
a WillingSUNDAY us have Whether Exciting Races of peace with the cases only until men.
10 give afand methods During the Shoes Repaired while coming seatthereuets meeded much you in the liste der Wiese rodikos sistemet, kan hilstotine come out west Righest and most classical ordet vidual Thinking And APOLOGY. THANKS CHRISTMAS NEW YEAR THE OPEN FORUM CHURCH SERVICES MESSAGE We do not hold ourselves responsible fo: riens expressed ia these For Christmas Day And We beg to apologise to our many Columns readers and supporters for being behind time with our Special Christmas BY LINDA SMART CHUBB Sunday After Christmas edition which, owing to uncontrollable At Christmas Time there will come TO THE EDITOR THE WORKMAN: Sir: circumstances, did not appear on pre into our homes many a friend who ST. PETER BY THE E1 viously published date.
has not called during the whole year.
There are so many high sounding We have to thank the STAR We will receive cards and letters schemes being put forward now a days LA BOA.
We will HERALD Company through whose kind from those long forgotten.
by the smart Alecks. for to get their courtesy we have been able to repre feel a sense of friendliness, a fingers into the funds of lodges, that The usual Mid night Service will duce the cuts which adorn our front ness to be charitable, such as was you will do these noisy but empty be held Christmas eve. Every absent during the preceeding months.
December 26th, 1926 gentlemn a favour to publish the mmber should turn out. The page.
What can be the reason for this atticonstitution of my lodge.
Roctor will be the celebrant and tude, this almost divine state in our ThLodge shall be called. prescher.
Christmas Messages disposition? Can it be that we affect No. Ete and shall have for its objects At p. Christmas Day, the fine feeling only at a particular time JUAN FRANCO TRACK the raising of funds by entrance Church School children will assemfor a definite reason, purely out fees, of (ontir ued from page 1)
fines, done. criptions of the members, ble in the churchyard to receive custom and without any logical to men of Good will Let us manifest foundation? believe that it is more following purposes Το that love which we should rightly feel than a routine with us. who them by (A) Insuring sums of money, for pay. the Uuited States.
their generous friends in for the Brightest and Best of the learned of the midnight song sof ing sick benefits to members, who are Next Sunday at 30, a. there Sons of the Morning, and offering it, the Angels, this feeling of incapacitated goodwill will be a Chcral Celebration of the (B) Assisting members when com Holy Communion. At 30, a.
may, we treasure in our hearts a is a prophesy come true.
genuine affection for our fellow mend it is recorded or not, the seed has we still believe in the story in the Way pelled to travel in search of work there will be Holy Baptism.
if Christmas is to be happy and been sown in our hearts, and yearly. C) To relieve members when in At 1045, am, there will be we can by Races for Imported horses distress.
Eucharistic Service, taking the Christ Child into our lives, at at this time, the germ fructifies. D) To pay the funeral expenses of giving him a welcome which means sense of brotherhood grips us now At 30, there will be a and for Native bred Ponies deceased members, their wives and special service for the Juvenile a permanent abiding actuating us into more than ever; and the regret is that children members of the Ancient Order of good many people have no use Foresters God and bring peace and goodwill to world should come the expiration of impulses that must render Glory to the blessed feeling of in the majority for lodges, belong to none but are ever of At 30, m. Chri tmas Can.
AN AFTERNOON OF G00) RACING ready with suggestions as to how tata, entitled The Manger King, the conventional Christmas period.
lodges can best part with their monies will be New Year: To many this is only Sacred Cantata other peoples good for given under the auspices of another day, but, to the resourceful the Church School. Every adult Rain or Shine think the honest way is to put up who attends the Cantata is expect Toe ly Nativity. Sacred it means a new and better start. To the first amount from one purse and ed a liberal silver offering for will be rendered at the Colon ening out material and spirituant back up a worthy scheme with some Day Ou ing and Treat of the start something. man who cannot at the door toward the New Year Wesleyan Methodist Church by fairs, a time of elaborate preparations ADMISSION thing more than mere talk, is no dar a Choir of forty voices on Wed for the future, and, in many cases, a ned good and should cease advising school.
other people how to cooperate to spend to the general public. nesday, December 29th at 30 time of radical changes in customs cordial invitation is extended pm. Admission 25 cents and It is only to the Grand Stand Field Stand 50c. theirs, There will be Choral Evensong negligent that the First of January Yours truly, and sermon at 730, Special lis plainly and simply the day after DeA PAST OFFICER anthems will be rendered by the Pan American cember 31st. large mixed Choir. The Bishop will the past year, the West DON MISS IT Sunday Afternoon At The deliver a special Christmas mes.
SHOE REPAIR GO. Indian people have had piled before Excelsior.
sa e, special invitation is hereby them the contempt of other peoples given to all 20 Central Ave. from many points of the globe. WithA grond Sacred Musical Proout any powerful aid to command gramme wil be given by the choir Next door Alcaldia respect, theirs has been humiliating and unenviable position. For the degree raced when live to the the bene, Orchestraof and the Panama Symphony The Necessity of Inditact, serious conduct, and firm race, now is for Indians instead, the of the you wait determination to improve their status. to show the music in their spirit the Indian shall have become a lovely and the programme will prove This New Year is the time more than beauty in their veins. Every effort symphony, full of rich round tones.
a treat to all who may embrace the Investigation opportunity to hear its rendition.
OLD SHOES MADE TO to commence unifying and educational the beautifying of their persons and ever to start an economy campaign, should be made toward the aesthetic, The prices of admission are: BY THOMPSON LOOK LIKE NEW movements; to improve manners and their homes, and their customs.
For a good assortment of Christ. Front seats 50 cents: General admorals. The majority of West Indians It is customary with people of May each one seize the lesson as it mas and New Year Cards go to mission 30 cents: Children 15 cents hearty invitation is extended FICE, Manager are of negro blood to a more or less applies to him or her, and we will the Workman Priotery more or less good will, at this seato all.
son of the year to send through the medium of the press messages words of counsel, cheer and encouSexSXODOS SOXocx SOKOSOK ragement throughout the Christian world to their fellowmen.
meat and development there are to At this stage of world unfoldbe found millions of people of every race and Christian trination, are living under the most deplorable and lamentable conditions possible to mankind. We who are domiciled here in Panama, a Christian country, are confronted whith certain outstanding features of disctiminating legislation.
Millions of people all over this Planet are now preparing at this solstice to celebrate the supposed Agent for the famous birthday, December 25th, of Jesus of Nazareth, who became Christ.
we must not lose sight of the indisputable fact that, for thouborn, the 25th of December was observed by various Nations and respective saviour gods who were also born of virgins. We will not here and now enter upon any exten sive discussion of the merits or demerits of the esoteric or exeterie phases or significance of the suffice it to say that, we have e subject whelming and irrefutable evidences to prove that such were the cases.
and that there is certainly not a circumstantial evidence any where on the records of history to show the Jesus was born on the 25th of December To us; however, it does not make any essential difference as to when he was born. We believe that the great teacher lived about two thou.
sand years ago; and that as an es.
sence he was intimately acquainted with all the occult laws and prin ciples of that wonderful fraternity.
AND He knew what it meant to live a moral life. He what he preached. He has left on record some of the very best social and ethical principles which, if those who pretend to be his representatives, instead of delusively mak.
ing a scape goat and means of political and theological jugglery and speculation, they would endeavour to put such prin ciples into practice, this world of (Continued op page 14)
colour thousand years or whoafter two Public Service Garage THOMAS LOMBARD, Prop.
WILLYS. KNIGHT AND OVERLAND CARS Duco Painting Repair Accessories and Storage particle of dire MERRY CHRISTMAS clean practiced HAPPY NEW YEAR 934 Panama PHONE: Street OLD STABLES 1667 Balboa Why pay double price for inferior imported Beer when you can buy a superior Beer such as BALBOA for half the price.


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