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PAGE FOURTEEN THE WORKMAN SPECIAL EDITION. WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 22ND 1926 Attractions at at the Theatres STRAND Sunday Races There has been a short interval, and next Sunday afternoon, the 26 instant. the Panama Jockey Club will again treat the public to a nine race pragram at the famous Juan Franco track.
There will be six races for imported and three for Gative CECILIA AMADOR AMERICA horses.
Ranowa, Dardanella, Linds (PANAMA. COLON) COLON PANAMA and Candlewood are booked to run the curtain raiser of Today Saturday Dec, 25th Today. Saturday Dec. 25th Today Saturday Dec 25th Today Saturday Dec, 25th furlongs, and Bomba, Capoul, and Araucana and Col. Arango will Agnes Ayres in Edmund Lowe in Monte Blue in close the day events with HER MARKET VALUE Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 26th THE LIMITED MAIL GREATER THAN CROWN another race of the same distance, Lilian Rich in Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 26th Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 26th Tomorrow Sunday Dec. 26th The biggest race will be the LADY WINDERMERE FAN Eleanor Boardman in Sally Neil in Jack Holt in second with eleven entries while HER ACTION BLOCK MIKE FORLORN RIVER the feature event of the afterMonday December 27th noon will be over the distance of Monday December 27th Jack Holt in one mile and will be run by Monday December 27th Monday December 27th Zambo, Pierrot, Frou Frou. FORLORN RIVER Harry Carey in Priscilla Dean in Shirley Mason in Barla and Meddler. SILENT SANDERSON THE SIREN OF SEVILLE MY HUSBAND WIVES In all, the program is an exTuesday December 28th cellent arrangement and should Shirley Mason in Tuesday Decen. ber 28th Tuesday December 28th not fail to attract the usual large Tuesday December 28 th MY HUSBAND WIVES Marguerite de la Motte in Matt Moore in crowd, especially for the fact IN LOVE WITH LOVE THE MYSTERY CLUB Patsy Ruth Miller in tbat tbis is Xmas Time.
Wednesday December 29th THE FIGHTING EDGE Patsy Ruth Miller in Wednesd y December 29th Wednesday December 29th PROPOSAL FOR LINE.
Richard. Barthelmess in THE FIGHTING EDGE Wednesday December 29th Irene Rich in RANSOM FOLLY LADY WINDERMERE FAN Sally Neil in MIKE Continued from page 13 Thursday December 30th Thursd y December 30th Thursday December 30th suggestions from the parties in Sally Neil in Helene Chadwick in Jack Holt in Thursday December 30th Eugland with whom this Gɔ MIKE THE STILL ALARM FORLORN RIVER Priscilla Dean in ernment was in communication THE SIREN OF SEVILLE carlier in the year. As stated Friday December 31st Friday December 31st Friday December 31st at the opering meeting of this Priscilla Dean in Friday December 31st Ford Stealit Bession was compelled to in Shirley Mas frean the British Shipping and THE SIRRN OF SEVILLE THE SHOW OFF Matt Moore in MY HUSBAND WIVES Finance Corporation that this THE MYSTERY CLUB Government could not proceed Saturday January 1st, 1927 Saturday January 1st, 1927 Saturday January 1st, 1927 Saturday January 1st, 1927 Turther with negotiations with Thomas Meighani in Irene Rich in Patsy Ruth Miller in Irene Rich in them owing to the impossibility TIN GODS THE PLEASURE BUYERS THE FIGHTING EDGE of agreeing to the requirement LADY WINDERMERE FAN that we should undertake to pay a sum of 21, 000 weekly in any 1: event. They bave, however, now submitted revised which world eliminate this THE NECESSITY OF.
proposals Wise Father of mankind inten (reward or fear of punishment, then in them, save as they speak and superior to the Highest Desire objectionable feature and limit ded that each person should use will they be in a fit condition to practice the truth which makes for within us does not necessitate our the obligations of this Govern (Continued from page 12)
and develop the latent and poten do that for which they are mini true progress and happiness. going contrary to all other authto tial forces and faculties with which fest on earth. work which God These proposals only reached ours would have already become a he or she is endowed, and thus can do only through man, and men delegated the power to any one to be surprised when following our The Supreme Being has not ority, On the other band, we will me yesterday and it bas, cong. veritable paradise.
quently, not been possible to We should, as a pecu negative, shall ultimately through practical experience, posi: may know to do only through the lead leaders bliadly, you are boroughly we in siderableme, any adequate con larly positioned, begin at this june be perfecte sitive out our character, direction of Gol. am thorouzhly appointed Tender 50 following self. Highest Desire to realize how ture to think and unbiasly investi There is absolutely no other way. missively following hum impresi sied with the idea that, sub. not following the Highest Desire lhe best teachings of other systems.
Este more serious buyendo persistent Experience will eventually provengia and their human author: within your or, if by listening to there iraun inmest centre in us all than ever before; for it is only the truth of or falsity of any theory ity is human, whatever ite prigion, aspiration and inspiration: nour. Rather be into an opening certainment. them, close your truth abides fullness.
to sincere Dr. Wendehake or hypothesis.
mental and physieal. personel and extremely be shifted to to Wheace the imprisoned splendor Is it safer to follow a written law progress of humanity to a higher those who are your guides to the cooperative efforts that we will be escape MEDICAL CLINIC enabled to solve, to our utmost or creed, or Gods aspiration and state of mentality and spiritnality.
fall in the ditch, the followers suffer 7, 025 Front Street Colon satisfaction, the intricate and per inspiration of the mind when med The millions who are following the blind lead the blind, and they both Supposed to be without.
Upward, onward and ever bigber OPPOSITE STATION plexiog problems of life.
are capable of being guided by the guide of books or man should just the same as the leaders. Refus should be the trend all our PHONE 11 The Infioite Architect and an Highest Desire without hope of realize that there is no authoritying to acknowledge aby authority efforte.
Pan American Life Insurance Company Of New Orleans La.
National Fire Insurance Company Of Hartford Conn.
WILL INSURE YOUR Life, Property, Automobile, Health and Protect you against Accident Phone 714. Central Avenue Box 172 Panama HARRY BOONE ENRIQUE DE LA GUARDIA FRANK MORRICE CENERAL AGENT ASSOCIATE GENERAL AGENT CASHIER


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