
CAGE TWO THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1927 Interesting News from The West Indian Islands The Prosperity Tailors Woman Died From Poison CLEANERS DYERS cumstances 1, 000, übe Phipps.
No. 3, 22nd Street, Central Avenue PANAMA CITY Telephone 695 ith regard to with the coloniablic Institu: DYEING, CLEANING PRESSING principally ei eulatory system, OF THE HIGHEST ORDER The Christiana Correspondent to the GLEANER writing to that paper on December 18 last; says: young woman named Louise Thomas, age twenty two years, and belonging to the district of Kendal, died bere on Friday night under tragic cirThe allegations are as follows: Thomas and a young man named Artbur Goodgame of Devon bad been living together as man and wife, since 1923. Recently they hadeve several disputes owing to the fact that Thomas had been transferring her affections to another man. On the evening of her disappointed lover to leave occurrence the bousa as he bad no more use for her. She then packed up her belongicgs and left for the town, Goodgame following after.
She nevertheless returned, and seemed to have taken a good dose of cattle dip. Wben Goodgame returned at about 30 o clock be found her in a belpless condition, vomiting and suffering from excruciating pains in her stomach. The police was informed and she was burried out to the O who rendered tiist aid and pronounced ber condition hopelese. She was taken back to the house and succumbed at 11. 30 portion of the cattle dip was found in a bottle in the house.
The post mortem examination was held over tbe body this morning by the wbo concluded ibat death was caused from poison, Burial was then ordered, shortly Work Done While You Wait TRY US AND YOU LL BE SATISFIED Alterations and Repairs at reasonable Prices Ladies Garments carefully handled sheds, Cake yards, drains, oiling REID Manager S98 soos 98SSSSSSSS bids. The rara and troyed meets ATTENTION!
TRINIDAD Point a Pierre in 1926, whence le wa transfe red to Moroga in place of Mr Mosts who went to PointHealth of The City.
Pierre It is believed that the motive was to rifle the safe which was The report on the bealth of the fund open but apparently the per.
city of Port of Spain for the color persons were frightened month of November sbows away after committing the fonul total number of 176 births, the dead as aothing is missing from it.
birth rate being 33 18 as comKhan, alias Doon, an pared with 27. 78 for the corres Est Indian carter of Lengua Road ponding period of last year; was arrested by Acting Supt, Sergt while the deaths during that Yearwood near his home on Wed month total 126 or 23 75 Der nesday morning as being concerned there being 21 under the with the murder of Mr. James heading of infantile coortality.
Khan arrest is the second made tions, Huspital by the Pol. ce in their investigaclaimed. 44 and the House of tions of the crime, the first man Relaxe 13, wbile 24 deaths in the named Sooliruan, awood contracton city were recorded, 18 in Bel. also of Lenzua Road, has beer. 17 17 in East Dry River and detained since Saturday In Woodbroɔk. These were due to diseases of the opposite Soliman with It is stated that Kham lived pulmonary wbom tuberculosis, diseases of early he was on friendly terms, infancy and of the genito art with murder and are in Police Both men have been charged nary system. During the period under review, no less than 19 custody at Moruga Meanwhile cases of infectious diseases bad the Police directed by Major 8, been notified by private pracu de Pesssare persuing further in tioners and 21 came under the quiries. Weekly Guardian)
notice of Government Medical Officers. The work of the sani Intercolonial Cricket.
tary staff has been carried through with the usual vigilance, the visits by the Inspectors to Mr. Fred Grant Elected var ous premises to alliox 9, 796, principally among thuse lispeelCaptain ed being provision and neat stups, stables, fresh fish trays, SELECTION COMMITTEE daries and cow APPOINTED trays etc. and notices and verbal directions were given for the NO cleaning of The eighteenth series of and emptying cer spite cleaning games for Intercolenial Cricket premises of bas brand cicle que su premacy between Barbados; disiofectiog and repairing usuni ca in paigo aguins a and rats and mice was conducted be commenced on January 15 respleng in 507 rais being door waith the tela bet ween Deme Ba bis number, how. taken the second step in the bados. Trinidad ever. none was found examination by the Governmented the appointments Cabrala upou, preparation for this meeting by to be with plague. During the month to lead the Trinidad side Th of Mr, O there had ben po prosecutio.
goder the Pablic Health wito keseral approval of cricset Ordinanc. which speaks will for goods, as bo possesssed of ibe encouraging results of the good sound judgineat, a man of activities of the officer of the get the best out of his men. The indomitable will acd is able to devartment. Port of Spain Gaz Trinidad side bas been practisETTE)
ing pretty keenly though hampered by u favourable. Tha concrete practice bas Ward Officer Murdered ben baddown and this will enable the batsmen to get more accustomed to the pace that they TRAGEDY AT MORUGA: Kensington wicket. New extent will be likely to meet on tbe fassive nets have been put up at Shocking Midnight Crime the Oral and this will also facilitate practice.
SLEEPING MAN HEAD CUT Trinidad, the Cop holder, has won out of the 17 games played OFF.
to date, Barbados bas won 9, Britisb Gulana 1, and one was abandoned (1921. Demerara has TWO MEN ARRESTED.
shown improved cricket ability Mr. James Onealmus Phipps, aad 10 many quarters it is is be Ward Officer was done to death lieved that they will register while asleep in bis quarters at their second wlo. Barbados is Moruga on Friday night last anxious for the apportunity week. The body was discovered wipe off the last defeat and at on Saturday morning lo bed bome she is formidable. Given with the bead almost severed, good weather, the Trinidad side apparently from one blow should give a good account of delivered on the back of the itsell, and if the bowling is neck. At the time of his death strengthened by the inclusion Mr. Phipps was acting for Mr. of W, Yeates, the Constabalury M, Hay, as Principal Ward fast bowler, much strain will be of the district, and as as removed from some of the bats.
sucb bad the keys to the sate men as Small and Constndine, which is estimated to have con who in the past were called upon tained over five hundred pounds to bowl excessively.
sterling, collected as revenue during the past month.
On the on the news rerabing Princess Town, JAMAICA the Warden, Mr. Murray.
Inspector. Sergeant Year wood and Dr. Couutryman Robbed. Moruga is about twenty miles by City Sharpers.
from Princes Towno and being an mportant district a sub office of the arden is conducted The GLEANER of the 21st ulto.
with Mr. Hay in charge. says:The office is a building of two On Sunday night last a young rooms which stands on the top man named Robert Pink, from of a bill about two bundred yarda Smithville District of Clarendon, from the Police Station. The who was workiog up to last week room in front is used as the of, in St. Thomas was duped in the fice whera the safe is kept and city by three of the city sharpthe bock room is is occupied by ers lo Princess Street and was the Ward Officer.
made to part with 153, which to save for It is said that Mr. Phipps re be had worked tired at abont 10, 30 and the care several months.
taker, an old woman, who also at. what can be gathered, tended to his neeads was with him on Sunday night. Pink, who was until when she left for her home. an absolute stranger to the city Mr. Phipps was very popular in was walking along West Queen his diatrict where he made many ng Street with a new grip in his friends. He was 36, and entered the band when he met two young Government Seavioe in 1915 as a men who were well dessed, 5th grade Forest Ranger. He They stopped him and equired gained promotion rapidly and in of him where he wa going. He 1922 was appointed to the Post of told them be Ward Officer, Princes Town and to stranger in the city and that he Weather about a House Rent Receipt Books walls to house SPANISH ENGLISH much money be was was from St. Thomas and ha come to the metropolis to buy some things. One of the strangers asked him If he knew a certain gentleman from St. Tbomas whereupon Piok replied in the negative, and the next trickster told him that he was from St. James. Oa reaching princess Street, anothor member of the gang came up and they were all were engaged in conversation soa 81. Thomas, St. James and Clarendon, and then one of the men inv. ted them to take yard in Princess St. They all walked alked up to the premises aud 09 went into where man was presented to Pink. The man then started to speak Spanish and asked Pink what he was doing is Pink told pim that be bad Baton.
come of going to Cuba, The man asked him how bad with bim, and when he replied it was 159. The man told him that he was boro under a bad star and that if he should go to Cuba be would suffer and meet hardship Pink tben asked to take the cake money whicb be bad with bim and be did so and handed it to be man who took it from bim.
put it in parcel, and then spoke in Spanish again. Pink was then told to go to Spanish Town to Mr. Dolpby where he would get a job at 30. per week and if wo be was fouud to be a good Worker, bis pay would be in in a short while. Pluie was taken from the premisss. a truck along the Spanish Town Road by two of the men who gave him a shilling to pay bis.
fare to tbe Old Capital. Believing that the to him by the man was true, he asked the cbauffeur to take him as Town, as possible to Spanish Wben be arrived at the Old Capital and found that there was Do truth in the story told to him by the tricksters, he had to return to Kingson. Yesterday afternoon be reported the matter to the metropolitan police, who are making investigation into the fraud. It might be stated Pink is unable to identify the men or the place where he was taken to in Princess Street. Continued on page 3)
out Order Books Secretary and Treasurer for Secret Orders and Friendly Societies Officer of story told to there CAN BE HAD AT that From The Workman Stationery Store REMOVAL NOTICE David Leon, Attorney at.
Law, has removed his offices to No. 175 Central Avenue (upstairs Sealey Photo Studio. tbat was


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