
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1926 PAGE SEVEN Chamber The pe Interesting West.
France Makes Big Cut Additional Church Services.
In Her Navy Seventh Day Adventist Church Strength Will Be Reduced STREET CALIDONIA ROAD From 650, 000 to 400, 000 of (ose Lothia Pact. PANAMA.
All Rarks Babbath (Saturday) 45 Bab Sath School; 11. 15. General Worship BILLS NOW BEFORE 80 pm. Spali Cle; CHAMBER 30 o. Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Ch p. Veapons.
Decicion is to Reduce Period Sunday resing 7:30 Storeof Compulsory Service from optica Lecture. The gametal publie 18 to 12 Months cordially invited to turn out in large umbers.
Paris Nov. 11. Reduction of the total number of men under arms in France from 650, 000 to Seventh Day Adventist Church 400 000 is called for in three bills which will be introduced in the Ord. STREET BROADWAY, OOLON ber of Deputies on the Sabbath (Saturday) 45 um Sabbath reopening of Parliament tomor row. Tbe measures also cal School; 11. 15 General Worship for a reduction in the period of 10 30. Young people meeting compolsory military service from 30 Vespere eighteen to twelve months.
Sunday evening 7, 80p. Proaching bille, which will be introService You are cordially invited to duced by Minister of War Pait. sttend them for vion and bring your ve provide for :be calling of constrioade, cripts at the age of 21 instead of at 20 and for the recruiting of volunteers numbering more The Church of God than 100, 000 The volunteers will relieve the conscripts from fatigue details. Under this Prome, Aronmees Street, Hour 25, San Miguel Sunday at Prayer system the young soldiers will meeting and Gospel weeting at ll.
devote their entire year train.
and 7:30 Sunday School at ing to purely military InstrucMonday 18 30 Testimony Meeting tion.
Tuesday at 15 pm. Young People The contingents of conscripts Meeting. Wednesday at 30 a.
will be called up in ball yearly Gospel meeting. Thursday at 30 sections in order to insure tbe Open air meeting. Priday at 30 a.
presence under the flag of ball Prayer Meeting thi entire army with at least six BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. monta training. Painleve estimates that Red Tapk, Croal Zone, Sunday Sebos the new law will incheate the po De Goupel meeting on Thursday 30 pm.
expenditures of the War Depart ment at the begloping but he Sio. GRAY New Providence. Goepel Moeing a proposes to make up the additional sums needed from the sale 11. 30 am and 30 Sunday Snbool and rental of Idle property of 3p. Wednesdav at 30 Gore pel Meeting Friday at 7:30 Prayer the Department of War.
Meeting Bro. MeDONALD Jatun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings 11. 30 sm. and 30 Sunday Zohool at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting (Continued from page 8)
Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH taking were Mr Short, Labour Polon. od Stroete. Gospel me Supervisor; Mr.
Kudlick, lng at 11. 30 and 30 Bunday Superintendent; Mr.
Eabool at 3p. Wedoerday at 30 Hansen, Assistant Enginear with Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 several workmen. The task was m. Prayer Meeting.
to dive down carrying a rope which was to be tied to the bose, Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Porteau went over with tbe rope and driving down returned Services of the Bethlehem to the surface twice without Church of God Holiness accomplisbing bis mission. Alter a while he made the third attempt and succeeded in No, MARIANO AROSEMENA fastening the rope securely SAN MIGUEL around the bose. About two and Bunday 530 Prayer Meeting.
a balt minutes clasped when the 10 a. Children Service; 11 party on the pier noticed bubDivine Service Preacher, Supplied.
bles rising in the water twenty p. Sunday School, Superinteoeastwards from Forteau was working. About dent p. o. 30 m. Glor ball micuta aftea they pulled pel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be on the rope and the hose caue Onducted on Tuesday and Thursday up and was sately dragged over on the floor of the pier. But night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting Forteau was not seen to rise, He 11. Divine Service. Preacherbad tiei his last koot, There Supplied.
was bo boat at the extension and 80p. Sunday School, Superinteas the men on the pier kept gazing dent. p. Gospel service. Proscher at the silent deep but within a Supplied.
few minutes they realised that the treacherous current around Thursday night, Bible readings and the extension bad claimed its Prayer.
first victim. The Police were All other botou for the week will be commun cated with and the given from the Pulpit.
Superintendent Sergeant west Bro. WEBLEY, down to to the pler. About an hour Acting Pastor in charge.
after the accident efforts began to be to get at the body IT IS TO SMILE and about p. it was booked on the Western side of the exten sion and brought up The body No Luck was taken to Forteau house at Vessny where De. Jesse Grell beld post mortem.
They were on the target range.
Forteag was a steady worker The Sergeant noticed that one of and well reported of by his them a man named Smith. was employers. He leaves a wife and missing the traget every time. At three ctildren.
last quite fed up with the man bad firing the sergeant roared. Get out of here! Go shoot yourself!
The man disappeared. few ABOGADO seconds later a report was heard from off the range where Smith Attorney at Law had gone.
sergeant hurried to the spot and shouted, Are you there? Yes sir, came the reply; Office: 175 Central Avenue ve missed again.
Telephone 1015 Panama Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone Improving Negro tion with headquarters in New laders.
ly improving family life. Mr Have you tried the (With Licenses to Practice before One of its significant efforts Franklin 0, Nichols, one of the Family Life For several years, this organiza. aside from the specifically entered outstanding men of the race, bas now Boor the Courts of Panams and the tion has tucluded in its national medical work bas been that of bad the responsibility of develop.
Canal Zcne. Washington, Nov. 27 Increas. These conditions as they relate to the problem of sex education. The this work, under the direction of program serious a sound Kronen Brau Notice to Correspondents. Health conditions among colored is some thirty years old and has a institutions under the guidance of his racial group.
ing attention is being given Public our racial group. The Association most progressive Negro education. the Association, among the people Contributors and correspondents citizens on the part of national and are asked to send in their contribu. state agencies. The national vol four departments. Medical, Social of this association are gradually For a good assortment of Chris: Rent Receipt Books in Spantions not later than Thursdays to unteer agency dealing with the Protection, Legal and Educational, correlating sound sex educational insure publication. This is impera. control of venereal diseases is the and the work has received. gratify: information in the curricula, the mas and New Year Cards go to Ish and English for sale at the tive and must be adhered to. nerican Social Hygiene Associa ing co operation from coloured result of whieb will be a contitual. the Worxman Priotery Workman Printery Cigarette out of over 200 Retinery jesting. feet where Of all the cigarette brands on the market, one is unique.
Only one has a definite and distinctive reason for superior flavor it toasted.
This honor belongs to Lucky Strike, exclusively.
Millions can resist its unique and delightful flavor.
The reason is simply made to Because it toasted


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