
THE WORKMAN SATU DAY DECEMBER 18, 1926 PAGE THREE EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED The Prosperity Tailors Interesting West (Continued from page 2)
TRINIDAD Lost His Wedding Garment. Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid BRIDEGROOM MARRIED IN HIS OLD CLOTHES CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 Cider Champagne DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled his mother that the three of the boat wory niket and Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR REID Manager after ATTENTION!
Rroom. elect intended to be House Rent Receipt Books that allyed sway le from Reluctant Swaln Captured URETIC AND REFRESHING By Father In Law Trade Mark young couple were married on Saturday, November 20, at VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ the Hanover Wesleyan Church by Rev Gibson in circonS, stances which attract a large VILLAVICIOSA and unruly crowd in a around SPAIN the Church.
Tbomas Greenldge, 26, fireman of San Fernando, and Miriam ESTEBAN DURAN Thompson, 21, seamstress of Harpe Place, East Dry River, SOLE AGENT were the contracting paries. The wedding ceremory was fixed for For the Republic of Panama one o clock in the afternoon.
Oa Friday night there was a dance and reception at the home of the girl paren which the Intended. bridegroom attended.
took the girl to Tunspuna to came loto towa His mother remained at the girl parents bome while be left early In the morning giving ng cause for the belief that be did not Intend to carry out bis part of the coutract. The bride a ppearCorner 12 Street East Avenue ed in the Church at the appointed PP hour chaperoned by her parents.
Time flew We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also came and onlookers gathered swiftly by, guests watches. Our prices are the lowest and our but no bridegroom appeared, When two o clock came aod Workmanship is guaranteed.
Passed and he did not pot appear the bride father decided to inves.
tigate the matter.
way Station where ba found the ed bride comfortably sleeping on. on bench in the third From this date on, class walting room. Waking him be informed him of the hour and AUCTION SALES asked wbether he married. The reply was in the will be held every day from a. to p.
negative the young man obtating that be bad lost bis wedding gar ments and did not intend to get Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall married in those he was wearing be pleased.
Tbe girl fatber was persistent the marriage should take place and Greenidge was eventual the Station in floods of tears and hurried to the Church where he arrived in fainting cou dition.
Restoratives were applied while a buge crowd rushed to the and opening in their eager galning entrance by every ness to witness what to them was ucomedy. He eventually sufficiently to go through toe AND ceremony and the newly married pair left the Church after forcing their way tbrough the bilarious crowd, the majority clapping and laughing aloud. Weekly Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages Guardian)
Friendly Societies Summary of Contents: Scandal In Trinidad History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, Following upon the exposures made by the Trinidad Guardian Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, in a series of leading articles Photographs of the Teams and 16 Individual concerning the misappropriation of large sums of money from the Players funds of Friendly Societies by responsible Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and able Interest was centered on 4th officers consider Interesting the trial of Toomas Amorosy, Treasurer of the Purt ot Spain Friendly Society Gustav Price 50cts.
Mycl, Secretary of the Mutuelle Francaise Catholique Friendly Society for withbolding the funds Secure yours now there will be great rush of their William Bland. of respective Societies and for them.
the Port of Spain lendo ty for a bond. Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN The defendants, all admitted Panama his Solicitor the Magistrate not to ked of not to be influenced in his sentence by the exposures made in the Press. The Trinidad addressed the great as about 10. 80 a. near the exter.
maximun fines were imposed in semblage and many wreaths sion of the Brighton Pier.
the cases of misappropriation wera laid at the base of the sta plece of inch hose used in and a nominal penalty was im tae. The two minutes silence londing the Tanker Arthur posed on Mr. Bland, was most impressively observed Bewall bad fallen into the sea throughout the colony. on Thursday on the eastern side Celebration of Armisthe extension and Septimus Fortean, a carpenter from GreDrowned at His Work pada who was engaged in repairing the boat house was summoned to dive it up. Forteau was a good swimmer and on two or Port of Spaio Nov. 12th TASK OF SALING HOSE Armintice Day was celebrated three occasions bad dived down COMPLETED in this city by Services in the and brought up articles that had Churches and also at the Memofallen into the sea in sballower rial Statute where thousands Driver at Brighton Pier water around the pler. He yoluntarily undertook the work knowgathered, His Excellency the Perishes.
Governor officials and Military ing the depth was thirty two and Guards of Honour were present.
ball feet. Assembled in tbo Big Grace the Archbishop and sad drowning accident tooks extension watching the underHIS Lordabip the Bishop of place on Friday last week at (Continued op Page 7)
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History SPANISH ENGLISH revived Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Jastant in Societies BocleCAN BE HAD AT Myol, The Workman Stationery Store of the tice day ADVERTISE In The Workman. It Pays


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