
Additional Church Services.
Seventh Day Adventist Church PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR To all Our Patrons (Continued from page 3)
work in the near future. The great need at present is for efficient workers, this need however, will be met by the establishment of the Training Garri fon bere and the selecting of the very best type of young men and women possible for Salvation Aruy Oficership The Commander and his wife supported by the Stat will conduct the Holiness Meeting on morning at 11 o clock in the Memoria Hall, Charlotte Street. On Sunday night at 70 clock tbere will be rousing Salvation meeting in the Jubilee Hall in Tragarete Road. All are cordially invited STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Lathmina Park. PANAMA, Babbath (Saturday) 45 Bab both School 11. 15 a. General Worship 80p. Spanish Cleve; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Clam p. Veapers.
Bunday evening 30 Stereoptican Lecture. The general publie cordially invited to turn out in large aumber Suoday Seventh Day Adventist Church Out of Major Harragin Promotion Ird STREET BROADWAY, COLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45. Babbath School; 11. 15 General Worship 30 Young people meeting 30 Veepers Sunday evening 30 Preaching Service. You are cordially invited to attend the service and bring your friende.
ATTORNEY GENERAL OF NYASALAND The Church of God The GUARDIAN learns that Major Walter Harragin, Aetiug Solicitor General of Trinidad, has been appointed Attorney General of the Nyasaland Protectorate at a salary of 1, 000 per appum.
Major Harragin tive post is that of Crown Coun wbose substansel has been acting in bis present capacity for nearly two years.
The population of Nyasaland at the end of 1924 consisted 1, 462 Europeans, 669 Asiatics, and 1, 210, 344 Natives.
200 brands of Cigarettes there only BRITISH GUIANA Demerara and Surinam Fruit Trade Growth Panams, Aronmeda Street, House 28, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Gospel meeting at 11.
And 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Tootimony Meeting Tuesday at 15 Young People Meeting.
Wednesday at 30 Guspel meeting. Thursday at 30 m, Open air meeting, Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting BRO, C, PESSOA. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Sebeo p. Io. Gospel meeting on Thursday at 30 Sin. GRAY Now Providence. Gospel Mee ing si 11. 30 sm and 30 Sunday School p. Wednesday at 30 Gorpel Meeting. Priday at 7:30 Prayee Bro. MeDONALD 3stun, Canal Zone. Gospel Meetings 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday 3cbool at pm. Wednesday 30 Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEORGE GRIPFITA Colon. and Streets. Gospel met Ings at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday School at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Goupel Meeting. Priday at 30 Prayer Meeting, Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON Meeting Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness The Demerara Coronicle of a recent date says:Mr. Thomsom, manager of the newly organised Pruit Export Comprny o! Surinam wbo bas been on a flying visit to the colony left by the Nick erie.
of his visit object.
was to establish a measure of ec operation the export of fruit by the colonies of British Gulana and Soriam.
Mr. Tomson said be antielpated th it would be some time before the fruit produced in Surinam would prove svíficient for tbe being or would be soon provided cargo space which was and that be could see po reason why the troit growers of this colony should not avail themselves of tbe offered for shipping local fruit.
opportunity wbieb He had endeavoured to secure cold storage facilitios from the Dutcb Steamship lines since there was generally ample cargo space between decks on these boats.
In addition large orders for fruit bad been obtained from the United Kingdom, from Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, ana Germany. while be bad made. trial shipment of grapefruit to Canada by the Chaleur transshippiog at Georgetonn.
Be was at present principally concerned with the exportation of oranges and grapefruit for wbich there was a ready market The cultivation of these fruits already well ur der way in Surinam bot so far as this colony was concerned it appeared that the first thing necessary was proper organisation for tbe production of oranges and grape fruit of a standard grade, Granted the development of ibe local trade and of the existen ce of co operation between the two colonies there was every prospect of a large and luerative fruit trade being being built up between these colonies and both Canada and Holland, since it was a fact that the grape fruit produced were superior to those produce in California or Florida, FRUIT CULTIVATION IN SURINAM Mr. Tomson stated that in Surinam tbe best results bad been obtained from new lands, plneapples being the first crop to be planted followed in two years by peanuts and finally with grafted oranges. He found that tbe Navel orange did excellently on suitable land by sbrubs of seed varieties. His grafting on time purchasing fruit from other growers. These, togetber with their own production were gra.
ded according to a given standard apd all inferior fruit were sent to the factory to be manufactured into pulp or juice for local consumption new factory was belug No, MARIANO AROSEMENÁ Bt SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting 10 Children Service; 11 Divise Service Preacher, Supplied. p. Bunday Sobool, Superinten deat pm. 30 pm. Govpel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. PreacherSupplied. 30 Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel service. Preacher Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings and Prayer, All other potion for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro. WEBLEY, Acting Pastor in charge.
that toasted was to bim REMOVAL NOTICE David Leon, Attorney atLaw, has removed his offices to No. 175 Central Avenue (upstairs Sealey Photo Studio. Lucky Strike is the only brand with a distinctive and definite reason for superiority.
Toasting fine tobaccos is a costly extra process. It adds to your enjoyment. It brings out the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos.
Millions can resist this superior cigarette. Why?
erected by his pric cipals at which would be manufactured tbe crates and other articles necesary for packing the frult for export, The Fruit Export Coy. were also interested in the export of bananas and be proposed soon after bis arrival in Surinam to call meeting of the local planters in order to discuss the ero question of launching that IndusMr. Tomson stated that during his brief visit to this colony be had interviewed the Director of Science and Agriculture, Messrs, E, Walcott and Edgar Becketi on the question of or operation He farther pointed out that at the ships of the Demerara Bauxite preşent time the Co.
on their homeward yoyage were generally empty between decks and that as soon as local bauxite was shipped to Canada there would be provided by this Hoe a fine opportunity for the export of local trait to Canada company was at the present is Because it toasted


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