
diet MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS tbe saampaamo Buti Workman Stationery Store but two wa discovery theory for instance a miniman at least of THE BEER Up to date Jewelry The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
distinguishei bave possible needs Eich reinforced part of military FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 1, 1926 British Finance and ได iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiป Germany ConstructsDr. David Smith Commerce Secret Fortifications.
BHELTERS LOCATED AT KONIGS BEKG TO INCREASE STRENGTH bite Specialist of Guabito, Dr. Smith the SnakeLondon. November 1928. To OFOF FORTRESS.
the student of pati inal babit the Bocas del Toro, begs to changes in the diet of people Friendly Societies and Secret Orders ROADS THAT ARE HIDDEN offer his professional service are of particular interest, and to any patient. Wherever the people of Great Britain are found, his snake bite remeundergoing a change of Purpose of these Subterranean dies have never failed to IS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF which deserves consideratio. Chambers is to conceal InIn the last few years the masses effect a speedy cure. The fantry In Time of War bere have discovered the gain Doctor also specializes in in health, to say nothing of the other complaints such as Uripleasure, to be derived from the Berlin, Nov, The German of fresb fruit.
comsumption have secretly constructed a larg nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers Many causes bave contributed number of enormous under and Obstinate Coughs.
to this discovery. the chief of ground chambers, at Konigsbere Should you need his prowhich may be bricily enume(in East Prussia) to increase th fessional services, do not fail rated here strength of the fortress. Th to write or come to the DocFirst Influence perhaps should Suitable for Lodge Business existence of 54 of these chambers has already been ascertained.
tor personally when you can be place the concerted advertising camp is of the British Subteranean chambers have be cured.
Fruit Trades Federations also been constructed by the Address: Eat More Fuit campaign AT THE military authorities in the spigh DR. DAVID SMITH vigor bourhood of the frotress of Kus ously waged, would not in itsel trin, in Prussla. The number of Specialist have sufficed, to make the great thep is not of Guabito Bocas del Toro we have noted not known chaoge we wider them, 12. miles apart, bave alread Republic Panama knowledge of recent scientific in food values has to banggo ng pago ang pagpapang an ange road ang gagapangan gaan found part of the material used in 80 new that when these two were considerable extent prep iei the ground. The vitamin theo making them was still moist. 11 is stated that more which more than a million ry lays great stress on the impormarks. 50. 000) has already been tance in diet of spent on this work.
fresh, ucco ked food, These new additi. no to the two has been generally accepted by fortresses are contray to Article co the mecial profession The 180 of the Treaty of Versailles medical officers of local authoWhen however the German auth we rities and other to terested in SUPPLIED BY orities found that their secret bad preventive medicice bave popubeen divulged, they attempted to. Such argue that a construction could be ties as the Now Health Society, placed on tie clause of the article a m! xed body of medical ten different from that which the and laymen presided over by a words imply to the plain man, Burg on, The purpose of these subterra. In every form can be seen secured coosiderable space in the nean chambers is to conceal infan here at its best See our secu pier for dissea sating their try in time of war. The there is stil vility however exists that they Wrist Watches, in the popular niad the may enter into a scheme of new ecollection of the time of privamethods of warfare which reis brewed from the best tion from trait during the Bracelets mains the secret of of the German Great War. Quite righ ly the military autho ities Diamond Rings the Fighting Services materials obtainable of the chambers at Ku took precedence of the civil potrin is large enough to house 50 and a hundred other adornpulation, and the arrangements men. They are constructed of ments and you ll recognize made for meeting these needs It is specially suited for this climate required some sacrifice on the concrate and are so cleverly concealed that nobody why this is the LEADING ibe latter.
enis superior to all imported beers sold tire crop of Italian o anges was the neighbourhood of the fort ask prices and you ll find still passing through the country in JEWELRY HOUSE in town one season earmarked for the here and it sells to the public at resses would have Army. This privation tard to idea that it is honeycombed with another reason. make the British public appreccatacombs, iate the boon or cheap and plent HALF the price.
Тbe two chambers connected ful fruit.
with the fortress of Kustrin le Fuller Jewelry Store All these factors new cooverg.
beneath sand dones. and it is 122 Cetnral Ave. Phone 629 ing bave made the British import imposeible for a ybody who has TRY OUR NEW BEER not been let it to the secrets of fruit market one of the most imBecause portant in Euro)
the German miliary authorities Great Britain is primarily au in to detect their whereabouts.
dustrial country Lesh vegetables HIDDEN FROM PUBLIC WILKINSON do not enter so larg ly as they Solid roads have been made in perhaps ougbt loto toe dietary ot their neighbourhood and then Contractor her factory workers. This defie ma carefully concealed by a layer of lency must be and largely is, met SUPERIOR TO ALL mud so that they look like rude and Builder by inported country paths for ploughmen, of jum ard toarmalade also great mormoid for military purposes.
Sorunles. Of The British psople. assos of fruit are Nevertheless, they afford good House No. 20 Oil going for motor rebicles and men according to a recent roport of a and munitions could be rapidis 28th NOV. STREET, foreign Consul General, are a conveyed over them to be hidden SAN MIGUEL nation of in eaters.
sheltere, Marmalade re mi:ds us of the From the purely military point Box 411, Panama, kreat quantities of cranges imp of view, the strengthening of the two fortresses is not considered a veralon into that delectable provery serious. It will have xeron duct. All tribute their quota, but Florida, to be dealt with 18th Military Plans and Specifications Free parts of the world corCouncil at Versailles and by the South Africa and Spain are the Ambassadors and it chief sources, Last year over is First Class Workmanship possible that they will take a forty per cent of the Spanish Of every description lepient view Satisfaction Guaranteed Olaoge crop (her chief On the other hand, the spirit was taken by Great Britain.
of defiance displayed by this 220 million pesetas maarth DONE WITH NEATNESS AND construction of secret fortificaGreat Britain took milione.
tions will undoubtedly give pause are nominally peses to those who may be inclined to 14001 20 FLOWERS worth one pound: current rate.
advise the withdrawal of the. DESPATCH France cama Inter Allied Commission of with 37 million pesetas and Ger Military Control before its work Abogado. Attorney at Law many with 36 milion. Parentbeli.
is really completed.
OFFICE: No. 44. Sr it may be observed that Spain sent to Great Britain last AT THE BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY year 69 million pesetas worth of Gallantry of Naval TELEPHONE No. 1377 The grape fruit is now quite Officers. Practicing before all the courts of the vogue. Foreigo apolas, of the Republic since April 1914 course, have always been wanted to supplement Great Britain The Nassau Guardian of own limited barvest tbe more Nov is the finest in the world. Banathe pity since the Eaglish apple official story of the incidents thai Dentist Howell Occurred in the Dockyard during nas, grapes, tomatoes, among Removal Notice the height of the storm when fresh fruit, and figs, dates, ra the Calcutta went adrift: sins and currents, among dried, David Leon, Attorney atHOUSE 912, LA BOCA CALL IN AT are all in great demand in this Law, has removed his offices Valerian the same time as the CANAL ZONE.
was lost, the full, country.
to No. 175 Central Avenue As Great Britain is the centre (upstairs Sealey Photo Stustrength of the storm struck the (Opposite the Restaurant. Calcutta, which was moored Office Hours: a. to p.
of a world wide empire it is alongside the Dockyard with dio. 28 only to be expected that much separate hawsers and anchor to p.
of ibis imported fruit shoula down and steam in her engines, DAILY come from the Dominions. El Every single hawser parted forts are naturally and rightly in 1924 being respectively 22, except one in less than two PHONE 1941 BALBOA. being made to extend this 707, 196 and 21, 817, 681. Promlminutes, and swept her away Specializes all the branches colonial trade, but the home de nent among these imports are: from the jetty. dasbing. ber No. 93, Central Avenue mand is so great that all sources apples 4, 164, 032 cwts, valued of Dentistry of be on.
against a pier heod and so bola 10, 10 iog ber.
The extent and rapla growth of bunches, valued 4, 779, 545 ASSORTMENT OF Two officers Lieut. fruit imports into Great Britain oranges 6, 837, 531 cwus, valued Roskill, of the Wistaria and Subdemonetrated by the follow 5, 971, 700; lemons and other ing figures. For the nine months citrous fruit 001, 255 ewts. Lieut. Alers Hankey of If you want to please your. and nats 725, 846 GOOD STATIONERY the Capetown jumped into friends by sending them a lovely she water with lite buoys and total value of raw fruit and nuts, 2, 158, 287. These figures it used as fruit, amounted to 24, must be rep ated, are for the swam down wind with nes to Christmas or New Year Card call 363, 495, the figures for the first three quarters of this year SOUVENIRS, the Calcutta which enabled at the WORKMAN Priatery where her to haul other bawsers on the finest lot in the city are cu equivalent period last year and only, board.
display KRONEN BRAU In the form unsuitable JOB. PRINTING Council af expor. About 25 about 395 nxt almonds.


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