p. 8


olano MOTOR That Capital LOOK OUT FOR THE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NUMBER Ibe WORKMAN 906 division black tact TO APPEAR ON TUESDAY THE 21st DECEMBER properly designates a colour, and children cents.
planned est to Christmas Shoppers and others interested and Kiss Me Tourity Girl thira writgre As it is intended to make this issue highly interesting no one can afford to be the white.
Inear og all land and we with Word saw the the Capetown Paul Choir Under the above caption the It was all normal on the tort on following appeared in a recent issue Sunday afternoon last. The Jouof the GRENADA WEST INDIAN key Club program of races To be Rendered at Exclsior While we were writing some were carried out on time and Theatre days ago about the pereistence of without any unusual bappningsthe Editor of The West India it was not a day for the Committee Circular in featuring favorites, however, the track According to previous aannunrethe word Negro with a common ments the Ohristmas Musical Pro.
baving tewained dampaid n, a letter on the subject was on developed ruddy alter the first gramme of St. Paul Church is its way to us froin England being prepared by the mixed choir two events.
Albert Bernard B lle Sauvage This year the programm will In the United States, only newsof over forty voie OF THE papers and journals that are was the best horse in the pc rendered at the EXCELSIOR distinctly anti Negro write the ture as far as drawings in the Theatre in this city (naar the Rail word today with a commoa pari mutuels were coccern road Station) where will be redoes mean colour With jockey Cowen uy she was Held of commodation for about six hundesurely not black since there are given a good start ias bad starters over a fiver furlong 1o ed persons hard some distance; people to tell. Negro The programme will consist of ebe held her own to the wigning Lost beating Translate and quartettes with orchestral certain racial Arthems (all new. sulos, duets represiod, is ia terms of We bear of the of wbo hv ga.
not expressed ground from a bid start to a close tinish accompaniment.
Winning her tield abone did not tra, the famoưs all West Iodian race, the white race, the Toe Panami symphony Orchesyellow race, whare common letters Bain Balle Sauvaga tbe afternoons combination aumherine in its perare in place, but of this we on top popularity in the pa mutuels o bear of the Anglo Saxon race, for she paid her backers 82, 20 to sonnel some of our foremost muinstance, and Caucasian, MongoMonte Toledano B ave Lessie, tirely new items in addition to the 16. sicians ll contribute several en lian, where the colour word is not rid den by Parkinsonlig won the accompaniments to the choruses sufficient. Negro is the word of of the alterooona coloured people, therefore, which plass There will be three prices of ad thoroughbred hors, beating Generaladinissi 30 cents; ali. means more than This issue will contain breezy articles by local writers people.
Pierrot, Capoul ard Loret sta 15 one time the Circular wrote who came in in the order amed.
It is to make this pro Duque Chombo Grilo and will feature catchy Advertisements of inter negress. monstrous absurdity, with the with cobar up, won the Jockey gracame the most entertaining and ia tigress.
common as the Cigu. Live lutlu. es handicap for brightest of the season. Make your preparations for atteading iw y ar elds and paid the Our correspondent writes from England as follows na dalump sum of 10, 60 to in local and foreign enterprises.
Whold you mind writing to in the pari mutuels, Arlequin PATHETIC 1ALE OF The West fodia Committee in Creülas asking them not to write (Continued from page 1)
Negra or Negress with a com The biggest race for the afterIt does annoy me. If noon was really a 68 furlong 10 est en spelling Negro event who were on the raft took turps in lor class inported thorough holding me up. Terrific seas swept with a breda purse 300 in which Bum them off one by one and the wind for thirtoloured and black to do is ba, Meddler, Dhole, and Meelah was crael. Petty Officer Tanly to write the names of ook part bombas with Codel up was youngere ile keeping up our spire won easily. Meddler races sylth. common letters. am responded its by singing and.
not subscriber to The West splendidly to Perkins urge but captain thought help was hear, but could not do better than Second when night came our spirits sank without a copy.
Toda e Committes: Cireular and, known gou are one, thought it place; Dhole held on to third We could see ng lights although Meiah trailed the tela we had no fool, and best to suggest that you write the Hon. Secretary, for, daresay, the salt water we swallowed inade Cumioglu last.
Lindarbe Stad Elektrilin capsized 20 times, but we elung on desperately ill. The raft was on the powerful influence will soon Pleorla up won the curtain Those tempted to write the Taiser of 6t fui longs for class tenaniously. do not know how e France Alarmed Over English with a native borses, with Candle the night passed, but at 10 a, m, on common Native is another word against wood second and Cliqui thi Saturday we WHITENS THE SKIN Fap of the Stud El Carmen with boat put off, but it seemed to miss Influx of Italians which we all should strougly object for it is used here in England in a up won the other race for us and picked up twos an thres conteinpenous manner, like the fast alive burses; this was over a from floating wreckage. At last Creme Blanc Mirette İstance of tive lurlongs. Don she found us when we shouted and Siu. on took second Toulouse, France. The rapidity lisappearing word nigger.
waved shirte. We received splendi! Marvelous Cream with which Italian immigrants The list wen, five fatlong attention on board. We could not ar abhorbing all the available bảndicap for class imported have lasted motherhouPrevents and removes freckles, moth patches, la id in this region, particularly the horses was won by Aracuana Have you tried the departments of Gers and riddett L, Ba 21: Caic. j408 with sun tan, and other skin blemishes upper is causing grav: new Boor Porla up tuok scouu place, The Dorcas Society unensiness SOLD IN DRUG STORES inhabitants.
It is stated, an Appeals generally believed here that Kronen Brau Dr. Wendehake Benito Mussolini, the Italiai Premier, has formed a vast proMEDICAL CLINIC small band of the women gram of immigration, involuin. PARK LET 37, 025 Front Street Colon of British West ludians observing members of the Isthmian League CHURCH SERVICES Manchuria Passenger the settling of 500, 000 Talians Gives Bugus Checks the south of France within the pexi OPPOSITE RR STATION from tlme to time need and dest five or six years. Contiñued from page 1)
PHUNE 11 tation among the poorer members Third Sunday in Advent These colonists are not by any more of the poor employees are of this Cominunity we re moved AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCE Revel, a passenger on the means all poor laborers. Many are not able or do not take the trouabout the middle of this year to band theniselves (Anglican Catholie)
steamship Manchoria when she well to do and of good family athe ble to ask the price of what they passed Balboa dnring the early pay cash for the farms they buy from the commissaries.
NEST OF FOURTEEN as much as they possibly could for St. Paul Church, Panama But rich or poor, the amelioration of these part of this month, succeeded parenrefully supervised by the exchanging bogu travellers are (Continued from page 1)
ditions. They named their organi (Rov, Nightengsle, Reator. check for about 1, 599. 00 worth of Italian which taks Government, the Dorcas Society in Barbadian Progressive room Whittington attacked a pile me merchandise from local business every precautton agaiust their a. Holy Communion Rectur memory of the Scriptural Dorcas, Society of coal with a shovel, thinking and they are determined to pro10. 16 a. Matins Me. Atwill, men, it was learnt early this week. being assimilated by the French Two some contraband might be conceal ceeds along a similar line of efort. Catechist There is at Toulouse an Italian All Officers and members of the ed in it The Socie y aims to 10 30 a. Holy Eveborit seren, in oriental goods, have suffered to Coneulate with a staff of forty, The shovel struck something make garments for the poor. They Preacher Rev. Cowan, BD the extent of over 1, 000, The Italian bank and an Italian prelate Barbadian Progressive Society are soft among the black, sooty lemon 88 now again appeal to sympathisera 12 Don Holy Baptism.
checks were detected to be fraud to direct the work of the priests requested to attend a geaeral revealed a ulent orders when presented for sent from Italy to minister to the meeting on wednesday night the pm Church School man leg The search squad then public to make donatious of cast cash at local 30 Choral Evensong Sermor left these shores, and was on the Many of the towns and villages Court Atlantic, Cristobal attacked the coul pile very earnest: off or uncared for clothing and The Reeter banks after Revel had spiritual needs of the colonists, 15th inst, at their Lodge Hall.
ly and found a total of 28 legs. shoes. ney also solicit do xations high seas, The checks were said to have Italian schools and stores when nomination and election will properly paired off and attached of rice sugar, potatoes, flour and be fair imi ations of the genuine, kept by Italians to cater to třfeir be the chief item on the sganda to 14 grimy, bewildered and near canne. good as th ay aim to give St. Alban Church, Paraiso but they were not without various countrymen.
and matters of vital importance blind stowawys will be settled discrepancies in make up: hole like the crater of a vola number of the the poor the surprise CANAL ZONE.
After it waa verified by radio that a passenger by the name of cano had been dug in the pile and of a Christmas dinner reinforced with timber The 14 horary memb:r of this so iety.
Mis, ER Wade, who is an (Rov. NIGA TENGALE, Revel was on the Manchuria sailGrand Garden Party ing to Los Angeles the Police at CENTRAL at the base of the any donations desired to be maile Rev. Nightengele. am. Holy Euchariet and eermin that place were notified to interDon forget the grand Garden and their bodies radiating Call or send to the Wesleyan view him on arrival there. Continued from page 1)
party which comes off at the p. Church Schol Mission house, 16th Street East, wurking plan which is, howeyer, Paraiso Clubhouse tonight SaturThree members of the crew wers 30 Choral Evening Sermoa to be subjected to alterations, the day the 11th inst. There will be Rev. Cowan D.
arrested for possible criminal prose: If you want to please your Organization will seek recognition many diversions such as Fishing cution in in connection with the Snatches Valuables From friende by sending them a lovely from the authorities to act as a well Beauty Parlor, Fancy Stalls, attempted smurgling of aliens. The President Sister St, Matthias Mission Christmas or New Year Card call central body represeating civic and etc, etc. The Isthmian Syncopa14 stowaways were taken to Ellis at the Workman Printery where social matters affecting, more or ters will render the latest dance Island and will be depo ted on the LAS SABANAS the finest lot in the city are on less, the entire West Indian com bits so don miss it.
Munorleans although it has not Two arrests of suspects were display.
munity, and to recommend to yet been learned at what port they made in Colon the day before (Rev. NIGHTENGALE, West Indians from time to time were taken aboard the liner.
Priest in Charge.
yesterday in connection with the reforms with a view to prevent or If you want to please your reported robbery of fourteen p. Church Schiol suppress any undesirable practices friends by sending them a lovely English pound notes, wrist watch 730 pm Evensong. Mr. Rich St. Simon Mission, Gambon which the people may show a ten Christmas or New Year Card call Leagues Monthly Meetings selo in diamonds, a bunch of keys arde Catechist.
and other valuables, from 8.
Choral Matins 10. 45 Eucharist end to follow. As soon as puch an at the WORKMAN Printery where is goined the organization will the finest lot in the city are en Luisa de Vergara, sister of the and fermon 11. 30 At 30 a enter into cooperative business display.
The Isthmian League of British President of Chile who speat a.
West Indians will hold its regular short time in Colon on her way to Poter by the Sea, La Boca Musical Program wil be rendered by which will be a means to automasolidify the entire West Inmonthly meeting in Para iso on Chile on the steamship Orcoms dian ocmmunity and thereby Wednesday the 22nd and in Pana of the Pacific Steam Navigut. on Amorioan Episcopal (Angliona Com St. Barnabas Church, Empte improve their general economic Why pay double price ma on Thursday the 16th instant Company, status St. Bartholomw Church muoto)
for inferior imported as the hall will ba used for some It is reported that the ar icles Holy Baptism 30 a. m; LAS CASCADAS to be that Boer when you can other funetion on the Saturday were being carried by Mrs.
following: Vergara in a handbag which was Matins Address 11 am, Mr.
Matins and Address, Church these efforts will exactamente time At this meeting of the 16th the santehed out of her hand while Bunter, Lay Reader.
buy a superior Beer School and Evening Prayer will be and enésil sacrifices, especially on held at the above named Churches movement, it is felt that such an part of the nomination and election of officers leay! og a fashionable cabaret in Church School Special Effort pm, such as BALBOA for for the next term will take place. company with two gentlemen The Chintal Evensong, sermon 30 at the usual hour ty the Lay Read. organizttion, is bigbly essential half the price.
All members are requested tą robber is said to be a West Ladian The Rector.
from both a social and economic attend.
JT MULCARE, Ree or. JT MULCARE Priost in Charge, viewpoint, Garonne, is among the French together to work conin zation to repair and Priest in Chorge.
their erater and cut like spokes of a wheel, tically ers youth.


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