
FAGE SIX THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 1927 THE ATTENTION Friendly Societies and Secret Orders mont complicated a MINUTE BOOKS AND LEDGERS City Workman Stationery Store their previous record ble Then we con Aletre by the Hon. Mo, Jona Gier Australia.
by THE BEER The Panama Brewing Refrigerating Co.
is the Duchess York only wood suitable pakemaand English is Enkelio the most But articles of the The a they obtan a Weekly London Letter figuii வ யப யயயயயயயயயயய Wo French Critic Praises Visit of the Duke of (BY ANDREW BLACK MOORE)
Negro Spirituals York to Jamaica Imperial Conference Results.
Paris. France. Nov. ANP) PROGRAMME OF RECEPTION IN Negro music, writes, Champig KINGSTON SUBMITTED TO THE After nearly five weeks of OFnol in Paris Sport dors not coc SECRETARY OF STATE close study of Imperial problems, sist exclusively of those fearful both political and economie, the Imperial Conference came to a cacophonies wbich bave given jazz to THE LADY IN WAITING Successful the world. The Negro conclusion Broad questions of pol cy, and the has produced also a great aumIS DIRECTED TO NEW SUPPLY OF ber of charming melodies which New Furniture For Duke and recommendations of committee to which are sunr to childred under tbe Duchess Apartments on warm son of the Soutb.
Board The Renown.
bad been referred, came before Roland Hayes, a colored Amer requiring technical exe subject ican tenor, bas sung recently in the Conference at 16 plenary Munich a number of splendid sessions, and no fewer than 146 It is learnt that His Excellency religious airs which bave been the Governor has submitted the meetings of Conference committransmitted from father to son, programme to the Secretary lees were held. The result was of among bis people.
State for the Colouies in connecttbe registration, in what will prove to be an historla document, ion with the Reception to be given of the conditious of inter Impe Suitable for odge Business cords.
Already all available to Their Royal Highnesses the Duke rial relationstipe. Nutnovations space in both the London and and Duchess of York on their were recorded in the Report; but Birmingham sections has been programme as approved will shortarrival here in January; and the it supplied a new definition of booked, During a considerable ly be made public.
those relationstips. The post AT THE tion of the se governing Dumi was pared up at the White snapped ons is detined in these terms; London despatch of the 30th They are sutonomous commuLondon, at the rate of 1, 200 November says :square feet day, whilst the Owing to the urgeat private nities within tbe Britsb Empire, area booked in Birmingham has affairs, Lieutenant Commander egoal in status, in no way subor.
exceeded by 25 000 square feet and Lady Doris Vyper will be uo.
dinate one to another in any respect of the total able to and domestic or aga vago. 290. 00 OO XURAD AUD CAMPO DOLAS an adunan anadan o abangan ang nadara. Do ad arran de dood 1920 display. which itself beat ali Duchess of York on their fortle external affairs, though united This is all the coming visit to New Zealand and a common allegiance to the Their places will be Crown and freely associated as OSOBISS SSXSXS sider that the country bas just the members of the British Common passed through a period of con mour (as lady in waiting to her wealth of Nations The Domisiderable worry and dislocation Royal Highness) and an equerry, nions having arrived through a and uncertainty in industry due whose name will be announced process of gradual evolution at to the coal dispute, later.
this wide measure of indepenA special attraction of the Fair further despatch from London dence, it will later be necessary will be the exbibition of sports also says :to bring into accord with that SUPPLIED BY manufacturers, which will be The men who are equipping ved legislative, and judicial forms the finest ever brought together, themselves to earn a living when In the manufacture of certain they return to civil life by learn Some of these changes bave sports articles the British Em ing handicrafts at the Ports.
already been recommended by pire has the advantage of ct having mouth Naval Vocational Training the Conference and these almost a monopoly of raw include a slight change in the Centre are to make what new materials. Rubber, for instance, furniture is required for the title of the King is almost all British English of willoinket bats. For the making This will not be in for Dominion Premiers Satisfied han Renown.
great deal, as of tennis rackets apartAsb is their Royal Highnesses supreme, as 18 is brewed from the best bide for ments in the will be fitted One of the most satisfactory footballe: Whilst betting out for with results of the Conference is that materials obtainable gloves and boxing gloves Soutb ordinary Service all tbe Delegates are determined Ornit part African sheep skio excel. One the fact that the the to work for continued unity, and of the few exceptions is golt are to be supplied by the for closer cooperation in various It is specially suited for this climate club sbafts, which as a rule Fional fields for the prosperity of are made from American bick ing as being the first.
bicke ional training classes is ptere Empire as wbole, All the ory; but as against this the nition of the undertaking.
outset Fome ensind is superior to all imported beers sold appsgardine British handforged golf club work for the Renown will be entertained were beads are imported into Ameri done by men attending the Handythe apparently uncompromising here and it sells of General Hertzog.
to the public at ca in enormous quantities. In man Class, where attitude spite of a tariff of 45 per cent.
Prime Minister of the Union on HALF the price.
koowledge carpentering, brick.
South Africa, in bis demand for laying painting, motor driving, Coal and a League of so that they acquire an a fuller med Ure of independence all around usefulness. The work closer examination of General TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED Industry. of preparing the Renown for the Herizug claim revealed, bowRoyal tour is being done by Ports.
ever, that it was at little variance mouth Dockyard, one of the comwith re leating practice, and befoAlthough the collapse of the paratively few alterations being England he publicly coal strike towards the end of the conversion of a charthouse into declared bimselt satisfied, frum November did not immediately a sleeping compartment for the of results Pachieved, What be bad view, with the full resumption of Duke and Duchess when the ship work, restrictions upon the use is in tropical climates.
desired to attain had been attaiof coal were at once removed.
be declared, with the full co There was complete freedom The Renown will leave on operation and sympathy of all.
according to both industries and her tour on the 6th of January He further associated himselt private individuals for the purwith his colleagues in declaring SEXSSSSS ssssss30850 23 Scbase of coal, and except for that the Conference had afforded export, collieries were allowed opportunity for intimate consulto dispose of their stocks as they Dr. David Smith tation and the strengthening of pleased. This meant animfriendly ties, which all believe mediate improvement of trade in will be of tbe greatest value in many quarters, as manufac SNAKE BITE REMEDIES promoting unity of thought and turers bad been compelled to co operation in action througbbold up production because of the Enpire, lack of fuel.
Dr. Smith the SnakeOne of the most noticeable bite Specialist of Guabito, Honour for Swedish effects of the coal dispute, how Bocas del Toro, begs to Architect.
ever, has been the manner in offer his professional service Of every description which it has led tho leaders, both to any patient. Wherever. The presentation of the Royal denounce the lock out and the found, his snake bite remeGold Medal of the Royal InstiDONE late of British Architects in the WITH NEATNESS AND strike as senseless methods of dies have never failed to settling industrial disputes. The effect a speedy cure. The bigbest bonour that can be paid British press has recently publi Doctor also specializes in to an Arcbitect Britain, shed bundreds of columns of other complaints such as UriDESPATCH and the enthusiasm aroused matter on the subject of Is it nary Troubles, Chronic Ulwben the Prince of Wales preworth it always the sented it to Professor Ragnar cogent reasoning cers and Obstinate Coughs.
Ostberg of Stockholm revealed from every point of view, has Should you need his prothe great interest taken in the AT THE deen an emphatic No, In Man fessional services, do not fail Swedish art movement of recent chester, one of Britain most to write or come to the Docyears. For some time there important industrial centres, tor personally when you can Constant references to Professor have been in the British press committee of the Chamber of Ostberg work as exemplified in Commerce bas been studying the be cured.
with a view to the fraAddress: at Stockholm, de of a Covenant for Industrial DR. DAVID SMITH signed by him. The building Peace on the lines of the Leagae is of Nations Covenant.
The idea recognized as being one of the Specialist most beautiful aud important of is tu bring into one League all Guabito Bocas del Toro the modern buildings of the industries, and to undertake to 11 special ap DAVID LEON, LL.
Republic Panama.
keep the peace for period of peal to the British artist because the distinctive feeling of personseven years. In the case of a CALL IN AT ABOGADO problem arising in one ality running throughout the etförts must be made to settle WILKINSON design is marked conAttorney at Law by exist ng machinery, but faltrast to the machine made ling a setulement. the dispute Contractor feeling of 30 many buildings in Office: 175 Central Avenue must be referred to the League.
each industrialised countries as The idea bas not yet been worked and Builder England and America.
Telephone 1015 Panama out, but it is hoped that definite reason why Professor Ostberg is proposals will soon be made.
particularly honoured in Grea Box 1002 Ancon, Canal Zone House No. 20 Britain is that everybody realises that not only is he great artist 28th NOV, STREET, blæselt, but that he had thi (With Licenses to Practice before No. 93, Central Avenue SAN MIGUEL wonderful gift of inspiring his the Courts of Panama and the fellow craftsmen with his own Canal Zrne. Why pay double price ASSORTMENT OF great creative ideals.
for inferior imported Box 411, Panama, Notice to Correspondents.
Beer when you can British Industries Fair Contributors and correspondents GOOD STATIONERY buy a superior Beer Plans and Specifications Free are asked to send in their contribusuch as BALBOA for There is every indication that tions not later than Thursdays to SOUVENIRS, half the price.
First Class Workmanship next year British Industries iosure publication. This is imperaFair will beat all previous re tive and must be adhered to.
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Balboa SUPERIOR TO ALL lead te ned, JOB. PRINTING out Great And the reply with much WORKMAN PRINTERY question the City Hall world. makes. it bole The Workman BOOK STORE Another


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