
THE WORKMAN. SATURDAY, JANUARY 8, 1927 PAGE FIVE Attractions at the Theartes CECILIA AMADOR STRAND return staveful in benevolent or La 88 usual. LA MODA this ATLANTIC SIDE Colon Boys Institute IN ALL IPORTAN Commander Watson Gives PENINGS Report of Xmas Presents Received YOUR AMERICA ST INDIA Commander Watson of tbe (PANAMA)
COLON Colen Boys Institute, through HOME this medium tegs to Today Saturday Jan 8th, 1927 Today Saturday Jan, 8th, 1927 Today Saturday Jan. 8th, 1927 Today Saturday Jan 8th, 1927 baoks to the many kind friends Jack Hoxie in and Edmund Lowe in Tom Mix in wbo remembered bim during the THE FIGHTING PEACEMAKER RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE Tomorrow Sunday January 9th Xmas season and rallied GREATER THAN CROWN 10ENTS Tomorrow Sunday January 9th Reuber to make it very merry Thomas Meighan in ime lor the Institute. He is very Tomorrow Sunday January 9th Tomorrow Sunday January 9th All Star Cast in TIN GODS aaying that if the Ricardo Cortez in All Star Cast in THE FLAMING ERONTIER and philanthrople IBANEZ TORRENT THE FLAMING FRONTIER Monday January 20h persons did not demonstrate Monday January 10th iheir feelings of fellowsbip and Eddie Cantor in Monday January 10th Monday January 10th Florence Vidor in good will, Christmas certainly could not be considered such by KID BOOTS Priscilla Dean in Huntly Gordon in THE MIRAGE them. Their assistance in this THE SIREN OF SEVILLE THE GOLDEN COCOON Tuesday January 11th ratver again Tuesday January 11th portrays their Wm. Desmond in great appreciation to the work Florence Vidor in Tuesday January 11th Tuesday January 11th STRINGS OF STEEL wbieb is benefitting the com THE MIRAGE Matt Moore in Wm. Boyd in wing munity at large.
Episodes 8 THE MYSTERY CLUB THE VOLGA BOATMAN Among those who contributed Wednesday January 12th Wednesday January 12th py an Christmas presents are: George Brien in Wednesday January 12th Wednesd y January 12th Sally Neil in The Colon Import and Export THE MAN WHO CAME BACK Aileen Pringle in Douglas MacLen in MIKE Co. box soap, box milk, THE WILDERNESS WOMAN HOLD THAT LION Thursday January 13th boxes sardines and box jam.
Thursday January 13th adian fa Benor Antony Boddy, box Richard Barthelmess in Thursday January 13th Huntly Gordon in Thu sd y January 13th sardines, 24 lbs cheese. boxes re present THE GOLDEN COCOON Jack Holt in Eddie Cantor in jam, and Five Dollars in casb. RANSON FOLLY Treasu FORLORN RIVER KID BOOTS Friday January 14th Mr. Williamson, Goldsmith, issions to Friday January 14th Wm. Desmond in Clothing for the boys.
ical fruits Friday January 14th Cristobal Silver Clubbouse: Friday January 14th Huntly Gordon in STRINGS OF STEEL 30 lbs peanut, 10 lbs apples. Patsy Ruth Miller in Florence Vidor in THE GOLDEN COCOON Episodes 10 and bucket cream. THE FIGHTING EDGE THE MIRAGE ards of THE MAN FROM THE WEST Fidang ne Henriquez, tia the peti Saturday January 15th Gem biscuito.
Saturday January 15th Saturday January 15th Saturday January 15th ving of Mr. Frank Scott. Ten DolMarion Davies in Shirley Mason in George Brien in Lowell Sherman in ving whe lars. BEVERLEY OF GRAUSTARK MY HUSBAND WIFE THE MAN WHO CAME BACK. SATAN IN SABLES ider of Dr. Taylor, Samarlan Hospiwould tal, Twenty Five Dollars Special mention must be made being a of the friends on tte Capal ury Dep Zone. Gifte bave been received popularity contest lo conto take place at the Society 37599 Com, Vessels Transit uest to from a bost of friends there, ni ction with the St. Vincent general meeting on Tuesday Panama Canal Amounting to One bundred And Catholic Church, Silver City, ffty dollars 150. 00, evening Dext.
and St Joseph Catholic Church Pald 154 Millions In Tolls These noble actions on the Colon, is announced to take place Seventeer pupils of Teacher ANA part of our American friends during the mouth of February Rampie, backed when will certainly go down in the by the members of St. Joseph SHOE STORE Ellis Pitman Sbortband Class bave recently taken examioaТbe total number of combistory of this movement Trust ing that they will always rally the candidate of St. Vincent will compete with Miss Gey tions in theory tod mère adyan mercial transite through the Footwear of Better Grade around the good work of the ced writing and as many more Panama Canal for the calendar Grov This contest promises to be Colon Boys Institute are looking forward to another year 1926 was 5, 42000 which The Sisters of Charity, 110 lbs is preparing to do everything to very interesting as each church IF YOU ARE seeking comfort in your footwear and of such examination at an early tolls of 23, 901 549, 04 were paid With repect to the amount of rice and 100 lhe sogar Lam Bing its power to make its candidate date.
we cater to the entire family you will find just that tolls collected during the year, KILot Bros. boxes Colgates soap.
the victor when you make your purchases. We have never is the second largest in the Admitted as a member of the history of the Canal, being only on Sat failed to please and satisfy. Try us.
Id not Athenaeum on Tuesday evening exceeded by the fiscal year ended Commander Watson takes this It is understood that by last was Mr. Blake, late of the June 30. 1924, when 24, 290. 969 nana pl opportunity to wisb bis many special request the cantats The of Alliance Literary Society 54 collected BRANCHES friends and well wiebers a happy Holy Nativity whico was reco Was In point o rine.
and prosperous New Year. Also dered Cristobal. Mr. Blake is now om number of commercial transitet at the ing.
Colon Wesley the Colon Boys Institute which Church on Wednesday nigbt. tba La Fama, La Rosa ployed on this end of the Isth. bowever, the calendar us and has decided to identity establisbed a new bigb record for that be represents join to extending 29th ulto will be rep sted og ed bes himself with the oldest literary apy 12 month period, the record and La Suerte bearty good wishes for continued Institution on the Isthmus. prior to this belog the fiscal year she. prosperity to those who have ended June 30, 1924 land o proven themselves friends of tbe Sunday evening the 16. inst.
with 5, 280 Certral Ave. Panama City The musical service is realiy a jnstitute from time time.
From the opening of the now masterpiece of Arthur Berridge, Secretary Treasurer Panama Canal to traffic OD the Eoglisb composer, who is a King of the La Boca Panama August 15, 1914, to the close of con musician of bigb order, and all District of the Asso business on December 31, 1926, a We sell better and the very best shoes in Panama Eight Boys Hanned Over To who can make it possible should ciation announced that his Dis: total of 37, 599 commercial vessels been si Parents As Christmas Gift at a very low price eodeavour to bear it. silver trict will bold installation of bure transited the Canal, payida Saturd On Christmas Day collection will by taken at the officers for the present term on 154, 064, 037 71 io tolls.
all foc deor.
MORSE ROGERS SHOES Thuraday evening next the 13th Instant.
minati On christmas day eigbt Boys LL LEATHER FOR ALL WEATHER Chairman Elect V, Dalby Allogod Cooalne Smug. woma of the Insultate were set at At the invitation of Cum is co operating with the out go gler Hold in 5, 000 and th Hberty by making them a present miorbau secretary of the Ara y NASSER MIZRACHI, Prop Ing officers to present a good een us Bail to their parante as a christmas and Navy Bolivar prog mon that evening. PreslMAX MIZRACHI, General Manager id to gift. Three of threes Boys are ad 12th streete the Colon sdest. Whyte, of the As30musicians and one a sboemaker. ley Cbolr rendered a musical Head Office 491 Broadway ciation will be installing Master.
program in the ba Gino Laitempergher arrived on ived wbicb was enjoyed by a du in beri the steamship Orbita from Two Boys Get Five Years. Each of soldiers and Sailors.
Secretary Etbelyn Thomas South America on Saturday last announced that there will be and it is alleged that ainong bis Aliopso Williams and Josepb It is bigbly probablo that the meeting the Orpbeus Musical baggage Canal Zone Customs NER Brown were sent to the Colon Cristobal Reds baseball teim Club in Teacher Ellis classroom Officials found 37 ten grain boton Wednesday evening next, the ed that he told the authorities that Boys lystitute for the period of will ever connection with the ove years each by the third Silver Clubhouse League. Hi 12tb. is Municipal Coort of this city. Excellencs the Governor of Club will be reorganized and a man whose acquaintance he Williams sbip gave 12 will probably be years old and Colon bas requested that the named the aber Brown 11.
team represent this City a inst Orpheus Musical and Dramatic bottles, the contents of which he Club. The Club is in posses in Havana, Laitempergherie ia was ignorant, to deliver to a friend Papama, and it is expect that Here tbe members will readily cu. slon of.
comedyNews Notes sent.
We wish to announce to our numerdramas one of which, it is jail at Balboa charged with violaunderstood, will be staged later tion of the narcotic drugs act.
se rethis year. Ah members of the Bail bond is fixed at 5, 000. 00 PRO The Wanderers and West End ous customers that from the 1st of JanuClub are requested to attend Chir Wednesday meeting.
je Jap cricket Clubs commenced a 2NEW SCHOOL Oval on Sunday last the 2ad Wanderers hatted first and made Harvest Thanksgiving at Empire To Paents and guardians, On aud whic 73 rops to wbicb West End re La Boca Pars moved from No. 15 East 12 Street to No.
Monday morning the 10th of Firabl plled with 41 for the first Ipping.
Harvest Thanksgiving will be bis month there will be a at the The match will be continued to135 Central Avenve, where we will be beld at Empire on Sunday, Jan. Special school opened at the The La Boca Junior Football morrow jort 9th. The Rev Williamson Bethlehem Church Of God At blie a Mr. David Atherley the popa Club is now a member of the Panama Football League. At 15 glad to serve them, offering as usual gen will preach at 11 a. and oc San Miguel, This school will be red lar Atlantic alde cricketer, and cupy the chair at the p conducted by the REV. ODLE member of the Bussex bas tomorrow the Club will meet the service. The Rev Tyler binsell, so that special care will sent the following notice to ali Beriqua Club on the Institute uine jeu elry at most reasonable prices.
apama for their best will be the preacher at the be taken, to see that the studente the clubs in the Surprise cup Grounds night service Monday evening are well instructed and that each If the clubs tak first encounter since entering there will be a social gathering one receive bis special attention, to the EL EXCELSIOR JEWELRY.
the League, Surprise Cup log part with the sale of gifts.
Parents desiring to embrace the Competition find it impossible to opportunity of good Scholarship to get together by the 16th Inst, Toe destiny of the La Boca for their children should be rama and bave the season started Athenaeum will be in the bands League Meetings present on Monday morning to City will be compelled to act of William Jump, as President, enroll their children. Future by accord with the Instruction of for the six months ending June The Isthmian League of explanation will be given to the ima Mr. Williams that the Cup be 30, 1927. Other Oficers elected British West Indians will bold a parents themselves on that same turned in to the British Consul at last Tuesday meetieg to meeting in Paraiso on Wednesday, Hoed notil the competition is started. warry out the affairs of this day the 12th and in Panams on the Kindly be guided Saturday the 15th at the latter Alterary club for the same period Notice to Correspondents. meeting the elected officers will edyKing. Vice. It will be remembered that it were The be installed and the members Contributors and correspondents was Mr. Atherley who approach Clifford C: Sewell, Secretary, entertained at the close of the are asked to send in their contribu.
ed Mr. Williams during his visit (re elected) Miss Jump, ceremony, tions not later than Thursdays to to these parts and requested Assistant Secretary Smith Mrs. King, All members are requested to insure publication. This is imperaibat a cup bé donated for com De Chaplain and IT PAYS Critie. Installation of officers is be present.
tive apd must be adhered to.
uition among local cricketers.
year 1926 ROCIN fles of alleged ATTENTION on the him the ordine alebo neho. Ho CANAL ZONE NOTES. ary 1927, our Jewelry Store will be jons Inst, by competition Club accordinriy.
ADVERTISE In The Workman


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