p. 8


things ies. longe class Bo lim hories patter a his as Snappy Races terday part.
included to permit the verdict BE Last Sunday Races Lombardo Gardner Secretary of State Tomorrow Races Fight.
Sympathy The crowd that wended their Last Sunday was good day o the turf and indications point to way to Juan Frinco Park on Suoday afternoon last After a long pell the popular OVER DEATH OF REV. another equally good day at the treated to what was voted to be amphitheatre in Panama, will be Bull Ring. enclosing the biggest popular Juan Franco track tomor. BARCLAY one of the best race programs the scene of another boxing contest row ofteroom At least if so unusual that was ever held detracting incident intervenes, at the popular race course. There were dine which will draw people from all TOMORROW the Republic and the We are asked by the Colonial there is sure to be an enjoyabletime races wbich produced all tbe sections Secretary to publish the following there, as the Ponams Jockey Club excitement and thrills that one Canal Zone, This fistic encounter wll be beld could reasonably expect at a on letter of sympathy which has been has arranged another attractive Sunday evening the program of eight races. nappy received by the Governor from the faces which are in themselves race course. As far as the draw boxing hoaors and and the contenders for more Sunday January 2nd, 1927 Secretary of State for the Colon brimful of interest and indicative ings were concerned, apart from attached to both winner and loser all other the of thrills purses, those who Colonial Office, Invested on Aaron Brown Tigre who in these contests are the well Downing Street, As the curtain raiser. five won the seventh race of five fur known Jose Lombardo who, as a JUAN FRANCO TRACK mative ponies, Cococho, Can24th November, 1926. dlewood, Chiqui, Fenomeno and tur of fact, need no further My dear ir Reginald. am Mayara are booked to run horses, Rathered to 34. 50 in the introduction here, and Spencer mutuels for each invested. Gardner. who recently arrived very sorry to bear that Barclay of furlougs, after which Jailer, Super Jockey Haughton sent Tige from the Volted States with.
wbose illness had heard subse Glória, Marcela, Belle Sauvage a od off to flying start in field of will briliant record of which he is proud six and held the winner in the the Atlanie side fans are coming It will certait ly be a big time, has died. Though have never the field over an equal lead all the way through.
bad the pleasure of meeting Mrs. distance.
Julio Mercado Pierrot wi lover on a special train which Barclay hope that you will con The third event will be a Esccbor up won the feature scheduled to leave Coloa at pm in furlong race for imported horses vey to ber mye den pelay, or Races for Imported horses event of one mile to class to return at half past 11 o clock. in this Meelab is booked to Iunported horses, bd. Frou the same night course, when he was in London take up 126 lbs against Chomba Frou, Zibo, Meddler and Manager Geo. Paterson of the and for Native bred Ponies last and was much impressed Gordo.
Lucero, Celia and Coburg; Burla, all of wbom came to In Gardner Camp announced yesby bim. The Colony. feel, has and this will be followed by the order Damed.
that the fight will go suffered a coneiderable loss by his another Brave Lassis, Bomba apd five. furlong ia which Linda of the Sud El Aguila Scheduled to start at 30. Pim 12 rounds, and that the program is death.
wou the first rac of 6t turlongs Therefore, it is well that all inAN AFTERNOON OF GOOD RACING You sinrerely. Ocurrenci will take for class native ponies. tending patrons from this end seek (Sgd. AMERY. The feature race follows. This bearing Candlewood, who came will be over seven furlongs and In second, Dard nella and Re their tickets early as it is almost Rain or Shine only three are to free the barrier, nown, lu tbe second race of six certain that there will be a rush Abel 126 Pierrott 120 and Frou turlaugs for Class imported for seats at the lost minute, Love Letters Read Frou 98.
burses Clo Clo. apother entry Tire enters in the next race, from the Stud El Aguils, with PROPOSED CHANGES. ADMISSION Continued. from page 1)
which will be five furlongs, sad will Jockey Pierla who rode the meet Clo Clo, Towello Rolando, tirst winner up. won a field at It is said that Dr Harrison Maroela and and Dixie to contend with ten in which was entered Tigre (Continued from page 1) Grand Stand Field Stand 50c.
asked the judge for a court officer The seventh race will be over who carried 102 lbs. to the wintry of the minor children of these toaccompany him to the subway, five furlongs and those who are ner 109 and came in second.
after his testimony, claiming he booked to leave the barrier are individuals will also be permitted In the third event, a five fur. upon due proof of parentage being was afraid of being attacked again Mayara, Almirante, Fap, Zapa, long bandicap for two year olds by Mrs. Garvey adherents. This Harold and Don Simon DON MISS IT presented. import a by the Panama Juckey! It is also provided that the Exe was granted.
In the last race, the distance, of 10 Club, Cuombo Gordo easily Won cutive Power shall be empowered HER CASE which Mrs. Amy Ashwood Garvey, wife Araucant will carry 126 lbs against is set at six furlongs, uver the obur two turies.
Arl. quin and Kitty Girl, The the entry of foreigners undesirable immiat the same wioner is uwood by acud time of that of ber husband s, Huge Capoul 124 Carcajada 117, Bhole Dugue.
graats, providing the party or week, She produced witnesses that Surely this promises to be a classy 115 and Arlequin 90.
Cococho, entered with Candle parties soliciting ibis gruce prove that there is a scareity of labor on WHITENS THE SKIN Garvey was over friedly with Amy progam which should not fail to wood, Heromete, Migara, and the Jacques. The jury returned a vet attract an unusually large crowd Chiqui, won the next race of five enterprise in which their services Istbm, us and that the diet in her behalf in ber case, but Creme Blanc Mirette furlongs for clas native are required are public utilities or returned one against her in the ponies; wbile Buba beat Brave case of her husband, Lassie and Pereque over seven sve of an agricultural nature. Marvelous Cream Who Is Who?
The party or parties permitted Dr. Wendehake Torlongs in the titibey pt. This Lawyers here say Marcus Gar.
Was voted tbe prettiest race of desirable immigrant class, will be bis to introduce individuals of the un Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches, vey bas scored a great victory over MEDICAL CLINIC the day. Bombajumped away to reqnired to undertake to return his first wife. Amy sun tan, and other skin blemishes Ashwood 7, 025 Front Street Colon a last pace a ur. Laving the them to their homes or to other Garvey in that that the OPPOSITE RR STATION barui:r but was over ahen in se points outside of the Mrs. Jacques Gere pablie as PHONE 11 back SOLD IN DRUG STORES and bob hu sds ran neck and soon as their employment veuses wife No. is still the legal wife of Marcus Garvey all the court to defray.
has set aside bis Missouri divorce, where ekey Moore succeeded their permanence on the Isthmo 18 which had not yet been done, OnCUBA TO. in grazing the line with Bomba may cause the Government such the other hand it is said that before Perkins who was up on. Sparklets. although wife No had received The bill also amends tivat part NEW PROVIDENCE NOTES (Continued from pige Brave Lassie.
of Law 13 which requires the verdict of it erdict of guilty against Garvey that Cuba the (Continued from page is an Cuban four foreigners whose immigration is furlongs for native ponies of Continued from page 1)
slimony. Immigration Laws require all she has not been knory in tbatto prohibited Sanday last the 26tb ipst.
class report to the It class thoroughbred horses. Year Governor of is further alleged that had immigrants to that Republie to be a sacred entertainment in the cation in this or in any other each province eacu The Law containing this provi.
were won by Barold of the stod year for the countersigoing of forun of a rally and concert went column, would like to know from Garvey lost his case against his in possession of at least 30.
Stud El Carmen, respectively Valparaiso and Aracuaca of th These individuals will report to the Churc. The Obairman was the dances he had in mind wben be place he would probably be called ion was enacted in 1902 but of certificates of residence. off at the National Baptist him which were the West Indian wite after detectives ruided the Mayor of each Municipal District pustor of the Church, the Rav. wrote the article.
upon to pay her alimony for the late years has not been strictly wbo will rest of her life. With the additional enforced. This Goverament is now countersign their Thürborne, The RH Weatbor officially informed, charges.
Board of Directors certificates fine and there was a good was authorities the Cuban Immigration ever, that Personally, am jealous because The bill also provides for the wongregation in attendance. The our Mrs. Smart Chubb is contriEtrieter granting of permission to business arst item on th: programme was buting so often to the Honoursble adherence to the requirements in (Continued from page 4)
houses to bring out employes for the rally. There was a compati Wint future, and intending emigrants Magazine, the Critie.
their establishments. These are therefore warned that it will be ntation of a certificate from ployes shall be under contract for 101 between six of the 1383es had developed an intense sisterly NOTICE the church as candidates, the love for the lady and her necessary for them to have at least TO tbe Executive Office.
a period not to exceed two years sucessful candidate was to be scattered leaves which she 30 in their possession when they Report was rendered of action and the employer will be required er waed queen of the affairs. to scatter over the front page of WATCH BUYERS arrive in the Republle.
taken on resolution from Cristo to return them to their homeland at bal, approved at the last BSS100 at the expiration of his contract. Bible, with one exception to decorations, But as Proviselection was from this weekly, But am afraid wa of the Board, to request ths Joane of Are; Mirian was the lost ber and, of course, the authorities to prov de better winder she buving raised the dence wills, now have Miss accommodation than the two sum of 850 and Bell lose Little Lessons og whose Offers 10, 000 Pouuds queen amid great Living are now carrying off room quarters for employees Firo Dostroys Army with large families. The report Officer Quarters applause. Tha sb wed that the matter wis duly programma COD tinued with songs, recitation, ladies!
py weekly aberrations The DONT IMPORT WATCHES. For Constant Spring taken up with the Government, how Wints There were addresses by the and that in compliance with their Hotel Site.
We can sell them to you request a list of the employees started by an electric iron left. con leyan Church and also the New Nick of the Star Herald ever cheaper in many cases than fire, which is said to have representatives from the Wes the young Mr. Young of the American desiring and willing to take cver nected by a lauo dress, completely Providence Branch of the manage to carry on for so long you can obtain them with The JAMAICA has quarters bad been destroyed the living of The list and rquet in belng eagerly on Wednesday inorning last. Only address made reference to of a woman RISK OF Cecil Lindo of the firm.
Lindo Bros. bas msde an offer TION since you can see the The Board decided to solicit a few personal effects which could formed among West Indians in the shell of the house remains and Central Organization which is to the directors of the late Con.
ad vertinements be published be by Mrs. Woodruff and that anything will interest I know have not succeeded in article before paying for it. stant Spriug Hotel, for the purin tbe a mauale Report for 1928. Beradaughter Margaret alter the long have been issued to West vou on the New Year moen, gentle suit every member of your hand the matter is now before the Dependable Timepieces to hotel formerly stood chase of the lands on which cha They dealt exbanustively with fire was Indians the. had not to say who is Chief of mus inviting their corporation saything to interest Amoual Report bearing on the staff of the directors of the company ibat part of the Governor Colonel Wood Cabal Depart. but so far as we know, apart All that wanted to you, either, family can be had at aid and silver employees, in association ment was out on What Mr. Lindo proposes to do FULLER fishing trip and from the nowa about it which we which shall now say is, that with the lands is not disclosed with the Association negotia the house was occupied by his wife read in the news columns of this wish you and yours happiness and but it is believed that wbilst be tions with the Government and daughter. Through the con newapa per no invitations have prosperity during the whole of this 122 Central Ave.
oel during the year. Their conclu fusion the Balboa Fire Brigade been given any body at w year as well as for all other times will reserva a portion for resideuslton on this matter may not be was not notified in time. When Providence Colony.
purposes in case the deal fittingly stated bere. oom uring your lifetime, Roes through, the major portion notified the fire fighters were on munity exclusively of West The Board Dext meeting will be the scene in three minutes nad had Indians numbering upwards of for will be reserved Dentist Howell lof 11 up to tate bote the building in January next, for the dnstalla the fire under control shortly after 1, 000 inbabitants, Now Provi Canal Traffic Heavy For The ramifications of the li do tion of officers and the sub but, unfortunately after mission of the Amzual Raport damage had already been done.
the pence in our bumble opinion is little One Day Bros. have been so extensive corner ic the republic of especially.
HOUSE 912, LA BOCA that it is felt that if the Constant West Indian 09 December 18, 1926, 11 comCANAL ZONE.
Nagroen bave demonstrated to mercial vessils transitted Spring lands are sold to them it FLOWERS will only be a few months beDr. Arnulfo Arias the Government to the Panama Canal from the Pacific to (Opposite the Restaurant)
fore a big botel is erected there public within and without this the Atlantic, and 15 from the most people would Physician Surgeon Abogado. Attorney at Law republic, their capability to put Atlantic to the Pacific. In point Office Hours: a. to 1p. The Lindo Brog. have bad auch to 6pm In to practice what they preach of net tonnage and tolls collected OFFICE: No. 44 ST wide connections outside JamaiFREE CONSULTATION so far as thrift and Industry this was the largest day traffic DAILY ca and the successful manner in daily at the Pharmacy BOX NO. 38 PANAMA CITY are concerned. Like the Coil through the Canal since the record wbich they manage their several TELEPHONE No. 1377 dren of Israel in Goshen we are established on May 25, 1923. The PHONE 1941 BALBOA undertakings is a guarantee that 149 Central Ave, Phono 925 Practicing before all the cour of bercement the people on ting and established on the date and also specializee poolt the brancha proposition they would make for progress and. racord were to take up HOURS: 30 TO 30 PM. the Republic since April 1914 dation.
the record of July 8, 1926.
of a success, antillo which race Tue WO last events, empty to their propose to it sist 00 emmous tbe this crowned was duly letc.
BUCD Submited. The college at duble Col Woodrufi at quarry Heighbor To chairman in his opening without the influence and inspires the added advantage of no good reason to believe that mos Jooked for.
10, 000 discovered by Panama where the and to


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