p. 8


PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SATURDAY DECEMBER 18, 1920 OUR SPORTING PAGE LOOK OUT FOR THE SPECIAL CHRISTMAS NUMBER nimelunderful WORKMAN duties 10 he said, Athems comp srd by Caleb ted to nam imper. had be sai number at 5p. m, oppose bis Such will be had no LAS BABANAS jections latter.
they had had first the As it is intended to make this issue highly owing to the is deing to gin ment is of without a copy.
St. Paul Musicale Garvey Discusses OUR CHURCH SERVICES THE HALLELUJAH Continued from page 1)
Eourth Sunday in Adrent AMERICAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH CHORUS original program he has evidently yielded not one step When get (Anglican Catholie)
out of here, he said with all that St. Paul Church, Panama This stuperdous chorus from the old fire that had held bis grent au Messiah, Handel master Orato diences epellbound in Madison rio, is one of the most colossal Square Garden, mean to do a (Rov, Nightingale, Rector productions in musical art, thousand times more. This was sm Holy Communion. Reeter George Frede Handel (1685. in direct answer to question about 10. 15 a. Matin Mr. Atwell, 1759. One of the grea est compo. his steamship program. These acCatechist.
sers the world has hever seen, said, tivities, however, will take place on OF THE 10. 30 a. Hly Eucbarint sermon, hon composing te HALLELU: British territory, unliss Uncle Sam The Rector JAD CHORUS di think relents, as according to Garvey, 12 2200 Holy Baptiem.
did see heaven op20 and the great himseli, bis deportation is settled. pm Church School God TIME FOR READING 30 Choral Evening Sermon This composition will The bring the The self appointed ruler of AfriBiebop Christmas Musical Tuesday, 21st. St. Thomas DayPrograme of St. Paul Chureb ca is considerably thinner. Goue Holy Communion at 6mm.
to a climax at the EXCELSIOR is most of his paunch and his boely Friday, 24th Christmas Eve. Holy THEATRE on Surday, December sbardders, but he looks several Evcharist sad sermon commencing at 28:h, when the choir of over forty years younger and in the pink of 12 o dock Midnight.
trained voices accompaied by the health. Time, he says, does not Symphory, Orebestra of this city, hang heavily as he has abundan TO APPEAR ON WEDNESDAY THE time for reading after will do justice to the famous weich, es sad, he was not permit St. Alban Church, Paraiso master powerful to name. Before came in 22nd DECEMBER Stults and si here, he CANAL ZONE.
he time whatever beerfeld John Goss, the world (Rov. P. NIGHTENGALE, B:D. renowned compos rs will also represent these ing but now can keep well. posted Priest in Charge.
musical geniu P3 on the programe does. This of course, is as ne. ir as everything, be evidently 11 Matias and Litany.
Both the cheir and the Orchestra This issue will contain breezy articles by local writers can recall bis words as Prescher Rev. Cowan.
have teen going through hearty p. tn. Church Schol te hearsals and are tip top shape, stopped by the guard when too and will feature catchy. Advertisements of inter 30 Choral Evensong Sermoa Rev. Cow simply awaiting the day and the out paper and began to write.
be Number 19 359 the Hailem hora me che peningstiden Lust piel fans and Philadelphia est to Christmas Shoppers and others interested Christmas Day Boly Communion e famous Overture, hy Keler Bels, and he players might try that feels that tween intervais, Donizetti grand he was not been fairly treated by that in local and foreign enterprises.
part of the Negro people who St, Matthias Mission selection. Lucis di Lammamoor be rendered.
movement in two parts, he The EXCELSIOR THEATRE declared, never looked iots his is fast becoming the entertaiment program, but had based their ob house of the West Indian public enemies had said. As to on rumor, or on (Rov. NIGHTENGALE, what his Priest in Charge.
red tape, high price he charged, that and other numerous obstacles and call. p. Church Schol 30 pm. Evensong Mr. Richincident to enig igements at the ed him anabody then later a Indian. and when he still afford to be interesting no one can other Targe theatres. The manage continued to ards Catechist. a everything possible ma folumes As to the iwo to make the Excelsior attractive crook. Peter by the Sea, La Boca and accommodating ito West In His Philosophy and. he dians and West Indian pronage. silent about it while his wife had a ace, said that the Negro press had been American Episoopal (Anglican Com The Musical Programme to be Riven there on the Sunday after scrapbook filled with clippings from Holy Communion 30 am. The Christmas Day, December 26th, the white oress here and in Europe.
Ree or will be the hit of the Sea on.
THE When askeil bim what he Duke is Looking ForHoly Baptism 30 am, thought of the A. P, he Matine Address 11 am, Mr.
ward to Visit Connor Home said that he thought it was an ex.
WHITENS THE SKIN Yunr, Lay Reader.
cellent and highly necessary moveChurch School pm.
Burglarized ment but that the leadership was Creme Blanc Mirette London, December Cboral Evensong, sermon 30 o. The wrong, declaring that the present Duke and Duchose of York, who The Retor.
apartments in Wilcox Be themselves in offide, leaders were only ioterested in sucA Marvelous Cream will shortly sail for Australia and T. MULCARE, Rector.
The and St. Bartholomw Church New Zealand were guests today Building at Ninth Street and only those cases that of the Australia and New Zealand Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, Lunbeon Club. The Duke exLAS CASCADAS Broadway, Colon, occupied by would bring them plenty of A, Hector Connor, President of the be said, encourages Negross to Hiredt Thanks, iving Services will sun tan, and other skin blemishes pressed pleasure at the anticipa: be held at St. Bartholomew Church United tion of his coming visit. He said tomorrow ossociatica of Colon, were entered move into white neighborhoods SOLD IN DRUG STORES he counted it a very high honour Wednesday and to do such things as got the early on as the King representative to 10, 45. The Rev. Mulcare.
Matino, Holy Communion and vertoon Sweets into trɔuble, then turns morning list, and the daring thief around and cashes in on them.
open the new capital of the Cum will be mop wealth, which he be the preacher and celebrant, trusted succeeded in carrying off 313 00 For this remark felt that the At pm, a Flower Service will be would inaugurate a new period of bold, Mr Brathwaite will de iver the advocates of residential segregatiºn P, Employees Organizer pros perity and development for address to these serviceo our members Connor was awakened at in the morning by a noise where would give him plenty of in Washington, DC, and else Elect Officers Australia and her people. Nis and friends are cordially invited, arisindo of the Royal Hghness added: The He (Cortined from page 1)
For 1927 Tonight St. Simon Mission, Gamboa Duchess and are looging to see jumped out of bed and gave chase As to the 5000 given to Dr, Du a very long time before the Associ. the wonders of your countries and St. Barnabas Church, Empre upon seeing the visitor but the Bois for the study of Negro educaation will be able to attract them to meet your reople in their Mating and Address, Church latter who had by this time secured tion is it in the South or South homes.
The Panama Canal West Indi ninto its fold.
bis stuff mauaged to cut distance Carolina and which appeared in Employees Association will elect School and Evening Prayer will be Madame the September Crisis, be wanted to their Executive officers tonight at most De Mena proved a agreeable During the course of the fol ow know why that sum should have a Board Meeting to be held at being as teable guest ke of Shane Harvest Thanksgiving Ser at the usual hour ty the Lay Keada Sparish ing umorning the colon Police bread more you enter Pour Beinlind hou Boca e according annuently and in a country where vices and Musical Program suspicion, on in the South and was familiar early this werk Spanish nationJT MULCARF Priest in Charge.
whom was found a watch chain with conditions there. He was by me, Bernard Elis, which was laser identified by Mr. Pawiedziokelated to the articles ponding Secretary of die corect plante en una me shen took prominciat The Harvest Thanksgiving in the many Servicas Connoras part of the things appearing in the spilgte burgla. Cooria tion. The names of the nominees attendant upon the occasion, at St. Simon last Sunday of to 10 med sina goba watoto chain valued to light facts which had long felt been given out as, uolike previous of Honour, Republic of Patama, element weather, Mrs.
Dr. Wendehake MEDICAL CLINIC at 20. 00, a 21 jewel Elgio Watch years, both nomination and elec. the United States Jreat Britain, Malcare, rendered a vocal solo, scarf pin 50, a straw hat 300, king baderia, he said, President ilon will be conducted at one Executive Council of the NI and Miss Jump a violin se 17, 025 Front Street Colon at 75, 00, pair of cuff links 50, bad deceived him, gladly ac meeting.
A, the Guests and the Press.
Sbort addresses were OPPOSITE STATION four suits of clothes and 205. 06 cepting him, at first, but ou ting On the following day, Sundsy, givea by MEN Walker of La PHONE 11 in cash, Firestone Company he said that it him for bigger game. As to the Madame D: Meni attended an Bocs, and McCarthy, would have been better bad beria 3, 000 For Carnival Elocution Contest at the said the Ly Reader. Too much THE DUKE AND only leased the land, but as things Division and listened to eleven prais can not be given Mr. MAKE THIS now were it should try to get the It was first thought that the contestants from all over the Shan, th: Supt. of the Church (Continued from page 1) tire company under governmental. 1927 Carnival would not be able Isthmus compete for bonors. At Schrol. for the masterly way in control to take its place in the front ranks delivered of the program she whleb the young contributors MERRY was Soldiers of the King. an old favour te, by Mr. Leslie Regarding the rumor of his not of the with those of former years, in view delivered another inspiring address rendered their pièces.
which, among other things, she Stuart, the veteran composer being permitted to return to Ja the Government to contribute eulogized the efforts of the organi Grand Entertainment When the song was ended, Mr. Imaica, West Ladies, he said that e sh donation towards the funds neredo Cabbe contest card, of the Stuart who had accompanied it. there bina been ceimilar talk in 1921 for the carrying out of this annual wiederhose e me bo tools. Phaya was brought before the Duke and but he had visited all the placemit fete. The National Assembly has, Cristobal, first prize; Bryan verhe were id Rayside, The La Boca Christian Eodes Duchese.
be could and had reconsidered the question Society m afraid you are both too younes urned to America without any and approvad in first debate on Lilias Cragwell, Red Tank, third entertainment your Royal Highnesses, plane for prize; Miss CHRISTMAS which will be It was at this point be Thursday a sum of Three Thous. prize. Having to to remember ty songs, said Mr.
in the form of a Grand Silve: another Tree interspersed with Stuart.
fin: perpetually floated about him, for 1927.
a The Duebess shook her head in one of which was that President organization, the Organizer was We have just received a smiling rerrrach. Not a bit of it, Coolidge bad offered himn pardon unable to present the prizes which be on Tuesday night Dec. 21st large assortment Goods Mr Stuart, she declared, was if he would leave the country. warned us that our time was up were gold, silver and bronze 1926 beginning at 30 sbarp, that will make most useful brought up on them.
wife said she and returned what originally will be taken Yes, and so was also, the was motivated by pure notoriety will be bis home for each other who The presentation was made by med, at the door; Come and have en and ornamental Gifts.
good time.
Watches, Clicks, Jewelry, ukerens med more than reward. voded ar be had been lega ly di years as least, while the three two Lindo, President of the Dois bicom from her prior to his his second us passed again through the iron The Judges of the contest were and Noyelties Highest Quality ed? Mr, Stuart said feelingly, marriage. When I suggested that gates to see again the magnificent three well known and reputable and lowest PRICES always at in the day the Duke and he would have fared better had lawn, and the wooded expanse in elocationists: Alfonso Ferreira, Duchess went to Twickenham, he got lawyer be insisted that here all the glory and gold of an Indian champion Isthmian elocutionist Why pay double prico FULLER Middlesex, to open York House, for once the maxim that the man summer, 1, for one, absorbed in and holder of three gold medals as for interior imported the former residence of Queen who is his own lawyer has a fool the thought that the once bumble first prizes, J, Reynolds and 122 Central Ave.
Beer when you can Anne, as municipal buildi. 1g8, the for his client was wrong, as it he West Indian peasant that had just Clan MoKenzie, aleo medalexisting town hall kaving to be had not done so he would have disappeared behind the clanging ist.
buy a superior Boer If you want to please your friends ty sending them a lovely removed for improvement pur gotten sixty years as there was gates had started something that such as BALBOA for much on the inside that an onlook liked or hated is destined to affect poses.
Christmas or New Year Carril For a goo assortment of Christ at the WORKMAN itery The Duke planted a memorial er would never have understood.
half the price.
wira the future of humanity in no mean mas and New Year Cards. go to ouk tree near the main entrance. At the end of an bcur the guard way.
the finest lut in the ris ute the WORKMAN Printery. display. 10 guest, immediately publicity.
ers lived Of lection.
the end of 10 Ah, was said an Earlier in


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