
PAGE TEN THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND 1926 MERRY Christmas to Our Patrons GECILIA STRAND AMADOR. AMERICA THEATRES Direction Wilcox Saenger Film Company Always on Hand BISand reorganiz:ENGLISH WOOLENS of all kinds Even judiced the State was they are at Ready Made Clothing tory of the British Finance And could the Industry be saved.
locidentally, wbile not ruling out Sesssssssss Telephone Rates Commerce legislation allowing of the lengº theniog of working hours, the Approved.
Commission trusted that this (BY ROBERT MCKAY)
would not be necessary. Useful involving)
recommendations, The vexed question of the teler.
The net result of the seven lation in some cases, for the hodes rates which has been exermonths struggle in the British modernizition cising the minds of telephone users coalfields is that the men have tion of the industry were clu.
in the island of Jamaica would apreturned to work having had to ded in ded in the report, This report pear to be settled at last as His.
give way on points in their all the main ag accept by the Government, programme in provided the other two parties Excellency the Governor has approved of the reduced Schedule of regard to hours, wages, and na did so; it was understood later rates wbieh the Jamaica Telephone tional, agreeemeots they are in a that the mine owners assented.
worse position Co. Ltd; propose to charge for than before. but not very clearly, to while Economic facts have beaten them the men withheld their assent.
the new system which it has installed at the new Central Station.
But the conflict bas not been The General Strike followed entfrely confired, in its eftects The new rates are based upon.
Serges, Fancy Worsteds, Cheviots, Vicunas, the schedule recommended by the ere. Politics, both local and na strike collapsed after nine days, chamber of Commerce. They are tional, bave played a larger part but the coul miners remained as follows; Business Telephone, one than they have ever before played out to continue the struggle. The White Doe Skin Flannels, Union and Linen pound per month; residential phone in an industrial dispute.
General Strike undoubtedly pre12 per month.
religious bodies have been drawa miners cause, for it Drills in White and Brown, Dress Vests in Not only has Sir Edward Stubbs into the maelstrom for a number introduced vital political issues of dignitaries of the chu chat considered to be lavolved. Meanthe given his assent in Privy Council to tempted mediation. Neverthe con English Piques, Collars, Ties, Shirts etc. etc. the reduced rates, but he hus less, in any consideration of this while the Commissioners report, decided that an official communilamentable upheaval, the main at one time a possible basis of and cation be sent to the heade of more issue must be regarded as the peace, receded more public departments that Ero view. The subsequent biseconomic one.
liberty to apply for the installation Despite the fact that British mediation attempted and abar the stoppage was one of telephones in their offices.
coal is admittedly the best in the doned and attempted again. Ot the first schedule of rates whi When the Goveroor turned down which the world, the British coal mining gradual diminution of the inen?
the Industry has of late years been claims and weakening of their FIRST CLASS TAILORING company y had submitted. His Excellency gave instruc ions to in a bad wy To ascertain the position, or defection of mer heade of departments that pending causes of this, and to trecommend from their unions the drift further instructions they were to measures for the reorganisation back to work. By the end of the abstain from instructing the compa re establishment of their crisis about one third of the Quality lasts long after the Price is forgotten by to proceed with the installations dustry of the Government ap miners had already returned to pointed last autumn a Royal Com the pits.
As is Well known an netion has mission Thts Commission, verowerowerowerowerowe hawenswemswan been filed in the Supreme Court under the Chairmanship of Sir The Government part in the against the Jamaica Telephone Co.
Herbert Samuel, directed its matter bas, on its own profesLtd: to declare the legality or main attention to the means of slon, been to keep the ring otherwise of tee license granted the cheapening the price of coal and In addition to mediating it has concera hy the late Governor in on that point made its main dispute. One amended the Act enacted two Bills bearing on the Privy Council. It remains to be recommendation. After exhaus: of 1919 fixing a maximum sevenPatrons seen what action tae approval tive enquiry the Commissioners which the Governor bas given to unanimously and regretfully. Lour day, thus permitting of: the reduced rates will bave upon concluded that a disaster!
is im: longer worklog day it desired.
WONERMELON the Telephone Ugers Association.
205205LONELINERNERMShams pending over the industry and the other, called the Reorand the immediate and Welfare Bill, is a reduction of ganisation and working costs, to be effected by use measure at present en reduction of tial to save it, Niles, was esset rely overlooked by the general dion and public adopting some of the regulation of industry during the crisis and the securing of peace a further subsidy by the Govern recommendations of the Samuel dificult and order in the coal fields. The ment were completely ruled out Commission. Many PREIRA (s nine months subsle ju alrea questions of poor law reliet have final, in the sense of the last, offer of the Government to the dy paid to the industry baving arisen in the course of the dismen is for a national tribunal to cost the taxpayers 24 millions) pute and Regulations under the Corner Central Ave. and 9th Street review district agreements, but ard emphasis was laid ou the Emergency Powers Act, subject whether this will eventually be Commission opinion that by to renewal each month, bave accepted and established is not wage reduction alon coolaſ been deemed necessary for the SEKSEKS stegetico clear at the moment of writing, of new and Compliments of the Season to Our PALAIS ROYAL


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