
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 1927 PAGE FIVE ATLANTIC SIDE པ༣༠ ས ར བཝ ས ར ཀ ར Birth Control Debated.
Attractions at the Theares Mr Wyte. The desse Happy New Year There wer each Agenda OUR PATRONS At the monthly debate of the Alliance Literary and Debating Society held at the Cristobal 15 Silver Clubhouse on Tuesday CECILIA night the 21st ulto. the question AMADOR AMERICA STRAND of birth control was debated with keen interest. The affirma.
COLON tive, Resolved that Birth con Today Saturday Jan 1st, 1927 trol is detrimental to society, Today Saturday Jan Ist, 1927 Today Saturday Jan. 1st, 1927 Today Saturday Jan, Ist, 1927 and was led by Mr. Blake, vice Irene Rich in Patsy Ruth Miller in Buck Jones in president of the society with Timorrow Sunday January 2nd Mr. THE PLEASURE BUYERS THE FIGHTING EDGE GOLD AND THE GIRL. Rayside seconding while Dustin Famum in Moulton bad charge of THE FLAMING FRONTIER Tomorrow Sunday January 2nd the negative with Mr. Tomorrow Sunday January 2nd Tomorrow Sunday January 2nd his Sally Neil in The Irene Rich in Irene Rich in Jedes as Monday January 3rd MIKE LADY WINDERMERE FAN LADY WINDERMERE PAN were Messreer. Parker and Burton Claire Windsor in affirmative made a brilliant Monday January 3rd MONEY TALKS Monday January 3rd Monday January 3rd challenge and contended that Marie Prevost. in Vera Reynolds in Anita Stewart in birtb control was physically and Tuesday January 4th THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP. HIS JAZZ BRIDE morally harmful and that its THE PRINCE OF PILSEN main object was to practice Vera Reynolds in Tuesday January 4th Tuesday January 4th deception THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP Tuesday January 4th Wm. Desmond in The orgative defined the subJack Hoxie in Eleanor Boardman in STRINGS OF STEEL jret of the debate pointing out THE AUCTION BLOCK Wednesday January 5th HIDDEN LOT Episodes 2 that the contention of the afor Tom Mix in Wednesday January 5th mative was not within the scope Wednesday January 5th Wednesday January 5th of birth control and adduced RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE Harry Longdon in Harry Longdon in arguments to show that it cer NORM TRAMP, TRAMP, TRAMP TRAMP, TRAMP. TRAMP tain knowledge were Thursday January 6th minated society would be beneThursday January 6th Thursday January 6th Thursday January 6th titted Harry Langdon in economically, mentally, Lowell Sherman in morally and physic lly. TRAMP, TRAMP; TRAMP Claire, Windsor in Marie Prevost in The judges after deliberating SATAN IN SABLES MONEY TALKS HIS JAZŁ BRIDE for about bait an hour returned Friday January 7th Friday January 7th Friday January 7th Friday January 7th a popular decision in favour of Marie Provost in Harry Carey in ibe negative.
Vera Reynolds in Wm. Desmond in HIS JAZZ BRIDE. BEYOND THE BORDER STRINGS OF STEEL THE MILLION DOLLAR HANDICAP Episodes 5 Cives Banquet to Aged Saturday January 8th Saturday January 8th Thomas Meighan in Saturday, January 8th Edmund Lowe in Saturday January 8th Tom Mix in TIN GODS Jack Hoxie in The aged of the Colon Wesley GREATER THAN CROWN RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE THE FIGHTING PEACEMAKER Church spent Happy Christ.
ins on Christmas day at an laborate barquet given them at 17 the wission house For many years it has been the to make these aged mem Birthday Party bers happy by sending gifts to tlon meetings in Panama City reported that the Organization is them, but the minister, the Rev. Cousine, decided to doit dit Of Misses Inez and Kathworking on its Constitution through a Committee, after fecently, and instead of sending leen Watson wblch it will be submitted to the to them he brought them to the varioca organizations interested mission for comment, ete. Mr. Cyrus was them a grand barquet.
slon house and there gave On Thursday night the 23rd of At o clcek they assembled last month, th Misses Inez and requested to continue his visits to the meetings for the occasion and a sbort ser Kathleen Watson, daughters of vice preceded in the church after Commander Watson of the Colon wbicb ibe banquet trok place.
TO ALL The Board of Directors of the about Bohemiana stitut birimlebrated their 20 guests, 18th and 14th birthday annivarPanama Canal West Indian Emand they all enjoyed themselves; saries, respectfully. Tog OCS ployees Association held a long and at the close of the barquet sion was one which will be lorg session here on the 13th of last one received a parcel of remembered, not only by the month when full Df delicaces and a smallfamount. happy girls, but by all who were business which had accumulated To meant a great deal of effort present, since as May was disposed of.
on the part of the minister and One of the paiacipal Items on the the committee that assisted him ated for the occasior; coconut The Institute was gaily decorto bave made the treat a success, boogbsforming Agendą was nomination and elec.
tion of officers for the present 10 addition arch to to taking up term and the following were collections in the church for the one could not help ejaculating un special welcome the guests. Enter elected Whyte, President Mr.
approached many of the lenging the merry and admirable senti(re elected. Hunter.
Vice business men and in the ments on seeing the preparaA. iv, Dalby community for donations and table 24 feet long on which retipns that had been made. Treasurer; Pékips and be response on the whole was a freshments were served Kenerous one, some giving cash surrounded by happy guests.
ws Myers, Trustees.
while in many cases food stuf. The musicians were uniformid was given.
District Secretary. Treasurer and at appropriate Intervals King of the local District bursted forth in peals of deligh:of the Association announced the ful straias.
St. Lucians Celebrate following result of election of Mr. Barito Pacbeco Cervantez officers Representatives of supervised the distributioa of CANAL ZONE NOTES AO Dalby, Chairman, the District the current term: St Lucia Day, Monday, the refresbmente, assisted by sever13. ulto. was observed by cream Sandwiches, cream, cakes and al waiters. Fish and muttop Bvans e: bers of the King, Secretary Treasurer (reSociety. At 30 am La Boca Pars drinks they of all sorts were served, elected. As representatives on atted ned a solemn High Mass at Appropriate addresses were St. Joseph Church at which delivered by the Board there were elected SHOE Mesers Pablo STORE Messrs Reed (re elected. the Rev. Fatbe: Burns oficiated, Emilio Harris, Toastmaster, The Chritmas holidays were Edgar McCarthy (re elected and and in the evening at o clock Whittingham, Jose Tejida; celebrated here on a quiet scale. Evang. Mr. Waltete.
side; they met at their ball in Hudson Thomas and Footwear of Better Grade The heart of Chritsmas really out golng Chairman, is arrangLane. betweeu 8h and and the following boys from the IF YOU ARE seeking comfort in your footwear and beated at the Clubhouse which ing for installation of officers Streets where was the center of attraction. On ou Friday evening the 14th of a sbort literary Insti ute recited. Cumberland, and musical program was pre. Sealey. Fields. Davis, we cater to the entire family. you will find just that the 22nd gover 700 children were this month. Scott, Reddy, Holder; treated there by the La Boca when you make your purchases. We have never Panama District of the employThe chair was oocupled by Mr. B, King, Daniels, and Wray.
failed to please and satisfy. Try us.
association. For the the Paralso Club Baptiste who gave an House Dancing was another welcome years this District has been interesting bistorical address on feature to the gala time and in the island, while other addresses wbich most of the guests partiing this very hard but pleasent BRANCHES The Girl Reserves on the we e delivered by Mr. La Pelle cipated. The boys of the losti.
Pacific side beld their regular happy at Chrismas. Each year RC. Underwood tate were certainly not left and Raymond out La Fama, La Rosa they have the full co operation monthly Rally in the Paraiso they were well entertained.
of he Woman Life Problem Clubhouse on Saturday, Dee Light refreshments were ser: The young ladies were the and La Suerte Club.
18th. The Mary Talbert Girls red and everybody enjoyed a recipients of two very beautiful the program and gave quite kood time until 12:15 a. in.
Chinese tea cups, presents from an interesting one.
Tois is the first time that St. the Commander.
will tell Central Ave. Panama City SUNDAL SHOES The regular Christmas Sea At o clock there a Lucia day bas been observed son dance was beld at the volleyball game between the in Colon, and the Welfare SocieClubhouse and well attended the Mary Church Terrell, Colon ту will endeavour in every thing We sell better and the very best shoes in Panama popular community center pre Girls and the Mary Tolbert of possible to foster a homely senting a gay garb to receive Paraiso. The score was two to spirit among the St. Lucians on at a very low price its hundreds of patrons. one in favor of the Mary Church this end.
Terrell. Girls.
MORSE ROGERS SHOES Inclement weather contributed News Notes Marvelous Success in ALL LEATHER FOR ALL WEATHER to the turning out of not many the treatment of NASSER MIZRACHI, Prop meeting of the La Boca Atbe Pan American Mr, Quinland, who for the Gonorrhoea and Gleet naeum. Vice President Jump MAX MIZRACHI, General Manager past three years bas been with announced that according to the SHOE REPAIR Go.
the Panama Canal Press at Mt. Relieves the most obstinate Head Office 491 Broadway old custom nomination and elec Hope, sailed on tbe Ancon tion of officers for this term 20 Central Ave.
on Sunday the 12tbulto. to case in three days should have been held at that Next door Alcaldia meet his brothers in New York.
meeting, but due to the fewness FOR SALE AT THE ef members present and the According Information Discovers New Ray to PHARMACY eye. Those upon whom it is direct. President, Mr. Neely also Shoes Repaired while would posted at eitber end of the ed are thus unaware that their not in attendance, it you wait newly constructen road by 149 Central Avenue, Panama London, Dec. 16. The Daily movements under cover of dark be best to hold over nomioation the seaside between tbe coal MAIL says that Mr. Jobo Baird, ness are being watched. The new and election for the first TuesAND AT OLD SHOES MADE TO ing station checking shed and the inventor of television has now ray may prove of great service to day in this month.
Delegate Cyrus who was discovered. a ray, which while merchant bipping for it is claimDiy Dock, only passenger veb. THE NEW DRUG STORE capablere of illuminating distant ed that it penetrates fog more re appointed to represent the LOOK LIKE NEW will llowed to travel on that road.
5th and Street, Colon objects is invisible to the human readily than any yet, seclety at the Central Organiza FICE, Manager an others ESPERANZA LAUNDRY (Re elected; El Secretaries and LA MODA. sented, ees 24.
and Messre.
bad was Electric Injection


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