
PAGE EIGHT THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND 1926 Christmas Messages And Ons 25 Each in big ce to Pe sou?
offers And Christ.
THE WORKMAN By Rev. E, Wade, WEB. FROM THE Rev. MULCARE. FROM THE Colon Bor Lea Little Lessons on Living Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on applica LEYAN METED ST CHURCH RECTOR OF ST. PETER CHURCH GUE INSTITUTION)
WALROND, at the office No. 83 Central Blon. Correspondence on all mattes There something inspirinz in!
LA Boca)
of public interest invited Avenue, Panama, de The officers and inmates of the the fact that the Christmas se son! In a few daya bence we shall Colon Boys Institute, through this BY STUDENT OF LIFE PO Box 74, Panams All copy for publication must be falls to near the openink of the celebrate the Nativity of Christ, medium and the courtesy of the written on one side of paper only, and New Year, or, should rather say, Eli GREETINGS.
Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of near to the closing of the oid the une grand event which makes Ence pour hereby bes to tender to the public compliments of the One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica Year. There is often a good deel Christmas Day 80 precious to go wishing them meube festive season is upon us once Six Months. 20 tion but as a mark of good faith. of bitterness in the mind as the cld every believer heart.
Well friends and acquaintances, Christmas readers and a happy New Year comes to an end, a sense of uma Three We do not undertake to return te moral and fpiritus impoverisb bave no difficulty in seeing how thank for great and benevolent oes to the human beart that only of this issue of The WORKMAN will We take this opportunity to again again, bringing that glow of kledli.
jected corresponence.
So much failure and emptv ness, eo many thwarted endeav! naturally out of this main stream bene factors who from the begin Christmas can produce. The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights JINUIS curs, so many frustrated of joy of with his own way, arcording trafted hwayanad social bliss come trickling through to stand by our institu ion the heart o desire farther away than the wi derness of life. Why are their moral and financial support. will celebrate the birthday of the to the custom of his native land WEDNESDAY DECEMBER, 22, 1926, ever some people who seen to have to do interiores a la per the leader into make our beelde me dore downx Great Teacher; and, as is custom their make happy at time the reached greetings each each HAPPY AND MERRY CHRIST. dreams but if the truth me torna especially but because Christ was Americans on the Canal Zone who be store frede.
have made the disco from very discovery which MAS TO ALL.
brought disenchantment.
To the editor of the WORKMAN ich has consecrated the age, the babits liberally to the upkeep of this them, the disappointed who have all the delightful little ways of great work. It is said thnt we must who has been continually kind to mi take of su posing that infancy and early childhood, no: be weary in well doing for in my effusion te those of you who have Once again the revolving wheels of time have brought the things dresme lent me your eyes. or was vibe due time wabah rap our rewara he happiness, if And bave made the schoother but a memorial of the what are our gfts to the Christian and Civilized world to the festive Season of we faint not. The Christmas is months; to Mrs. Linda Smart sme mistake from Christmastide, It seems but a little while ago that the joy which only Christ can save us. He coming of the Magi with the craving bear and the Commander Chubb (who was the to first Institute of the will be thankful praise threefold came, that first Christmas Day treet of gold frankia for all Christmas gifts to the lo my literary efforts) and of Sparklets fame extend the over the world, and here we are again today, sending out in a goat to show ur egune the sensi dan menyertor And we not their work there the combined for medio de lashes of the season.
the old soul stirring felicitations and receiving the same of success is the law off sacrifice especially because Iseph and the tions will reach him if addressed to at this money. CommunicaAlthough relatione between my thit though desire may often be fat Blessed Virgin were of sub from relatives and friends whose hearts are filled with off, duty is ever near; that the only lestate? And all our feeli IOND. Watson, Post Office Box people and you bave been strained dearest affections and who inbreathe freely and deeply of life in the end unanswered is the what is it but the natural expres The Commander of the Institute coming of the New Year dubiously; 153, Colon, doubless you regard the the happy Christmas spirit.
life that is daily unfaithful, and Christmas tells of the grandest story ever recorded in that the only way any ec mession of our joy even though some begs to congratulate the Star cloud of darkness that saw the end may have half forgottən the Fun HERALD for ite many yeerd of of 1926 will shine a silver lining of the annals of human history. It relates the Nativity of the to his own is by living for others.
lain from which it flowe?
Son of God, the Incarnation of Divinity and the abiding Yoa, thro lite, death, thro sorrow kind support towards the lastitu hope in 1927, and thro sinning union of heaven and earth. It is the highest and best He shall suffice me, for Be hath ary less en of the Nativity of Jesus WORKMAN, also, who, from 1920, perplexities, but can at least tiun. It has never failed to give Let us remember that the prim publicity 10 our activities. The friends in the face of your recent cannot say Merry Christmas theme of man exultation and the sublimest act that stir sufficed; Christ is that God became man has worked unceasingly red the emotions of the Angelic order. When the humble Christ is the end, for Christ is the that man might become as God, in chepherds lounged restfully in the faithful vigil over their Christ the beginning, for the end is that he might be a litle bighet there came wish you a brave one. the cause of this BELL tractable flocks during the most eventful night in the angelsof a little AMERI chronicle of human events and the Angelic choir warbled cheiate mus sive to Him during the lower than the brutes. Let us all on the scene the Panama AN XMAS LETTER out the most dulcet notes that ever fell upon the ears Christmas days and in the New have a right merry Christmas, let can who from last year has been of erring man the grandest carol ever sung: Glory to Year and in all the years, and for us all go right over the top in support of this Institution. It is As sit and think when the contributing wonderfully to the God in the Highest and on earth, Peace to men of Good en ur fair st dreams and our most ourselves to ridicule, or making find these institutions making pent with relatives and friends us there sh: Hl be no conflict betw. joyousness, without expressing hoped that the coming year may Yuletide comes, of the past will, the sweetest act of Divine love and condescension urgent and uninviting tas ourselyes akin to the beasts shat greater progress for the good and at bome, going to church and was manifested towards the whole human race.
On this day we recall the undying story, impressed For a good assortment of Chro perish, seeing that we are immortal welfare of ouffering humanity, and joining in the more che usando upon the experiences of the ages, and told to successive mas and New Year Cards go to being a partakers of the nature at the same time boping that they Bongo to the King that was born the wbicb Christ wore and redeemed. may bever fail. Continued on page 11)
generations for the last two thousand years. It grips our inmost souls and elevates our thoughts from the droll and doleful cares of the world We are inspired to raise our minds to a lively hope and confidence in a love that buffles human understanding. It speaks of the presence of forf 444fontofolento God as MAN among men in an overwhelming aspect of mercy and truth.
The lessons of the Season are manifold. It is custom ary for us to make presentations of joyful greetings and gifts to those whɔm we know and love, and in this we but feebly dramatize the enriching acts of the Oriental worshippers whose treasures filled with precious gifts were offered to the Infant Christ, cradled in an humble manger at Bethlehem. We open our hearts in humble efforts of charity in exemplification of the spirit of the Christ Child who became poor that he might bestow upon mankind the riches and abundance of the Grace and favour of the Father. We sing carols and sweet anthems in pious imitation of the chorus sung by the heavenly visitors on the first Christmas morning, and we worship the Saviour like the adoring shepherds whose fleet feet sped their way to the manger as they excitedly exclaimed. Let us go now even unto Bethlehem and see tbis thing which has come to pass.
The Christian world memorializes the Incarnation in all of its religious observances and the rapturous theme of Glory and God will will ever remain the do ninating feature of Christian life and practice.
We are glad for the return of the Festive Day and we join with all earnest people in celebrating the birthday of the King of Kings. We shall try to learn the lessons of the day and their application to daily life; shall seek to remove from our hearts all hatred, prejudice and ill will and inculcate the sweet Christmas grace which alone will en sure the establishment of that Peace which the Emanuel came to restore to the world.
Our city is gay with decorations and our snop windows gleam with the bright things of the Season. Relatives are coming togethor for the usual Christmas réunion; friends When you smoke Lucky Strikes for the first time, you instantly note are visiting and exchanging confidences and sweet charity their difference from other cigarettes.
reigns supreme. This is Christmas! Its charm is invigorThat because in addition to the World finest Turkish and ating and robs life of its dullness and drudgery.
But in all our happinsss and rejoicings we are to redomestic tobaccos, properly aged, perfectly blended. IT TOASTED.
member the poor and unfortunate, the destitute and orphans. They are part of our community and they, too, Even without toasting. Lucky Strike tobaccos, would make them should feel the Christmas spirit and rejoice with all conthe best cigarettes.
tentment. We speak to them of the good tidings of ChristToasting is a costly added process, Dot a mere slogan. Lucky Strike mas and we console them with the hope of which we our smokers enjoy: selves partake: but what about their physical longings?
shall we not help them to a share of the material rejoicings Finer Flavor. Toesting for 45 minutes develops the bidden and enjoyments of the Season?
flavors of the world finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos.
It is a duty and obligation incumbent upon all who are Smoothness Toasting for 45 minutes removes all bite and more fortunate to make provision for the assistance of those harshness, hence never any throat irritation.
who need our help at all times, and especially is the case at Christmas when the material element so strongly enters Froshnoss. Then the tobacco is suddenly obilled. This seals into the observance of the Grand Christian Festival. Let us the flavor in and insures constant freshness.
all do what we can to make Christmas a glad day for Thus the toasting process is an addition. It adds a unique and everybody.
distinct improvement to a cigarette that has already been made To its many advertisers, numerous subscribers and from the finest Turkish and domestic tobaccos. It is, the reason generous patrons the WORKMAN extends hearty wishes millions perfer Lucky Strikes for HAPPY AND MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL.
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