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Immigration Law on all In New Immigration Labourers Going to Law by Government.
That Republic Launched in Monster Mass Meet.
Ausording to our daily coafrere Sensational Testimony Discloses the Star HERALD. the National ing at New York.
Official information was received Assembly is now bolding, extraorWriter of Mrs. Garvey Book from the Cuban Government a few dinary sessions during which they days ago by the Jamaica Governmay only consider such legislatioa At Liberty Hall, New York, on Sunday December 12 a ment, says the Herald of the 24th as is submitted by the Executive wife Number One, sued recently Garvey to write the book and the Mrs. Amy Ashwood Garvey, papers. Bis contract with Mrs.
campaign for the release of the Hon. Marcus Garvey, im alto to the efect that in future the Power. These sessions began for divorce and the self styled original manuscript were offered in prisoned leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Asso: adhering more resolutely to the the termination of the ordinary Africa, retaliated with a cross bili Proving that Mrs. Garvey did Immigration authorities propose Thursday automatically following pruvisional president general of evidence.
ciation, was launched at a monster mass meeting, in provison that all immigrants to sessions Wednesday evening.
the afternoon. Meetings are being held throughout the that Republe must possess a sum Both alleged jnfidelity.
not write the book, every line of it countty with the object of bringing home to the authorities of at least sao. This Law. was to the consideration of the Cham that both Garvey and his wife won asked her the meaning of a certain Among the first bills submitted supreme court jury decided as she claimed, Garvey lawyers the earnest desire of hundreds of thousands of Negro citi enacted fully 24 vears ago, but ber by the Executive Power, is one points in their pleadings. It is German word and other technical zens of the United States that the Hon. Marcus Garvey be the process of time and with the which is aimed at amending and therefore, likely that both will lose terms which she could not explain.
released from prisontate New York took the lead this after sowing demand for labour it was additioning the recently enacted the party bola de bell or them carried out to the letter Love LETTERS Immigration Law.
noon, togerher with Philadelphia in protesting against the This announcement serves to guilty cf misconduct, continued imprisonnent of the famous leader and in ask wara Jamaican and other intending from the prohibi in contained ia lanta penitentiary. Justice Hatting The exempt At this dramatic point of the Garvey is serving a term in At trial counsel for Garvey produced ing justice for the greatest Negro of modern time.
for if The spacious auditorium was filled to the doors as the relatives or friends have in times Article of the Immigration Law denies emotions of attorneys tirof a handful of love letters, which be Ashwyod Garvey to Harrison meeting opened, Hon. Fred. Toote acting President past taken the chance of making those individuals of the races whose both sides to set aside the verdice alleged were written by Mrs. Amy General, in the chair.
Seldom has a more enthusiastic spec. minimum cast salled for by the state in camere the republics in reme coure justice to pass on the threw the others on the table; 22 trip to Santiago without the immigration is prohibited who ori go to a of to tacle been seen even in Liberty Hall than that which pre Laws (in their possession) that a Pan Union sented itself this afternoon. As the climax of the proceed continuation of the practice is not It also provides that it both those per will be dismissed. This means that it is said that some of the contents 8018 ings was reached at the close of Judge Nicholas Klein wise.
included the list of uode.
address, the gathering rose and cheered the absent leader in It may be appreciated that the sirable immigrants who may have Sarvey will still be married to of this letter read to the jury were Mrs is a a poor labourer children of Panama nationality and divorce was obtained in her ab. part of the letter, dated Feb. 24.
and his devoted wife, who was the next speaker. venturing merely on his papers and who may have been out of the sence. He is also married to wife 1925: musical programme of exceptional quality was rena few to cover a country at the time the law was No, and regards her as his only Feb. 24, 1925 dered, and the speech making followed.
board and lodging passed, return to Panam ter Dr. Elliott couple dıye dollars wife, My dearest. Rawlins, a Harlem physician, was the first to speak, He rather awkward iſ called upon to parentege in due from.
work is secured would be ritory providing they SENSATIONS did not reply to your missive was followed by Judge Klein, who in a brilliant address show the minimum sum ef 30 by ere this, as wanted to sleep on of individuals resident Sensation followed sensation at it. You are a woaderful man and of great logic and power, told why he believed in the Hon. the authorities and be is unable to in this country whose immigration the trial. The Boulin Detective could die in your arms. You are Marcus Garvey and the principles of the Universal Negro do so, is prohibited, will be allowed entry Agency, 110 135th street, em so fascinating and tender. am Improvement Association. He paid remarkable tribute The following notice appeared providing they are able to present ployed by Garvey testified raiding going to remain in America for in to the great leader, whom he had recently visited at Atlanta yesterday Gazette. clieir It is hereby notified for the that the marriage occ arred before ing ber asleep in the arms of Jos is going to be a blissful, bappy.
marriage certificate provine de Garvey apartment and find one year, il may and know it penitentiary, and brought down the house when he de information of intending emigrants Law 13 became e fective. The er eph Fraser, a pullman porter at mental communion of souls mayclared that the only thing Marcus Garvey had ever stolen Continued on page (Continued on page 8)
be have it, but perfect the com.
was ignorance from the Negro race.
HELPING HER With Book biving of one nature with teader Mrs. Amy Jacques Garvey also delivered a pointed toooooo Mrs. Garvey. No. admitted lips and then then the climax.
impressions, the meeting of their address, while the iniroductory speeches were made by SPARKLETS Fraser presence in her apartment (Oh, the ecstasy of it is truly an Hon. Fred Toote, Hon. Wallace and Hon. F, but produced Cox, a witoess Levi Lord. BY WCK)
who testified that he and Fraser art were helping Mrs. Garvey write Dear, as soon as cao, am goSUNDAY NIGHT MASS MEETING Anxiously looking for this col lady members of the Chur xh bar Mrs. Garvey name as author and am short of fuads right now. Bond the celebrated In the evening the usual mass meeting was held under umn in the bie Christmas Number takes the question under advise recounts her married life with the li can get a loan of 300 for say, book which bearsing to fix you up a love nest. the auspices of the New York Local. The hall was again you had no doubt scanned numera ment as to whether she should provisional president, In the raid ninety days, we would soon begin wait but a a had not neglected my duty, gentle ered so bewitchingly Gypsy Airs chair. Inspiring addresses were delivered by the Chairman pleasure. Sparklets was pos in accord ser and placed them in bed together dear, a nioe environment. Your and by Mr. Johnson, a member of the Washington Divi. ibly dispensed with in the Editor would be entirely in order. Why with such proposition; HARRISON ON STAND ten fingers and brain are worth sion; Mr. Kamarra, a native of Sierra Leone, West Africa: permanent files. te That he was fore should 004 et he dadjer begiven the the defende produce cat malubert need is a start it hard work and millions. Between us, we could At this psychological moment, move Hon. Wallace, Secretary General, and Hon. Levi tunate, at any rate, as the whole annoyance as well as less of time Yemeni kaow some young Harrison who testified that he pluck has anything to do with sueto Lord.
thing might bave caused you sorge time men who would be tickled to wrote the book for Mrs. Garvey. cess, we are going to succeed in trying to find something digest. death GOES ON STRIKE BEFORE ible. Nothing of the kind was propose to them. And then to the Mrs. Garvey literary ghost. He don think have ever cared have some youog ladies Dr. Harrion referred to himself as know how you stand financially, written EXECUTION decided to write nothing in it this all the les jours of human en Board of Education, a writer and nothing contenir elbia Orchestra die lede is enough that paid he is the perimet e berage of 30 boot that. love you for yours leaders in local per week for.
season; all wanted to have said world of from almost all Harris in is a lecturer for the Your love, Most was, Merry Christmas, other departments Ade.
Assistant In Santiago Death Chamber Dedeavour, including the Press and book reviewer for several news (Continued on page 8)
mands Equal Remuneration.
Ferring an immediate run on department, were their firm, Jump Fontenelle, the or Lawson right arm out present and nearly shook Conduct Santiago De Cuba, Nov 18 Con trary to the general belief Jose Tolophone Service Im well known apiarist of La Boca, the shoulder socket. It was regret Pet FIRE CREATES SENSATION Quesada Castillo, regro wife and the proving table, however, that, as with the daughter slayer, did not have to be Special Christmas iesue their result of the clash of dates of the IN TOWN OF FALMOUTH dragged to the garrote, but faced expected unusual large stock of Panama Follies and Helen the death like a mau to day.
Oo account of certain develop pure honey to be gathered Showgirl, all who took in this After a nervous breakdown sof monts unforseen when the recent by select bees from fare nectar program did not get an opportuni The GLEANER correspondent at Falmouth writing on sensation was created in this fered when he realized all hope for cut over from the old to the Lew Veveloped by a certain shrub which ty to listen to the one given at the the 21st ulto. says: semisystem in a specially fertilized commutation of his sentence was was made, several difficulties stere somewhere in the Canal Zone, Excelsior Theatre by our own town this evening when at about 45 o clock the cry of Symphony Orchestra, and vice Fire! firel firel echoed and re echoed through the still air, night indulged in a hearty meal and operators in handling the nume cable weekly during this year.
experienced by the telephone They bowever, expect to occupy a versa.
prominent space in our indispen The place where the fire originated, which might have shortly after p fell into a deep slumber caused the most disastrous conflagration ever witnessed rous calls which resulted inconveniences to subscribers. The In his luminous article, The here, was the gasoline station lately erected by Mr. Clinton Aroused this morning at causes of all the trouble bave been o clocks by the sound of the bugle. located and are being rapidly By not writing anything from Development of Panama by West Delgado, and which is situated in the business area of the Indians. which appeared in the town.
the criminal was visited by the remedied and, according to the Thursday to Saturday of last week, December issue of the Jamaica In a short space of time, hundreds of people came runJesuit Fatehere did few doomed Company e votâcials, tha megt brother foretes a intele per conselhos Critics Brother E, Hunter:tolle man immediately conducted to the anjoying a telephone service equal with anybody, apart from address. have contributed to the develop parts of the town or two our city will be either for, against or in connectiou us how much we, West Indians ning in the scene, the news having been circulated in all death chamber, to that of any city of like size, ing the Season to some ment of Panama. The article is The energetic Sergt. Major Riley of the Police Force Without the bravo of Aguilera friends, enemies and contemporary another of his brilliant contribu here, Detective Patrick, with other members of the Conand Penn, but with surrrising embryo journalists who keep the tions to that sploudid little Maga: stabulary, were early on the scene. On being questioned by stojciem, Quesada Castillo walked the criminal hand paid for his wheels progress moving all the time, of the Caribbeas. In princi.
zine to death chair, casting sullen and crimes. For eleven minutes the annoying someborded in breaking Powever, disagree with the the Sergt. Major as to how the blaze started, the person in angry glances at the crowd of body writhed in convulsions. Drs. maye bave easily writer statements as to our charge of the station said that a motor cycle drove up to pessons congregated in Pena and Castellon certifying the my own record. Indication are contributions to the Marvelous the door of the station to be supplied with gasoline; he ve patio. Not a word of compassion, death.
that will not be able to reach change of customs, Civic life connected the pump to the tank of the cycle and after it bat phrases of disgust and Just when the excution was such bigh mark at any time dur and apparel. they had vengeace went through the breath about to take place, Frank Davis, ing the present year. been left unsaid. It wont serve was full some of the gasoline from the pump which was Jess mass as the slayer seated the American negro convict, who any good purpose to quote the being released came in contact with the engine of the mahimself in the garrote. acted as assistant executioner when paragraph at this time, but ll chine and there upon the blaze started. It is said however Ao Our Father prayed by Aguilera Pena were garroted, Changing the subject to Senor just clin off the tail end: they that a carbide lamp was attached to the motor cycle and Father Egido was repeated in announced he would not and Prado of the Atlantic Orchestra. have taken, most wholeheartedly quite probably the gasoline came in contact with the flame mumblingtone by Qnesada Romero unless he received the that splendid aggregation of into Indian Over his head by Convict Francisco Warden, Mas, in view of Davie Panama Wesleyan Church den Hunter and myself, not for publi building. No time was lost however and with willing Castillo: the black hood was thrown same pay as the executioner. Chief strumentalists who played at the they now indulge in and enjoy. of the lamp, thus causing the blaze. The flame at one time As a matter just between Brother leaped in the air to such an extent as to almost cover the Paula Romero, the executioner.
decided to accede to Sunday afternoco turn of the death leaver and the petition, giving him 71. stand that one of the sweet young (Continued on page 8)
helpers, the blaze was soon extinguished.
to to also propose it.
and from the playgreetings prison better and


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