
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 1, 1927 Board of Directors Meeting THE WORKMAN wwwww Of The Panama Canal Wert Indian Employees Association. Published on Saturdays by II. Rates for Advertasemon on applica ALKOND, at the ofice No. 43 Centration. Correspondence on all mattes Accu, Pedome, do of public interest invited.
PO Box 74. Posms All cops for publication must be written on one side of paper only, and Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of De Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica!
Bix Months 20 tion but as a mark of Rood faith.
Three Gle.
We do not undertake to return reOne jected correspondence. The Laberty of the Pres is the palladium of our rights. TN019 SATURDAY JANUARY 1, 1927, WHYTE, RE ELECTED PRESIDENT 4, 30 proved papayapaan ead the Board bucb regres, Approved the appreciation of 2nd W89 OUT GOES THE OLD, IN COMES THE NEW Last night when the clock struck twelv e, tolling bells of Churches, shrill sirens from factories and ships, hönking horns of automobiles, banging tinpans and blasting trumpets announced that 1926 had passed away and that 1927 had come into the chronicle of time. Thus come and go the years in rapid succession, each taking its record of human events, each carrying its burden of troubles and each stamping its impress upon the experiences of the world.
During the year that has just gone off into the past the world has been shaken to its very foundations in the political, industrial and economic affairs of its teeming populations. Throughout the length and breadth of the globe, human beings have been facing incidents unprecedented before. The human mind has been actively at work in the fields of science and invention. Geologists have made new discoveries, explorers have turned the Arctic regions into a play ground, air travel has increased with astonishing popularity and on all sides there has been a rapid advancement in the works of human genius.
The nations have had their troubles and difficulties, and have experienced trying times in attempting their solution. Some have ended well; others are still in the balances with their fate uncertain. The atmosphere of international politics has been greatly disturbed and the new year has dawned with the cloud still dark and thick indicating omi.
nous portent. China has been and continues to be a mass of confusion and political disorder; Japan is restive and in mourning for her Empetor whose demise occurred a few days ago. The United States Government is worried over the building programmes of other nations and is fretting over the question of control of the seas.
England has had her toll of strifle in the protracted Coal Strike which challenged the best brains of the country, statesmen, politicians and clerics all pitting their wisdom against the blind force of national disruption. The Empire has changed in feature and form, with the dominions created into independent states with almost sovereign rights and powers. The power of the King has increased, who, democratic in rule, is now more monarch than ever, with his Palace more busy with national affairs than at any other time in the wbule history of the nation, The countries of Southern Europe have continued unsettled all through the year. Mexico has had her religious war which has not yet terminated; Nicaragua has groaned in the throes of a terrible revolution, and the end seems still in the distance: Cuba has had her catastrophe like several of the States of the American Union, and every where there has been sad experiences of one sort or another. fire, famine, hurricane, war, crime and general distress.
But for West Indians in Panama 1926 has been an unfortunate year. The general condition of economic life had improved over past years, but the pronounced and deliberate action of the local legislators to curb the interests and block the progress of our people, as evidenced in the new Immigration Law, has struck a stunning blow upon the economic future of our people. The sentiments of West Indians at the present time are a recast of the perilous days of 1921 when the Severs treachery led the entire colored labor force into a labyrinth of trouble and jammed them between the crushing hands of two governments.
Thus, nineteen hundred and twenty six has passed away with the record of unhappy circumstances among West Indians. What will this year bring forth? What changes, improvements, hopes, blessings? We stand upon its threshold in complete wonder as to the experiences which the changing months will unfold. Certainly we are anxious to see what the result of the Immigration Law will be: we wish to learn our fate, for good or evil; we are afflicted with an alternation of hope and fear as to its ultimate outcome, and we feel as if we could hasten the finale of all.
But we must and shall be patient. Let us remember the old Russian proverb, in our contemplation of the law and its enforcement: The soup is not drunk as hot as it is served. There may be, and we believe will be modifi.
cation yet; there might be found the necessity to introduce changes which will affect us here in a more favorable manner than is threatened by the present text and intention; and we have only to be law abiding, self respecting, dis.
creet and wise, We welcome the New Year with its store of unknown and unforeseen experiences, in the faith that in it is enfolded promises of brighter and happier times. The WORKMAN wishes all its clients and patrons, Happy And Prosperous New Year!
The Board of Directors of the C, E, A, held record 10 meeting on December 18 19, 1926, lasting from 8, 30 to m, without a break, Thia was due to accumulation of basiness since the last meeting of the Board on May 29th last The following were some of the most important matters deals witb: Nomination and Election of As livo an breathe Oficers for 1927 renalted is followe, White. Preelden. re elected. Hanter (Crio brand New Record lobal. Vice President: Ellia (LA Beca. 8tcretary tre V: Dalby (La Boca)
and Ailton Perkins for Christmas Trustee (re electeiks This electoo was in with temporary re arrange Yes ENSIGN CYCLES have established a new ment of the Board made Iter economic reasons only, and op record in Panama for by the Board, by which is reduced by officers (Record ing Secretary Vice President, BEAUTY, SPEED AND ENDURANCE And one Trustee) sad repre sentatives Yet the Price is 50. 00 with the best terms possible The resignation Treasure of Bro. Harrison, who has left for the states since last Ost.
was received with much action of the Executive Officer No. 8, Street Lo banding Bro. Harrison a letter of allon of service and It also deprecated the news of the epforced withdrawal of Bre. marine Cherry, Vice President and Chairman of the of the Cristob Distrlet, from active service a Roofficer. being medically advised to avoid night work to several month to come.
The Board oppoved action taken by the Bzecutive Olioers io making small grant from tbe fuods of the Association to aid a brother wbo was suffering from Tuberculosis, and who was ordered from the lotamus to Jamaica by the local Benks borities. This action considered by tbe 18 very the of the. foers so blebly oommendablo on the part of the assoolation, e. pecially becansons yet there was.
Do provision in the arrangements of the Association for such cases of distresi, Tbe case was tboogb to be printer in the direction of the establiebment of Distress Recommended for Romoving the Hunsors of Scrofulous Dinossos, Pimples, Boilo, Blotches, Report we received of the collection of the rim of 5500 Totters. Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Death Beneft in the case of the late Bro. Jules of Cristobal.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Die Whilst thin was the largest CASOS caused by Impurities of the Blood.
amount to be collected by the Association for such. purpose, An Allerative recommended for purity. was considered unsatisfactory for the membersbip then stood ing and enriching the BLOOD.
773, and a tor of 26 cente each sbould bave produced within the neighborbood of 200. 00.
sbows that the silver employees For Sale at all Drug Stores were derlecting a great oppor tunity for oeli belp resol from the Cristobal District And in Large Quantities by SDDUR amount for Death Lavy, to be collected with the annual JAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy subscription, discussed; other suggestions were AGENT made, and the wholo matter was delerred for further coneider tion, and for diaposition at the next session of the Board. O There were a few amendments to the Rules of the Association, one of wblob was that (oficers aball be subject to eleetion annually. There were some NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES bolding the pleasure of the Association.
ATTENTION (From Our Correspondent)
Correspondence between the Association and the Executive Current Items. Secretary Balbos Heights, revealed tbe following: Informtlon baving been recelred that We wish to announce to our numer The Christmas holiday passed the United ott very nicely bere iblo season, office to Kingston, Jamaica, wall Fruit Company ous customers that from the ist of Janu. everything went on in a manner refusing to sell tickets to emcreditable to the whole comployees or their familles de munity and everyone feels happy sirous of returning from Jamaiary 1927, our Jewelry Store will be Now that the season is past and a to the Canal Zone or Panama.
the Association took the matter moved from No. 15 East 12 Street to No.
up with the Executive Secretary; The Christmas Number of tbe and within a few days the Bar WORKMAN De wepaper was quite cutive Secretary replied to the 135 Central Avenve, where we will be novelty, The patrous bere effect that the Associations infor seemed to like it very well; this wation was correct, that that glad to serve them, offering as usual genis indication of what concerted was due to wisunderstanding efforts can produce within on the part of the Com short perid of time. It is hoped (pany with respect to the per uine jewelry at most reasonable prices.
that the succeso of the efforts Immigration Law of Panama, put forth will beam impetus to but that dificulty had been EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY. warde greater Undertakings in straightened out and that tickets the norr future.
would be sold as usual on pre (Continued on page Continued on page 8)
Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Fond, WEB bloo WILL STRAIGHTEN ANY HAIR Contra Crespo No hot irons or special combs required SOLD IN DRUG STORES


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