
The Prosperity Tailors recently carried on in the Botanle Gardens, St. Lucia, Samples of the rubber are being collected for examination and pricing for export purposes.
Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid Cider Champagne CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 TRINIDAD Teachers of Trinidad Interview Governor URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark Urge That They Be Accorded Same Pension Right as Other Civil Servarts DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ S, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN THEIR STATUS IS DEFINED OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Head and Assistant Teachers of Over years Servi e Can Only Be Dismissed by Governor ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama Work Done While You Wait BOXOXO waited Upon TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR wood, Corner 12 Street East Avenue C. REID Manager SOSOS OSSSSSSSS We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
Porr of Spain. Oet, Yesterday morning at 10 o clook, pursuant to appointment, deputation from the Elementary Teachers Association, His Excellency the Goverpor Sir Horace Archer Byatt at the Government Buildings.
The Tbe deputation comprised Messrs. Beckles (President of the Associatior) HareE.
Quinlan Hon.
Secretary R, Vidale, Brown, Bruce and W, Edwards.
Its mission was the formal 108 presentation of a resolution, pae sed at a representative meeting of the Association, urging that Teachers be accorded the same pension rights as other civil servants.
It will be recalled that this question of pension right was itcluded in a series of representations maie by the Association on of the visit of Lord Irwin (tben to tbis colony, lere Secretary local sent by the of it was pointed out bat to emplou Teachers were liable and dismissal by their managers and that the Gov.
ernment not excercise any direct control over them, Since then, the Secretary of State has directed that Head and Assistant Teachers of seven years service and over are not liable to dismissal except with the sanction of His Excellency the Governor.
It is upon this recently defined status which is equal to that of other that the teachers now renew their claim to equal Pension rights.
The deputation was courteously received by the Governor with whom there were in atteudance the Colonial Secretary and the Director of Education.
the ocea occasion Major to the State, it From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be held every day from a. to p.
did Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
House Rent Receipt Books civil serva Servants STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History SPANISH ENGLISH AND Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages The Divorce Question Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies Court to dicial seperant decrees or ju.
CAN BE HAD AT The following questions put to th Government by Hon.
Summary of Contents: Reilly in the Irinidad Legisla History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years tare were answered as is ap.
poded :Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, THE DIVORCE QUESTION.
Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Me: Reilly asked: Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour. 1) Will the Government obtain Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual the opinion of the Law officers of the Crown as to whether Players or not the Supreme Court of the Colony has any jurisdic.
Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and tion in matrimonial causes?
Interesting (2) In the event of the Law Officers advising that there is not any such jurisdiction, Price 50cts.
will the Government introduce legislation in the Supreme Secure yours now there will be a great rush dicial separation and to anfor them, nul marriages on the same Point grounds as those which obtain in England, thus bringing Copjes may be had from the office of the WORKMAN the law of the Colony in this Panama regard into line with the laws of all other civilized countries?
by The Government is advised Parliamentary reporting on the economic conthat Supreme ditions of no such jurisdiction.
Commission For which bave hitberto retarded, and the measures which could (2) In connection with a resolation on this subject, which be taken to promote developBritish Cuiana was considered by the Counment, Mr. Wilson is accompacied by his wife, Mrs, Florence cil on the 21st May last, it was explained that the GovernWilson.
ment was unable to accept The Port of Spain Gazette of During their stay in this colony, the resolution at that stage, the 12th ulto. says: and until their departure for as it was not prepared to Rive Among the Intransit passen. Demerara, they will be guests They change in the social Legisla serived in the barbour last night were received on board by so on Capt: tion of the Colony would be were Messrs. Roderick Wilson, Traill, the Governor A, introduced on such short no and Henry Snell, M, PC, and taken asbore in the Goptice and without affording with Mr. Richard Redgewich ofernment launch proceeding public opinion of the Colony the Colonial office as Secretary, thence by car 10 Government time to formulate and express These gentlemen comprise the House where they wero cordially it self. It is not considered Parliamentary Commission by His Excellency that a sufficient interval bas puted to visit British Guiana welcomed yet elapsed for this purpose, with a view to considering ard and party.
The Workman Stationery Store ADVERTISE In The Workman. It Pays


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