
Thu WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND, 1926 PAGE ELEVEN Jewelry Shop which they mighter EL EXCELSIOR Corner 12 Street East Avenue We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
were Aliens save fallen our From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be held every day from a. to p.
of world Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
CHRISTMAS MESSAGE Heavenly Host, and the errotest Orchestra that the world has ever beard viz. Angels voices, struck up in harmonious melody. Glory (FROM MARKHAM NEW be to God on High and on Earth PROVIDENCE peace, goodwill, toward men.
In writing a few worde snent the When the Angel had departed, advent of our Lord, do not pro the Shepherds counted not the loss pose to write a Christmas Message have stained, their ficiently qualified to do so, but ed away to the manger and inasmuch as you have specially not by the arch. Angel messruger. od re. it was even they were told quested the attempt even at this the 11th hour will they worshipped the new bure try to do so. At that time when King This was the beginning of the children of Israel wºre without dom of God is not eating and Christmas Tide. Hence, The King God in the world and to the Coverant of promise. Jesus drioking and the like such as we Christ our Saviour denied Himself do now, but righteousness, and of His heavenly Princedom and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost humanity.
came into this world to save the sincerely trust that while the nineteen of many are made Glad in red and thirty years ago ing to chronology aud traccord. temperal things this Christmas season the purpose babe was born in Betblebeto of Saviour Christ came into the Judea of a pure virgin aacording viz. The Salvation of to Prophecy hundreds of centuries Souls, will occupy the most pro previously; He The Babe was minent part in the life of every uoue other than Jesus Christ reader of this our indispensable Begotten Son of God, It was weekly. The Workman news early in the morning before the paper.
My sincere wish to one and all.
His birth, Gabriel the Chief of is, Very enjoyable Christmas, day. Simultaneously with Arch Angels came down from (1926) and Progressive and bes ven to earth bearing the celes. Prosperous New Year (1927)
tial message from God the Father that Tue Saviour of the World was born.
The rressage was not delivered AN XMAS LETTER. to nobility in Palace Grand but rather it was delivered to the Lowliest of mankind where they (Continued from pige 8)
were taking care of their flocks, nearly two thousands of years ago, on the opeu plain of hereby write these greetings.
Bethlehem on that cold winter This chill of wisdom, who came morning. When the Shepherd in the world was a gift from the saw the brightness of the Angel Father above, He couotenance they were amazed to teach His people and the world beyond measure and in their Fatherly love and brotherly love. bewilderment the Angel said unto when they lived in discord and them, lear, rot; for, Behold, disunity with their brethren; when bring you good tidings of Great men forgot to serve the Power which shall be to all people above, the Omnipotent saw their the City of David a Saviour, which His only begottea son that He is Christ the Lord.
might save the world, yes, and He And this shall be a sign unto his time was short through trechdid carry the work through, but you; ye eball find the Babe wrap: ery by his brother Judas. Yet there in a manger.
who believed not in His teachings here accompanied the Arch who after took up the great work Angel messenger a multitude of and completed it, in this way Hie)
Hawo of GRAND MUSICALE Dr. David Smith At The Panama Weslyan SNAKE BITE REMEDIES, Church, Dr. Smith the SnakeBy The Atlantic Orchestra of bite Specialist of Guabito, Colon Bocas del Toro, begs to offer his professional service The Musicale to be given by Tht to any patient. Wherever Atlantic Orchestra, of Colup, ae found, his snake bite remethe Panamn Wesleran Church, dies have never failed to on Sunday Dec. 26tb, promise to effect a speedy cure. The be a very interesting affair. This Orehestrn has a very good)reputa. Doctor also specializes in tion on the Atlantie side, and the other complaints such as UriMuie loving people of Panama nary Troubles, Chronic Ulcers should embrace the opportun ty to and Obstinate Coughs.
hear them Their Should you need his proincluded such crogramm Clussic as Overture Zampa fessional services, do not fail (By Herold) Grand Selection to write or come to the DocCavelleria Rusticana (Mascos tor personally when you can Oil. Grand Musical Potpourri (Joy be cured.
to the world (Barnhouse. There will also be Violio Solos, Cello Address: Solo Trio io Cornet Duet, and DR. DAVID SMITH many other highly interesting Musical numbers. Miss Rampie Specialist of the Atlantic Side, and Mrs Olga Guabito Bocas del Toro King of Panama will also contribuRepublic Panama te to the programme.
It really seemsworth while attending REMOVAL NOTICE David Leon, Attorney atLaw, has removed his offices words came to past.
to No. 175 Central Avenue But are we not all the sons and (upstairs Sealey Photo Studaughters of God. Certainly we dio. are, for we are all His children by nature, but He only turns His back towards us when we forget Christmas Services At St.
Him. He only becomes forgetful of our needs and care, when we Paul become forgetful of His son who is the guiding star. It is true that The Christmas Celebration of many of us have turned our backs to the church, and many through the Holy Eucharist will commence the causes of present day living are at midnight, Christmas Eve, a: St.
Paul uaable to go there, yet if we Church in this city, when the Father, we may see in Him, lhrapt and the Rev.
Bethlehem who is the guide to should keep in mind that Star of the Rev, Nightengale, rector of the parish, will be the the Love, Unity, Prosperity, Happi. Tna e preacher beautiful Commuoion Ser.
ness, and acceptance by the vice by H. Hall in major Father, will be readered by the full vested herewith wish all Merry choir which will also sing for the Christmas and a Happy and Pros. Offertory, the anthem There perous New Year.
Were Shepherds by Stults in EDWARD REED.
flat. EL GAITERO THE ONLY ELABORATED Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid sheep: Cider Champagne Was sent here URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama 12 American Supply Co.
123 Central Avenue Compliments of the Season to our many Patrons Base Ball goods for the Season Shoes, Pants, Gloves, Balls At Prices Cheaper than elsewhere VISIT OUR FURNITURE DEPARTMENT 36 CENTRAL AVENUE


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