
PAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands JAMAICA Police Discovers a New Form of Swindling in City Glever Capture of Men VIGOR TONIC ON AN OBEAH CHARGE The Story of The Arrest of Joseph Gale and Josiah Gale THE BEST TONIC IN THE WORLD their money on art with the pretence An From asking the Invigorating and Health Imparting WINE Ibe GLEANER understands that the police bave discovered a new form of swindling which is of quite as great a magnitude as certain escapades Dot so long past, in which large numbers lof bonest, Industrious citizens are being duped to to part that new Eldorado lc the regions of San Blus on the Colombia Coast has unfolded its arms to extend a hearty welcome to Jamaican representative labourers.
of the GLEANER bas been able to gather, the perpetrators of this pew fraud have typewritten letter parporlicg to be signed by the Manager of tbe United Fruit Company at San Blas party to wbom it is addressed to Ret out passports for so many lobourers, men and women, to go over to San Blas where their services are urgently required and comfortable quarters and good pay are easily obtaioed.
To the ordinarily finteiligent person, the letter itself would be dubbed fake as soon as it is read, but to those wbo are of the ordinary labouring class it reveals in the Eldorado the south. Hence from a large number of labourers domestic servants, artizans ayd even electricians, seven dollars fifty cente bave been gathered in by the parties to get them over After Al with their money and not seeing development, the dupes visited the offices of the United Fruit Company in Kingston to be told that they were taken in. The last resort was the police, who et quired to to the matter ar now.
we onderstand, steps babe been taken in which the alleged delinquents will shortly be called upon to answer before the City Police Magistrate under the Emigration This Elegant Tonic Preparation is highly recommended in Debility, Neryousness Female Weakness Impoverishment of the Blood and to build up a run down constitution VIGORTOR eo It promotes digestion improves the appetite and gives tone and energy to the whole system AN INVIGORA TIME to San Blas.
onest parting AND. by HEALTH IMPARTING WINE ee Laws.
The Port Maria Correspondent of the GLEANER, writing on the 15th inst. says. The exceedingly clever arrest of two wen who gave their names as Joseph Gale and Josiah Gale took place bere last evening at about ten o clock. Corporal Robinson of the Cave Valley police station made the arrest and both men are now securely locked up on charge of practising obeab, The Allegations are as follows. Early yesterday morning two meo made their appearance in this district, leading a pig which they were offering for sale. They gave their names as Joseph Gile and Josiah Gale from Tweedside, Clarendon.
Eventually they succeeded in Selling the pig to one Charles McLean for the sum of 24. Gale then called several men, one of wbom was Joseph Sharpe of this district to come and bave a drink. While this was going on Josepb Gale and Sbarpe bada COD versation in which Gale told Sharpe that somebody was bumbugging bim (Sharpe) and that it was one of his cousins who was preventing bim from getting mooey to complete his bouse. Sbarpe at once suspect.
ed what these two men were and Look Josepb Gale aside for a private talk, in the course of wbich he told Sharpe that bis consin bad buried something at tbe bouse but that if Sharpe would pay bim HE WOULD MAKE THINGS and would make Sharpe borrow 150. from his employer for whom be was buying bananas and tbe employer, would be made to forget all about it, so that the loan would not be repaid. Sharpe pretended delight at the news and arranged with the men to come to his house in the evening after the shops were closed, to work for bim. The men uten left and Sharpe consultei Mr.
Harold Tapper who does business bere. The Cave were immediately telecobe police to and very caref careful to get the two alleged imposters within the mess of the law.
18 further alleged that lo the evening the Gales sent for Sbarde and told him to buy one 10. of rice. one abil. ing worth o! bis proof rom and a young cock chicken.
It the chicken couldn be got then some fresh blood from one of his fingers do as well. The men came to Sharpe bouse at about 30 m, but in the meantime the pol ce and others had arrived and were carefully hidden under the cellar. Joseph Gale then asked Sharpe for a glass, some water and a Jigbted lamp All three of them tben knelt down. Gal: took two vials and a bottle from bis bag, took the rice and divided it in tbree equal beaps the floor; then poured some liguld from the botile over the beaps of rice.
Turoing to Josiah Gale he asked bim for sometbing and was hand ed bove. dead man and a pen koite. He then scraped some of the bone into the glass, poured rum on it and ordered Sharpe to drink it which Sbarpe pretended to do, but managed to dispose of it otherwise, In this mixture was a marked florin which be had taken trom Sbarpe next Gale took matches and lighted the rice, the liquid poured over it to and to give tbe celebrated blue light Gale then ligbted the bone on one of the heaps of barblog rice and told Bharpe to kneel down. He passed the lighted bone over bis bead and said: God bl55 this man that he may topish bis home and get 150 from his more, whereupon the other Gale employer wbo will remember no started to speak in unknown lodges It was then agreed that Sharpe should pay the other and sbould pay the other on Friday when he would get the money from ble employer. Sbar.
pe took out a one pound note, the Du aber of which had been DOSE. One small Wine Glass before each meal or times a day.
JAVIER MORAN American Pharmacy.
plans were laia SOLE IMPORTERS AND DISTRIBUTORS would already taken, and wbile abou to band it to Gale he gave the sign already agreed upon to the Police. Instantly the cellar door swung open, and before the men bad time to know wbat was happening they were overpowere arrested, and securely tled.
Chere were men on the scene sufticient to overpower score of obeabmen. The prisoners were put into motor car that was walting for them and driven oft to the lock up.
AN ACCIDENT borg Yesterday a bad accident took place on th: road between Borobridge and Spaldings. Mr.
William Walker of this district was returning from Kendal in bis cart, wben reaching Bailliestonat where stones were being quarried for tbe roads, a great stone, which bad apparently been loosened came tumbling down the Slope overlooking the road dasbed right into the cart, and killed one of the mules on the spot, be having a miraculous esWe are now baving spell of delightful weather. Owing to the drop in the price of baqadas and to the small output, money is not much la circulation, and businessmen are fearing ibat this Christmas will a doll one.
SS500i SossicodSSSSS OD Public Service Garage driver cape: THOMAS LOMBARD, Prop.
Agent for the famous b00e peculiary BARBADOS.
WILLYS KNIGHT AND OVERLAND CARS Duco Painting. Repair. Accessories and Storage HAPPY NEW YEAR Codrington College it cousing it The London Correspondent of the Trinidad Guardian writes as follows; The question of the re building of Codrington College, barned down a few months ago engaged attention at a meeting beld recently at the West India Committee Rooms. The meeting over wbich Sir Robert Ruther.
ford presided was representative of the Committee and of the trustees of the College (the G)
Tbat attendance included Sir William Chandler (Barbados, the Rev, Canen Herbert Bindty (Continued on page 31 PHONE: 934 Panama 1667 Balboa Street OLD STABLES sos


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