
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15 1926 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE Unique Entertainment Attractions at the Theatres STRAND Drills, Dances.
tobal GOOD HAND IRONERS Wanted Ravel Roy Co kburn The púpils of the Immaculate Conception Grammar School are enthusiastically putting on the finisbing touches to an excellent CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA programme, which is to be rendered on the night of DecemItb, at the Parieb Hall. PANAMA)
ber 11tb, at COLON This programme is comprised Dramas Today Saturday Dec, 11th Today Saturday Dec, 11th Today Saturday Dec 11th of Today Saturday Dec. 11th and Comedies, Songs Gaston Glass in and Charleston Agnes Ayres in Vera Reynolds in Dance, the efficient and enter Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 12th GOD CRUCIBLE HER MARKET VALUE WITHOUT MERCY taining execution of which has entailed a considerable amount Cooleen Moore in Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 12th Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 12th Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 12th of care and tuition of the most ELLA CINDERS Gilda Gray in Gretta Garbo in William Boyd in practical nature.
Taking into consideration the ALOMA OF THE SOUTH SEAS IBANEZ TORRENT THE VOLGA BOATMAN Monday December 13th youthfulness of the executarts.
Monday December 13th Helen Chadwick in Monday December 13th Monday December 13th we may safely anticipate av THE STILL ALARM.
Viola Dana in Harry Carey in interesting and satisfactory per.
Leacock Troupe Presents fortance of the respective WILD OATS LANE SILENT SANDERSON PANAMA FOLLIES plece, and it is to be hoped that Tuesday December 14th parents and the public in For Sterling in Tuesday December 14th Tuesday December 14th general will give us the support Tuesday December 14th Pete Morrison in THE SHOW OFF Marguerete de la Motte which is Deeessary to make such CHASING TROUBLE Leacocks Troupe Presents IN LOVE WITH LOVE occassions a success. PANAMA FOLLIES Wednesday December 15th Wednesday December 15th IrenRich in Wednesday December 15th Wednesday December 15th John Whittiers THE PLEASURE BUYER Cooleen Moore in Richard Barthemess in Eleanor Boardman in ELLA CINDERS RANSON FOLLY Birthday THE AUCTION BLOCK Thursday December 16th Thursday December 16th Eleanor Boardman in Thursday December 16th Thursday December 16th THE ACPION BLOCK Lionel Barrymore in The above is the title of a Con Helen Chadwick in Harry Carey in THE BARRIER cert that will be given at the Cris. THE STILL ALARM SHENT SANDERSON Silver Clubhouse on Friday Friday December 17th Friday December 17th Dec. 17 1926 at p. m, by a group 8p Friday December 17th Harry Care) in Friday December 17th Conway Tearle in of pupils, directed by Mr. NEL Ford Sterling in SILENT SANDERSON Smith of the Silver City School. THE SPORTING LOVER Marguerete de la Motte in THE SHOW OFF IN LOVE WITH LOVE bote Quaker Poet, Whittier was at Harevhill. on Saturday December 18th Saturday Deoen ber 18th Saturday December 18th 17, 1807. He died on Saturday December 11th December Thomas Meighan in Tom Mix in Irene Rich in September 7, 1892 but, as is the Gaston Glass in TIN GODS DEADWOOD COACH THE PLEASURE BUYER case with great poets, his memory GOD CRUCIBLE and influence live today, Friends in general and Silver City friends 314 16 in particular are asked to come out and spend a pleasent evening with the Children Robbery at Boys BA moc OSXOCOS Pacific Star Lodge No. 16 Friends are asked to cut out and save their program)
Institute PROGRAM On Saturday night 27th ulto. Introductory remarks Mr.
the Pacific Star Lodge No. Smith On Sunday morning last the 16. was the center Piano solo selected; Mr. 6th instant the residence of of attraction within the traRobertsoa Commander Watson, head of the terpal circles of this city, when Sophy of whittier; Six Colon Boys League Institution, was robbed. The robber got promptly at T.
irish, Commander sounded the Song, Auld Lang Syne; The away with a watch and chain for the business part of group.
valued at 75, 00, one phonograph the meeting, wbich could not be Recitation The Robin; Lee Valued at 25. 00, six pieces of entered into until p. owing cloth for ladies dresses valued at to the influx visitors and Violin Solo Selected, Miss, 20. 25. 09, one ladies wrist wa. ch members pouring in from Sister valued at Lodges.
We were also graced Recitation Hiat of Life Os. Pockets of Commander Watson with the presence of our Grand borne Quarless suit which he had worn the day Quotations; Six Children before the robber or robbers took ATcoolecing Legate, w, Sir who added Chorus The Vacant Chair over 20 00. Many other eme!
much to our evening success.
The articles Including stockings, The major part of the evening 10 Recitation Snowbound: Three were stolen. The Colon Detective work was the initiation of eight Children Bureau was immediately notided candidates and two re instated 11 Duet Under the Skies; Misses but up to the present the thieves members. The ceremonies were Vand have not been captured, performed The robbery took place 12 Recitation The Yankee Girl; by Sir Clem Gill, Lodge Naomi and Linda between one and two o clock in Legate and his co workers.
the moraing the thieves entering was not until the wee hours of Lantern Drill; Eight Boys a rule 14 Glee Sweet and Low; The through a window. As the morning when all left after Girls Commander Watson leaves his. goodly barquet was served.
WODNESS 15 Recitation Barbara Frietchie: residence to take up work at the The Pacific Star Lodge decides Institute between five and belf to demonstrate its usefulness in core this community by observing the 16 Cornet solo Selected; Mr. past five every morning, but on the of the robbery be morning o!
Golden Rule, and practicing the Recitation The Nut Party, declared that it seemed impos Commander Daughters to teachings of the Fathe: hood of Dechando sible Four Celebrate Birthday God and the brotherbood of man.
18 kecitation Why Cats Wasb; finding him abseçt from work Beryl Frampton went to his rooms and still asleep Activities of St. Peter 19 Tableau Guests from Whit. and awoke him tierland; Seven Children birthday party for Misses by. the Sea, La Boca Cathline and Inez Wat on, 20 Song Lightly Row; The group parts of the city. During one daugbters of Commander Wat21 Recitation In School days, week an apartment in tena son, will be celebrated at bis Fine Assortment Our numerous friends are hereby Stanley and Ivan reminded of the Big Christmas 22 Glee Little Soldiers. By the ment buiding in Cocoanut Alley residence on the 23rd of the near the te plant was twice present month. Tbe Cantata to be rendered bays by AT THE SEVENTY voices (at St. Peter 23 Recitation If Knew: Vi, la entered, and a few nights after ladies are fifteen and thirteen a visit was paid to quarters in sears old respectively and bad La Boca, Sunday, Dec. 26, at 30 arte The BRITISH DRUG STORE m, Music in the air: The the vicinity of 4th and Bolivar recently arrived from Jamaica 24 object of the Cantata is Song streets and many articles of It is believed that the Misses Church worthy one to give the clothing Watson wll help to foster the 25 Recitation Mayflowers; Ivy School Children and good work their father has been BOLIVAR STREET, COLON, teachers a New Year Day outing, and Evelena It is understood that the col engaged for so many years.
Come over and help us enjoy this 26 Remarks; Secretary Waller.
worthwhile Cantata, which will 27 Closing Chorus Home Sweet ored baseball league bas decided inclade Choruses, Solos, Duets, to postpone the opening of the Home; The group Make your selections early Quartets, Recitations, 28 Vote of Thanks: Mr L. season the early in the coming year, but pending a conference Smith GATUN between manager Jarrett and CANAL ZONE NOTES captain Wallace of the Atlantic News Notes side and officers of the Pacific end, No detinite announcements The La Boca Athenaeum is The population of this town 27th, the members of the On Saturday night, November will made.
LA BOCA reputed to be the most popular has increased at least fiftye, Club of Gatun gathered at the The society in La Boca. This society families during the past two residence of Miss Mascoll.
augmented Wesleyan 40 voices friendly cricket match beo Working hard on a Christmas tween the Wanderers and Sussex old and dignified little Silver throughout each year, but at the barracks and Most of the fohabitants of this bot only furnishes us with up to months, at least that many apart where the opening of this Club date literary and social programs ments were made from bachelor was beld.
Can water in the Holy Nativity cricket clubs is announced to City have been wondering is end of each year, have between accupied. It is learnt that there Mr. Lord, Vice President they Mr. Woodman, President by the famous English composer, take place on the Mouat Hope the authorities had been con its members and their friends, a were over two hundred and fifty along with Mr. Gittens. TreaArthur Berridge. This is one of oval tomorrow. This is the first sidering building a new Club good time. The present Secre applicants for the best productions of Mr. of a series of games be:ween house, the fifty four surer, expressed in brief words as the old Berridge and is a a work of con these two teams for championsiderable difficulty their bast wishes for the club but the ship honours as is their custom spectacle. But no such a thing Government School.
He is a ppesented a very undiguitid tary is Mr. Clifford Sewell, apartments.
ex teacher of the success. Shortly after these choir under the ladership o year by year. The match is was in the minds of those in bigb Mr. Kinnimouth, is making being given a great deal of pube places. At any rate next Obrist ratesday night will be no gala night the Entertainment Committee the latest bits and every one could Reed, Chairman of. the man of. Next very good the and the sportlovicg public mas will services promisean hobee a rest earnestly hoping that there Clubhouse much more present pight for the Athenaeum Secre emplos dos Basso Dietrict of the bele en je wins away. An enjoysuccess. It announced to be will be. tary handiug Association is busy time bad and the than it was a month ago, as out Invitations for this annual on plans for a Christmas treat egress with every one wearing a reminded on Wednesday night, Secretary A, Neely bas sucfor the children. Tags at ten broad smile.
tbe 29. instThe Alliance Literary and ceeded in having the entire Social. The general public will cepts each are Debating Society has announced building thoroughly renovated not be invited, as it takes a few ment funds for this purpose and Residents of Colon now find its monthly debate to take place and painted.
in that Have you tried tho it necessary to be on the lookout on Tuesday evening the 20h a position to invite guests from number feel happy; but it is felt from this pleasant work is for burglars after retiring at inst.
The leaders of the debate, all over the Canal Zone now Boer Lights. Within the last few and the subject to be contested us during the Christmas Season sure that all those who have been weeks there baye been many will be detioitely decided upon and feel sure that they will have invited will have good time For a good assortment of Christ Kronen Brau reparte of their unexpected and at the regular weekly meeting a good time and leave taking with the popular Athenaeum mas and New Year Cards glorite visits in unwelcome various on the 13th inst.
away good tidinge.
the WORKMAN Priotery.
members ESPERANZA LAUNDRY impressively Worthy Only First Class Ones Need Apply 13 Three Girls last five 17 keur boys Xmas and New Year Cards Carter Broup stolen. are all able sale to aug


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