
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1926 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands VIGOR TONIC OTO ERREZ upAN their INVIGORA TIME AND WINE dea a shingle JAMAICA 422 BRITISH GUIANA The Local Forces The death occurred at George.
towp on November 20th, last, of Of this Island Mr. James Rodway, late Curator of the British Guiana Museum and Secretary The exaction of the six inch of the Royal Agricultural and gun at the Militia Headquarters Commercial Society and Author bas now been completed. Says of many publications dealing the Gleliner This gun was browith the Colony, ught from the Apostles Fort, THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD wbich has been dispanled, Tuis should make the Local Forces The Barbados Turf of Jamaica more attractive still, it that were possible, for young Club Races mea in Kingston.
One of the finest ways of getting good training and enjoying The Turf Club Races were the best of comradesbip is to join run at the Garrison Savannah Local Forces. Iu sucu a the An This according to the programme.
Company there is a keen esprit The fucction was favoured with de corps and it is not all work.
glorious weather on both days Invigorating lo fact there is as much play as Elegant Tonic and the attendance furnished there is work. The Local For some thing approaching record.
36 ces in the first place take the particularly on the second dry.
men take a keeper interest in and Preparation His Excellenc y the Governor Mr.
their personal apparance and it Robertson, and also train them to use their Mrs. Robertson and Lieutenant hands and thel: brains.
Health Imparting is highly Bradburn. to the Govern The grant made for the supor were present in the Grand Staud on both cecasicns. Tbe port of the Local Forces was 1, 200 less this pear toan it was WINE recommended Police Band was also is attendance and enlivened the proceedlast year, but this did not in any iogs with a select programme.
way bandicap those responsible for of the eight events og the the organisation Three in Debility, There are tirst day were won by local and very few new in It this world who care to admit Trinidad repres ntatives, resthat they cannot use a rifl, and Ipectively, one by Demerara and Nervousness cannot shoot. At Milia beadthe other by St. Kitts. On the quarters there is a miniatur promotes digestion second day Barbados won four range of the latest pattern, a of the events and the remaining four fell to the lot of our visitors.
Hyibe, and regular practices are Female Weakness improves The tbanks of the Barbados beld. In addition there are public are due to the Turf Club to date appliances for bavonet the appetite and its indefatigable Secretary, training. To keep it is another Impoverishment Mr. Parkicson, for the two aim or should be, of every man, days of glorious sport provided and one of the quickest ways of and gives tone attaining that etd is to go into of the Blood the P, equad. This app ja rs to be all work but a great deal and energy HEALTH of fun cap also be get out of it.
and to build up a An Enemy Local Forces, now that the to the IMPARTING West India giment is being disbanded, should receive a great After serveral attempts to de whole system run down constitution stroy by fire a house owned by more support than they Mr. Benjimin Welcb, shopkeeper have done in the past and with.
of New Orleans, the fire fiend or nut a doubt all that has been afiends Ruccessfully executed ear.
chieyeil sbould attract a greater ly on Tuesday morning, wbat measure of notice to their activicould certainly be characterised tles, as a perfect job. Not nor a window flap was left to mark the place where the building Disbandment of The once stood. It is now many cart loads of ashes. Regiment us Mr. Welch was reatened some DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or days before the fire occurred. In ALL THE RANK AND FILE HAVE act, the house is rented out and RETURNED THEIR ARMS TO times a day.
the tenant was informed by let ter tbat the MILITARY STORES the house was doomed.
Welch informed the Police of wbat he bad beard. and apparently GUARD AT KING HOUSE JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
it was thought that the whole story was only to scare Welch and his tenant. few nights Police Take Over Duties that SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS Were Performed by Regulars; after, an attempt was made and the house actually set on fireand Send Off Colours to England certain parts were burut, two chambers, kitchen 645 roof. Another threat followed THE DEPARTURE OF and Welch thoroughly upset by OFFICERS this time employed watch men lo look after the premises nightly Lost, Saturday moroing the Activities Of The UniBARBADOS The house was situated in Bank remainder of the rank and file of Hall down a long gap bordering the West India Regiment at ted Fruit Co. on the Garden Land and was dark Up Park Camp turned in their New Company and dismal of a night. The resarms to the Quarter Master alt was that one of the watchmen Stores, says the JAMAICA MAIL CONTINUES TO ADD TO AREA OF refused to carry on unless be of the 30th ulto.
Why throw away your old, but no BANANAS IN THE PARISH OF In consequerce of this, the left. The came at The WEEKLX ILLUSTRATED Of Riven. he peak aneben det being I no longer Turnishes a PORTLAND doubt interesting, books when you 13th ulto a quarter to o clock on daily Kuard for King House.
Barbados Workers Tuesday morning when a tire of Guard duty at the Governor can have them neatly bound at ADDITIONAL. 000 Co Operative Company has incendiary origin occurred at resider. ce has been taken over ACRES. THE WORKMAN just been registered. The sbares Ba Hall in the two storey wall by the police department. At the are one dollar, and the directors and wɔoden bulding, 20x20x19 ft.
Camp main gate however, hope to attract working people the property of Benjamin Welch Regimens men are still on guard On October 9th the Jamaica 93 CENTRAL AVENUE lo suficient numbers to make a Tle house which was valued at duty, but not with arms, the men Mall announced that the United success of the undertakice: 416 13s, 41. was Insured with using tbeir canes lostead of Fruit Co. was carrying out an Opposite Cecilia Theatre Toere is room in Barbades for the London and Globe Fire Inrifles.
important extension of its opera.
basis, and there is no reason Nos and sections of the Fire business on the operative Losurance Company for 300.
The cadre which will be the tions in banana culture in the last batch of the to paish of Portland.
wby the working classes should Brigade under Capt Godremain at Camp will be formed not venture in business and dard yaickly arrived on the scene At the time we stated that thon the 11th prox.
It will will be un(Acting. Colonial Postmaster Share in the profits which are to scene and after labouring stren.
der 100 strong including the compiny bad decided upon 500 GRENADA be ously for some time, succeeded in addisional acres of bananas; and band. The cadre will remain that it was anticipated that ad (Acting. Chief of Police (Acting. Superintəndent of Agricul The principal objet which the pulling out the conflagration.
until during January by which ditional lands woul be teken up (THE WEEKLY ILLUSTRATED)
time all the officers of the regi for the purpose. At that time Misfortunes are not only ture (Acting. Police Magistrate, directors must bold before their gometimes they Eastern District (Actirg. and eyes is Ooofidence. To establisb ment will have left Jamaica for planting operations were being individual; England. The first batch of carried out at Fellowship.
affect whole communities and so we may go further on in des confidence they must venture deofficers to leave will sail about age respectively peoples. The following from the cribing Grenada Acting Gov slowly of Parish the middle of December. During Today this journal can, state Grenada West Indian will illus Jeroment. Some of the above grees they can show that they, Land Christ Church, got drowo.
January Lleut, Col. Y, Miller that the company bas, since the trate: have been Acting for a long are fit to conduct business and Rogimental Sergeant Major date on which our announcement and Tuime. There are those who feel they will have no fear of supported while bathing in a pond at we in Grenada that these pos :s are held vacant We wish the new venture sucPilgrim Place Christ Church was. to with the colours of the disband another 2, 500 acres of land in cannot hold prize money in in the event of Fusion with cess as we wish success to say along with giri pamed Ileen ed Regiment to be returned to bananas in that parish. The the Cam vridgeshire Sweap are Oreo. and in most of this Act development of our people.
Sweepstakes. All the prizes of Trinidad in another generation undertaking which aims at the swim and went beyond their Ashby. The two girls could not Halia Majesty the King, The extended banana area is to be likely to go to ticket bolders in eo basiese the permanent height in the water. Ashby gave colours will be laid up at Wind found at Willian mafield. Pospect abroad. although Grenada Junior Public Officers are doing the alarm and the bodies were sor, bought well this year. Even in all the work with no increase in removed by a man named James The Company object in the first venture of the Caesare pay. The nominal Acting Heads Girls Drowned Callender, An inquest was held extending its bapaea area is to witch Sweep, with the majority get the bacon.
later in the day by Mr.
If you want to please your place itselt in a positiɔn to meet of tickets sold bere, the priz. West India. Roach Coroner of District friends by seoding them a lovely that competition which will be are going elsewhere.
The STANDARD of the 13th and a jary touching the unforCovernor (Acting. Christmas or New Year Card can witnessed when Jamaica secures Chief No, says:tunates death. Verdict of at the WORKMAN Priatery where additional shispping facilities in Juatice (Acting. Colonial Sacre For a goed assortment of Christ About 11 o clock two girls death from drowning was rethe finest lot in the city are on the shape of an independent line tary (Acting. Attorney General mas and New Year Cards go to named Ione Brathwaite and turned by the jury display.
Lot fruit steamers to England. Acting. Director of Education the WORKMAN Priotery. Rosette Best 11 and 10 years of (Continued on page 3)
merely so Book Binding!
bad more about Th9 take no sks.
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