
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY DECEMBER 11, 1926 Mother Hurls Son In Raging River THE WORKMAN MAN ALIVE ooooooooooo 20 Xmas New Year Cards Workman Printery 93 CENTRAL AVENUE. witnesses pitch of agon nananampapan her, BETTER GET BUSY Contra Crespo When Hatred of Dark Blood Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applie Overcomes Her Love WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tion. Correspondence on all mattes Avenue, Panama, de of public interest invited (BY STRAND)
PO Box 74, Pagama All copy for publication must be Have written on one side of paper only, and Seen the Beautiful Assortment of you London, Oct. 16. An intensely Ratos of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of dramatic duel between mother love and race hatred is revealed by the One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publicaSix Months attempted murder of her son by tion but as a mark of good faith, an English woman, Genevieve Three be.
We do not undertake to returo reParker Ono 25.
jected correspondence.
This emotional tragedy began eight years ago when Genevieve The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS became the mother of baby boy NOW ON DISPLAY AT THE whose skin was a golden brown SATURDAY DECEMBER, 11, 1926, instead of whitel That she loved the child who must later face the world terribly handicapped by the WHAT CONSTITUTES RACIAL bar sinister and the still more dreaded duel taint of color is UNITY.
proved by the testimony of many Teh In the meantime a secret hatred and shame of the child dark race was tearing at her heart. The conThe colored people all over the world find themselves tinuous consciousness of the senflooded with vast quantities of argumentative disquisitions in WELL, THEY ARE SOME BEAUTIES AND satioa newspaper articles and letters on the very complex question she created whenever she was geen with the boy and remorse of Racial Unity. Some of the disquisitions are merely pue.
for his sake as well as for her own, rile effusions, not worthy of passing notice. Others are DON YOU FORGET IT, SOME WORDS TOO at length drove her to go frantic that she could purely academic and furnish argument and speculative ban ter; while a great number of them are more or less serious in expression and deserving of meditative interest.
Taking the bear it to won the pie at Soothend, she caught him to The question of Racial Unity is both vital and imporAnd the PRICES! well they are down to rockkissed him passionately, pressed him to ber breast and then sudtant, and try as we may no true member of the Negro race bottom, to meet the pockets of everybody denly hurled him into the surging can really escape it. It forces itself upon us at every turn; waters beneath, man some diswe see it in the industrial world, in all social relations, in the child terrible religion, in politics and in everything. Every race is explunge and dived in. But it was not for some moments that he was able ercised with its own problem, but our race is oppressed to search the unhappy boy, who, and burdened by ours. Among all other races, there are with natural longing for life and interrelated policies and amities, whereas so far as colored as yet had no inkling of how torpeople are concerned, there is nothing but segregation and mented bis life might be had ostracism And see them if you want to send your friend struggled desperately to cling to the buttress of the pier.
The thoughts expressed by our numerous Writers When charged with attempted upon the subject of Racial Unity are too diversified to a pretty card this Christmas Season.
murder, Genevieve sobbed beart.
contain a probable solution of the problem. On a single brokonly and was point they are all in accord, and that is, on the notion that pathetic touch, as was later shown it is imperative that all members of the Negro race be united MAMAMAMANTAMINA MAANAAN Manamammamana carried unconscious out of urt. in court, lwy ia the fact that her for protection of their rights and liberties.
There is not a dramatic arrest took place in front single dissentient voice on this phase of the galling question, and it is scarcely possible that any sane individual of the NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES his mother from the policeman of the child, who struggled to free race could ever possess a notion or idea contrary to the feeling WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR (From Our Correspondent)
grip Sobbed Genevieve to the pollee that racial solidarity should be the desideratum of one and a.
News Notes officer: don know what did!
Perhaps threw my boy over. Where our people strike the rut is in their interpretamust have been ashamed of him.
tions of racial solidarity and their programmes of operation.
The Public are asked to reGecevieve fate is at present Here we are thrown into a labyrinth of confused ideas and No hot irons or special combs required member the Harvest Festival undecided, but whether sbe spends suggestions; we are cast upon a sea of bewilderment: here Services which will take place at asylum for the rest of her life, she year: bebiod prisoo doors, or in an we are blown upon, and often about, by every blast of the Wesleyan Church here toracial doctrine; here we are thrown into a quandary. We SOLD IN DRUG STORES morrow, Sunday 12th inst. Rev. will be torn between her two ruling Cousins will be the preacher pride of race. The New Orleans her passions a mother love and observe and note so many differing suggestions and outservices at 11 a. p. and lines of procedure; some offer this and others offer that respectively.
Pio as the solution of the problem, oftentimes varying so ex.
vegetables and froits etc, of all tremely apart as to make following not only hard, but imkinds will be thankfully received to day (Saturday) the sale of! Loan, Not a same will take place on Moncay Yet the question compels our attention, and calls, every SHOE SALE 13th inst. Gift now and again, for serious discussion. The chief difficulty exhibited in the discussions and suggestions of most of book of 52 pages entitled FOR THE ENTIRE FAMILY AT OUR STORES MUST BE RETURNED our Negro writers lies in the fact that, for the most part. Montserrat and Montserrat they are merely concerned in foisting their personal and ians) written by Hodge Birnon La Moda La Fama La Rosa and and publisbed by the Beacon Mrs Blaney of Balboa lost furlimited opinions upon an uncomfortably agitated people Society, of New York City ther hopes of not repaying Captain hey do this without comparison with or regard to the La Suerte, Central Ave. bus come to band; it is very Hyatt 200 which she claimed the opinions and ideas of other people anywhere, or those of interesting and instructive, and Captain gave her as a gift on the main body of Negro Society. This is a peculiar and PANAMA CITY several of the prominent resi. January 21st last, when Judge unfortunate position, and as long as they persist in it there dents OD on the lathw us from Martin decided to favor of the Montserrat are mentioned in the Captain, with can be no hope of racial amelioration.
YOU CAN BUY UP TO DATE SHOES FOR THE book (including the Rev. from January 28ts and interest in Capul Mulcare) it would do every come District Court on the dane. Their position is something like this: Racial Unity Before a crowded court room should consist in so and so; and most of the time this feel Montserratian on the Isthmus XMAS SEASON ing is planked upon the idea that it is the duty and good to get a copy of the book, Captain Hyatt maintained through especially parents of children his Attorney, Van Siclen, that the obligation of a single man (or woman) to lead the people MORSE ROGERS SHOES who are born on the Isthmus or 200 was loaned 10 Mrs. Blaney into the realization of the aims for which the race needs to know latter fight Every pair absolutely Guaranteed thing about Montserrat. that it was a gift which was received in the same spirit as other Any person who believes that the Negro race can be Mr. Josiah Scott has been gifts from the which in Captain united throngh the efforts of a single individual is planting relieved of bis job, as caretaker that the cluded a silk kimona.
She testified his faith in a veritable hocus pocus and possesses very little of the Govercment telephone that the money was spent in vision of the reality of the situation. It can be done, now lines, he being a West Indian.
having a good time at the races, cabarets, movies, etc.
or at any other time in the history of the race. The days It was brought out that Mr.
of individual leadership are gone. Those were days in which St. Paul Christmas Slaney was not living with Mr.
ignorance surrendered to the voice and gestures of an inwhen the transactions took domitable chief or a redoubtable visionary, and the success Music place and that Mrs. Blaney wa.
being pestered by the Captain. of the leaders was resultant upon their superiority over the but at the same time she did not rest of the people. It is not so now. The majority of the people MIZARCHI PROP.
Sacred Cantata, Sunday, refuse the gift of two hundred are fairly intelligent, and they are all able to take a hand in December 28th.
the working out of the destiny of the race; and any proBuying Off, 491 Broadway combination of over forty gram of operation that does not include the cooperative mixed voices comprising the Choir action of the people, as a whole, will fail of realization.
of St. Paul Church in this City, Prince Of Wales The high point in the problem of Racial Unity or will render a Christmas Musical Program at one of the bg theatres Solidarity is the recognition of the great concensus. It is Padre Was Unaware couraging high. So a jack pot was on the Sunday after Christmas Day Saved From Fall By subscribed and sent by the house December 26th, when festive numFarm Hand to be treasured as a thought of lofty inspiration that the boy to the local padre, with a bers from such world renowned ideas and opinions of the great minds of the race through OF HIS SPIRITUAL request to pray heartily for a breeze out the world must be regarded as the necessary finale to The padre, something of a London. Nov. 19 Ouly prompt a composers as Handel, Stults, SimPOWERS the construction of Negro Solidarity. Their notions must be sportsmau, consented, but under per and Sir Joho Cose will be among action by Joe turgess, a farm lab.
estimated his own powers. For in the chief items, ourer, saved the Prince of Wales put together, and from the mass of suggestions there must the middle of the evening sboot al The Panama Symphony Orches to day from another bad accident be drawn the principles upon which there can be an agree Under the caption Some notes burricane bit the island and flat )tra will accompany all of the while riding to hounda. The Prinment for the univere al solidification of the race. The prob of West Indian interest. the fol tened every crop in the district: Choral numbers, apd will render in ee was galloping furiously at the On lem is infinitely greater than a sectional concern, and too lowing appears in the Weale lodine Dom Monday, anorming the club de en dient bed sheard oamberlistem of the coup bray ehete and dependent classical. head of in the Circular of date the members received the padre For much for one man, or even any one group of men, whether 18th November:making ceipt for their remittance, to the first time.
straight for a they be in Harlem. Port Limon, Panama or Kingston.
canal hidden few years ago number of was appended an itemized bill for The Cantata will include Solos, by hedge. Sturgess rap. in front 23, damages to Church We, as a people have to learn two things: to be able gun club members gathered in JaDuets, Quartettes and Choruses.
property the horse and stopped the Tickets will be no sale within the seadget and plunge into the canal.
he was to surrender some ideas and to be willing to accept. We do maien for Sunday morning poker by ebooters wind provided next fete dwyd.
not know all about any question; there are some things and rum puoches. Saturday per request. From Baldpates, Bespattered with mud from head to feet the Phince halted just long we know much better than they; but we must all cooperate, ment, for the day was dead calm For a good assortment of Christ enough to thank the farmer, and other people know better than ourselves and some things shoot had been disappointing, and in the Times, October 27th.
there was no prospect of improveADVERTISE mas and New Year Cards go to resumed the chase, avoiding the here and wherever the race is fouud.
and the birds would be flying dis IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS the WORKMAN Printery perils of the canal.
Gifts o item.
Star inst iwi was deep leap the


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