
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND 1926 MERRY leader for CHRISTMAS but iba not only exp leader good fruits Our future. CHRISTMAS MESSAGE mulgates a. true interpretation of 477 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE a corry and discontented mind. MAKE THIS the inevitable result of the hek of (BY Kirg. the Christian sririt within FROM LOYAL EXCELSIOR LODGE am inspired at this time to leader of men who is not No. 9308, F.
write on the Soul pf our Lead imbued wih the Christian spirit for the reason that it is a fire brand leiders for he is oly ers is to be classed with the modern Tell To SISTER LODGES AND OTHER important subject and we are succee neuring the time to celebrate the succeeding in striking discordant FRATERNAL ORGANIZATIONS which will anniversary of the perfect harmonize and find a correct pluce bilder the lowly Old Santa In preeting you with the compNazarene liments of the season we embrace cold Him the We in the hymn of better understand He what you the opportunity to remind you that the message of Christmas is Peae was with him. And tbe truth Dres the truth ing.
To some of our leaderthis sea and Goo lwill amongmen.
oh for power to covert more 500 the year means but very of our present day leaders so they little if anything; to them it is but Want It came from heaveo two thou We have just received a will follow clnser in the footstep. An or linary annual routine bearing sand years aen bat inspite of our large assortment of Goods of the lowly Nazarene ittle significance on the good advanced civilization and the of the more or less seasoned will of the peoples of the world; by Phone ansion of Christianity ther seen that will make most useful writings of local writers there is and from year to year they cover to be loga of peace and condwill in and orns mental Gifts.
themselves in sheep clothing and the world today than at the always something ex raordinary in Ol! Santa sled will be overcrowded if you wait as would the most is roum about those of a certain, preacher who is vicious wolves, while real leaders The efforts of the Church corpohe Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, tuo long to do your Christmas shopping. Order rate seem ineffective; it Caucasian by race. This entirely and Novelties Highest Quality out of the realme of WAS your Christmas gifts early through the Christis a frequert contributor to the in the hun ble way keep rowing leaves behind its trail of woes and and lowest PRICES always at seeds of orderly love and good daily paper, the Star Herald.
will seeds The thoughts be transmits to us duce mas Adis appearing in this paper.
cannot fail to probitterues; and even a League of Nations cannot pretend to glimpse FULLER throu his contribu ions to that paper appeal a faint outline of it in the distant more often than not race is doomed to failu e if Things for everyone in the family for mother, 122 Central Ave.
to my inter o; in fact, there is our own leaders are without dad, sister and brother. Reasonably priced. All estawiek csomething in his writings Christian foundation, that tounda Peace and goodwill can fail the of the you need do is to go and look over the many hest in any man whos. soul hus leaders who freed the slaves in all blished on earth only when indibeautitul things advertised. Then send for them.
the fatherhood of not already been dragged down to parts world found freedom FLOWERS the level of the incorrigible do and independence; th it foundation to You will be pleasantly surprised. If you start when for the course to quote, at this time, ich is the lever the lif out of not shopping now you won forget anyone and it the way obtieles Ch ist Jesus. when the members of precepts of the Man insniring and soul stirring 40 Abogado. Attorney at Law writings; but won seem like so much money because you fraternal organizations carry out in but what can conscien and common understanding.
OFFICE: No. 44 ST tiously state is that they are all are making your Christmas purchases early.
sublime In his ys the great Leader, times tempered with gooi will and Jesus Christ, associated wib men chings and principles inculcated by BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY brotherly love which caonot be. postly poor men in fact he was their respective Orders.
TELEPHONE No. 1377 said with propriety of many more a poor mar; Heste and drank The world is overrun by undue given us here, whether in print or with them; Hº discussed social, selfishness, insincerity and shams; Practicing before all the courts of from the platform.
political and spiritual matters with and fraternal organizations are not the Republic since April 1914 Having occasion to associate for them; He instructed them and exempted. The sickness benefit.
several years with another of our they Him, and as His soul was free through orr leaders, to ever ex. if He had encouraged around Him the death benefit and the social from sin, He tricate local leaders this time one of my him elf with currupted satilites for econoinie and spiritual slavery in what light would the bearers receive in his lodge are in their way sublime principles banded down ourselves from social, sentiments of pernicious groups, enjoyment which a member may guiding power in any lodge are the never surrounded Owo rac Negro, a man who preaches to through the never mistrusted y of us leader is oot lighting with any of his gord tidings stand to reintro very good, but the cementing sod which are not obtained elsewh:re, median of the Press and is one of associates, and out of all his into hope of achieving success for hiduce them before the world?
And so as we approach nearer To thine own self be true, aod our foremost and most passionate mate friends and others around him collowers if his own soul is cord, if of rice solida there was but one who betrayed would do to others what he would our leaders, self appointed of us will be able to find lodgement thoun canst not then be false to any he is not that type of man wh to Christmas, let us all pray that they preach, that their appeal for it must follow as the night the day ty, advocate of and Him and he was forgiven.
thrift, and who po several thous economy and like others to do to him.
himself As a race and people it is through appointed by us the men on in the winner men of the men man.
to be the leader of the noble of If Christ had sat in a citadel whom our fate hangs not only with whom they negotiate for our Then and only then will it be ands of us find that there is a which we hope to attain prominence and only came duwn occasionally clothe themselves and pose as lead rights. Healthy reeds sown in good easy to put into practice the golden glaring contrist in the appeal of amone other progressive races and to preach to his peopla; if He had ers but dedicate their very souls soil can hardly bring anything but rule: Do unto others as you would both leaders. The Christian spirit peopl Failing to imitate the ne associated himself with the to Christian principles. It is only good fruits.
is almost totally ext net from the genuine tae leadership of the poor, councelled and fed them: if after such dedication, when they righteousness will not fail to pro then there shall be peace on earth, Couls clothed in that they should do unto you, and latter and most of what he pro lowly Nazirene have no hope, he had not lived what he preached. isbail have hegun to practice what duce the best for man.
good will among mer viduals recognizeotherhood op of the God and the emulate the cod of man; live up to the pree the example and HERE WE ARE!
Another Year of SUCCESSFUL OPERATION WHY Because of Our UNEQUALLED SERVICE Share This Enjoyment By Installing GAS STOVE In Your Kitchen If it is done with heat you can do it better with gas PANAMA COLON GAS Co. At your Service


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