
THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND, 1926 PAGE NINE The Silent Navy. SEXSESSED 23:23 se practice for and other waters.
that any Ch as. Dowling 53 CENTRAL AVENUE Fancy Groceries gangot bor not familiar away mar. 3f war parlour EDUCATING THE NATION ADMIRALTY NEW POLICY Phone 331 Box 96, Panama (BY ARCHIBALD BURD, in The Panama, Box Ancon, Daily Telt grapb)
No special significance altaches to the naval doings in the Dorthern mists, from wbich the sbips of the Atlantic Fleet, under the orders of Admiral Sir Sonry Oliver, are just returning We are not preparing for an imminent war. It is the gunnery exercises on an extensive scale wbich are carried out at this time of the year in home That is how the Navy is kept efficient, and it is at such times fresh ideas or new weapons, or devices, are tried out.
Every autumn very much the same routine is followed, but we who live asbore bave beard little or nothing of what has been bappening. It would indeed have been contrary to the policy which the Admiralty adopted atter the Great War if anytbing bad leaked out. Tue reason for insisting on such all embracing secrecy was always difficult to understand, because it served no purpose. The only people who of the Napoples activities were left in mate ignorance were tbe taxpayers who paid ite bill. It is certain ibat the attaches of foreign Powers in London learnt all or almost all tbat they want to know for that is their business. There were, api are still, imagine, very few secrets about the inDo struments of Daval warfare.
During the Great War the Allied Dayies shared their knowledge and experience. Tha: brings us down to the end of 1918 19 subsequent years a good deal of progress has been made wbich has reacted on the equipmen of the ships of the Atlantic Fleet all bullt before or during the war: but it may be deubted whether woch bas taken place with which the Raval attaches of of foreiga Powers are You blde as you would a thimble in.
game, and the expert eye can deduce a good deal from photo graphs, even if there were no other arenues of information.
These and other considerations Sesso appear to to have led the ot Admiralty to change its policy with the result that Fleet Earl Beatty and his col are cbaracteristie of the naval CHRISTMAS GREETINGS to the principal leagues when it was decided to Service. Though we who livel newspapers to send representa lift the veil which for twelve ashore bave heard, for some time tives to watch the autumn years has concealed the Navy past little about the fleets and CHRISTMAS GREETINGS. To THE ORIGexercises. At the same time from the Eation. It was necesquadrons which are on duty in INAL COMMITTEE WEST INDIAN steps were taken to render them sary to shroud its activities our own waters, as well as in th more than usually interesting, during the Great War; but since Meal Indled, the the Atlantic CENTRAL ORGANIZATION.
if not spectacular.
the Treaty of of Versailles wore Gentlemen: and the Pacific, not torget to CHANGED ATTITUDE, signed the smoke screen bas the ships which bave It is my sincerest desire to send unnecessary and acutually and been such difficult and dam yoa, one, and all at this time the The meaning of this alteration barmful. So at gerous work in Chinese waters Season Greetings.
in the official attitude is presundispelled. Once more it 18 Per!
tbey are always on active service. firmly believe the Biggest Venably that the Board, bas come alssible to know that we have a The number of ships is small, to the conclusion that in a coun feet, and it is also permissible ture you have accepted to shoulder small that tlie Sen Lords wit for the general welfare of our West try governed on democratic prin: even to let the public know that war experience must have acm Indian Community will not be a vain ciples It is desirablo that the it is working bard all the time apxlous moments; but for the democracy sball bo educated.
me to render itselt eficiert, The The cause of the Navy has gone reactions of this new departure very reason that the Navy bas am indeed proud of your afforts to had to be reduced for financial in our behalf to make us all in One.
the be reasons, it must be The impression has spread that, Navy is really silent, dislikes efficient. It is the belief that after receiving owing to the conquest of the air stunts, and never engages in ALL OUR PATRONS Those who realise all that sea official recognition from the Authoritpower means to the British ies will be the West Indian Improveand all that that event implies. propaganda, as has been done in peoples, scattered in small comment Association of Panama.
as illustrated by Sir Alan Cob the past in some foreign counmunities over the face of the ham flights we are not as con tries, officers and men will work world with oceans as their bigh the onward march of The Organizapreclude the cernd for the safety o! the seas in better spirit, though they way of danger. well wortion, for God will it. as we were. The test of that could not work harder than they will note witb satisfaction could theory consists not in vague gene bave been doing, if they realise ebange in the mind of the butt us show to the world that as not undertake it personally, relities as to the importance to us that they are not forgotten and Admiraly, The Brard and my heart is with of air power, especially as a me. that their services are appreciaconfesses by its action that the a aps of drawing the Empire to ted JAVIER MORAN Navy exists for the nation, and everyone who a deserve the respect of gether, but in very practical conibat the nation should be told 38 peace of the Babe of Bethlehem be in and rightly so. Let the siderations. How does thy food THE NAVY AS GOOSEBERRY much about it as can be done your midst at all times to guide of about 80, 000, 000 of our peo, le We have all probably known without disclosing your intentions.
us? will it reach ye regarded as secrets and in gooseberry owing to do Cault these days there are not many the splendid GLORIA IN EXCEL Let your hearts be filled and ring The inevitable answer is by sea, of our own, it is, perhaps, not జ శ త గ secrets about Davies, armies, SIS DEO for He has given us this and in merchant ships, which in too much to say that the Navy me of war, even thougb, we may bas felt during the past few day a livingements and as time rolls monument of West Is.
he neutral in the struggle, may years that it was in something be destroyed, molested, or at like unenviable position by your names and the Founder will It go on the Roll Honour as men of least diverted from their course. was tolerated as a relic of a past initiative.
Those merchant ships making era and not recognised as a bulI wish you, and our West Indian their furrows in the oceans of the wark on which reliance should be Community a MERRY CHRISTMAS world, can be attacked only by placed. The Great War conver with the blessings of the Infant Jesus.
men of war. That is a generali ted the majorlty of the IS THE BEST PRESENT TO YOURSELF. sation which does not apply to this country into soldiers with an Sincerely. IN THE bustle and excitement of buying presents for other folks we often JOSEPH VICTOR INNOCENT.
that consideration it must be wbich, however, unconsciously a scepted as a rough approxima persists in some measure to this neglect ourselves. Make yourself a gift that you will be thankful Colon. of tion to the fact. For that reason day. And then came the the for the rest of your life. Better your vision.
If you want to please yuun vital to a a com wonderful developmert of air friends by sending them a lovely munity of islanders, we must power. It was not so surprising Have your eyes examined Christmas or New Year Card call have ships of war, because the in the circumstances that a great at the WORKMAN Priatery where comings and goings of ships of many people forgot that nothing SCADRON OPTICAL COMPANY the finest lot in the city are commerce must not be interru bas bappened above or display.
pted. There are of course, other under the water has lessened in reasons why we need a fleet, but any degree our dependence on REGISTERED OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS they need not delay us. The or air forces. Frackness in nonsea power. Our sea problem ESTAELISHED IN PANAMA TEN YEARS essentials is always the best same line of these people sures have had to be us ken against being bas been. means of protection against undethe PANAMA COLON Though have discussed this the peri! by air, as well as the sirable leakage of really confidential information. That is the subject with no member of the eubmarine peril. But, as the 23 Central Ave 034 Front Street maxim which Board of Admiralty. It is no exercises of the Atlattic Fleet Next to American Bazaar Opposite Station was practised before the war, and we eid not mere venture at a hazard on my have revealed these new troubles suffer as a result, but, on the part that some such ideas were bare teen tackled with that eontrary, were the galders.
in the miode of Admiral of the resource and competency which were issued merry Xmas beep last it it is being Prosperous New Year av bhoone.
American Pharmacy melety frankly the Fou; what may be your come to my Hommelyet mehelbest obert phe paper Central Avenue and 18th Street dians that BETTER VISION men of sea power is atin which


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