
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 1, 1927 PAGE THRE vassosie ses Interesting West The Prosperity Tailors Jewelry Shop EL EXCELSIOR Corner 12 Street East Avenue CLEANERS DYERS No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 (Continued from page tormer Principal of the College)
the Rev. and Hon. Phillimore (the Rector of Stepney) the Rev. Wiltop (Rector of St.
Aune Sobo Square, a Church famous for its music, and in which Archbishop Party and the Bishop of Trinidad bave often preached. Mr. Const of the Society for the Propogation of the Gospel) and Mr Aspinall.
The matter was discusted private, but learn that those present were strongly of opinion that Codrington College should be rebuilt and, it possible, the scope of its seacbing extended It was felt that the present moment was inopportune for issuing for funds. It is hoped however that it may prove possible to finsncs bnilding operations pending the issue of an appeal, any loan thet may be required being linquidated later on.
We make and repair all sort of Jewelry and also watches. Our prices are the lowest and our Workmanship is guaranteed.
DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING From this date on, AUCTION SALES will be held every day from a. to p.
an appeal OF THE HIGHEST ORDER Do not fail to pay us a visit and you shall be pleased.
Work Done While You Wait EL GAITERO TRINIDAD Trinidad Water Supply Scheme.
THE ONLY ELABORATED TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled Spanish Cider with its own Carbonic Acid REID Manager Cider Champagne 58 30 WSSSSSSSSSSSSENS KOSW colony The Port of Spain Gazette of recent date states that His Excellency the Governor of Trinidad, proposes to appoint a Com.
mittee to examine and advise upon the several alternative schemes which have been proposed in connection with the general water supply of the The report of this Committee, which, it is presumed, will be an expert one will definitely determine the solution of the proulem of a comprebensive water sap.
ply scheme embracing sufficient provision for the future.
Work upon the execution o the scheme eventually adopte 1, will be commenced as soon as financil conditions permit. In view of the colony Wie he financial condition, as represent 13 ed in the Estimates for 1927, it is expected that it will be possible to embark upon a general water supply scheme earlier tban was anticipated last year.
when the Estimates for 1926 were presented.
URETIC AND REFRESHING Trade Mark VALLE BALLINA FERNANDEZ, VILLAVICIOSA SPAIN ESTEBAN DURAN SOLE AGENT For the Republic of Panama presen House Rent Receipt Books International Jamboree of Boy Scouts.
STILL ON SALE West Indies Cricket History SPANISH ENGLISH Cricket Tours 1900, 1906 1923 Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies The Commissioner of the Tripidad AND and Tobago Boy Scouts Association, has received intormation from Imperial Headqua ters that there will be held a International Jamo ee som Wonderful Work of 240 odd Pages time during the year 1929, decis on as to the place wher the Jamboree is to be held, but been Jeft to the Committee o Summary of Contents: the Imperial Bureau.
History of West Indies! Cricket for 60 years Invitations have been rec:ired Full Particulars of 1900 Tour, from three countries in Europe 1929 will mark the 21st birth Interesting Report of the 1906 Tour, day of the Scout Movement, and Magnificent Records of the 1923 Tour, the Jamboree on this occasion, will have the special character of Photographs the Teams an 16 Indi dual a coming of age ceremony.
Players cordial invitation has been extended to all Associations Váluable, Instructive, Historical, Accurate, Complete and overseas to send contingents to Great Britain in 1929.
Interesting (The following is an extract from the letter received. Price 50cts.
Again, increased empbasis is being placed in the Old Country on the necessity for Secure yours now there will be a great rush the people, young and old, to become acquainted with the for them. and Colonies, that intangible sentiment of the Dominion Copies may be had from the office of the WORKMAN Panama converse ent parts of the Empire. The is true tbat It is desirable that citizens of get to knɔw the conditions the oversea under which in their oland The Salvation Army nowhere.
Negotiations are als) on the Mr. Gaston Johnson, bas way for the acquisition of cerbeen elected Mayor of Port of TRINIDAD AS NEW TRAIN tain premises in this City wbich Spain, Trinidad for a third term.
ING CENTRE, will ba used as a Training GarriHop. Scott Busbe, bas son for the training of Salvation been elected Deputy Mayor, Mr.
Army Gfficers, Hitherto the Jobuson held the office ip 1928 and 1924 Lleut Colonel Barr the Terri Officers received their training at torial Commander has been kept st Kingston, Jaroaica. but with very busy since bis arrival in the creation of this new terriknown as the West Indien The following motion was given this island a little over two weeks In the Trinidad Legislature oopment in connection with the cludes Barbados, itish Galat: and Datch Guianas, the East 19th ulto.
work in these parts.
Indian Social Work Trinidad In view of the continued pro For this time be had decided and the Leeward Islands, the pagation of the Mongoose on this to use as the Territorial Head candidates for officersbip in Colony, will the Government quarters, that portion of the these parts. will receive their take steps to amend tho Doy Sailors Home building that was training in this city.
Licences Ordinance, whereby occupied as private residence Tbe Colonel is very pleasid owners of these animals, resid by Statt Captain Tickelpenny, with the prespect before bim for ing in country districts, may be the Divisional Oficer and Super: the build Ing up of a permanent permitted to keep dogs free on intendent of the Home, the licences. Captain having secured quart rs Continued on page bond that unites the dicen equally the CAN BE HAD AT bad aber The Workman Stationery Store ADVERTISE In The Workman. It Pays


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