p. 1


Colored Migrants not Wanted FARMERS LOAN BANK AND DUCHESS Garvey Discusses Racial In Urban of California Problem with Reporter There is Neither Room Nor Labor Large Scalo In Cuba In Penitentiary Says He Will Opportunities for them Says Newspaper Correspondent For Promotion of Agri of York Choerod by cultural Activities On Crowds on Visit to People Palaco the Sunday crow cir Road imit Brown e with and of many to a desk towns.
of the the narrow this is the is the of thin ly from re. Havana despatch states. Prese despatch from London Work Harder For The Freedom Plans to form a farmers loan bank, states that the Duke and Duchess furnish financial aid to sugar which in the first place would of York had a great welcome when of His Race.
ibey visited People planters and would also promote Mile End road, recently Washinton, Dec. Sounding a warning to colored agricultural activities on a large listened to a concert given in aid of Atlanta, Ga. Nov. In euming (he, If there is any place a migrants that there is neither room nor labor opportunities scolaire vous out her early is being condom hospitale deeder the to this city no hoteles entre other Negro ought to be allowed to go il for them in the urban district of California, and calling the war kan man ser the recente created cicopic Society, Excelsior Pbilan ubjectives two rather itehing over Afrien He went on todos elemento National sugar Planters As thropic of which they are to. the the world wide attempt being mace attention of our colored farmers to the agricultural possibili sociaton of Cuba.
Imperial ties in the State, William Wheaton, of San Francisco, the Wizard, the white king of to jim crow Negroes, and touched The crowd gathered outside Amercia; and to see the black king00 the laws recently passed baring association has already well known newspaper correspondent, says: rereived offers from many the building and there were or more correctly, of the time, the provisiGar! colored people from Brasil, Mexico, culturists with some means to come to Calitornia. Really, men to subscribe capital for the and Duchess stepped from their vey. rode ont six miles on Western world were getting just fast, taking The and Panama, declaring that Ne.
institution, the more important motor er.
im groes, particularly those of the there is no more room in the urban districts for race mi having been from Pedro Pelegrin, Hats and handkerchiefs were Peachtree and say the form what they deserved for their lethgrants.
We have taken a survey of conditions and find Arturo Barra vazu and Senator waved so vigorously that many er, an white House, any. Soon they ihat employment, labor and domestic endeavor are oversup. recebido usikateo Rinowoce would were lost, but their owners weat nestling in an onken grove; nod a ag an eles personne benable in furnish 300 000 then perhaps they will plied. But the open spaces waiting to be tilled, the great cu00e on Shoreo new look and comes outiog Hurray! just the few dave later piloted by two wake up, he.
the fine friends here, opportunity which awaits the thrifty farmer, they are As soon as detalis for the back It was a very jolly concert and Drs, C, Wayman Reeves and dreds of persons in England and went on to tell him how hunhere, but are passing rapidly into the hands of others who are worked out it is understood the royal visitors thoroughly motored over to the mar: France, some of them prominent, are learning the possibilities which this great State holds that President Machado will be enjoyed all the turns nificent, university like building had asked me about bim; forth to tillers of the soil. Oranges being shipped to the requested to ask Congress to vote! One of the songs which most with the beautiful sweep of lawn, many Negroes in this country, some of how Orient: a population sufficient for home consnmption; spelnlaw granting certain concessio:18 pleased the Duke and Ductese that is the federal penitentiary, to of them wealthy, who sympathized to the institution.
did educational advantages, and a general atmosphere of (Continuer! on page 8)
Appearing at the barred gate him; and of the discussions of freedom these are some of the things for which we say of bis movement under the rat Doric columns we himself that to you: come to California; but STAY AWAY from the big were politely ushereed by the guard of our col eges at which he seem were tıking place in SPARKLETS where we give our names od In this connection it is interesting to note that there. BY WCK)
and after a short wait, and with ed quite pleased. There is much has been a tremendous increase in the colored population much less formality than we had about Garveyim with which I, for experted were condnetet through stano his approval ough one, radically disagree as for inof California during recent years. They have gone there This is not a month in which a pitched battle some months ago heavy iron bar red door into a from every State, but principally and in the order named Sloved meccan concentrate on and was in the case of a fair lodroom where after another short wachairman of cor such insiduous enemies from Texas, Louisiana, Georgia, Missouri. Tennessee, Alamos be subject, be hit is wife of whom no normal man can cs. wait we saw the stocky figure of of America and the Negro as Cox, bama, Kentucky, Arkansas and Virginia, mother, or the. no of PowellKu Emperor for Sunday morsing sacrament. without a copy of the Workman clad in wtat appeared to be the him, sotvetimes no have found in routine formalities which fit him Ivihmian West Indian should be movement among Negroes euter, set the simple truth remains that NEW PANAMA TREATY Things is the month when he is easi. SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NUMBER. gºrb of any ordinary laborer herey swayed by a supernatural force ab suts trouser of bluish material, suite unexpected places. Although for contrariness, as hi and loo e eup fo lowers have dwindled in acBoforo Panama National Assembly.
It is time that the Pacific siders red sweater pothing to indicate al number he is th: most widebirth of Chirst, founder of the tale et ku tihe rapidada a prisoner in popular belief bu day two recent discussed Negro in the world toHaving braked out from some biggest and most formidable organ: wance of the Cristobalites. Ia alinost an unbelievable known sourre, an alleged full New Immigration Law ization in the known world. And the Cristobalites beat them to a colden epaulety, planned tat, sword told me of the bold that Garvey em to contrast missionaries every open competition of any sort figure in the glittering uniform, whom hold the highest respect, the Africa one of them a man for so we may not at any time during frazzle. The vuly times the Pacibe and text of the Panana United States recently signed this to in Washington, e. ty Pleni Affects Natives of San carry out any promises he had siders scored were whem a licked which puri sau tha praneo monastered was taking in Africa las Grandes em wbieb heretofore made.
as of potentiaries of the two uovernme.
Andres and Old Provi withstanding my promisc on Satur question of Chrift. and put him towers through the streets of Herce, not friend Gaskin the Critic on the Negroes of the World led his fol velation to And as listened to Convict No.
ments was poblished in the UBA of December day last to present to you an hors de donce Islands.
approximately six Harlen HERALDO DE 19359 speaks in his resolute wellother installment on the Pa weeks, and on the occasion of Mrs in 1921 several cop es of the Cuban nama Canal West Indian Emplov: Olga King scoring over Mr Charles Respoading to our cordial greet informed way of the doings in the ps per baving arrived on the lethon the legenda According to recent developmeets ces Association. now emphati. Lower and young Mulan in an est facing ds with the guard or aber wiede, South Africa, Liberia, horlosings with equal warmith he took a world of Negroes of affairs in mus early tbis week decument wa simultaneously it is made that new cally refuse stick to of hears ago. The most reichend remark abrut my reo nt of India, Egypt, and the League of undesirable aliens, Chinese, are promises, anyway?
Aren cent set back for the Pacific riders evering papers. The text, how Negroes from the West Indies, they contracts kept by the party took place on Sunday evening last trip to Europe. My being refuse Nations realized that Garveyism ever, only elaborates no the Sum East Indiacs, etc. also includes of the first part only when it is when Mr. Rayside and ce permission to Vieit Africa seemd a is still very much alive. Of his mary which was published here Colombians, who are native of the convenient for him. Continued on page 8)
sorepoiut with him. Why, said 118 June, little islands of Bryan San Andres and away with the first second and The new Treaty, which was in Old Providence. This revelation prizes, respectively, at fan elocution contest held at Presihands the Gov must confess that am mak dent Lindo Division of the U. A, ORGANIZER element, swak sut mitted on Wed. nardo Howard and Joseph Taylor, nuk round with the boys and girls on whom was a surprise to Messrs Biring serious mistakes by trying to beat ne Mise dise Lilias Crag well nesday last the National employees of the Balboa Quaras4 pinned my faith to Celebrates 35th Birthday in Panama City.
accordance with the Constitution. at Palo Seco, respectively, Cotong tality which is causing them to the La Boca Athenaeun is able to Madyme M, De Mena, at Wednesday meeting of the the Christmas holidays with their can world within the shor: ypan et ipd and other first linie Rocutionists who arrived on the lethmuela Thirty eight members were present sbattered their hopes of sperling believe that they can reform the bring Johnny Ferreira, W. Rey Assistant International Organizer 000, 000 LOAN conduct of our nolds, Clan. Phil Assembly.
of the N, and L, in these islands with any few month The treaty is subjected to debate assurance to a Panama bas secured a new loan in the Assembly, and, according retura to Article 314 of the Assembly fer passaga through to the Cam According to Brother JW. Rey. Dempsy and the rest of them, may manner among prominent leaders Company and Bauar, Pond the Republic of Ency as when a few fit to call us undesirable Idea wever that Johnny is slip on hight ago via Jamaica, cele of two million dollars from the her thirty fifth birthday American Bankers, Kissel, Kinucut and like Jack Johnson Jack anniversary in a mot fashio able the clauses of the treaty disap mea with their regulations, in the event of any of Zone to resume their worse Dolds who, durural and the ar other cloee encounter with budding movemeot. The function was beldes According to the contract his spare time, not be able to hold his own in an of the Isthmian branches of New and Vivian Company of of he York.
proved, the treaty shall be con crossed over to Colon on by the sidered as jected, it is said.
last. They stated that, ale on The President of armed with identification the Republie, of the emerxy we now contem ulates Messrs. Ray side and Bryan teen in their Liberty Hall on authorized government officials in ting the one the treaty robi them in vacation, their credential could let nature and evolution have of the Canal and were only on of our pursuits severely alone and of elocution atteided by the officers and pro: loan will be or 30 years at six and Assembly, said minent members of the local one half percent interest, and is part, in his letter accompanying not help them rec ire a visa from their rightful courses, organizationas several the document: have the the port authorities at Colon so as Between the hours of eight o clock guests invited from wall section of guaranteed bp the retail liquor honor of submitting to you for the to altow them to return to the toni bt and o clock tomorrow the city ani contigirus Caual The Elitor Proprietor Walrood of morning if you happen to visit the Zone towɔs.
monay is to be used in rond effects of clause of Article 45 Republic, building in Pacama, sewer and of the National Constitution, the this indispeasable weekly journal historie village of La Boca you are was learned later, however, Treaty signed in Washington on that the matter has been refer will be intr, ducing, an innovation likely to find me sitting aproximates It was verksioly an occasion water systems in Bocas del Toro the 24th of July by the pleni red to tine Secretary of Foreign and the demander une in the of 15 feet from Brothero Whyte befitting the guest of honour who unde oorher element purposes Christmas Number. To ne friend the labor and in potentiaries of Panams and the Affaire for adjustment. In the Walrond is a marvel. In fact he with such other modern thinkers as most eloquent address on ibe aims arrive in Panama about the end ompacy The amount of loan is to Uuited States after long and meantime the would be vacation laborisus negotiotions for over inte are back on their jobs await equally com The Executive power in te to be assured befo tebe identing lannish East Indian competent as a Hunter, two ye rs. Reynolds 1. since More Mateus Corway fuder Bill ke deposited in the National of Bank laking the one totusideration portando del titel vano to what will be their for more than a dozen years and writies, une ne interventorbichungry Daving orternational Congre Miguel Hivo Convalescing the goods will be meeting an Association, Mis Vinton transcendental next move.
document, you will do so with the is still going strong. According to will know in good times hide are visited here several y ars ago. And greatest calm and be inspired only Christmas The many friends of Mr.
by the purest di tates of patriot. mas Number of the Workman to shebt in the history this luminorship of the I. E, Look out for the Special Christ Number will probably be the best among the inembers ot the direct it would appear as if the mover ment as it stood locally, up to last Miguel Hive o, real estate deater Saterday night at appear best Wednesday, the 22nd, ous weekly. It will contain arof this city will be pleased to leara The treaty has been turned over List.
occasion, has succeeded in attract that he is out of the Panama ticles from many of our most briling rot a few well thinking people; Hospital where he was confined to a committee of nine, representembryo journalists and will be Look out for the Special Christmas not necessarily as members, how. for seventeen days after under, ing the nine Provinces of the just as young Mr.
Republic: Cocle, Colon, Panama, for study and report within ten Yonug masterpiece Yahorce Number of the Workman to ever, but. viswing the activities going a very difficult operation Veraguas, Bocos del Toro, Herrera, days, aiter which it will be debated Nambers which he hurred at appear next Wednesday the 22nd with a thought that it will not be He is an out door patient conval.
esciog nicely, and bopes to be ont Los Santos, Darien and Chiriqui, on the floor of the Assembly.
Brother Whyte the labor man in inst. Continued on page 8) and about his business soon again.
walked ooo to bad this end uptil of in ping bugs and baggage studies tbings firul rev nues.
It this outstanding lant


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