
THE WORKMAN SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1927 PAGE THRE Additional Church Services, Interesting West. (Continued from page 2)
Seventh Day Adventist Church BRITISH GUIANA Ask your friends And Its Con nections With British Cuiana. STREET CALIDONIA ROAD (near Isthmian Park. PANAMA.
Babbath (Saturday) 45 Bab bath School: 11. 15 General Worship 30 Spanish Class; 30 Society, meeting 30 Junior and Senior Standard of attainment Clone p. tn. Voepers.
Suoday evesing 30 Stereopties Lecture. The general public is cordially invited to turn out in large sumber why they prefer different cigarettes. Some men can answer, but many will reply: like Lucky Strike relics Seventh Day Adventist Church gallan Charles Maxwell Jea who bimseit Ird STREET BROADWAY, OOLON Sabbath (Saturday) 45 sm Sabbath Xebool; 11. 15 mm. General Worship 30 Young people meeting 30 pm Veepers Bunday evening 7, 30 Preaching Service. You are cordially invited to attend these service and bring your friende, The Church of God Because it toasted Africa Colours were pre sented Panama, Aronemens Street, House 25, San Miguel Sunday at a. Prayer meeting and Gospel meetings at 11 am and 30 Sunday School at p.
Monday at 30 Testimony Meeting Tuesday 15 pm. Young People Meeting Wednceday at 30 Cuspel meeting. Thursday at 30 Open air meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
BRO, C, Pessoa. in charge. Red Tank, Canal Zone, Sunday Schoo Gospel meeting on Thureday at 30 Sis. GRAY New Providence. Gompel Mooings 11. 30. and 30 Bunday Snbool p. Wednesday at 30 to. Gorpel Meeting. Friday at 7:30 m, Prayer history Africa of the two poles the paires: Merting left; they There only one Lucky Strike only one cigarette with such a definite and distinctive reason for its superiority toasting brings out the hidden flavors of the world finest tobaccos.
Out of over 200 brands of cigarettes on the market, Lucky Strike is Bro. MeDONALD Gatun, Canal Zone Goal Meetings 11. 30 a. and 30 Sunday School at pm. Wedeceday 30 Goepel Meeting. Priday at 30 pm Prayer Meeting Bro. GEORGE GRIFFITH Polon. sod Streets. Gospel meetIngs at 11. 30 am and 30 Bunday Echool at 3p. Wednesday at 30 Gospel Meeting. Friday at 30 Prayer Meeting.
Bro. GEO. GRANDERSON The Denerara ARGOSY of th: 17. ult, publisbes the follow URThere are in St. George Cathedral some interesting or the West ludia Regi ment, pair of poles aod pair of the Colours. In Februar 1849, New Colours the legacy.
in the words of the Goverbor, Mr. Barki Frombral Officer, Si led your corpo into action and covered it with Immortal glory at the capture of the French Settlements on the Senegal. It after years you showed the same kailantry against tho Byers a The Cape of Good Hope, and against the bar barous Asbaptis. tbe enemies of your nativ ti by Mrs. Barkly and blessed by the Bishop of the diocese, and banded over to Lt. Colonel Mills, then in comnand of the 3rd Weat India Regiment which bad for five stars been stationed in the col00 At the same time tbe old de todo Colours were deposited in the Cathedral the Bishop making reference to tbe distingoisbec of the Repiment ima! under its old name at the Rsyal Corps. These colours are repre sented now of Ties are no doubt o old poles discovered by Leut Caulfield stowed away Colonel (later Igadier General he the organ loft. There was no a particle of silk wert very dirty and bad eventually been put aside, neglected and forgotton for many years. Op my representation they were put alongside the ones laid up in the pro Catbedral in 1979.
SECOND PAIR OF COLOURS It was on 30:h July, 1879 that a second pair of Colours thos: that still barg lo ibe CathedralOn the 19th July, 1878, Lt Colonel Robert Turton, commanding the regio ment, wrote from Sierra Leone to Bishop Austin. It affords me unspeakable pleasure to have it to my power to forward you the old Colours of 200 India Reg ment now under my command, to be placed in some conspicuous plsce in the. tbed: al of Georgetono, British Guiana In my name and tha and the of the oficers of the Corps to of the whicb have the honour belong solicit your acceptance of presentes Colours wbich to us on the 4th day of December, 1861, at Nassar New Providence, Bahamas, ly the Duke of Edinburgh to myself in my old will be a source a great age Oure which saw presented when the Adjutant of the Regiment in 1861, are retained in the Cathedral of my native Colony.
The Colours were forwarded through Lleut. Cclopel Brett, then Commanding the Regiment to Major Sheppard in command of the detachment stationed in British Guiana they were received by the Bisbop on the July, and bung in the chancel of the Cathedral What happened to the Colours presented in 1849 does not appear: probably they are in Jamaica.
In 1913 Colonel Barcbard, commanding the 2nd battalion, West India glment in Jamaica who was to Demerara la santautyto obtain al for the removal of the Colours from the Cathedaal that they might be placed in the Garrison Church aecently built in Jamaica. Dean Sloman, supported by the Vestry of St.
ot the Bisbop, declined to part. with the Colours that had been entrusted to them; they remain in the Catbedaal an interesting memorial of a Regiment which bad long and honourable connection with this colony.
Services of the Bethlehem Church of God Holiness Unique LKOM to No, MARIANO AROSEMENA SAN MIGUEL Sunday 30. Prayer Meeting.
10. Children Service; 11 Divine Service. Preacher, Supplied. p. Sunday School, Superintendeat. p. 30 pm. Goepel Service, Preacher Supplied.
The usual weekly services will be conducted on Tuesday and Thursday night, at 45 BEULAH 30 a. Prayer Meeting 11 a. Divine Service. PreacherSupplied 30 o. Sunday School, Superintent dent. p. Gospel service. Preacher Supplied.
Thursday night, Bible readings aod Prayer.
All other botion for the week will be given from the Pulpit.
Bro. B, WEBLEY, Acting Pastor ia charge.
Why. Because it toasted 30th reason millions can resist Dr. Arnulfo Arias Physician Surgeon FREE CONSULTATION daily at the Pharmacy 149 Central Ave. Phone 825. HOURS: 30 TO 30 urged General Hay proceeding ор MARINE WILL DRESS LUCKY STRIKE Hair of Duchess of York en Voyage IT TOASTED CIGARETTES London, Dec, 20 husky marine will dress the hair of the Duchesso of York and ber ladlea ln waiting on the forth comiug voyage of the Duke and his party to Avstraila on the battle cruiser Renown.
The hairdresser is Marine U: den, who barbered the Duke brother, the Prince of Wales, on his empire cruises on the same warship. Uden bas prepared for the voyage by epecial training at fashionable West End shop and is now declared to be expert in wavlny, bobbiug acd shampooNotice to correspondents.
Contributors and correspondents tre asked to send in their contributions not later than Thursdays to josure publication. This is imperative apd must be adbered to.
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