
THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND, 1926 PAGE THIRTEEN Pilgrim Europe to the world greatest 300 gents Romans and the Europewithin one of they tried the it in support of in their leaders and their causes, men and proved them; they were siecere, loyal, unselfish, of that Proposal For Líne of Christmas Messages. Swikikiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii honesters of those places, thus was Caeser able to write his immortal Ships to Britain climax came, saw, conquer(Conticued from page 8)
ed after croesing from Rome into Gaul and occupying that country TO GIVE JAMAICA BETTER THE TRUTH for a few years, and the PACILITIES FOR MARKETING Fathers to cross the Atlantic from BY H, WHYTE, PRESIDENT, OF ITS PRODUCTS to America drive the native A, ve Indiaas into mountain fastnesses There je a set idea in some quar: and subdue them, and make that The JAMAICA MAIL of the 9b wealth instant states thet in Tuesd. y ters that the truth should not be wilde: session of tbe gislative told at all times, that there are We are our own choiCouncil, His Excellency the Cov. times when it were better left u uternor, referring to the question the truth, but because it might tered, not because it is no longer ans (the Pilgrims now the Ameriof the Direct Line said: cans) accomplished because they Christmas, the You will remember that at cause offense.
accepted leadership, they believed our last meeting said ibat season of greatest conventionality hoped when we met again to be are more inclined to affect than to in Christendom, the time when we and co operated in able to make somo statement them be, is with such times to reflect regard to the question of a be, Direct Line to Great Britain, the Christmas spirit we are suoposed to affect the usual Peace daring, der endable. If which as covernment has very and good will, to all men sy. My which the we get prgradually atd with our here, instead sitting much at beart, conception of the idea of this sea fingers in our mouths like ittle regreplace any definite ent arrangement of the words, and it am not yet to sor spirit is to be seen in a differ children crying for a chance to live a post is Peace to. will. On and having organized, work assidueace to men of As live an breathe this arrangement, informed ously in the carrying by the You are aware that will eventually ferret out the men our plan, we Jamaica Producers Association of good will only, may not be lidea that it dictates peace to men best fitted for leading us. Then sugges.
shall we by our beadi tions which to volver lahore of her considered gulty of a breach of the com our own manly actions by season t if utter a few truths a more respectable and rese the Government of the interest. The new Imigr. tion Law of the and sinking fund of a sum di Re, ublic of of success. Our welfare must be ows our chances wbich would amount at West India. Nima declares the member of the community nothing less than our and these who have been contribut good will, This ber figure. You will agree, lived here fully 76 years, during after the West Indian has a ing towards it, in however am sure, that it is not possible inch he has contributed fully 75 Yes ENSIGN CYCLES have established a new degree, are the ones to wbom thie for the Goveroment to underthe industrial and econo message will mean peace.
take such a heavy liability with percent of the out having first satisfied itset mic development In the name of the Panama record in Panama for Canal West Indian Employees Asas to the sourdness of the building the Panama sociation wish that we shall have scheme in every detail. More tne Panama Canal and adjuncts.
BEAUTY, SPEED AND ENDURANCE peace because of our good will.
especially is it necessary to possibly percent of the cul.
it It he has failed insure that adequate exist that the fruit reangrantees take root after all this, and is to Yet the Price is 50. 00 with the best terms possible dras surface plant, by mere el il fear that considerable for ther investigation will be nec 8: and killed by the buroing sun, it is Why pay double price ur dreo and cast aside to be scorched WESTERN AUTO SUPPLY Co.
for Interior imported sary before can ask you to because he is what they say be is Boer when you can express a detipite opinion for or beo No. 8, Street against the Association pro an undesirable. He is not the first buy a superior Beer stranger in any land and he is tot posals. should mention at this cont But other strangers by really a stranger in this land now, such as BALBOA for that have received further half the price.
grit have in other times and places (Continuerl on page 14)
made themselves masters and mammamamayan out our spiriti Pampananampapapparaan paip brand New Record for Christmas day of of delay Darrows attitude towards us Each money ber ofron as an undesira.
least to ha small country and Railroad 50 to tural development ea WA brain and We wish to compliment our West Indian friends on the way in which they responded to our recent Room Wirng Campaign.
More Than 800 Took Advantage of our partial paym«nt scheme for wiring houses.
These customers are now buying electric irons and hot plates by making small monthly payments.
OUR PIRCES ARE IRONS. 15 down and 00 for three months total 15 HOT PLATES. 75cts down and 50 cts. for four months.
Cia. Panameña de Fuerza y Luz PANAMA COLON ANDAAG


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