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way Rood to make effort to their there of silver Apples of gold are We pictures CUBA SOUTH Magnetism And Personality CONDITION Of Marcus Garvey Doplorabte Under Deplorable Under man sertanoget to Years To Gongress Pres. Coolidge chado Says. Having Newspapors Boston Newspaper Says His In Washii gton. Dee Painting teraced Hyasaland native to three efted Nyamuland judge theo then Puts Up to Lawmakers Certain Cuba As in dezlorable state of years hard labour for taking fluence Encircled The Globe.
affairs under the administration Into Nyasaland copies of the of President Geraldo Machado Workers Herald, Johannesburg Subjects all of Interest to Under the caption Garveyism The BOSTON CHRONI Sertor Who: King Democrat, native paper edited by Clemente aeserted that he would He Negroes.
CLE publishes the following: resolution in the Senate asking for recommended (BY DANIEL CHASE. The personal magnetism and autocratic personality of an investigation of the clains the deportation of this Nyassland there ever was a time when white Marcus Garvey were alway; evident in his org inization, island.
by Agrericans residing on the native from Nyasaland.
lo bis annual mesra, e to the American neededbe reminded Our correspondeat from Blentyre Congress President Coolidge vry of the serious obligation in seeing But the thing had and has a deeper meaning: it indicated He declare that the Cuban forward an account of the case. clearly sbows how he has y su tiat the principles of that docuthe possible strength and the possible terror of action by government under Machado is One man like you dous more ized the country needs and wel ment called the Constitution are the oppressed black peoples of this present world The good deal of a dietatorship and harm thao 50 murderers He the lare. He has written liat might lived up to is Now.
Negro had learned a lesson from the white man war and do not consider bim an improved murderer, at least loses his life on The President as usual pays the chief part of the lesson was that, whoever might win, went on the preceding Cubes the gallows, but the harm you dober perhaps termed his lo gert met on until hundred. lives sage, and while it is not startinely tribute to the fourteea million the Negro would lose. Coloured Americans began to feel have been sacrificed.
national conditions, reviews in such a ward of color, in these terms.
that only their own actions in behalf of themselves could Senator King strongly recommaking Not only their remarkable preThese words were addresse to his me rage save them, and that democracy for black men was not to be the subcommittee of the Senate Nyasaland native, at the Blantyre mended the acrion under which the MacDaald Lawrence It is me throughout res their devotion, and their Soyalty but our duty to had in white men wars.
Veay llatie of the message has to ourselves has already empowered High Court But the world war itself served as a tempting example ore deler Preliminates olivestigation Berleber o entencing him to three peither war nor any international enlightened people are to be by Judge do foreign Affairs. There is under the claim that we are an to of organized. of claims against years hard labour for importing controrersy that would requir: from the crime of lynching. Als use all our to protect Africans and Afro Americans were being used for the glory the Cubao Government, adding Seditious literature into the optio certior commena Of course, we bave no right totectorate.
and salvation of white power by Frenchmen and prejudiced concern ourselves with Cuba and The Presideut puts up to the though violence of this kind has American white. If this power was useful to white men, it its internal affailre any more than Biera firun attempted for Accused, a clerk employed by a lawmakers certain subjects, in all very much decreased while any of ought to be useful to the black men themselves. any other basiun except for the tha of which Negroes are virtually it remains we cannot justify neglecting Negroes generally tradicate it by law. Words billy every This was the group consciousness into which Garvey and their property under the existe esuat:y copies of the Negro sou kolone per lo ng bigce ceased to poken, yes, protection of American citizens second time to bring into the interesteri. Like came, young vigorous, courageous and reckless. All the ing treaties. Continued on page 8)
look for specific mention of them, in And rightfully slogans of the white man war seived him: the self deteror needs, but mination of minorites and the making of the word safe for might be added, it is mucb.
materially although said before, is always matters that whough only affect tben. So en ccura: democracy He could not see that there could be no self dete SPARKLETS about Iging. Along with the other issues mination for the weak, under an armed and exploiting system the President of one per cent, the President desires that the las message has parti makers themselveet ke the initia.
of the strong and that, so far as Mississippi is concerned, cular application to the Nigro mrtive It is their prorogative. BY CK)
a successful war, instead of miking the world safe Coolidge has made ninself u der that the reading for democracy, would only make Mississidpi safer for the Our Progressive Status of assurance of getting them in art and als feed y believing that there of the Presiden mes fige beenpicks with well is ample for Democrats. Europe for the Europeans became for him ANTI LYNCHING LEGISLATION a little over an hour and fifteen Africa for the Africans. without any reckoning as to the Before we can tackle our probert of wringing out of the world even that which one actually miquies, but the paragrapi dealing lack of military and monetary equality between Britain and Scene in solving them or to becomes neris. This veneer has too often citizens by saying what European than a minute to read He puts the matter up to the with the Negro takes a little less Zueuland.
in been position to prosecute successfully ma app to be inchide our failures writers and the store beave a restly of us FOR NEGROES ONLY But, allowing for all his spectacular exaggerations as to ways and means by which we will at door de la mine individuare seen fit to give to their rendere.
Mr Coolige wants skilled NE numbers and strength, Garvey got together the biggest be able to start correctly on the while others are patiently waiting The social well being of our groug of Negro peoples ever gathered into a single organi progressive and 18 yory peces with folled arms for the day when effort for to the extension to all country requires our constant PATIENTS, for be adds: GRO DOCTORS FOR NEGRO zation, and his influence reached around the world, Engliih in the march of human progress. for us to walk in and occupy.
our true status there will be a let up, a chance prejudice and amelioration of race The education of the coloured officers in South Africa and on the Suez, made clippings and we of necessity locate that elemeuts of equal opportunity and race under Government encourage kept notes on him, and any American Negro who could not strategic position in the society of lo this modern world might is equal protection under the lawe meat is proceeding successfully satisfy them that he was not a Garveyite, might be denied human endeavours before we can right. The reverse of the genuine which are guaranteed by the Con and cuxbt to have continued suptheir visa on his passports. In a real sense, an empire began we shall have to located ourselves, applied while the genuine is apparente all, opine ebarged to head his medical okill to be devoted to the generally. Coolidge stitution. The Federal Govern pert. increasing need exist dre, for properly educated and trained to fear an individval black man who was almost without a we will made clearly to under be used (ontinued or page 8)
day. Rome was not built in conveniently when it serves the obligation in behalf of the colored service of this race.
nor is gold found on the best interests of might.
The people of the nation. The President eloses his messag BRITISH ARMY CUT BY mrface of the earth; and we will righteousness of one ciuse som. Well might that be said for it (Continued on page 8)
the fact that those times fails to help him obtaia right 234, 500 MEN.
who digged deeply and uncarthed even before a court of equity if cac studied laboronely and the material evidence on the un OFFICIAL PROGRAM OF quarters right The strength of tbe post. War H3 stated that thirty units of and thereby created the best posligible quantity, is purely ACTIVITIES.
British Army has been reduced by field and garrison artillery bad sible conditions are not going to 234, 500 men on the establishments been scrapped with a total of 600 let us have equal right to those others it is almost regarded as an in Connection with Visit of Duke and Duchess set up by Lord Roberts before the men. Sixteen battalione of the line thinge by mere begging and de impediment to human.
of York to Panama.
wa Ibis figure brought out with had gone bine others had been manding we must first present a la de community, how do procenter: cavalry had been abolished, with community or people. What they for humaa condust, last night by Lord Nidletop the reduction of others to skeleton are going to continue to do is to primarily. and to others in the British Consul in this city to state at Gatun with the exception of These officials will disemberle have been wbo. size.
was Under Secretly for War from is Downes In 1914, said Lord Midletou, accumulate more and better things stytus is fixed in relation to how program of activities that will be ou board during the transit of the 1895 to 1808 capil Secretary for the financial staftwere 369, and and more excellent conditions, and our com aunity defines and to lowed during the visit to the canal, His Majesty Ministrr and War 1900 to 1903, was the central today they are 758, more than in the meantime Rive us as of point in a debate which revives double the staff to administer less as possible ia proportion to our among burselves to what extent Isthmus of Their Royal Highness. staff will leave the Renowo at. the Pulito da und Duchess of York Catum und proceed by train to porters of the big battalions and is mid summer madness to lip the or people to create and build for own people, to help them or hart Br was issued esterdawimbier Bio Panama, big unul we shall bave them! Ont progressive Army in order to maintain the Britanie Majesty to lies It was Lord Vidk ton, then Mr. War Office.
RECEPTION AT LEGATION. Or to point our our Panama, Major Charles Brath The Renown is expected to reach who brought down Lord He described the policy of reduc where our demands for a reason in business and other mest regardless wavine Wolle ill be bewe ekere mehe Balbos about four clock in the by carrying in the House of Com other store by 500 000 this build and create will be backed by in wall appoistnd places or in conbusy during their brief stay here. dent Chiari and his Cabinet, accom mons motion ron lemning the year as living on capital. It would a visible stabilized and recognized temptible shacks wa are all linko Duke and Duchess are travelling start will formally call RM, Renown, on which the panied by Majot Wallis and bis Government for not having suf inevitably lead to an increase in progressive status that stratexic the same chain. And our to Australia, is fieient supplies of later estimates or to a further economic position to which a progresive status is closely related scheduled to arrive off the Cristo. Renowo.
Royal Highness on board the Midletou disavowed a eneroachment on reasooable share of the good things to the amount of tolerance we have bal breakwater at six o clock on supplies One suggestion militant spirit but was full of which was and conditions is automatically for our weaker brother, when we the morning of January 25 At diouer will be given by His alarm at the Army reductims warmly approved was that a bonus attached.
when people were still dispose. should be giveo happen to find our elves, bet er half past six His Majesty minis. Majesty Minister at the British induse the It is possible that have been positioned than they.
ter, and staff will board the vessel. tion will follow at tea o clock.
Legation to fly at one ano her throats even 3, 000, 000 who received military accused of having a tendency to eight o clock. recep Up to now it would appear as if half hour later representatives He attacked a poliey which bas reserve.
the administrative The reply of Lord Haldane, also against those of us cling SECOND DAY with belief stren we have necomplished with our States Navy and the Army will that on the War Oifice while former War Secretary, from the so bull dog tenacity to the ibrai and brawn; that ship at Gatun, Tb re At :8 30 on the frllowng. day, as a are higher up all and good the fighting streng th by cialj behalen inade na interesting on the ladder of human progre: nowelwe have conty subset eded in Walker, Colonel Harry Bate addreuses from the British Society Tatbird.
ta representative will be Governor His Royal Highness will receive Details of the present day wrapped up in the League o to me as if we are losing time if we and brawa in o work for others! study, and his fellow peers who are than we really are. But it api care putting most of that brain gere Engineer of Maintenance of Panazin, the Bátish West with the decreases they Continued on page folher Est place a thick veneer, as some of us For such accomplishment A, cotnmanding the Pagea. Iudians we show on pre war establishments There will were given by Lord Midleton as and thereby cleaning Serior ourselves should at least be proud. But a Canal Department, and this inspector of British Woollomaten on status Service of Songs Rear Admiral Baden Powell Boy Scuts and exPresent strength Decrease.
Padri Elliot of Taizabad will certain things and conditions that cos have not in tura apply ball dide de camp be rendered at the izabad Boch While we are cotitled theth enough of our brain and brawa in George CD. Com servit me shpirer 6, Båthound!
Regulars. 159, 400.
PRESIDENT LUNCHEON Arty Reserve 96. 000. 51. 000 Wesleyan Church next Wednes under the injunction the labofer our own behalf. When we shall maodant by the 15th Val Dig bave discover this apparent triệt, and Captain Joh: His Roval Highness will moske a Special Reserve 11 500. 51. 500 day evening the 12th Inst. The is worthy of bis hire and other inadvertency we shall the have nee, Marine superTerritorials. 147. 000. 105, 00) story is a beautiful one and inspired writings purporting to commener dº to recogt izo and intendent. Arosémena, Gov form il pou the Coveror of ught large carry a similar dictum for fair appreciate what our progressive ernor of Colon, will ako be le tue au. Canal at 30 He will 413. 500. 234, 500 (Continued on page 8)
play, there is little or no semblance (Continued on page 8)
ceived on the Renowa at Gatun.
must clear. also appreciate Lo some qu while in ourselves kule might ourt status Totalca we we of England from upod bis Lord of cordite now after the blood letting of the war. itr ining is the war to join the misplea our case o argue we are bent on shouting forth what of the Panama Canal, the Ubited. There is to be go dancing.
doubled who board the up. strengths follows: 27 000 attract to audience.

    DemocracyEnglandViolenceWorld War

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