
PAGE FOUR THE WORKMAN, SATURDAY JANUARY 1, 1927 os Balboa puffed McKinley water. Kelly said, Dr. Gems BLOOD ELIXIR For strengthening the BLOOD Seks Driven to Devour Flesh THE WORKMAN Of His Friend.
THE BEER During Last Five Days of a Ghastly len Days Adrift in Published on Saturdays by Rates for Advertisemen on appllea.
WALROND, at the office No. 93 Central tien. Correspondence on all mattes SUPPLIED BY The Pacific Avenue, Panama, de of publie interest invited.
PO Box 74, Panama All copy for publication must be FISHERMAN EXPERIENCE written on one side of paper only, and The Panama Rates of Subscription must be accompanied by the name of One Year 40 Cy. the writer, not necessarily for publica.
Los Angeles, Cal, Dec. 20 The Six Months 20 tion but as a mark of good faith.
Three Wreck of one wan. Ell Kelley, Be.
We do not undertake to return re Brewing Refrigerating Co.
still alive and the dead body of Ong 25. jected correspondence.
bis compacion, James McKinley, partly eaten for food, were on The Liberty of the Press is the palladium of our rights. JONUIS is brewed from the best their way tonight to this the strangest death lovestigation SATURDAY JANUARY 8, 1927, materials obtainable erer undertaken in Los Angeles Country: ALL READY FOR ROYAL Coroder Frank Narce bas VISITORS.
It is specially suited for this climate ordered an autopsy to inrestigate Kelley story that he was driven to eat the llest of his is superior to all imported beers sold companion during the last tive The plans, preparations and programme, all official, for days of a ghastly ten days adrift the reception and welcome of Their Reyal Highnesses, the here and it sells to the public at in the Pacific Ocean about Catalina Island, after McKinley had Duke and Duchess of York, are fully completed and are set died as published elsewhere in this issue. His Britannic Majesty HALF the price.
Kelley and McKinley body Minister, Major Charles Brathwaite Wallis, and the Consular were washed in their dory into corps have been exceedingly busy during the past few TRY OUR BEST BEER BREWED a bay off the west coast of Cataweeks formulating, shaping and putting the final touches lina Island yesterday. Kelley bad barely the strength to wade upon their arrangements for the visit of the Royal couple.
ashore. As he collapsed another It is unnecessary to mention that the occasion will be Xind ca ne ap and the unique in the history of British experience on the Isthmus dory containing his companion body back again to sea. The of Panama. When, five years ago, His Royal Highness, the dory was overbauled later and Prince of Wales, and heir to the British Throne visited the SUPERIOR TO ALL body.
brought Isthmus, he was accorded a right Royal welcome; but ashure while it was manifestly grand it lacked many of the essen Kelly 67 years old a fishermar, tial features to make the setting distinctly British.
said he and Mckinley, age 63, There was no Legation proper and the reception was, set out on a fishing trip on Dec. but ran into a series of gales.
perforce, given at The Tivoli Hotel, a place in several resMcKinley became insane when pects inappropriate to such an important function. Then it tood and water gave out on the must be added that the plans were for the most part exfourth day and attacked Kelly with a knife Later.
perimental because it was the first Royal visit from the os osxeoXOSSO xos xes British Imperial Household to this country, and much of bis companion reason returned and the two men entered into an the preparation and arrangement on this account was largely igreement whereby if ore died guess work. Moreover, the British Committee and the the other should eat his bode.
British West Indian Committee lacked laison and therefore Privations killed McKinley several days ago.
operated separately and independently.
Now, we have a Legation which is something to boast of the most elaborate and dignified legation in the RepubDev ce To Detect Crime lic. It is entirely in harmony with the distinguishing characteristics of British integrity. The whole setting lends itself New York Detection of the to a peculiarly British color and includes strong elements of guilty party in a erime by historic prestige. Major Wallis has been doing everything means of the atest electrical psy.
chological device will be attem.
possible to make the Legation conform to the very highest pted by Dr. P. Link, instrucideals of British influence, diplomatically and socially, and tor in psychology at New York the Royal couple will find there a reflection of the dignity University. Demonstration of of the Royal Palace in the Mother country.
Recommended for Removing the Humors of the practical uses of electrical The Duke, who sailed from England on the 6th inst, is apparatus will be made at a Scrofulous Diseases, Pimples, Boils, Blotches, of thd New York Electri.
accompanied by his wife, a fact which enriches the tone Tetters cal and color of his visit and gives it a tinge of distinction from Useful in Chronic and Syphilitic Society when Dr. Lind sends several saver persons from the that of the Prince of Wales who up to now remains a lone.
Rheumatism, Mercurial Affections and Disaudience with instructions for some bachelor. The Duchess will naturally attract to herone of them to steal an object self the close attention and study as well as social patronage eases caused by Impurities of the Blood.
from the building. He will then attempt to detect the guilty of the Isthmian society. Interest in this visit will, Therefore, An Alterative recommended for purify.
party through the psychological be of a double feature State, as regard the Duke in his apparatus.
Imperial status and as second now in line of succession to ing and enriching the BLOOD.
the throne; and social, as centering around the Duchess, SENSATIONAL STORY who will undoubtedly give Isthmian society a little of Eng.
lish taste and custom.
For Sale at all Drug Stores London, Dec. 28. Some of the Another way in which the coming visit of the Duke morning papers publish seasation and Duchess will differ from that of the Prince may be And in Large Quantities by al stories of the discovery of an seen in the fact that the British Committee, the executive alleged plot by unknown persons body of the British society, the British West Indian ComJAVIER MORAN. American Pharmacy mittee, the British East Indian Committee and the British Christmas Eve. According the accountsthe police Police received Chinese Committeee have united and are co operating to an anonymous telegram containAGENT carry out the details of the programme. These committees ing a threat against the Abbey have been formed into a working unit styled the sub Comand the customary Policy wera mittee functioning, in this particular, under the direction excess oss soxc. SKO strengthened without the public being aware of the fact. Officials and chairmanship of Consul in Panama a circumof the Abbey say such myster. stance which makes for completeness and efficiency.
ious threats are not infrequent.
Everything is now re: dy for the Royal visit, and it is expected that one and all will be prepared to play his part Approves Panama Treaty British Army in the grand reception and welcome of the Duke and WHITENS THE SKIN Duchess. From now on we shall be guided to have our London, Dec. 18 The new Panbanners and buntings ready for the decoration of our homes Creme Blanc Mirette ama American Treaty is approved Continued fron page 1)
and public places of British interests. Stores and industries by the Sunday Observer, Comment Nations smiled wanly as he talked operated by Britishers should display the glorious Union Jack, as well as every Britisher should contrive to wear the Marvelous Cream ing on Its woofficial publication, of the danger and futility of BriThe Observer says: stain embarking singlehanded on a flag pin, if obtainable, of the Empire.
Prevents and removes freckles, moth patches. In so far as concerns American course of disarmament.
it is America affair. Io so far as it It is said that we should be an We shall look forward to the occasion as one of great sun tan, and other skin blemishes concerns the rest of of the world.
its effects are likely to be bereficial nation may put itself in a posizion henhoorverl, but a example. significance and importance to British interests and prestige in these parts, producing an effect that will enhance the The Panama Canal is an important in which it has not safety and have SOLD IN DRUG STORES foreign estimate of British subjects and an impression that full control by the United States saves at the beginning.
hiebway for Britisn Commerce. Its to pay more in the end than it will serve to sink more deeply into our national consciouswill give as much confidence to the He defended larger staffs as ness and devotion to the Empire.
world shippig as corresponding essential to efficiency, saying that January 25. seventeen days more the Renown British control has been proved to the strength of an will be safely docked at Pier 6, when hundreds of British Nothing can hinder the perfect working of that supreme give to the Suez Canal.
of you subjects and large colonies of natives and Americans will be power inherent in man divinity which is mighty to overgiven an opportunity to gaze upon the ship honored for the throw everything which sets itself up as opposition. There Lord Templemore initiated the de bate with protests at amalgamation conveyance of the Royal couple in their trip to the Antis can be no problem too difficult for him who learned to rely Rent Receipt Books In Span of units, and pointed out a serious podes.
upon his inner strength, his indwelling God. This indwelling gower is something which is as accessible where one sh and English for sale at the deficiency of Territorial officers, Lord Onslow. Under Secretary for needs help in his daily experience as it is when he needs Workruan Printery War defended the Government Snapshots mental or physical strength. So after all it is up to man to policy of reductions by saying that make for himself that which he desires of himself. If he present strengths bad not fallen be wants to be a real upstanding man he must stand on princilow what was compatible with the (FROM THE COLORED PRESS)
ples of men. DENVER STAR.
present military services of the Em Why pay double price pire. They did not intend anything of the kied in the future, and no Fate has decreed that the man who hates grows smaller for interior imported decision had been taken involving and smaller day by day, as he steeps himserf in the poison Beer when you can terrible reductions which had been of race hatred; while the man he hates grows bigger and The world is debtor to religious and moral organizations rumoured.
buy a superior Beer larger in the estimation of the people who love God and Business, both the small effort of the individual worker and Recruiting, he said, had not such as BALBOA for come up io the expectations of the man. The man who hates his neighbor dies of self poison, the gigantic world wide commercial monopolies, are what with God and man. they are because men have come to have faith in each other.
half the price.
while his victim grows in favor spring estimates but this accountrd for by the abnormal (ATLANTA INDEPENDENT. KANSAS CITY CALL. ei. cumstances of the year.
on depend on the numberror does not


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