
PAGE JIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 1926 THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders.
MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS alter Foal energy le consequent com a distors were the personally when you can Workman Stationery Store speed, which been 36511 THE BEER Up to date Jewelry, The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
soen cede Ja Day Werk in Weekly London Letterlifaiiii rende bed him and in the night this chief: Dr. David Smith brother urged the villagers to (BY BENRY BLANDFORD)
murder the officer. vigorous complaint to the Chlef, bowover, SNAKE BITE REMEDIES resulted in a better understandPROGRESS IN WIRELESS ing. Captain Green found many slaves, the price of slave Dr. Smith the SnakeWith the Inauguration of the OFbeing about 200 rupees or five bite Specialist of Guabito, buffaloes: new Beam wireless system betBocas del Toro, begs to ween Eogland and Canada this offer his professional service week we have seen sontbing of Reform of The Calender to any patient. Wherever a revolution in in the theory and found, his snake bite remepractise of this miraculous metb.
IS. DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF od of The communication.
The Committee set up by the dies have never failed to old idea that the bigber the acbiLeague of Nations in 1924 to effect a speedy cure. The evement aimed at the greater inquire into proposals for the Doctor also specializes in or the amount of electricil energy reform of the calender has ls other complaints such as Urirequired is superseded by the sued its report, which embodies nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers new system, wbieb depends on conclusions arrived at amiolog 185 schemes sent in by and Obstinate he intense concentration of a Coughs.
small amount of electrical 38 countries. The undisputed Should you need his proThe power fed into the great drawbacks of the present caland. fessional services, do not fail Berial at Rugby station on the er are noted the it of the inequality to write or come to the DocSuitable for Lodge Business old long wave system is 1000 kiits mooths, quaters and and ball years and want ol system to Canada requires only lowatts; the Bean short ware The and be cured 20 kHowatts and it is one husdAddress: uncertainty in economic relared times the sigoal strengt. AT THELions, statistics, accounts and DR. DAVID SMITH One of the great advantage ol con mercial and transport figures the new system. In addition to The Committee lays down the Specialist its much more economical rů fundamental principles of thre: Guabito Bocas del Toro ning. Is its increased main groups of reform, simple 18 five times as great as ander partial ard radical. Under the Republic Panama tha old system. One hundred apgagngang magandang ganon the first three quarters might ftest bead it is suggested that words a minute can now be sentwedengarang. ng.
across the Atlantic and 250 baye consist of 91 daye, with three sont in teste. By the new months of 30, 30 and 81 days.
system it is also possible to fo The might be added to cus a radio beam on a given localthe fourth quarter, which would ity and meke such a concertraconsist of three months of 30, 81. ton on bat area that signal and 31 days (to leap year 32 days penetration from else where 18 for the last month. This reimpossible. Meerages from Ea form would interfere least with gland to one of the Canadian SUPPLIED BY tradition, but it is questioned stations will be beard in its locawhether its advantages are sullity and within lait of 30 ficient to justify the chang biles on either side of it, but The partial reform scheme would not outside that area. This does divide the year into four quarnot mean absolute secrecy, but ters of 91 days (30, 30 and 31 it means something like it, as days. The 365th day would le In every form can be these high speed messages could outside the week. It might be here at its best See oui not be picked us by any amat.
called New Years Day and preeur. Only the most up to date Juapary 1st.
Leap Year Wrist Watches, receiving Statio could pck might precede July 1st.
Pok then up at all and such a station In this ecbeme the quarters ard could hardly Bracelets is brewed from the best exist secretly, Alter Canada South Africa and balt years are equal, but the months are not they do not tben Australia and India are to materials obtainable Diamond Rings contain a complete number of be linked with England by the weeks and dates do not fall on and a hundred other adornnew system, Nex: Hit Senator the same day of the each month.
Marsoal hupes are rellaned, we bittements and you ll recognize Tren The committee It is specially suited for this climate sbali bave the new system apthen came to a ridical reform. why this is the LEADING plied to klephoay. What the Under this scheme development of weatis superior to all imported beers sold would be divided into thirteen JEWELRY HOUSE in town munication means to the tered British Empire is obvious here and it sells to the public at months of 28 days, or of four ask prices and you ll find still weeks, each, making 52 we ks It in or 364 days in all. black day another reason. year or twd the British Prime Minister can bave a priHALF the price. the 365th) is added outside the Fuller Jewelry Store le vate conversation by wireless week. Such a calendar be telephony with, say, the CanaPerpetual, with the days of the 122 Cetnral Ave.
Jian Prime Minister, the conduct week fallio on the same datos Phone 629 TRY OUR NEW BEER of inter Imperial relations still more, the business of tramaod each month. The advantages of having equal mouths is obvious.
inand ing and following a in Fut On the other hand the figure 13 eing what will bave th is not divisible, the quarters do WILKINSON support of ail the far stant Dot contain a whole number members of our Commonwealth months and a great change in of Nations must become very customs thousands of years old Contractor much simpler. Naturally the. presenca of the Dominion Prime SUPERIOR TO ALL of the blank day in this and Builder Ministers and the in London for tha Imand the partial reform scheme perial Conference bas served to breaks the pertolty of the.
draw public attention to this cs igious of weeks and raiscs House No: 20 important political aspect of the 28th NOV, STREET, aew wireless develop nent.
among the Jews. For the present the Committee can come to no SAN MIGUEL Mission to a Slava District until public opinion is further Box 411, Panama, R, definite judgmont. It points that educated in the not sufficient demand for acilən From Rangoon there comes Publicopiofon is direction graphic account of an adventurPlans and Specifications Free 018 journey by a British officer, to concentrate on the principles Capt, Green, of the Burma of reform and 80 prepare the way First Class Workmanship Rulles, to a remote part of Bure for action. The Committee also ma where slavery is still rampant Of every description deals with the question of a fixed Satisfaction Guaranteed bis district wbich has berer Easter. At present Easter varies been visited by a European be.
fore, is know as the Triangla a over a period of 35 days. Mot large wedge of country lying far DONE WITH NEATNESS AND replies to the Committee inup near the Tibetan and Chinese de les were in favour of Suoday in April Bat in FLOWERS frontier, between two rivers that afterwards become the IrrawedDESPATCH cidence of the festival of the Abogado. Attorney at Law order to avoid the possible cotr day. The visit was a preliminary Addunciation with Passion Sui to the coming mission of Mr Barday the Committee proposes that OFFICE: No. 44 ST pard, the Deputy Commissioner Easter sbould be fixed on the of the Fontier Service, who is to BOX NO. 36 PANAMA CITY AT THE Sunday following the second endeavour to put an end to slave TELEPHONE No. 1377 Saturday in April ry this region. Mr. Barnard has already successefalis dealt Practicing before all the courts of with the problem of IMPELLED TO MURDER the neighbouring Holdery in the Republic since April 1914 Valwbere the Nata tribes bave been accustomed not only to sla: OOT Paris Oct 27 The proctise of very but t) bawan sacrificos Captain Gree, who a one of his police to impelled Herbert Kopried to attempt to kill bio only a few natives, The Kachin earned great prestige by his was mother in the Bois de Boulogne Chiels, remembering the libera enly being. Later be was receiand apparent intimaey with this bea.
on Saturday afterudon, Search HOUSE 912, LA BOCA tion of the Buxawng slaves, we CALL IN AT of his room has revealed ancient CANAL ZONE.
very suspicious, but did not at ved by the disgruntled Ngalang not ar Ls, dressed in a loin cloth and on sorcery and witchcraft, tempt to stop the expedition. dirty sbirt covered with a gorge.
and photographs of buman skele (Opposite the Restaurant)
Oae powerful chief, Ngalang La tops, skulls, and thigh bones. Office Hours: a. to 1p. sent Captala Green ceremonial as Chinese coat and wearing a Kopried, who is employed in a eurved word, but would not pearls. The chief received the to p.
belmet studded with imitation baok, has been formally commit receive him, pleading ill health. Pisitor coldly and expressed or ted for trial. He declared to the DAILY he that he was impelled Comme to not. prise he was merely rain. He was bad not advised him by letter of the deed by force more PHONF 1941 BALBOA unable to collect Datficiently the Captaid coming. Captain powerful than his will It was Specializee all the branches large armed party to give written that should kill some stranger a proper sense of bis uttle use writing to poople who Green retorted that it would be No. 93, Central Avenue of Dentistry one on that day declared Konown tremendous dignity and imrled You may guillotine me portance, so be pretended to be sents he got the more the ebiet could not read. The more pream ready.
ASSORTMENT OF in. Cptain Green pressed og and If you want to please your astonished and delighted the Green gun and some of his elowanted, including Capt.
Removal Notice friends by sending them a lovely savage tribes men with daily flatbes, until at last the visitor bad and gramaphone shows. One to refuse bluntly to give any GOOD STATIONERY David Leon, Attorney at. Christmas or New Year Card. call Blue showing a contortionist issur more. Another chief whom Çap: Law, has removed his offices at the WOREMAN Printery where ing from smoke was christened the Picture of the Lightning God talo Green visited attempted to SOUVENIRS, to No. 175 Central Avenue the fisest lot in the city are on (upstairs Sealey Photo Stu display.
aad, as Captain Green puts it, be fleece him, but otherwise ignored dio. at faire policy KRONEN BRAÜ aber of ls duction dificulties chielly matter there is JOB PRINTING mour of the in WORKMAN PRINTERY ley, wher Black Magic Ta bollored by the Dentist Howell works on The Workman BOOK STORE


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