
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND 1926 wr ers im be bir les el He bu oh, of wil of American Hypocrisy Xmas and New Year Cards Worse Than Warfare AVERS CHIANG KAI SHEK While it Proposes to Aid Us it BRITISH DRUG STORE Supports Big Powers in Exploiting Our Country.
Make your selections early Home Commuoism our hearts are We will abt wri ala tho a is dai The thr рар to alw whi best not the not fror wri tiου tim brot true that 18 of the Chinese nation, Russia is CHRISTMAS MESSAGE sympathetic with our desire to establish a national Government, She seads us men to train our (By Rev. COUSINS)
officers. Shall we refuse them? She sends us contributions to attain ia particular, and the readers of My message to the West Indiare our end to establish a people A Fine Assortment Goverument in our country. Shali The Workman in general is we also refuse them?
very simple, but sincere one. wish you all a happy, penerful AT THE DEMOCRATIC RULE Cl ristmas, and a bught New Year, in the near futtre succeed in good will the message as sung by Sue Sin Fax: bould China Iuppiness and peace bowever, cannot be where there is lack of establ shing a supreme government over the whole of China, do you the multitude of the heavenly bost BOLIVAR STREET, COLON intend to apply Communist pre is Pence. to men of good cepts in rulinz bet?
will GENERAL CHIANG: That is a If we desire the spirit of the The following article is taken from the NEW YORK seven sided question. When our season to enter into us, we must AMERICAN of December 5: country is unified it will be ruled learn to bring old feuds to an end Rucoruing to democratic precepte, ed. bury all te old hatebets we the details of which cannot tell, may have been carrying aroural (General Chiang Kai Shek, the than those pursued by the English ople and protege of the late aod the Japanese. bave more We will have a licile democracy with us We must be able to shako and a die hands with one another because Doctor Sun Yat Sen, is about respect for the English, because introduce our La turship. We. of all bir ye eights are right. Whatever se think of the near future, it is government wholeray ed his own sale. When the time comes, there litary education at a tice are nearly identical The would rather have America de nationals return to their the pleasant pastures of Chinese military academy. Last merican Government, through its cledu poreitiwala sa Bagost de bon countries vegades e restoranted copies will be many orderlv struggles happiness and humour; peace and May he suddeulv made como mokesmen in China, is niwaya tal conduct towards us a itful uaequal.
ury different laughter by no.
cause with the Commur. ist section ug us bww its policy towards us and hypoeritical policy POLITICAL QUESTION od is based on justice and fairness, and we will make rnny blundere. Let us live in them at this time.
o the Cantonese Movement, and tase ASSAILS FOREIGNERS it always maintains iis un in less than six months, has conSue Sis Far; Would you put affairs of the Republic then. To others so.
may not have any hand the Let us be happy and belp to make which quered half of China, defied the equal eri a ter thoes of the tern SUE SIN FAR: Do not the mis. beze wishes into effect, bould you soldier, aud my coun: treaties, are u ceev in unifying the Chinese dry needs a soldier brains and face the future with a sober miod.
English. sionariesforeigo powers, and promises to Some But let us also be prepared to Republi?
whole of China and a Some years the people brogate ale unequal treaties in China nad great respec. GENERAL Chiang: Misionarms. Tomorrow, our China will We arie. derisively) Who the course of another year, rica. people of America them? question. Once unified wants politician, and that is a political the Republie needs of a states la impulsiveness and indiscreutilized this (By Enera! Chian Kal SHEK) would hinde belirtilen de on the abili ies to us. We are engaged in our statesmen ce ill den sich man, will be ready. If not, will shouira never be allowed to usia ke Wild, conclusions The commander in chief of the a lvantag receive my orders from the people the place of sober, well to be a sivil war, thanks to the med object.
Caritonese forces, whose recent have ineant their eventual econo mestie aff its. Tens of thous alvantage. The friendsh would Pour dling of the for igoers in our do and obey them.
considered judgment. Let us be interested in recent victories over the armies of mic SUE IN FAR: It is said that thousands the Nortbern War Lords mic penetration into our what concerns us when we are supreme over half of China. In thy could have helped our people are being killed on you are allied with Communis TO ALL MY PATRONS sober, instead of waiting till the both si les. Cities are attacked, Russia. an interview with Sue Sin Far, a the uoification of the Chinese Reoccupied Civilian wells of pas ion vindic. iveness and are GENERAL CHIANG: We are wrath within us are stirred, an American mother.
ould have bien forever to Sus Sin Far: Your recent buodreds of llions of dollars o persoas steps on the toes of a mis sympatheic attitude towards us in them. America is speading to the confusion some Chinese help us or esume a benevolent and and a thresh out a certain matter with miraculous success on the Yangt ber arm itnents in order that she sonry Of he or she is rudely our struggle to unify China.
his minister. On being to that it rechas forced the whole world to may give silent notice to Japan pushed aside. Then, we have banwould be better to wait till the reongnize you as the most poten not to cast covetous eyes across dits again thanks to the guns and attitude fro the United States next day, he replied saying he was tial wurd lord of Chinn today. the Pacitie, Azamuotion put in discriminately of North America, We were disap pot interested in such matters am delegated by a group of Am.
the hands of highway rob pointed. The Russian unified Chinesa nation of mr bers by foreigners missionary. the wben sober people were to What is your Atti ude towards the han four hundred million sous living in an isolated place is either their unequal treaties and vluntarily abrogated further pointing United States of America?
friendly to the away or American Republe, would have tremendous cry goes up to the isl, rights.
their DENTIST HOWELL extraterritor Let us enjoy the present season, sympathetic GENERAL CHANGE have not been a potential thieat to Japan Havens. Consuls and ambassadors retaining its spirit as long as we atitude towards the people of to forego warlike notives. But send tureatenine notes. General Chhey were Kali Sbek, like the can, and then face the future with Christian the United States of America, be the America Government. while men of war are di patched to our moutlas visit to Moscow about friends by sending them a lovely wise with a sober mind.
If you want to please your all its prospec ugly and othercause do not know them. My constantly professing friendship shores. Tae whole world thinks we two years ago) While Japan and Christmas or New Year Card calli attitude to the America Govern and humanitarian suterest in us. have nothing else to do but kid England financed Chang Tuo Lin, at the Workman Printery where only know it by its in its actul policy has followed nap ADVERTISE policies, which are no different the dictates of a few American hem (with a broad smile) would monarchist, to disrupt the unity display.
missionaries and release the brizand, and Wu Pei Fu, the the finest lot in the city are IN THE WORKMAN IT PAYS tue said give us fron seve st loca le him couetry would we cities are grateful esc OWO prea med our plati ty, thrif to be CO eping from his care este any moreA Merry Xmas to we hoped nad expected this Prosperous New Year the moral of the story needs no ands into you glari both is al: latte who carried abolished rights a ment?
MADAM WE WISH OUR PATRONS (A Happy Christmas waar AND Cocoa Prosperous New Year American Bazaar Stores PANAMA COLON


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