls failure either wbol Luckland ot the Stud Interna: made in the name of religion bas fucius. The greatest error ever Linda 120 ly or partially, What is it from with Chiqui 119 is it the Races for Imported horses Fenomeno 102 small or great? thick not for its second avent from Excuse Me, been that of those who have came in second, Hope and made morality an ugly thing, SECOND RACE CLA88 1A IM survives but it right managem«nt not always the large business that Dardanela; the winner paying oppressive, restrictive, and re 11. 80 in the PORTED. 200 FURLONGS.
pellent in and for Native bred Ponies the minds of those kreps it alive, stiil ji must admit The third race, special who have gone to thean to learn Titina takes some kind of money to furlong handicap for class Morality is always beautiful. Clo clo 95 run a business but it also needs imported borses was won by DISAGREEMENTS DUE TO Colonense 102 truthfulness especially when it be Fereira Socis with Medina AN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING WORDS. Garzona 90 a collective one. Our leaders should up Popo came second; while the shall never deny the truths THIRD RACE Class IMPORTED be true mea with the thought that Stui Quien Sabe Meddler. of any good religion; perhaps Rain or Shine 300 672 FURLONGS the poor sbare bolder ten cents ridden the by Perkins, are as much valuable to Wou most aisagreements on such the fourth race of six farloogs subjects are due to pomencla. Bomba 126 upkeep of it as bis five dollars, for class Imported borses ture, one means one thing by a Meelah 111 he should reason that when he took second place. Dhole 118 draws out his five and the tens of Medler pala s11 40 to in the thing by the same word. would word, another means a different ADMISSION 14. Meddler 109 cents with his greater shares be pari mutuel FOURTH BACE CLASS NATIVES leaves Hot, be makes his does not enrick bimself only, but Carc jada Pierla) and Celta Heaven forbid that should dim. other 125 Furlor gs Perkinel car in Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
tirst and sc. ioish by a shade of brothers brings on us cond.
degree, respectively, and Tigrest alone destroy, the fatih or Infimo 122 more oppression, for we become (Haughtot. third, in the fifth hope of any man or woman los Fenomeno 117 a mockery in the sight of other event of furlongs for class thing which urg» on religious Do. Simón 95 reces We need confidence in our imported horses.
teachers is DON MISS IT to Barba roja the evi103 selves with true bouest thoughts, pile up The race of six furlongs dence and to make it the sort of 5, Harold 90 even though we may fail oae for imported horses, evidence which no fool, skeptic a 97 hundred, a thousand dollars today, the featura event, was won by can demolish, we do not know what the morrow FIFTH RACE CLASS 2 IMPORTFrou Frou ridden by Moore. Toe moment that the working, The fast Brave Lassle failed to intellectual religionists show that ED 200 Furlonge may bring forth, never lose confidence, believe you are able to hold the pace wbichsbe bad there are fifty two points of Poncho Roto socceed and success will 128 come.
set in the early running; she evidence for immorality co. Supr Gloria 124 Agaio in running business, some Tigre 111 of our people expect to be rich in came in third and Lorenzata against it, that moment the. Tranelate 107 a day, this is the part of our great last.
5, Orán mind 104 prevention.
The seventh and eighth events belief, or anythine You, or mere We as a people want but fact) Tango 101 to understand a quick cent is bet four furloogs for native ponies be Fine Assortment Sauvage 98 ter than a slow dollar.
and seven furlongs for clasponte be accepted by all me preponderance of probathe Sixth Race Class IMPORTED 10 plea e euca otter, both the learo What it is to imported thorougbbreds. wer: bality very greatly favours beliet cooperate and won by Cococha Buez. and in the im morality of the intelliAT THE 350 Furlongs vendor and the purchaser in Bomba (Moore. respectively.
gence, or soul, of man. In the Lassie 126 reasonable muuer our bueeess meantime, let the reformed, Pierrot 125 will come, but we must first develconstituted and re enlightened re3. Lorenzeta 113 ope good will NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES church teach everything that Capoul.
BOLIVAR STREET, COLON, remember one: io Trinidad, a can be proved about SEVENTH RACE YEAR OLDS grocery was opened in Park spiritual and then devote it Street. Continued from page5. C, 250 Furlonge Port of Spall, was a boy fourteen to imparticg to its con years old, but have not forgotten period of 19 years. He bas legation convictions as to the Popó Make your selections early 126 It was decoratively necessity for beau and financially Ch. Gordo 118 opened by two Frenehmen, it was is re united with bis family. He honesty, and health. berheden Kiss Me Arlequije dealers and Bakers, welcome, especially in religious worth while.
every to box depend Kitty gill 109 it could not be less than twenty of. Rev. OG whom heleft in ED 250 Furlongs Bt. Lucia 19 years ago. was the of life to environment which said minister who welcomed teen months, wbat bim have mentioned and are very Interesting thiogs to delve into 126 was the cause? Blandina Second Sunday in Advent bad management it back in Dominica. He is sbortis Nothing should be based upon AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCB Is Being Prepared at St. Peter 2. Cor. Arango.
111 lost a thousand a month, one a to visit his relatives in Antigua, bellet which is not in lis tard Carcajada 121 real business man an the other bis native country, He states based upon Truth. Anglican Catholie) Meelah Mrs. Mulcare, wife of the 119 sportsman, it that everything is fine over there just this, one bad St. Paul Church, Panama in Dominica, and that there is Rector of St. Peter by the Sea, Araucana Meddler 117 good will the other none, this is abundance of work for him to do 113 also our destruction, La Boca, has begun to train 0000 0000 0000000 2000 2000 Lucero 109 the Christian Church in Let us learn to be true, fair dealTRY Rov, Nightongale, Restor. seventy voices (70) for the biggest Dominica; and concludes that he ing, stick to it, good feeling me. a. Holy Communion Rector Sacred Cantata ever given at St.
is still reading the WORKMAN 10. 16 sm. Matine Mc. Atwell, kind of Christmas Treat for the Peter This and with the help of the principles Cantata will be a Dr. Wendehake newspaper regularly.
KRONEN BRAU of Christ, and we shall be as su Catecbiet.
10 30 a. Holy Eucharist sermon, general public. No tickets will be MEDICAL CLINIC cessful as any other, race sold for it, but a liberal collection ON DRAUGHT The Rector will be taken at the door.
7, 025 Front Street Colon Porsons Occupying Cana!
Vital Statistics.
12 a on Holy Baptiem.
This consideration is offered in OPPOSITE RR STATION OR BOTTLES Quarters in October vie pm. Church School PHONE 11 80 Choral Evensong Sermon backing our numerous friends have view of the generous faaacial total of 202 deaths occurred 100000000000000000000000 The Bishop given us to meet our annual RECEIVED MESSAGES The number of persons, includiog duriag the month of October Church Program Assessment and men, women and children, occupy1926, among the population of St. Alban Church, Paraiso If you want to please your Convocation obligation. Read this ing Panama Capal and Paoam the Canal Zone, and the cities of Section weekly and you will be (Continued from page 1)
Railroad quarters on October 31st, Panama and Colon, which is friends by sending them a lovely 1926, totaled 20, 406, of kept well posted up with tit bits whom cquivalent to a conual death Christmas or New Year Card call (Rev. NIGH TENGALE, CANAL ZONE.
engaged and easily filled about the worth while Cantata.
Americans, 180 of 18 95 per 1, 000. The at the WORKMAN Printerywhere Doubtless many among the huge Europeans and 13, 206 West death Priest ia Charge audience were attracted by mere lodians. The total number of 11 Holy Communion Bermon curiosity, but tremendous enthu persons in quarters on Oe ober 31, 30; tuberculosis (various orgads. Preacher Rev Cowan, 28 siasm was displayed in response to 1025 was 20, 315.
diarrbea and enteritis acute p. Church School Sir Conan challenge for public co and cbor bic. 19; nephritis (acute 30 Choral Evengong Addisg ABOGADO testimony of their belief, which and chornic. 14; organic diseases Jemima Ropor ComMr. borne. Catechist ROTARY BOY WEEK Attorney at Law left no doubt as to its sincerity.
of the beart, 12; cancer, 10; apothe In course of his address Sir promises plexy, were 32 deaths rondo St, Matthias Mission nonresidents of the Isth. Continued from page 1)
among Office: 175 Central Avenue say here in mid London mas; these are not included in Attorneys Van Siclen and Boggs LAS SABANAS the above statistice.
aunounced on Tuesday last that a (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, Telephone 1015 Panama and in cold blood, and pledge our tar Herald Printing Plant, as bonour that this is true. We feel well as laundries, electrie light, There were 284 live births compromise has been reached out Prieet in Charge.
reported during the month, and of court between their cliert Mrs. Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone we are addressing those we have telephone and furniture establish p. Church School lost and hold out our hands to ments.
15 stillbirths. Including still Jemima Roper, West Indian, and in This morning the boys will births, this le (quivalent to an Harry Holsten and his son Francis, 430 parchEvenson Mr. Rich (With Licenses to Practice before unknown life but just the same parede through Central Avenue to arde Catechist.
apoual birth rate of 28. 05 per Americans of Balboa Mre, Roper, the Courts of Panama and the light hearted, merry fellows we Cathedral Plaza, accompanied by 1, 000 populatiɔn. Deaths umong it will be remembered was TeportCapal Zone. children under year of age od to be accidentally shot by lost. They are not lost, but are Rotarians and prominent citizens Peter by the Sea, La Boca pearer to us than ever thoy were of Panama, as one of the last items numbered 50, giving an infant young Holsten some of their week program.
mortality of 176. 06 per 1, 000 while the former was employed as American Episoopal (Anglican Com St. Barnabas Church, Empire Miss Estelle Stead, formerly liye birtus.
cook in the Holsten bome at munion)
Balboa, Mrs. Roper was treated in St. Bartholomw Church editor of the Review of Reviews the Ancon Hospital and recovered Recor.
Holy Communion 6, 20a. The tee Rev. George Vale Owen and LAS CASCADAS other wellknown spiritists were Why pay doublo price in a short time, after which she Holy Baptism 30 a. m, for Interior Imported instituted, through her attorneys, St. Simon Mission, Gamboa among the speakers.
Have you triod the suit for damage.
Sung Litany, Choral Celebration of Boer when you can the Holy Eucharistie Sermon 10. 45 School and Evening Prayer will be friends by sending them lovely Matins and Addr2e, Church now Boor If you want to please your buy superior Boer The Rector. p. Church School.
held at the above named Churches (Christmas or New Year Card call such as BALBOA for Kronen Brau For a good assortment of Christ Choral Evensong, sermon 30 at the usual hour by the Lay Read at the WORKMAN Printery where half the price.
Imas and New Year Cards go to The Restor ers the finest lot in the city are on (the WORKMAN Priotery. T, MULCARE, Rector.
JT MULCARF Priest in Charge. display.
blog 110 Grocers, Witelness, for they were Hoolde de Broers en behoever these relationships and reactionCHURCH SERVICES BIG CHRISTMAS CAN Encuth Rose PogPORT big trade, yet in closed in thing you a in 7, 011 were rate of Pneumonia (broncho and lobars. the finest lot in the city are rn There said: montlıs ago before


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