
THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND, 1926 PAGE FIVE 50 29 XOS SEXO :55 90g USBISSSS SSSSSSSiesses TO OUR FRIENDS MERRY XMAS AND Happy and Prosperous New Year We thank you for your Support and patronage which has made Delaware Punch SC SASS, 2005 458 The most popular drink in Panama CROWN BOTTLING WORKS INC.
PANAMA ooooo 30 colo SOS COLOURED AND WHITE CONTRA CRESPO Will STRAIGHTEN any HAIR (Continued from page 3)
R, Taylor, Vice Principal: Tuskegee Institute, and Director, Liberty Life Insurance Company Mr. Carter, Treasurer, Tuskegee Institute; and Albon Holsey. Secretary, National Negro Business League.
SIMPLY RUB IT ON AND BRUSH IT OFF Electric Injection 99 CONTRA CRESPO Marvelous Success in the treatment of SOLD IN DRUG STORES Gonorrhoea and Gleet The manufacturers of Contra Crespo wish, one and all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
a like Florence Mills Cites ery they cause, they would view the man of color from a different Hardships Negroes perspective. They would know at any rate, that he bas soul Suffer.
not so very different from their Own They would learn something, TELLS WHITE SYMPATHISERS sibility of bis feelings, of his perhaps, of the of the acute sen NEGRO IS OF LIKE PASSIONS childish trust in human nature, AND DESIRES AND NEED3 ONLY of bis bumility and instinctive OPPORTUNITY TO Ascend generosity SCALE OF HUMAN PROGRESS. For when it comes down to a matter of solid fact divorced from prejudice, the Negro Instincts Te following article on The all his feelings are white to the Soul of the Negro, by Florence core. He may not be so sophistMills, ceiebrated comedienne, cated, so developed as the white appeared recently in the London man, but he is certainly not a Chronicle: buman pariah whose rightful What a pity she isn wita. place is in the gutter.
This was the remark made by a woman as left the stage door the stage that indicates someThere is a little song. sicg on the other evening It was not the first time such thing of the Negro attitude comment bas been passed. It towards life. He is very mueb e a small boy flattening his is the eternal burden of the nose against a pastry cook lored people the penalizzion window and longing for all the for an accident of birth to be good things on the other side made to feel out of focus with of the pane.
the rest of bumanity.
Never had no happiness There are some people have Never felt no one caress, met who appear to find it difficulel to credit Negro with a soul. m just a lonesome bit of Perhaps they are prepared to humanity admit that he has a soul of sorte. Born on a Friday, guess but that it is on the same plane Then it goes onthat of the white race they If the son forgets no one, as refuse to acknowledge.
Why don it shine on me? few years ago this attitude m a little blackbird towards colored people was very Looking for a bluebird, too, marked. Today it is not so much There, in a nutshell, you have in evidence but it still exists. the Inner feeling of the colored ABSURD AND UNFAIR peoples. There is son, ething There are still people who that harmonizes with the tinge plaintive about that little song think tbat a Negro has about as of melancholy, which is always much sensitiveness as a brute present in the Negro soul, beast; tbat he is a person apart, He dominated by strange complexes wants so badly to belong.
and desires. To them a white soul and as yet there is no place for in a black skin Appears an Impos bim.
sible combination But there is not the elightest How absord it all is how doubt that the status of the utterly unfair! There is not a Negro is generally improving.
colored man or a colored woman Color barries are tottering, and in existence who does not bitter he is getting his foot on the ly resent the sentiment that jadder of equality.
drives them beyond the pale. There are still Negroes who It only those who consciously are lynched simply because they or unconsciously outrage the are Negroes, but there are als sensibilities of the Negro knew colored men who are barristers. 38 know what wounds they doctors, prominent musicians, ioflict, what suffering and mis actors, poets and writers. And Relieves the most obstinate case in three days FOR SALE AT THE PHARMACY 149 Central Avenue, Panama AND AT THE NEW DRUG STORE 5th and Street, Colon Direct From the West.
ing Isinglass, Seamoss, Bull de Mass, Antedote and Bizzy their nuaber is steadily increas.
In America, despite the very.
real prejudice that exists, the Ne is branches of social life. In England, where the color line is practically nen existent, Negroes bave achived a virtual equality, Only a few months ago a Negro poet in America produced a volume of verse that proved to be a best seller. Critics were astonished at his ic sight and bis delicacy of thought and feelin But it is a hard struggle. know, for have neen thought it. For years before became success and the white people smiled on me. struggled against adversity and prejudice.
When was born was just a poor piccaniony, with no prospects but a whole legacy of sorrow. My pareats were far too poor to afford me a good educa.
tion and it was obvious that (Onntinued on Page 7)


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